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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. After many months of trying to make the perfect sig, I decided to make this one
  2. Instead of having a ton of quoted posts I will just number them based on the order of the post count. Post #1 First your index files cannot get a virus, impossible, but your website could have been hacked to have a virus or maleware get installed. Of course, it would been nice to have screen shots of all this and of course a link to website to get a better idea whats going on. As for breaking in, SQL injection, insecured scripts either from bad programming or improper CHMODing of them. XSS attacks could be another possibility or the fact your passwords were easy to guess. Post #2 Xisto wouldn't do anything of the sorts, and so odds are your site got hack and was used as a portal for someone to upload malware, trojans and virus files. Then when a person visits that site or clicks on a link in that site, the attack will commence. As for the origin odds are your site got hacked somehow from one of the various methods and I doubt a keylogger would have been necessary if the website used a common enough script or coding that can be easily cracked. Post #3 No, you cannot transmit a virus from your computer to your hosting account as the coding to infect PC's and hosting accounts is quite different in terms of setting it up. Even if you are infected with a virus/trojan/spyware youor security software should have picked it up if it is current or you actually use such security soft. Besides, reinstalling your computer because of an virus would be a last resort if your security software can get rid of it, and even then it would have to be a brand new virus to get that far. Password managers wouldn't matter with a keylogger as a keylogger is used to record your key strokes and so it wouldn't even matter that you have that password manager encrypted with a password. Since you dected a trojan on your computer I can reassure you that it wouldn't transmit to your site, it would be kind of pointless to do so. Post #4 That is the first think you want to do is clean up your computer of any viruses, but the best removal method is to go into safe mode and have your System Restore points turned off before cleaning. As some like to hide in there and even though you cleaned it out it could show up again. As for the website itself, usually a backup is a good idea, however, depending on when you made that back your not really solving the problem. However, since I don't know what your website looks like it is hard to say what would be best to properly secure your website. Post 5 If you did have the conficker virus, it would be next to impossible to clean your computer because of what conficker does. You wouldn't be able to patch your system because Windows Update would be disabled and your security software wouldn't work. So I highly doubt you have the conficker worm on your computer and even then it wouldn't get uploaded to your website because that is not how the worm works. As for your hosting, that would be tricky to say, of course the first thing I would suggest is not to use password generators. They maybe useful, however, it is best to make your own password by scratch for better security. Also, if your using databases, you want to use a very strong and seperate password as well and that will add another level of security. The reason for that is your don't want to use the same password over and over again because if they find out that is the only password you use, your hosting is screwed. post #7 Well odds are it was a XSS, SQL injection or a script kiddie who knows those specific scripts well. Again a computer virus will not affecting your hosting account it would be the other way around. Post #8 Heck you should had reported the problem to Xisto - Support right away and hopefully you did that during this 21 post bonaza. As they need to know this to help better protect their servers and of course block that IP and even report it as well. Post #11 Odds are they used that site to cover their tracks as they hack your site and booby trap with malware/spyware/trojans and stuff like that. Post #12 You need to change your passwords ASAP and also remove the scripts that your using. My suggestion would be to start your website over, and not use whatever scripts your using or find better scripts that are better secured. Of course, the best thing to do is to keep on changing your passwords until the attacks stop and by changing passwords I mean not using generators as odds are they might know what generator your using. Post #14 It all depends on the scripts that your using, and if your using databases along with those scripts as well, and the only sure way to prevent SQL injections is strong passwords and making your scripts unreadable to outside sources, and Chmodding everything properly. Post #16 Of course they wouldn't be known, but odds are the designers of fluxbb have created a lot of places to get into the software and mess everything up. SQL Injections are possible just because of the lack of security the designers put into there software or that there are too many security holes in the coding it self. Now that I know what is causing all the problems, my suggestion would be to drop that forum and go with something more secured like PHPBB or SMF or AEF and a lot of your problems will go away. Post #20 #1 correct #2 unlikely but even then running exe through a hosting account is quite tricky #3 impossible, they would have to hack the fluxbb website, then upload their own version of the infected forum for that to be possible. Most computer viruses do not work like that and would be kind of stupid to so if they wanted to infect the computer with their goodies. #4 a possibility Post #21 #3 the point of running a infected website is not for the owner to dectect that anything is wrong and so while the site could have been running normally for you, odds are your computer was compromise with a silent download through the website ie that trojan you have. As for google it would take more then a day then to have them block your website, however, depending on what browser your using it could difficult to tell if your site was compromise. As not all browsers use the same lists to block potential bad sites. #4 the designers are ignorant because regardless if its current, most of the time they won't spot their own programmers errors until someone tells them. So odds they have not found either the SQL injection leak or not making sure to properly CHMOD the forum software. As for the image your posted instead of typing it out for you, here is a link to the reference all the key strokes and stuff. However, since I am not a big security expert I can't really tell you what is doing, for all I know it pick those to to be logged and stuff. Post #22-23 Yeah it would have been good to have a link to this site and that way we could have had a better time trying to figure out what is/was wrong with your website and offer a better solution.
