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Everything posted by xboxrulz1405241485

  1. Atomic0, he doesn't even have enough RAM to even launch the Windows Vista installer. He simply needs more RAM.xboxrulz
  2. I gave up after during the tutorial and figured out that this is not my type of game.xboxrulz
  3. Ya, all my computers are just remotely controlled over Remote Desktop Connection. It's a lot safer and I have total control of my computer. It's free, it comes with Windows and I know that no one is going to sniff around. (To my best abilities of course).I love controlling every single computer in my house, especially if I need to do something there. I just take my laptop and just access all the desktops when I need it and am too lazy to move my butt over there.xboxrulz
  4. I would just keep Samba if its a networked share, or I rather use NTFS-3G because FAT32 is no longer a valid solution as most files now-a-days are bigger than 2GB. Like HD movies are 1.5GB+. So basically, NTFS-3G is the better way to go until someone writes a ReiserFS or ext3 driver for Windows.xboxrulz
  5. No, it will NOT since your machine is way too old. You can get a computer under $500 that can run Vista now-a-days anyways.You need a new machine.xboxrulz
  6. Ummm... those are email clients, and not servers. You need servers like sendmail and other services like Apache or IIS have these functions that send emails.I think he wants a hosted service which I have outlined above.Astahost also has the ability of handling email on their servers.xboxrulz
  7. Unlike Windows Vista SP1, there are no performance upgrades. Obviously, Microsoft wants their existing customer base to move up to Windows Vista from XP. However, not a lot of people are able to run Windows Vista properly due to weak hardware. However, all new computers should have the capacity to run Windows Vista quite fine.For gamers and people who do a lot of multimedia editing or use virtual machine should have at least 4GB of RAM. A lot of motherboards have 4 DIMM slots now a days like my ASUS M3A motherboard.Other than that, I wouldn't expect XP SP3 do anything except adding a few features for corporate users who need some features available with Vista and for better Vista compatibility.xboxrulz
  8. Yes, this question is really confusing since there are just simply not enough information.xboxrulz
  9. Why the hell is there a orangutan on the highway out of the blue ... that's quite odd. Like if you're in Africa I would understand, but in the middle of North Carolina where you're from ... like WTF?!?! that's just really random.xboxrulz
  10. Alright, this post violates our TOS and will be closed. Please read the rules before posting this please!Also, even if you have the PRO version, you'll still get viruses. Remember Limewire runs on the Gnutella network.xboxrulz
  11. wow, this post is really old and I think it no longer applies since the poster has been banned. I'm closing this topic.xboxrulz
  12. Have you tried the Google Apps service or Microsoft Windows Live Admin Center? I personally use Google Apps to host all my domain emails. xboxrulz
  13. what graphics adapter do you have?Maybe it's just missing that 1MB it requires? I have no clue, never installed Solaris before. Most likely it needs that much RAM is because it was designed to be a server OS never as a workstation really.xboxrulz
  14. hey ... we try to be nice here and have been doing a darn good job at it I'd say. xboxrulz
  15. hey ... we try to be nice here and have been doing a darn good job at it I'd say. xboxrulz
  16. we come from even further if u keep tracing. We come from little tiny DNA in bubbles (that contains oil) then we turned into micro-organisms and then evolved within billions of years until our current form today. However, that's not the main question ... are there a distinction between monkeys and humans are the main question. If so, that means humans were definitely transformed from monkeys.xboxrulz
  17. Do you have at least 512 MB RAM? Check the minimum requirements before installing the operating system.
  18. No problems here. It could be a faulty Windows installation. Have you tried reinstalling the system?What version of Windows are you running?
  19. rockershive, please read the replies above. As for video DVD, I'm not too sure, you'd have to go hunting for that.xboxrulz
  20. Quake 4 isn't that surprising. I like Call of Duty 4's story better. What's great is that both are on the same engine (ok, fine, Call of Duty 4's engine is a heavily modified id Tech 4 Engine).xboxrulz
  21. Thing is that no matter what, we can mostly agree that we come from some type of primate along our ancestry since it's genetically proven regardless of your religion. However, one thing that no one tries to solve is: why are we here? What's our use and purpose in this world? Thinking of where we come from is one thing, but that's to know human history but not where we are going which is more appealing to more people because it can affect their course directly at any given time.xboxrulz
  22. According to my website, my configuration file is missing, but it's clearly there! It's in my public_html folder but after the switch it just doesn't work!! http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ xboxrulz
  23. rockershive, have you realized that running MacOS X on non-Apple hardware is a direct violation of the MacOS X EULA? Please do not refer to any illegal installations on the board, it is ill-advised.xboxrulz
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