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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. So what is the good word on having all 4 teeth pulled out giselle since I have seen an update on this topic of yours. I bet you could eat for the whole day or rather eat the right foods that wouldn't cause you severe pain when you chew and do you have any phantom pains as well? As those are eerily cool .
  2. I agree with onscreen, just to see if your computer needs a dusting and see if you can add a fan or two inside of your computer to help cool the overall case and should help. the reason for that is your card doesn't seem to have a way to attach a fan to the graphics card itself and so you have to attach some fans to the computer itself. Or do a poor mans cooling and put a fan next to the vents and let it blow in that way.
  3. What kind of errors do you get on the download failure? Maybe trying to download it from another site and not Windows might help or again there is something wrong with your copy of Windows. You may want to check to see if your computer has enough memory or hard drive space in order to install on your computer that could be another problem you might be having.
  4. Again use the common solution and that would be to install drivers from the website to fix the problem, however, you may need to go back to your old card if the drivers don't help.
  5. Since this topic has been brought back fro mthe dead I thought I would give a little update as to what I use now. I use a combination of glary utilities, CCleaner, Defraggler, McAfee Security Suite cleaning toos to help clean up my system now and so far this combination has worked great. Especially after a few months of installing/uninstalling programs, deleting old files, cleaning up the registry and cleaning out caches. With the Mcafee exception I would grab a copy of those programs to help clean up your computer and make it run more efficiently.
  6. Odds are that there is something wrong with the CD-rom drive itself or there could be a connection issue, or maybe you don't have the proper codecs needed to run the blu-ray CD. So I would check out all those reasons that could be causing the CD-ROM to not read the file and if isn't any of those problems then you may want to replace it for a working one.
  7. Check out this person's answer at yahoo answers as it looks pretty credible on the steps you have to take in order to open that file. https://answers.yahoo.com/
  8. As for file a complain good luck as those kind of people are usually untraceable, you don't get your money back and we would need a name of this company to see what could be done if they are notorious about it.
  9. I have to agree it wouldn't change a thing, best thing to do is try another computer and see if it recognizes it at all, also look to see if there is any damage to the USB itself or if it overheats at all. I would check to see what kind of support scandisk has for problems like this, but odds are if it can't recovered your files are lost and sadly, that is 99% of the time.
  10. it wouldn't be on the case or there be a lot of problems, you usually find the installation code in the booklet that came with the game, but if you downloaded that game from anywhere else good luck because I doubt you find a working code.
  11. I think the Mac users would beat you on that statement, especially since Firefox and Safari are more standards compliant then IE8. Besides I think Mac users are more happy that IE is not available for them because of the problems that have plagued the browser for the last decade. What is surprising is the fact people still use IE6 even though there hasn't been a update to browser in years and I would have to agree IE8 is the new IE6 just because of how bad IE7 was to everyone.
  12. The disabling of Auto-play on USB devices isn't really a new idea, when Conficker was let loose it was found out it would target USB drives and one of the first things that was recommended was the turning off of auto-replay. I know there are a lot of USB based programs that offer protection and besides it is a good chance that if your USB device is infected your computer is as well.
  13. To correct a few things or rather improve on them a bit more:Steps 1-3, these are only effective if you wait a few months for those to be effective, because if you do them on a daily to weekly basis your not going to see much of a difference in terms of PC speed. As for number two, all you really need to do is lower the cache sizes in the browsers. I do believe number 4 is disabled to begin with unless you purchase a business version of Windows operating system. As for step 5 that is only useful if the computers are really old computers, or if you haven't changed out your RAM in the last couple of years. Step 6 is usually the first thing you want to do after uninstalling all the crapware that your computer comes with if you buy a new one or when you install new programs that can be start up when you boot the computer.As for step 7, you usually don't want to mess with your regiistry at all, but there are a few programs that actually do it well and that is glary utilities and CCleaner.
  14. Hmmm....Its ok but it could use some more work and I would start by making it a bit wider by 1000x700 to keep current with today' standard resolution of 1024x768. Next I would work with the coloring as that lime green isn't working great and that cheese yellow isn't working on the white background either. Also I would put in a login box on the main page instead of having a blue link at the bottom, that would be more convenient for your users. So keep working at it and look at web design resources and websites to give you some ideas.