  3. You know summer is almost here when thousands of students across the US are graduating from high school and college and begin a new life. That of course includes yours truly but I thought I would start the summer early by going through one of the biggest franchises in Capcom history and no its not Streetfighter but Mega Man. I remember this franchise quite well as I started with Mega Man 2 and then would go on to play 1, 3 and 4 during Nintendo's golden years. One of my greatest memories was with Mega Man 3 in which a group of friends and I, with a Game Genie, were on the verge of beating Mega Man 3 when he got in trouble or rather we got in trouble. She told us to turn the game off and we got booted out of the house, we never did beat that game, but we were on the secondary bosses when we got into trouble. Of course, it was last year when Capcom went old school with Mega Man 9 and went 16 bit graphics and also the most difficult games in the Mega Man franchise. Either way, I thought it was time to review this series and start with Mega Man 1 and let us get old school and review this game. Mega Man 1 Some Screen Shots Game Maker: Capcom Year: 1987 Price: $40-$50 a game Levels: 7 (4 sub levels in Dr. Wily Stage) Graphics: 8 Mini-Games: none Difficulty: Back then 10 Now: 8 Game play: Side scrolling run and jump action with special weapons Plot: Dr. Wily, Dr. Light's assistant, who is angry that his contributions have not been acknowledged by the world, reprograms the six Robot Masters (Bomb Man, Guts Man, Cut Man, Elec Man, Ice Man and Fire Man) that they had designed for industrial purposes and uses them in an attempt at world domination. He also attempts to reprogram Rock, the robot they had designed as a lab assistant, but Rock resists the reprogramming. In order to stop Wily's evil plan, Dr. Light upgrades Rock into a battle robot called Mega Man. First Impressions: Although I did not play this when it first come out, but when I did I was holy crap this game is hard. Never did get to Dr. Wily, of course those disappearing and reappearing blocks where the most annoying and frustrating part of the game as well. On top of that by the time you got to the bosses you were usually had one or two hits before you were killed and so it was just a matter of timing, luck and repetition to beat this game. Of course, patience was a big key into playing this game just because of how difficult some levels were or the fact you use the wrong weapon on a boss as well. 22 years later: The last time I played this game was last year when I decided to play all six games till I beat them all, still found this game challenging. Even with the game genie, this game can be a challenge just because you don't lose any energy one wrong hit could finish you off. Heck, those reappearing/disappearing blocks were still annoying as hell even if I did use the super jump cheat lol. Of course, it help to save often in this game just in case I messed up or use the wrong special weapon on one of the bosses and so what could take days or weeks to finish this game. I think I spent about an hour or so with this game and the games after that. Overall Ranking: 10 Now for that Catchy slogan-- "Games don't get old, just people!" --Now for some copyright info-- Images and of course games are copyrighted to its perspective owners blah blah blah. Roms are illegal and so do not get caught blah blah blah or else blah blah blah. Reviews and opinions are my own so don't argue with me unless you can prove otherwise why this game sucks and 100% of the time you are wrong because one your either a new school gamer and don't know a good game when you see it or two, well there is no two so HA!!. All slogans, trademarks and names excluded the games I review are copyrighted to me blah blah and blah. 2007-2009 SM Old School Legend.
