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Everything posted by xboxrulz1405241485

  1. We have relied on technology so much, and as a guy who tries to adopt as many technologies as possible, it can become an addiction. Just for the Internet down for 3 days got me agitated. However, on vacations I'd be fine if I get Internet once in a while.xboxrulz
  2. I did say layout, not the exact look, lol. I know that the old logo was hideous but that wasn't my point. I really care more about the engine than the layout as long as it's fast and clutterless. xboxrulz
  3. It could just be the tube haven't been used in a long time, that may be the cause of the noises that you're exhibiting. Best to have it checked by a mechanic.xboxrulz
  4. Thing is that you will need at least one bootable device, may it be a USB key or optical disc (CD/DVD/BD ... what-have-you). This will allow you to boot your system and install Linux.
  5. Actually, usually the RAM locks up on intensive software like Internet downloading and uploading, movie rendering and video gaming. That's when you know you got crappy RAM ... What brand is it?
  6. The 117 Archive?I don't know, I'm no longer into Halo 3. It's all about Call of Duty 4 for me ... lol.
  7. I'm a little worried about open_basedir ... however, I definitely welcome eAccelerator. It should make PHP files a lot faster.As for how it is rolling out, from what I understand, he is rolling it out to all servers on the Xisto network.xboxrulz
  8. My cousin just got the Japanese version. He just couldn't wait any longer. It looks pretty good. Haven't tried it yet.
  9. I don't quite get what you mean in this post. Homework helps, but I think the approach to homework should change. I see inroads to make change, but there should be a lot less paper work, but a lot more application. Sure, it won't really work for physics, but I think it will work for English or other science courses. By non-paperwork, I mean like more multimedia projects and more creative application work.xboxrulz
  10. Google's default layout is the classic one they had back in 1998. However, if you check out their iGoogle function, it looks completely different. It looks like something like AIM, Yahoo, MSN or Lycos.xboxrulz
  11. Well, I don't see anything wrong in Safari. On Firefox, there are some "corruption". I think it's the Gecko rendering system that is causing the problem because the KHTML engine and Internet Explorer have no problems.xboxrulz
  12. I don't think the technology sector would be booming at all. Most people buy their computers to go on the Internet. If the Internet was never invented, not a lot of us would need computers. Furthermore, we would have a lot of jobs never invented like Network Administrators. Furthermore, computers would be a lot slower than today since there won't really be a consumer market that demand fast speeds. Sure, there would be hobbyists, but it won't be enough to push technology that fast. They will also cost a lot more due to lower demand. Budget computers may cost $1500, minimum.xboxrulz
  13. Thing is that most people really had to upgrade when all DOS operating systems were dropped when it came to software support. In response, the community swapped to 2000 or XP. However, there weren't any major issue when it came to software compatibility unless it required real DOS. However, that is fixed now by either the software manufacturer or using DOSBOX.xboxrulz
  14. Ya, Picnik can be really useful, once you learn how to use it. I tried it on Facebook, but it was terrible. So I never used it ever again. They may have fixed it since I tried, so I might try it again some other day, but just not right now.xboxrulz
  15. Hey Feedbacker, It's great that you are interested in going to Canada to continue your studies. However, I am unsure if you required the GRE to get into Canadian universities due to the fact that there are different university requirements depending on the specific province or the university itself. For Ontario universities, a good start is to look at the Ontario University Application Centre's requirements and their forms: https://www.ouac.on.ca/ouac-105/ Please provide more details if you want a more narrowed response. xboxrulz
  16. Yes, that is quite true, I've seen a lot of people obtaining these cards because they know someone who works at Blizzard. xboxrulz
  17. You will have to be a lot more specific about what type of computer you have, what operating system and etc. Be as specific as you can!xboxrulz
  18. Unfortunately that it went down. I'm an HD-DVD camper. I loved HD DVD over Bluray, especially since it's based on DVD and also HD DVD was region free.xboxrulz
  19. True, but Apple did teeter when Steve Jobs left, that was the main reason why it lost to Microsoft since they didn't have the charisma of Steve Jobs. Now that they have Steve Jobs, Apple is starting to fight back, but not really that successful. xboxrulz
  20. Sounds like your wireless router is dead/dying. I know this post is two years old, but, what wireless router is it? Either your WiFi card is whacked or the drivers are all wrong. Try recompiling your driver if open source, else reinstall. xboxrulz
  21. Internet made it easier for me to co-ordinate get-togethers with my friends, so it made my job 100x easier and lazier.xboxrulz
  22. It may be able to run OS X, but it won't be able to run 10.3 or 10.4, which is what you want in today's standard since people have already dropped software support for things earlier than 10.3. It's time for an upgrade if you're still using a G3 chip.xboxrulz
  23. Ya, all our sites are hosted on Gamma. Moderator or not, we are all on the same boat. xboxrulz
  24. Whoa, why did my topic name changed? lol ... anyways, I think vujsa explained it the clearest. I guess that's the reason because it's pretty reasonable actually. I know that boards need to be coated so that it won't break or scratch. Thanks vujsa for that answer. xboxrulz
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