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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Although I have been out of touch with IPB for awhile now, I would have to say IPB is more dynamic with all the mods you can use or make to run a successful forum. Of course, the overall back end of IPB has grown quite large since IPB 3 but you get a lot more done with a forum SEO wise then I would think Vbulletin.
  2. Another way to look at it from my understanding of various websites, A Statement Object is for general use meaning that it could be used for anything, or Statement would be used for static SQL statements. Also none of the information or parameters can be changed using the Statement Object.As for PreparedStatement, you would used this if you plan on using the same SQL queries over and over again and because the information is inplace already, the execution of those SQL queries will be much faster if were to use just a Statement. Also, when using PreparedStatement, you can make changes to the information or parameters.Finally, CallableStatement is used for access of database stored procedures, which are a set of SQL statements that form a cohesive unit to run a specific task. So in a way you would use this to run the access of that database, and you be able to makes changes in the parameters as well.
  3. Let me assume that all of the people who posted in this topic have a nice fast broadband connection, and then I will assume that everyone in this topic can download the website in a couple of seconds. On that note you forgot about the other members who are still on dial-up and thus the forum takes even longer for them to download and if you notice there are not to many images being used in this forum. Thus this forum will download just a bit faster for those on dial-up, but of course now you have thousands of members sig blocks loaded with lots of stuff including larger images that will some time to load and thus slow down the download process even more. So on that note if you have a theme in mind that is not only fast and eye pleasing and of course doesn't take OpaQue long to "recode" it to set the MyCent system in place then by all means suggest or design them. If memory serves me correct most good themes are not free and the free ones are pretty crappy and so with all this coding and design talent it shouldn't be to difficult to think up a designAs for the Mycent/Hosting Credit topics, if you find them report the topics to the mods and we will do our thing with them.
  4. I have definitely been there especially 6 years out of high school, luckily the classes I was taking were most computer courses and so it as relatively easy. It was those other classes, English, history, science, public speaking, statistics that were mind numbing. I paced myself at 2-3 classes a semester just I wouldn't overwhelm myself with all that work.Of course, I definitely had to change a lot of my habits , mostly everything that would distract me such as TV, computer, video games, people. I had to change a lot of that so I could sit down and focus. The online classes were a bit more trickier just because I would wonder off doing something else and so I had to slap myself back in focus. One of the biggest things I did when it came to the school work was pace, once I knew my schedule, coursework and what days I had those classes on. Then I would pace my work out on specific days in which I would allot one day for that one class and complete all the work and once done, I close the books and went to do my regular things such as TV, video games and internet.You need to pace yourself in your work, don't try to do it all at once and if I remember correctly your going to a Community College and so I know most of your classes are not on the same day. Also you should find out what resources your school has to help set a more effective way to study and complete the work or see if they have in house tutors who help any students that show up and them figure things out.Yeah college homework is hell, but if you can master pace and put yourself in an environment that will keep you less distracted then it will help relieve the college stress. Remember ask your teachers for help that is why they are there and not to make oyur life hell with giving you 50 hours of homework each night.
  5. Many people ask me to do one, although I was waiting to see if more people would join, at least 10+ people would be nice.
  6. As much as I would like to agree with some of the posts here I find it quite sad that this topic became a topic of people attacking each other and what not. Even though the quote limit is ten I plan to cover almost every post in this topic and the foolishness it has generated. Post #1: I do partially agree that new mods should replace some of the old ones who haven't been active because of real world situations or anything else. Post #3: Though it is true that we look for people who been here awhile but that is not always the case. We look for members that have great posting ability, which includes long quality posts, supportive posts, a good knowledge of various topics that cover most of the forum, knows the forum rules, able to support all members both old and new and other good stuff that makes them stand out. While warnings are usually a bad thing it is possible to get them drop and eventually become a mod, I know I have had this happen to me and so those warnings are more of a friendly reminder to change your ways. Post #4: I am not new I am on my third run as a moderator, but regardless forum experience, supportive, knowledge and overall friendly person will get you notice. Post #9: It is not your role to remind admin to run their forum and staff and PM wouldn't really be taken seriously anyway. This topic is sufficient enough to let the Xisto staff know that some changes might be needed. Post #10: Well you are partially correct that the forum is used to maintain hosting, but of course your partially wrong that all members do this as some post here without having a hosting account here but somewhere else or with other Xisto services. Also moderators look out for everyone not just those who post on the forums every dya as we constantly have to look out for spammers, and those who think they can cheat the system who several members in this topic have done already. Post #11: Thus the reason why the mods are coming from all parts of the world and that way we are basically taking shifts on making sure the forums are clean and running smoothly. Post #12: Like rvalkass said, pruning topics is a tricky endeavor with the system that is in