  4. Well I thought I would let you trappers know that I am back home and explain the silence this last week. Last week my grandmother had passed away and so we flew out for the funeral and burial and even though I bought my computer with me, I never used it as I spent time with the family and what not. So I got home today after the burial tuesday morning and so it shall be a week of trying to get everything back in order and what not.
  5. We all know that that when Chrome first came out, there was no extension support, but now with it is now possible to create and run extensions on Chrome and the process isn't pretty. Unlike Firefox, you have to old school the activation of Chrome extensions by adding the following line to the command line of Google Chrome: --enable-extensions Now to get to command line of Google Chrome, you right click on the Chrome Icon and then select properties and you will get the following window As you notice you need to aff --enable-extensions after the quote and then click ok. Then restart chrome if you have to and then you ready to go. As for extensions there is not many, however, to get them going you have to a drag and drop those extensions to get them installed, but unlike Firefox, you don't have to restart the browser for them to take effect. Hopefully in the coming months that they improve on the installation and activation on Chrome extensions by at least matching how Mozilla implements extensions into Firefox. Also there is another way to run extensions in chrome and that is by adding the user script into your bookmark bar and to it add it all you do is drag the link into the bookmark bar. Chrome Dual View uses this method in order to run that extension an there are other scripts as well that do this and so make sure you check your links as you will either be seeing a .crx extension or a long Javascript code, and if you see that Javascript code that is what you add to bookmark bar. So lets get down to the extensions so far that can be used. Gmail Notifier Just like Firefox extension, this extension alerts you on how many unread emails that you have in your gmail account. Google Reader This extension is used to subscribe to RSS feeds to your Google Reader account and you do is go to the RSS feed and click the subscribe button down below. Chrome Dual View With this Chrome extension, it gives you the opportunity to split the Chrome tab into two and be able to visit two websites at once. The only downside to this extension is that you need to know the links you want to use because you cannot select which window to change and if you go to a new site within that tab you lose the dual view. So it is not reccomend to run two search engines at once or you will go back to one window. Adsweep This extension is used to block ad's that appear all over the web, just like Adblock for Firefox. Of course, there is a Adblock extension for chrome that you can get right here So those are just a few of the extensions being made and I have consolidated a list of websites that are nothing but Chrome extensions. blogote.com Chromeplugins.com Now one of the big problems right now of which I hope Chrome fixes eventually is the ability to uninstall Chrome extensions, because right now you have to go through this small little process to delete the files: Uninstalling Chrome Extensions To uninstall an extension, you need to delete its folder and restart Chrome. The extensions that you download from this page are stored under the profile folder. Find your profile folder. It's the directory named Default that's in your user data directory. Go to the Extensions folder under your profile folder. You'll see a bunch of folders with names like 7868865ecc233b0400abe5d38d88355c03c4bb1a. Figure out which folder corresponds to the extension you want to uninstall. You can usually tell by looking at the names of the files under the folder. For example, the BuildBot Monitor has the file 7868865ecc233b0400abe5d38d88355c03c4bb1a\0.1\buildbot.html. Delete the folder. Restart Chrome. User Data Directory Locations Windows XP Google Chrome: C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default Chromium: C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Local Settings\Application Data\Chromium\User Data\Default Vista Google Chrome: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default Chromium: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Chromium\User Data\Default Linux Chromium: ~/.config/chromium/Default Hopefully when they have a fun extension support that this is one of the areas they cover and hopefully thats soon and of course have a consolidated extension website as well. In other words, Chrome needs to act like Firefox in terms of extension support and soon or Chrome will be an after though to a lot of users and to the browser wars.
