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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. It could be a cache problem on your end or the server's end, best way to find out is to clear out your browser caches and check again to see if it is still there.
  2. It is still July and I have a few weeks before I register for classes and about two months before I begin a very grueling school schedule. So I thought I get it on with some Megamen 3 which is by far one of the longest games in this franchises history and I tell you why. Not only do you go through 8 original bosses but you almost have to fight Megaman 2 bosses as well on top of 6 stages of Dr. Wiley hell as well. Yeah it is a game of strategy, timing and limited resources unless you?re one of those players who likes to grind away at those smaller enemies and getting stuff, then this game will test your limits. Of course, if you played with an emulator it just makes things easier as I ended my game with 9 energy tanks and 15 guys, with a little help of mega jump and not taken any energy losses either (lol). Either way, Megaman 3 was and still is the ultimate Megaman because the series would tank with 4, 5, and 6 after with crappy bosses ridiculous levels and what not. So let?s begin the fond memories of Megama 3 and let?s see how I scored this games. Mega Man 3 Some Screen Shots Game Maker: CapcomYear: 1990 Price: $40-$50 a game Levels: 19 levels Sound: 10 Graphics: 10 Mini-Games: None really Difficulty: Back then: 10 Now: 10 Game play: Plot: After manhandling Dr. Wiley two times already, he finally gave in and came back to the good side. Of course, their eight new robots would go bonkers and so Megaman is called back into action and thus the plot unfolds with the appearance of Protoman. First Impressions: This game was awesome, also the first game me, and a group of friends would put the Game Genie to beat this game. Of course, that never happened as we got in trouble and had to turn the game off. Was surprised as to how long this game really is and of course the huge surprise of finding out that there were more freaking robots to go through as well. If I remember correctly, we had gotten to the second set of robots before we got into trouble. I know I rented a few times before I moved on to easier games but still this is a great game to play. 19 Years Later: Megaman 3 is still an awesome game and when I went through my Megaman I could not wait to get to this game and add it to my list of games I have beaten. Still a fun game and a wonderful endurance challenge if you plan to play it straight. Overall Ranking: Easily a 10 because you?re practically play two games in with Megaman 3 and the replay vaule is enormous if you have to beat it and keep on dying all the time trying to. Now for that Catchy slogan-- "Games don't get old, just people!" --Now for some copyright info-- Images and of course games are copyrighted to its perspective owners blah blah blah. Roms are illegal and so do not get caught blah blah blah or else blah blah blah. Reviews and opinions are my own so don't argue with me unless you can prove otherwise why this game sucks and 100% of the time you are wrong because one your either a new school gamer and don't know a good game when you see it or two, well there is no two so HA!!. All slogans, trademarks and names excluded the games I review are copyrighted to me blah blah and blah. 2007-2009 SM Old School Legend.
  3. Like Rob said processes usually tell you what is using up the most memory and what not, however, from looking at your specs it has to be your computer. RAM degrades over time and so it is usually good to replace it ever couple of years to have some fresh stuff that will help speed up your computer. Another suggestion would be to increase the amount of RAM on your computer and for your specs usually 2GB of RAM is plenty. As for defragging, that will definitely help programs that I suggest is Defraggler as that will give it a good cleaning, also I would recommend that you run either Spybot or SuperAntiSpyware to help clean your system up as well. Since most of the time Malware, spyware and various other wares will bog down the system and so running one of those programs would clean up any that is there.As for registry cleaners, it really depends on how frequent you do it and if your cleaning your registry once a week you might not see a difference, but if you clean it out ever six months or once a year you might tell the difference. Two programs I suggest is Glary Utility or CCleaner to clean out your registry and you might see an improvement. Also, you should uninstall any software you never use anymore as that could slow down your system as well. Of course, the ultimate way to speed up your computer again is to reinstall the operating system, by doing that you clean out all hte problems that might cause your system to slow down. Usually you want to reinstall your operating system at least once a year if this computer is being in heavy use.Hopefully the suggestions that have been mention in previous posts and what I have mention will help speed up your computer.
  4. I could read all the posts and find the keyword that I am looking for but I say it in this world, if the existence of God is true, or rather if the existence of the Christian God is true. He can't destroy the Earth as he made a promise to Noah that he wouldn't do such a thing ever again with the symbol of a rainbow. So if God renege on such a deal then that merciful God label is completely shattered. Which means God cannot destroy this planet no matter how horrible the inhabitants are on this planet, but luckily for God us humans are doing his work already in destroying the only planet in the universe with life on it.