place, because simply deleted old topics could ruin credits earn by the members who are still hosted with Xisto. There have been many discussions about how to get rid of old topics and yet not affecting accounts, but the most simplest method has been the closing of old topics, usually account related, to prevent people from bringing them up again when they shouldn't be. Forum themes are even more tricky because not only do they need to be fast loading they also have to coded properly to work with other scripts and since admins don't have that kind of time. However, if you like to design a them that is suited for Xisto by all means create it and let everyone take a look and see if the theme can be used, of course its good to have demo of it to see how fast the theme loads too. Post #13: There is a topic running right now for members to have a chance to redesign the Xisto website, but not too many people have taken up this offer, maybe you would like to submit a design for consideration. Actually this theme is brand new in terms of the old default theme we have been using, but in terms of what this theme is doing it is doing its job to load fast, be eye pleasing and organize the forums properly. As for the admin they are on most of the time, who do you think gets the forum back up when it is down or making sure the forum runs smoothly as possible, the admin. What methods are you referring to? As posting is the best method to get free hosting or you can pay for hosting as well so it be helpful to expand on such ideas. Forum upgrades take the longest just because it takes awhile to reprogram the forum software to run the customize scripts that is used to earn MyCents. Of course, it the forum upgrades need to be stable and as bug free as possible. Post #14: Outdated in what way, granted there are some sections of the forums that need to be updated, but if you kindly expand on your post what needs to be updated the staff will have a good idea what needs to be changed. Post #15: Us moderators have lives to you know and that is why we tell members to report spam or anything else going on in the forum, we also tell members to help those in need or brand new to the forum as well and that, there is less work for us to do. So the more members do to help each other in terms of posting, hosting support and forum support us moderators wouldn't even be moderators. So in a way everyone is a moderator, but their is only a select few that make sure members are doing what they are suppose to be doing. Back in the day the moderators were working non stop to make sure no one was cheating the new credit system and of course trying to train everyone up to spot the junk/quality posts. To be quite honest ever since MyCents has been up, the role of the moderator has decreased quite a bit, heck even the role of the admin has decreased quite a lot, because of how centralized everything is now, its our job really to make sure we are pointing you to the right direction to hosting, paid or free. Sure we still have to deal with forum spam and those who want break rules, but the role of the moderator is not like it was 3-4 years ago. It is a good or bad thing? Who knows but would usually take hours each day, just takes minutes to do our tasks and then do posting, use the shoutbox or whatever else. Remember everyone can be a regular member,, but to be a great member you have to go beyond the role of a member. Of course, it doesn't mean that you go nuts because of how long you been here but at least show the newer members guidance on what to do or where to go to enjoy themselves on this website. Post #16: I had found the post ratings more tedious then anything else, sure it was fun to label people's post with various titles, especially spammer, but now I would rather see a great post/topic dependent on the quality and how deep the discussion goes. Such forums such as the debate forum is a great example of some interesting topics and rather interesting posts as well. Even though this forum is for hosting people shouldn't treat it just as that, everyone needs to go outside the box. Post #17: Another thing I forgot to mention that the deleting topics and posts would also affect SEO and search engine results and it has taken quite a long time for Xisto to get where it is now. So simply deleting the topics would be removing some of that work that been and so when it comes to really old topics, report them and we will close the ones that need to be closed. Post #18: Heck I remember we were trying to have separate themes for separate forums, didn't work out to go, but yeah to much editing of theme files is why we dropped them and just stuck with one theme and went from there. Post #20: Patience, fairness and like 500% responsibility because this forum is part of a business and to mess with the forum, member or mod, would be affecting business and give it a black. That is why the admin which members are trustworthy enough to be mods on this forum. Post #21: Usually the mods would let ever the admin know or make a topic about it, of course the one mod that really needs to go is TestMod, that guy hasn't done anything since we been here . Post #22: Mods don't need to be good designers or programmers, that is why this community was set up to bring those designers and programmers here. There has to be thousands of years worth of design and programming experience here and that is why everyone should help out and solve those coding problems people have. Post #25-32: It would be pointless to put names of people who should become mods because that is not how it works, make sure to read the rest of my post as to why it won't work. Funny story though when I first became mod I volunteered for the job just because the forums really needed a lot of help. Of course, I nominated a few people as well, but I think now it comes to the sol discretion of the admin, of course us mods can mention names for the admin to consider. As for the latter half of this group of posts refere to my very first statement about this topic. Post #33: Training someone up to be a mod isn't more work just because we know what new mods should focus and after awhile everything else falls into place. Of course, it helps if the new mod knows a lot about this forum and how it works. Post #35: Not really he a member who know what is going on with this forum and how it works, usually that is the insight the admin look for, although I give Tramp at least 10 more years before we bring him name across the table . I think almost all the staff have seen this topic to make sure no funny business has been going on and in