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Everything posted by xboxrulz1405241485

  1. Alright, I'm having some really funky issue with this. I know it's a mismatch (obviously) and I want to know if the Xisto community members can help me solve this issue. It's been annoying me a lot of late. try{ libSQL myAddNewData = new libSQL(); String strRownum =(String.valueOf(jComboBoxLName.getSelectedItem())); if (intChoice == 1){ myAddNewData.AddNewData("INSERT INTO CUSDATA (FIRSTNAME, LASTNAME, PHONE, SIN) VALUES ('"+ strUserData[intCount][0] +"','" + strUserData[intCount][1] + "','" + strUserData[intCount][5] + "','" + strUserData[intCount][8] + "')"); myAddNewData.AddNewData("INSERT INTO CUSLOCATION (ADDRESS, CITY, [POSTAL CODE], COUNTRY, PROVINCE) VALUES ('" + strUserData[intCount][2] + "','" + strUserData[intCount][3] + "','" + strUserData[intCount][4] + "','" +strUserData[intCount][6] + "','" + strUserData[intCount][7] + "')"); } if (intChoice == 2){ myAddNewData.AddNewData("UPDATE CUSDATA SET FIRSTNAME = '" + jTextFieldFName.getText() + "', PHONE = '" + jTextFieldPh.getText() + "', SIN = '" + jTextFieldSIN.getText() + "' WHERE ID = '" + strRownum + "'"); myAddNewData.AddNewData("UPDATE CUSLOCATION SET ADDRESS='" + jTextFieldAddr.getText() + "', CITY = '" + jTextFieldCity.getText() +"', [POSTAL CODE] = '" + jTextFieldPC.getText() + "' WHERE ID = '" + strRownum + "'"); } if (intChoice == 3){ myAddNewData.AddNewData("DELETE FROM CUSDATA WHERE ID = '" + strRownum + "'"); myAddNewData.AddNewData("DELETE CUSLOCATION WHERE ID = '" + strRownum + "'"); } }catch(Exception e){ jTextArea1.append("SQLException: " + e.getMessage()); }The error I get when I initiate the UPDATE command: Here's a screenshot of my databases: Thanks, deltatux
  2. This should wipe the drive clean of anything. However, why would you want to zero out the drive? The only reason is if you have very important data you don't want people to ever see. This is a rare move for many computer users. However, once you do it, there's no going back.xboxrulz
  3. lol, i don't think we have to be that drastic when we have to unmount our USB key. That's a lil' unnecessary.Just follow the standard "Safely Remove" or umount.xboxrulz
  4. lol, alright ... but remember, be sure to press Safely Remove Disc before unplugging though!!xboxrulz
  5. All my computers, except my current desktop run Windows XP. My current system is running Vista. I have a "mobile command centre", which is my laptop, which runs on MacOS X Leopard which has Remote Desktop Connection client installed. xboxrulz
  6. On SUSE Linux, all you have to do is plug and press safely remove, the system's HAL is going to do all the mounting and unmounting. That's the beauty of the HAL system that was implemented across all major Linux systems. Just like in Windows and MacOS X, they have a HAL system that deals with all the hardware components.Only use the manual command lines only when necessary.xboxrulz
  7. "Xisto: professional services that you get for free" I think that's exactly what we strive for here at Xisto. Free professional web hosting; just you pay by posting on our forums.xboxrulz
  8. Usually virus definitions are updated by the antivirus provider and not the college or the organization running the networks. Thus, if you get updates often, thank the antivirus provider, not the organization that is running the networks.As for deploying systems across the network, it is highly recommended to create an image of the whole system in the event that the system ever gets into trouble like this. You won't have to reinstall all the software if you implement these images. Such software that create these images include Norton Ghost.xboxrulz
  9. well, these peer to peer network stuff aren't guaranteed to run. However, please refrain discussing software for illegal matter. It is unsure what jurisdiction these forums are governed by. Since I'm Canadian, I'm in no risk violating the Terms of Service as it isn't illegal on my turf.If we do not know the conditions in which the board is governed and the topic is continued, I have no choice than to lock it down since we wouldn't want to risk walking into a Terms of Service violation.xboxrulz