  5. Well, you can't blame a theory for the decling of a system such as religion but rather look at specific points in time especially each new generation of people. If you were to compare the baby boomers to generation x and y, it is the baby boomers that are the most religious and that is because of many evolutions that have taken place in the last 60 years. As for the types of evolutions that have happen in the last 60 years, you have the technology evolution, fashion evolution, material possessions evolution, science evolution and sadly the de-evolution of religion.Now I know that the idea that de-evolution of religion is happening is just wrong because of how many people are in one of the big three and then their various branches. However, if you were to to ask people how religious they are or attend services on a weekly basis odds are most of them will say 0-2 times a month and that's if you talk to you generation x and y, but you ask the baby boomers and they are maxing out the number of times they are going to a religious service. So you could say it is the people who have decided to look away from religion and not just cause of science but a myriad of things as to why people are beginning to turn away from a system in the last decade or so.
  6. I do believe ther eare several topics that cover most of the discussions that Bani wants to bring up. 1. http://forums.xisto.com/Nuclear-Fissip;mode=threaded = Fission, mostly found cold fusion topics 2. No topics that I could find about stars in terms of outer space 3. Several topics for black holes [1] [2] [3] 4. There are some various gravity topics but I don't they cover what you have in mind [1] [2] [3] [4] 5. I do believe evolution has been a big discussion burner though not in topics but in posts, but a couple have come up that could provide some insight. [1] [2] [3] 6. From my searching it is definitely a big discussion in various topics but I don't think it has been brought up topic wise and just from looking at the topic it should be interesting how to prove science with morality in it. 7. Energy has been another big discussion over the years on trap and so there are several topics of various discussions about energy, but there could be something that hasn't been discussed yet. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] 8. I don't it has been dicussed as much here in Xisto but who knows a simple topic could spark some great discussion [1] [2] 9. Keep on coming up with topics that you think might be interesting and let us know and we could see if they already exist or not.
  7. Some good looking forums but I think now you need to network them together under one website/company to help maximize forum posting and bringing up your registered users as well. Other then trying to focus SEO and advertisement to your websites know there is nothing else to really change about them.
  8. Definately a good list of either paid and free security programs and most of them are well known to. As for me I am a McAfee Security Suite/Spybot/SuperAntiVirus user to help keep my system protected and of course my self awareness of computer security as well.
  9. Well that game was one of the major reasons why 3DRealms closed, the new Duke Nukem game was always postponed and delayed and because of that not many new games came from that company. As for a publicity stunt, unlikely, however, it would seem they are still keeping the website and a store going on to be able tp purchase the games, but as to who the money actually goes to that is unknown to me and stuff.
  10. In the sense that the shroud exist that is real no doubt in that fact, but as for the person, its fake. Carbon dating has several times put that cloth in the 12-13th century but because of the Catholic church's stance on science they won't believe regardless what is actual fact. However, because of all the handling and the cutting the pieces to test the shroud it is on the verge of being lost forever and so one of the most revered objects in Christian lore will always be debatable by those who claim its real and those who claim it is just another man.
  11. Well the site is still up and so it seems you are still running it and so I give you some comments about your site. First think I notice is that bright blue and pink hurt the eyes, maybe dulling down the colors a bit will help that, also you need to fix your tabs as the white is somewhat hard to see in there. Maybe asking people who do use your service to write up some testimonials for you to help give you word of mouth. However, I think the most important thing is give the website a new look that helps make it more active and user friendly with a good combination colors that will be soothing for your visitors. I also think another thing you could add to your sites front page is show two or three rooms to rent to help make people more interested and if you haven't already allow for the ability to post a pic of the location of the room for rent as well.
  12. I do believe is referring to the Disk Clean Up in accessories, which is in the following location: All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Disk Clean Up. Another recommendation I have is installing CCleaner as that will do a more effective cleaning of your computer then Disk Clean Up since DCU only cleans out the recycle bin and some temporary folders, while CCLeaner cleans out all hte browser caches, temporary folders, recycle bin, memory, shortcuts and more.
  13. My question is why would you want to disable such a feature for? Granted that scenario might happen but it is very unlikely especially the home user. Granted this might be useful for public system like schools or libraries but I would think the loss of critical data would outweigh the need to disable such a feature.
  14. Put it like this if I was aware of Open Office a few years ago I would have dropped it in favor of the Microsoft Office, but I grew up with Office 97, 2003 and now I am running 2007 and might eventually go with office 2010 when it comes this year or next year, especially since there seems to be an online component with Microsoft Office Suite this time.
  15. Well I know of another program that could easily bypass all the stuff you have to do to get a remote desktop connection. Download Team Viewer and then to get going you give the person this number key that they would type in and then your in. Of course, the best thing about it is that the lag isn't as noticeable if you were to do it through Windows Live Messenger or anything.