my option this topic strayed off course after a few posts. Post #36: refer to my statement in Post 25-32 about it and then continue from there. Post #37: I appreciate the work you done rvalkass **hugs** However, rvalkass didn't you bribe me to let the admin even consider you ROFL!! I think you would need 75% of the forum to poll their vote to make the changes that have been mentioned in this topic in terms of staff position. Like I had mention before the workload has decrease for the admin and mods since the new system went up, heck we have more time to post then ever. Post #38: In short the admin and mod positions are volunteer and so we don't get paid, not that it would matter anyway. of course, real world obligations come first and mosy members understand that and know why being a moderator is more being able to ban spammers. Like I mentioned earlier the role of the moderator isn't what it use to be and in a way everyone is a moderator it just the blue name carries a lot more responsibility. Post #39: Should see my warn log Post #40: Team Viewer is a remote Desktop software that is used to connect one PC with another and so it is not an option here on Xisto. Post #42-47: Those posts were the reason why I starting writing out this long post, that off topic stuff isn't necessary and thus the reason why people wonder why they can't be an mod. Post #48: I save you from making another topic, don't write it as the mods and admin are aware who should be considered or deserves such a title. Post #49: For we have might ban sticks that no one can break not even you spammers. Post #50: You can but what is the point in making more the one account, if you do what your suppose to do then you don't need more then one. The only reason why people create more accounts is that that must have really messed up on another one thus the ones Phoenix Illusion has. Of course, people thought back during the old credit system that all they had to was transfer there credits from account to another, of course they realized it was pointless because you could only have one hosting account anyway. Either way, if you need to create another account because you messed up and then keep on repeating those patterns you end up getting banned from this site entirely so remember that. Post #51: To use a Military analogy, let the Generals do their jobs and let the grunts do theirs. Post #53-56: Straying off topic again... Although I would rather close this topic because of the lack of focus going on, I keep it open and hopefully look towards to seeing thought out posts and helpful suggestions.
  7. Well, the reason we say OSX is insecure is the fact that Apple has never really field tested it security because of the fact that everyone has been targeting Microsoft for years. So Apple has no idea how secured there system is and if I remember correctly, a few months ago copies of a booby trapped Iworks was passed around and did in fact infect the system. As for why viruses don't work for Mac's is due to the fact they are not programmed for Mac but for Windows and anything PC.
  8. Welcome to Xisto the biggest little hosting this side of the internet. We got some great topics of discussion along with hundreds of years worth of computer experience on this website. Get in some great posting on the forums and then you can enjoy some great hosting from Xisto as well and so see you around in the forums.
  9. Does anyone even use Lynx anymore? Or we talking to only a minority of unix/linux users that use that browser because you don't see it trying to compete for the web browser market at all and so it makes me wonder if Lynx is of any use in today's browser market.Definitely have to agree with rayzor on the fact that your the safest browser and so if you know what your doing and your have the computer savvy skills to keep you safe, then it wouldn't really matter what browser you use.
  10. It is isn't a matter of safety if your running Windows hosting or Linux hosting and by the way Linux hosting is 100%, maybe 80-95 secured. Of course, the only difference between Windows and Linux hosting is the ability to run .NET applications and that's about it. Although with Windows you have to do a lot more to run PHP but it seems they will be improving with a new open source project going on to work with PHP.However, I would have to believe Windows hosting is more secured then people might think, granted a lot has to be done to make it secured, either way you could run a windows hosting and not really have to worry about anything if you know what your doing in the windows enviroment.
  11. First give me the login details to your MSDN account that way I get free windows . Second, last I heard Windows 7 has a major setback in the form of a memory leak that causes a BSOD after running chkdsk.exe utility. Now I haven't heard if this was fix or Microsoft was working on it, but odds are MSDN Subscribers would have more info on that then us normal people. I know that derailed me of picking up a copy of Windows any time soon until that bug is fixed. As for what Echo's post mention, let me correct a few things, first Windows 7 is built on Vista but even better and faster. The only thing XP related is XP Mode and even then you only see that service on Windows 7 Professional and above. As for your question if you have Ultimate running then your good enough as it is, but since you can get Windows 7 for free you might as well upgrade to it as well on a separate partition and then let the bug fixes and junk build up before making it your primary OS.
  12. It's hard to say hard to say, like so many others I too came for the free hosting oh so many years ago, or rather I came for free PHP hosting oh so many years ago. For me I never really used my account until last year when I started up a blog and started moving my posting over there thus the reason I haven't been here much.Of course, with my personal life getting more concentration then ever I have an even harder time to post about stuff, but overall I try to come over and say hi to those who know me and stuff. The interesting part is in the last year or so I been talking to various people about what would happen to this site if the hosting element was taken out, granted the money generated from the ads would pay for the space on Xisto I know that much. For those who here in 2007 really saw me explode as I was posting everywhere and everything and I told many that I want to hit 10,000 posts on Xisto and then retire . So I guess I still have unfinished work here on Xisto and so I would hope it will be here for a bit longer to complete such goals.