  6. Although I saw the 3:45 show on Friday, I had some prior engagements that kept me from doing this movie review and now that I have the time that is what I will do today. Before I get to the movie review, I have to say I had that best batch of Nachos & Cheese ever from the movie theater that I go to. Although the chips were the same it was the cheese that was perfect, the right amount of kick, not to cold and not to hot, and filled to the top as well. So that made this movie even better and the movie that I am going to talk about is Angels & Demons, starring Tom Hanks and Directed by Rom Howard. I would like to mention I never read any of the books, however, I have enjoyed the myth and legends that have been produce by the Catholic church and those who rebel against the church.I couldn't wait for this movie to come out, especially after enjoying the Da Vinci Code, I knew this was going to be a great movie, regardless what others think though about that movie, both religious or movie critic. The movie is set a few years after the events of the Da Vinci Code, were our Symbologiest Robert Langdon is called by the Catholic Church to figure out what the secret society called the Illuminati are doing. There is were the story unfolds and because of spoiler rich this movie is I won't mention much about that or the book itself since I have never read it. So at a healthy 2 hours and some change, this movie's pace was great, as the history was broken down in chunks as the action related scenes blended in well with the history lesson given. There were no lag between story and action and gave plenty of time develop from beginning to end with all the plot twists you can think of and boy were there some big one in this movie. Although, if you read the book then I doubt you will be as shocked but maybe disappointed because of what was left out or changed in this movie.The best part to this movie almost anyone could have been the bad guy, with the exception of Langdon of course. So the character development for this movie was great and help add great depth to this movie, especially the secondary characters. Both Tom Hanks and Ewan McGregor did great in preparing for their roles and developing their characters and although they were the main character the movie didn't make it seem like they were. Just like being a puppet to the puppet master, scary. Of course, the other thing I like about this movie is its historic value, as they showed some of the most historical buildings of humankind, and although some of it was digitally added because of the Catholic Church stubbornness. It's almost like they are trying to hide something and to be quite honest, the only secret society around here is the Catholic religion, they have so many secrets that who knows how damaging they could be. So lets be honest, when's the last time the Catholic Church actually told the truth about something, we all know the power the Catholic Church holds, and because of that power no one will dare challenge them, especially during their Medieval days when they committed the worse of crimes and the destruction of early human history.Well I should end on that point and so comes box office numbers, with Star Trek making it bigger, after Wolverine, I would have to say this movie will make about $70-100 million opening weekend thanks to the free publicity by our dear friends the Catholic Church. As for the complete run I would say that it will beat out the $217 million Da Vinci Code made, but barely.
  7. The ads are text link based, meaning when you hover your mouse over a specific link a mini pop up ad will show up. From time to to time you will see a double underline link show up time to time when your a guest, why it was set up like that who knows. As for setting up kontera, you need a website, simply adding Xisto won't count, then once they approve your website they will give you a script to copy and paste in your footer for it to show up. In that script you get a 5 digit number and in order to add it to Xisto account click My Controls and then click Your Advertising Settings and then add the number and save.To be quite honest, you won't earn much on Xisto because of the settings and so best bet is to have a lot of content on your site and a lot of visitors. I got kontera added to 3 websites and Xisto and I don't earn much, usually 0 to $1.00 if I am lucky. As for how it works on Xisto it is based on your topics then posts, but you sometimes get your link in some other topics as well. So to get any benefit from using Kontera on Xisto you need to have a website that you update constantly such as a blog or forum.
  8. Yeah, RAM is dirt cheap as you can get 2GB for about $40 or less. Of course, you don't say much about the rest of the specs of your computer, especially how old it is, either way all you need to do as add more ram to your computer and your done. If it is a PC 3.5GB at most but 2GB of RAM is all you really need to get your computer to run a bit smoother. Also if you have a gfx card see what kind of memory it has, such as 256 or 512MB and that way the games will use that memory first before tapping into the computer's memory.