  10. In modern era computers (circa 2000), the standard resolution for a monitor from 13.3 - 17 inch is about either 1280*800 or 1280*1024 (depending on its aspect ratio ... 16:9, 4:3 respectively).For monitors 19 inches and bigger, you'd run into high resolutions like 1600*1200 or 1440*900.As for HTML, try to put the lowest resolution at 1024*768 which is still the industry standard. Most likely, it'll change to 1280*800 or 1280*1024 in the future.xboxrulz
  11. I've tried to use ReactOS but it's still too unstable to run outside a virtual machine environment. ReactOS can become a viable open source Windows compatible operating system. The only problem is that it also doesn't have enough software compatibility with Windows software.xboxrulz
  12. Well, we'll leave the illegal part out of our conversation at Xisto now.xboxrulz
  13. Yes, of course we should be using these programs with legal intentions and not pirate. However, there are places like Canada where music downloading is NOT illegal. So there are unfortunately loop holes.xboxrulz
  14. The difference is that we also provide cPanel, the industry standard control panel that is favoured by many webmasters across the web. This is another advantage that we have over other hosts like Byethost who use VistaPanel for their free services and cPanel on their paid services. At Xisto, we provide cPanel to all accounts regardless if they are free or paid.xboxrulz
  15. I use FrostWire since it isn't controlled by any company and its released on an opensource license. It uses the same codebase as Limewire since it was a fork of Limewire back in 2006 if I'm correct. Frostwire is a great piece of software and I have yet to have a problem with it. As for Limewire PRO, you can get the same for free in Frostwire.xboxrulz
  16. That is quite true. Viruses tend to use other ports than port 80 to delegate the virus. However, if you can kill the virus before it leaks on port 80 or destroy your server, the better. This is why I tend to stick to UNIX servers because they are rock solid and causes the least problems when it comes to security.xboxrulz
  17. That is only good if your motherboard is still under warranty. Else, I guess it's cheaper to just get a new motherboard. Most motherboard cost like $90 now-a-days anyways. If you get it repaired it may cost hundreds.xboxrulz
  18. I still rather use QTParted on a Live Linux CD than to use the Windows thingy. I only use it to delete or create Windows partitions. Else, I just use QTParted.xboxrulz
  19. If all fails, reinstall the system. Unfortunately, that may be the only option.xboxrulz
  20. It doesn't seem that this is a known virus. Be sure to back up your system and reinstall it. Always keep backups just in case something like this ever happens. Best to purchase an external hard drive for this. At my house, I have a network array of backup systems. The important files are spread across all the computers in my system (locked away so people can't pry into it obviously).However, the major disadvantage is to synchronize them all.xboxrulz
  21. I agree with FirefoxRocks that the OpenOffice.org option is the best out there because it doesn't look nor feel like Microsoft Powerpoint like you requested and it's free!
  22. I tend to stick to Quicksilver Forums because it's really extensible and lightweight which is important for me. Speed is really good. I don't like slow and clunky forum software. IPB is a lil too slow for me. xboxrulz
  23. There's obviously some type of bug crashing your Explorer. BE sure to install ALL updates to eliminate all the known bugs in the system.I have yet get an error using Windows Explorer having it crash during a drag and drop unless my processor is so busy that Windows Explorer just crashes. On Windows Vista, no problems yet except for driver issues due to 64-bit nature of the system. Other than that, it's working beautifully (surprisingly).xboxrulz
  24. Try to reflash it and reupdate it. Else, you need a new board, your BIOS could be unrepairable.xboxrulz
  25. Sounds like a broken BIOS, try to flash the BIOS I guess. Else, it's a faulty motherboard.xboxrulz
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