  13. Well, you could just use includes to add the files to make it simpler and so php would be the easiest to go and that way you have an easier time formattign everythign with CSS. Or you could do it in flahs but I think you want to have it indext though.
  14. Odds are if the USB drive doesn't work on another comptuer then it is pretty much useless and so I would throw it away and get a new one. Usually the formatting error is common to USB drives when they no longer work and so your left stuck getting a new one.
  15. In short none, because all browsers are not hack proof and that was proved a few months ago at a hackers convetion were all the browsers were hacked in matter of seconds and minutes of each other. It is all matter of opinion on what the safest browser is but the track record has Firefox way in the lead followed by Opera and then Internet Explorer, hard to say where Safari could be placed though,
  16. Why was I not informed of this drastic decision all moderator considerations should be passed by all staff. Of course, we all know galexcd has it in for me and now he will ban me forever . Or maybe galexcd hack into the forums and made himself mod. He comes by now and then of course he tries to use is non mod banstick to ban me but now he has an actual banstick "Beware the Ides of March". **deletes spam posts** great now I can't spam anymore . That is because he was under a different name and so that is how he became a mod and of course he's been here for a few years as well. Post count is not a qualification, some people have became mods in less then that. Of course it is the quality of the posts that really help in achieving such a position, but if I remember I correctly I deleted and spammed a lot of his posts. Well the new goal of every member is to beat my post count, but yeah hitting 1000 posts is quite an accomplishment though. Well demoting those will take several weeks to several months of course bringing it up over and over again might makes us mods begin to frown at those members. Besides I am not old I am older. Most of us don't, heck this is the first time I was aware of him being on this forum. Tis good news, but for who may I ask? I see many many many topics getting deleted . Come on Alex tell us what you did, bribes, figured out the passwords, keylogging, oh tell us PLEEEEEASE!! It is always good to add someone new to the crew here on Xisto. But it all seriousness though congrads you earned it, now to see how great you can become after becoming one with the smurfs.
  17. Dreamweaver CS4 as removed ASP toobar but everything else for ASP is still there. As for extensions you need to download the Extension manager if you didn't get it in a CS4 from here. As for Dreamweaver extensions you can get them here .
  18. I would agress that ISP can block you from accessing the SMTP port, but they would have to let you know in some way. However, I think your problem has to be are you using the correct information to send your email from Outlook to begin with. Usually that is were the problem lies and that your not using the correct ISP POP and SMTP and so you should check with your ISP's website to see if your using the right information. Of course, you may want to make sure that Outlook is has been updated and that your computer is properly secured and clean as well.
  19. Some good stuff there, nice lighting, good contrast with the black and white. Even though I am no photography expert, I would have to agree with the statements of anwii and another thing that I have notice was that the first two show a lot of pixelation instead of being smooth. Granted it could be the camera or the editing process but with a camera you usually would want a very hi-res camera that offers a large amount of pixels. I know there are camera that have more then 10x Megapixel action but you would have to shop around for that, of course you could get the same smooth effect with a regular camera as well.
  20. Although I am a PS3 Fanboy, my actual favorite console is the Nintendo just because those were some of the best games in that generation. Heck I still play the Nintendo after all these years, albeit through an emulator to play these games that are next to impossible to find the cartridge for, but they are still fun to play now and then.
  21. My real world duties have pretty much kept me busy and with school starting soon and my sisters wedding coming up I am pretty much busy for the rest of the year. Either way, most people know where to find me if they have questions or problems.
  22. buddeee WHERE ARE YOU!!!!

  23. Hmmm..I dunno because PC's have been limited to only 3.5GB of RAM regardless of how much you put into it, which the max is 8GB if you put 2GB sticks in each slot. Like Spider mention this is just like the Vista ReadyBoost but I don't see how you can hit the 4GB limit and even then virtual memory still needs to run off your actual memory and so more information is needed then a 6 step tutorial and some wikipedia articles.com
  24. I have to go with Windows XP because it is the most solid of operating system out there. Even though it took a better part of a decade to get there and many many updates it was thanks to Vista that made XP even more special and important because of how universal this operating system has been as well. Even though I could be switching to a new operating system on a new computer, hopefully, and so I will be missing this operating system. Heck, I might get a copy for dual boot purposes for a just in case . Even though I haven't use Ubuntu much I find it one of the most user friendly operating system Linux has to offer. It is pretty solid point and click interface but the real magic happens once you know Linux programming to make Ubuntu go to work.
  25. I designed this sig yesterday and updated it today after finding out about the loss of this kitten that was close to me.
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