  9. Iron Tank: The Invasion of Normandy It has been awhile since I last did an old school review, the last of which was back in February with Contra. Now that school is officially over for me, for now, I thought I bust out a few old school reviews and I thought I go into some military based games and so I bring you Iron Tank. One of the few games that I enjoyed, I believe I barrow this game and also rented it as well, I think, but either way this should be a interesting review since I haven' played this game, emulator wise, in a long time but still remember it fondly. So let's begin a wonderful review and see if any of you remember this game. Some Screen Shots: Game Maker: SNK Year: 1988 Price: $40-$50 Levels: 9 levels with various branch off points Sound: 7 Graphics: 6 Mini-Games: none Difficulty: Back then 8 Now: 6 Game play: Shoot' em up game in top view perspective Plot: First Impressions: This was one of my favorite tank games back in the day, and one of difficult games until you memorized everything that showed up in this game. What I like best about this game is the branching off point and the fact you have specialized ammo as well. The music was ok with a catchy beat, and of course, the graphics lived up to the 16-bit era as well. I would have to say that I spent as much time with this game as I did with Iron Sword, Super Mario Bros 2 and a baseball game. I think the farthest I ever got was maybe half way through; although I might have Game Genie the game as well might have beaten it. Iron Tank was one of the few military games that I enjoyed in my youth, besides Jackal and Ikari Warriors. It is interesting to note that codename snake is used with this game and is the same name used in Metal Gear/Solid series. However, two different companies use the name, but with Konami using that name a lot better. 21 years later: The last time I played this game was last year, and still a bit challenging, I think I spent about an hour getting through this game with lots of restarts, thank you emulator. Still the game is very challenging, especially if you are playing it for the first time, and because of the multiple paths you could take in this game, it never is the same and so there is lots of replay value once you hit every combination of the map. Overall Ranking: 7 This is a great game, the replay value also makes it good, and once you look past the old school graphics. This game can become a challenging if you don't use your special ammunition and don't remember passwords to continue where you left off. Now for that Catchy slogan "Games don't get old, just people!" Now for some copyright info Images and of course games are copyrighted to its perspective owners blah blah blah. Roms are illegal and so do not get caught blah blah blah or else blah blah blah. Reviews and opinions are my own so don't argue with me unless you can prove otherwise why this game sucks and 100% of the time you are wrong because one your either a new school gamer and don't know a good game when you see it or two, well there is no two so HA!!. All slogans, trademarks and names excluded the games I review are copyrighted to me blah blah and blah. 2007-2009 SM Old School Legend.
  10. Just got back from the movie of the YEAR!! Yes that is right Star Trek is the movie of the year and I will place it in the top five movies of all time in the box office. J.J Abrams has brought Star Trek franchise back to life with this movie and I smell quite a few sequels with him at the realm and with the new crew of Enterprise. I won't spoil the movie too much, but only going to mention one about the movie itself as a whole and so it is up to you to continue reading this review.I may be come the most hated person, but this movie puts the previous 10 movies to shame, so much shame that Shatner is going to be rolling in his grave for not participating in this movie. Like I said not only will this movie make $150 Million opening weekend, I hope this movie hits $200 million+. Basically if the crowd I saw at the theaters tonight proves anything, I do not doubt it will crush Dark Knight numbers.I will say this though, hardcore Trekkies will hate one thing about this movie, and that J.J Abrams created the biggest paradox to this movie ever. So now the Star Trek war will start with that paradox between the Old School Trekkies and the New School Trekkies. Now if that paradox ever gets fixed either in books or another movie, who knows, but odds are those fans will want it corrected.As for the movie itself, it brought me to tears several times, and I would think if Gene Roddenberry were alive today and saw this movie, he would die a happy man. With the use of 21st century technology, J.J has made the 23rd century look even better then anyone could imagine. The acting better then Shatner's pauses, the action better then The Next Generation, the raw emotion that has been brought out of this movie, no one but J.J could do this. For anyone to hate this movie should be shot into space because giving it a bad review is like saying that I have no idea what I am talking about, bad example but if there are any flaws to this movie the are very few and if small.Although seeing Star Trek on TV again is pretty much dead, I think at least four movies could come out of this with the new crew. I wouldn't mind seeing Kirk begin his war with the Klingons in the next movie, or to really make it interesting, get Kirk to go one on one with the Borg. Of course, the Borg is unlikely to happen, I wouldn't mind seeing an updated look to the Klingons that would be interesting to see if J.J gave them a new look.So, I already mention my box office predictions and so all I will say is this, GO SEE THIS MOVIE!