  16. You can't justify piracy all it is is lazy people who don't want to buy anything and don't care who it is from. Some justify it by saying if its a good movie or music or software I might buy it, of course what do most kids these days need $300-$300 software anyway there is a lot of free alternatives out there. Of course, its not kids anymore either its also adult and I am not talking college students either, people in their 30s, 40s, 50s doing it as well and that is where these piracy busters go after. Due to the fact that most of these people can't afford lawyers or pay these large fines and thus force to settle, heck look at that woman from Minnesota she has to pay almost $2 million dollars are those piracy busters couldn't prove a thing.Of course, the legal system is complete BS to begin with anyway because they let these private companies do all the work and only show the non-illegal stuff they do to obtain this info. So the only people winning are these companies that extort money from people who can't afford their high priced lawyers. Piracy is never going to end, however, look whats about to happen to Pirate Bay, they just got bought out and about 99% of all the illegal stuff there is about to get wiped out. That is how these companies should work just buy out the websites and then delete everything and would be the smart thing to do instead of suing poor people for millions of follars.
  17. Yeah Iwas excited too about the new layout and organization of WLM and gotten use to it, even though they copied most of the ideas from yahoo messenger . Either way, this is by far the best version even if it does keep logging me off from time to time and to me that is very annoying Well there is know simple way to disable the photo sharing application, however, there is a way to cut it off for good and that you need a hex editor for this to work. Odds are Microsoft will frown on this but so far it seems to be the only working solution to this problem.
  18. In terms of operating systems no one is offering them as of yet, right now Ubuntu is trying to work on something and Google last is making an operating that sounds like its cloud based. You have to remember though its not really about operating itself as much as its the networking of many technologies to make cloud computering useful. OF course, many websites are providing services right now the biggest one is Google with its office application suite, amazon S3 with its storage space. OF course, the major hurdle right now for cloud OS is security and stability of data as those two are the major issues for cloud gurus to figure and its because of that not too many people would want to be running an operating system like that just of yet.
  19. Welcome to Xisto Poli and yep Xisto offers that warm fuzzy feeling of community and friendship along with a tourist trap of not letting you go once you joined us . WE are always in need of a few artists to spread some graphical joy around and or expertise and as for web hosting, it is the best around with some great plans that can cater to your every needs.
  20. Well if you look at his specs it either meets or exceeds the specifications. Though you give the brand names asus extreme rampage 2, a i7 extreme chip, 3 gtx295 2gb videos sli, you don't get really specifically and even then you got about at least $1000 in hardware there alone and if your grandson has never built a computer or rather built a liquid cooling computer, that is the wrong expensive kind of hardware to be doing it for the first time. Someone did mention going through a couple of water cooling guides to help you out but didn't provide any links and so here are some links to help you get sort for this little venture. http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/a-beginners-guide-for-watercooling-your-pc,1573.html http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/a-beginners-guide-for-watercooling-your-pc,1573-2.html http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ <---Parts Guide http://www.dslreports.com/forum/r9474287-Liquid-Cooling-A-Guide~mode=flat http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I would go through all of that first to get a good idea what your looking for, but to be quite honest, if you do not know what your doing liquid cooling could make all that hardware useless if you don't set it up properly.
  21. It is a driver issues, did you happen to update the drivers for your CD/DVD, USB, or anything else that required to install some drivers? Odds are it is not being accepted or it doesn't run with the operating system you have installed. Also make sure you check the connections to all your hardware and make sure everything is connected properly. Also what software have you installed after installing the OS that might help figure out where it could be as well?I would have a better answer to your problem but google doesn't have that exception going on so you might have to call your PC tech if its a name brand or send a email to Microsoft for a solution, don't call you be charge with a bunch of money to pay for it.
  22. hmm.... I don't know, your wisdom made me feel like I was being run over a car while having battery acid pour down my pants. Either way, welcome back and I can't wait to tell you all the wonderful things that happen with Xisto since your almightiness the watermonkey has been away.
  23. Nope, you be paying for the domain the moment you place order and then its approved by the admin. Well the best way to post is nice long quality posts, that way you can earn more through one post instead not earning much through several posts. Well instead of trying to compete with each other, join forces as you can do a lot more with a website with a group of people then going solo on a web project. Like I mentioned earlier, you be making your first payment the moment you place your order, besides many many people frown on others reserving domains and not using them whatsoever. Refer to my above statement. Surprise they actually let you do that because people frown on others reserving domains and then not using them later and making sure others can't use it as well.
  24. Your allowed to have up to 5 add on domains and 5 parked domains in your account if you have the default logic plan, of course you can add more to your account if you wish.
  25. As for moving the toolbars around more easily I don't it is possible or there isn't any that wouldn't require editing a lot of files and or making it possible with a browser. The best thing you could do for now is undock them from the browser and when you need them put them back up or another way you can change it is remove the icons or remove just the text to help you make appear smaller. You have to remember that Firefox doesn't design these toolbars and so you would have to bring it up to the people who design the tool bars and so again it is best to make the toolbars invisible until you need them.Only way to fix that if the programmers have set it up to adjust the icon's position, if it doesn't have that kind of programming your stuck.To answer your last question if it was just as easy but it isn't.
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