  15. Welcome to Xisto PCTechnik and if you intend to get a website up here make sure to do lots of posting to earn MyCents which is the credit system used to purchase hosting from Xisto. As for software, there are plenty of free ones, I would check out this topic that I made awhile back about 12 of the free editors that seem to be good for designers.
  16. Not bad of a starter CSS drop down menu but I know of a website that that hundreds upon hundreds of different ways to design a javascriptless CSS drop down menu. http://www.cssplay.co.uk/menus/ This is a great site to get ideas to design a drop down menu or even use it as is depending what your website looks like.
  17. #1 Here is the code for a combo box with links <form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action=""> <label> <select name="select" id="select"><option><a href="https://www.test.com/ 1</a></option> <option><a href="https://www.test.com/ 1</a></option> <option><a href="https://www.test.com/ 1</a></option> </select> </label></form> #2 For some ideas how how to create a php/MySql login system I would check this link out at a list of tutorials for creating one #3 Although the use of marquee is as outdated as HTML 4 here is a site for the various ways to do it http://www.ukauctionhelp.co.uk/marquee.php/?gtnjs=1
  18. Yeah I heard India's internet plans are horrible, the most expensive plan for 2Mbps that is unlimited is like $2300 a year for one ISP. On top of that most of India's ISP's have a lot of down time as I know a few people I talk to get disconnected a lot.As for the plan I have right now its 8Mbps as for the price its unknown since my plan comes with cable and phone as well, all hail Comcast. Of course, their best plan is 30Mbps at like $65 a month .
  19. I have to disagree with pretty much everyone about this, even though I have a PS1-3, sure you can play all the games from PS1 and 2 there just isn't enough good games out there for the PS3 and besides most of them are geared towards online play then anything else. As for the PS4 it will be about 5-10 years before rumors even begin about that because of how much money has been lost in producing a PS3. My suggestion get a PS2 and enjoy all of the games that it has as you will enjoy them a lot more then the PS3. Of course, I don't know what kind of games you enjoy though so its hard to say which way to go. As for the PSP, to me a waste of time and money especially since the new one that is coming out has a much smaller screen and so I would either stick with the PS2 purchase or wait to you get the money for a PS3 and there are legit rumors of a price drop so who knows you might get lucky.
  20. Yeah communication is the big part and although I never been to one of those group meetings to help deal with PTSD, you usually can tell whose been there the longest and whose getting started. Although I know the one problem is people trying to push to try and communicate, I know that will make me shut up tight and not giving them a chance to hear my response.It is amazing how quickly some soldiers take to drinking, especially after joining the military. Its the quickest way to relieve stress and forget about the day, but after going to warn and participating in the war the damage to the psyche is what makes drinking dangerous. Though he suffered from drinking the physical way at least he had the self control to restrain himself because alcohol just makes it worse for others, especially those who do have anger issues.
  21. Here is me and my misses, doesn't she look hot, sadly it only took her a week to get infected by the puppet virus. As for me I am in stage two and it is called the bert virus and so far no known cure for this, but luckily she is only in stage 1 or she would be looking like elmo.
  22. Actually that is what Google is going to do with its operating system and make it a cloud based operating then anything else as the its focusing on web applications then being able to run programs off the operating system. That is why they are starting out with netbooks first because of the fact that netbooks are as minimal as your going to get with PC and mobile devices. Of course, I wouldn't doubt that they will make another version just for everyone else once they get the numbers on how well Google Chrome OS is on the market next year.
  23. Thats why we loved you kobra, especially us mods, know we get to watch with a closer eye and a much larger microscope BWHAHAHAHA!! . Yeah some people are beginning to show up because either they graduated from highschool, middle school, college, or post graduate school, or maybe they missed me :angel:. Awwww kobra missed me thats it
  24. Up until the Playstation, the N64 was the premier 3D graphics console but there were not too many games for it though and tad expensive as well. However, once the Playstation came online it was over for the N64 and the 64-bit graphics engine.
  25. It shows you how much I pay attention in the forums or rather on topics, I came across this package last month when I was on Cpanel. Couldn't figure out where this came until I ask OpaQue about it and explained it to me what this was all about. My question is how updated do you keep the actual software? Granted you offer a lot of software, but I prefer the software to be constantly updated instead of adding new stuff, but I prefer to have updated and secured software instead of many options.
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