  11. Odds are the chip makers were on a gamble on Windows 7 especially with the virtual XP and so odds are they had to see what would happen when XP mode ran. Now that they know that a lot of their computers won't work, they will have to produce new chips, but the problem will be for laptop users who would have to get a new computer. As for desktops it, it will be a pain in the butt, because they don't know how much they have to replace in terms of hard in order to get the processor to work properly. So far, it would seem that at most you would have to replace the processor, motherboard and upgrade to larger amount of Ram to XP mode to work.As for the actual specs, I was right on one aspect, you need to have Win 7 Professional, Win 7 Business or Win 7 Ultimate to run XP Mode. Now I know that the US is only getting those three versions and so some people should relieve that they don't have to get Ultimate to get all the features unless they want Ultimate.
  12. I found this article ot be a bit interesting and I had written about, but I thought I would give an extended view on it after the word of the Virtual XP not working so well with most computers. Granted, that adding virtual XP on Windows 7 is a smart move and I bet that perk a lot of interest when RC 1 game out, but after the people tried it out, it would seem that most hardware isn't suitable to run it. However, it is noted that XP was not set up for gamers but rather businesses running custom applications that will only work for XP. So what does this say about Windows 7? Simple, for it to be effective operating system you need to buy yourself a brand new computer with Windows 7 installed, but that computer will either have to be installed with Windows 7 Business or Ultimate as I don't think it will come with Basic or Premium when it goes live. On that point, it would seem that Windows 7 could pushers users to stick with XP still, unless of course they fix up XP Mode and maybe find away to allow games to run in XP Mode. Of course, we all know Microsoft won't listen on that point.
  13. I had written a interesting article based off of another post on lifehacker about the best Malware removal tools and I thought I would give my thoughts on these tools. As for the software discussed they are Spybot, SuperAntiSpyware, ComboFix, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware, and HijackThis. In my article I gave much praise to the first two and Anti-Malware because of their user friendliness for all users, while I went a bit critical on Combofix and Hijack being used for more advance computer users. Now I know there is a topic about Anti-virus software and stuff like that and so this topic is more about how do users fair against these 5 program, of course I doubt too many people have heard of ComboFix though.
  14. Well I don't know you, Xisto Veteran you say, been here a long time you say. Nope I do not know who you are, running illegal gambling sites you say, which means that I would see you in the paper then . I knew you missed me 11Mil but I didn't know you missed me this much, of course I know you missed Xisto and so now you want some hosting don't you?
  15. Geocities was one of first web hosting sites I used to get into web design, created quite a few website to help hone my wonderful skills. Lets be honest, a large portion of Geocities was lost when they did the forced ads awhile back and then with the lack of space and tools they lost even more customers. So they only had those who went with paid hosting and even then they lack great stuff as well and so it was just a matter of time and internal problems in Yahoo saw the fall of Geocities.
  16. The Wordpress template, no, although I had made alterations to the original template for my liken and what not. Of course I like how the premium version looks but sadly I do not want to sink down the $70 for it, maybe when my kontera check comes then maybe I will get it and no I am not going to get it the other way either so don't bother suggesting it. Yes the theme is a magazine styled layout and its called arthmia 2 and you can get the free version here and you can look at the demo version of the premium version here. Luckily for me my site isn't fake or a giant advertisement site so I have nothing to worry about and as for a TLD, I would have like to gone with my name but sadly most versions are taken and so I am stuck with the subdomain name.
  17. Well it would seem that it is not part of the customize desktop options and so the only way to put on the desktop as a shortcut icon, because that is all it really is is a shortcut icon and nothing else. So you didn't do anything wrong it just part of the customize desktop and so you shouldn't have to worry about anything. So, if you haven't already, reinstall SP3 and any other updates you got rid of in trying to fix this problem.
  18. As much as I like the eye candy, the windows version looks horrible, especially the way the tabs look and if you modify your desktop visually then it looks even worse. Of course, I am not a safari user but I think they need to redesign the look of the Safari browser, at least for the window users.
  19. I like the banner as it looks fun because of use of fonts, colors, but my suggestion would be to keep the Xisto Static and animate the rest of the text.
  20. Well it me its all about trust and reliability and of course depending on the crime they committed as well. I highly doubt you want a known drug user/abuser running a store where they have access to cash, the same with those who committed sex crimes you wouldn't want them baby sitting your children either. Sadly society has labeled these criminals as outcast and because of that most of these criminals are most likely to relapse and commit criminal activity as well. Granted most of them know what they did long and can begin a somewhat normal life, and of course they also led that straight life as well. However, the problem is that once gossip starts spreading it doesn't take long to mess up a person mind and start being accused of stuff they never did.Of course, look at computer hackers, some of the worse computer criminals are giving jobs in legit companies after being outed and somehow they escape the law and that again shows you how mess up the system really is.Either it depends on two things, what is the crime they committed and how many times have they done it, if they are a high risk then its not worth the risk of hiring them and letting them work for you.
  21. I would have to agree that the layout is nice, clean and organize, but I think now you should take it a step further and use colors that relate to the African culture, like black, yellow, red, green and white. Though it is a challange to make those colors work together correctly, it is possible to do it. My suggestion would be to have the text black, your content boxes either green or red, and try to incorporate the yellow with the rest of the colors with the banner itself. The same goes with the forum, since I assume you use some basic templates/default layouts and so it is time to give your site personality.Also work on social networking as well such as myspace, twitter, facebook, stuff like that to help connect to more people and of course give your site some free advertisement as well.
  22. It is a improvement and so your next step would be to connect your forum into the website and usually that is done with mods and so you would want to have latest topics and posts up front. On top of adding more content to the site as well to gain visitors and what not and that will help with more activity to the forums. Also get rid of the red and use the green color as the red take away from the website in blending smoothly with the rest of the site.As for the forum portal you want reskin those boxes to match with the theme, which they should have when you ran the portal mod, so look into that as well. So your getting there in terms of putting a website together and so just fix those few things, and also look into adding clan tools to the site as well, I seen website use them but I don't know where to get them though.
  23. No I saw the legit movie on friday and so my review is based on both versions, and I am not bashing it I am just being critical in specific parts of the movie. If I were to bash a movie I wouldn't be positive in my review and so that is what a movie review is a opinion and most people tend to think the same when it comes to movies though.
  24. Topic is resolved.Please PM any moderator to continue this discussion. Until then, this topic is closed.
  25. I will admit I saw the not finish product version of this movie just to see what I would expect of how much they did with the various characters. Of course, I spent the $7.50 as well because I planned to the see the movie anyways and since this movie already tells something that most people already know I will spoil the heck out of it. Before I begin though, I will say this, the movie was way to short for a Wolverine movie, they could have pushed it at least 2 hours and some changed, especially on the fight sequences.First off, that Deadpool movie rumor, I like to see how they pull this off, but I am expecting since there there is a six year gap from when Logan left the team to being found might make it possible. However, obviously the ending will have to show him being caught and either killed off or turn into cough Weapon XI, cough. That is the first thing they ruined in this movie, next Sabertooth being his brother, of course I can?t say that really ruined this movie, because I don?t know if they ever made that connection in the comics.I was not to keen on cyclops being involved in this movie, but that is just me though, as for Gambit, they should have work on the Cajun accent a bit more for authenticity. Of course, the real issue for me was the time, at one hour and 46 minutes, they rushed this movie and didn?t give much time with the other characters. Thus the movie lack depth to these characters as well of which many people made obvious in their reviews and what not.While I wouldn?t mind seeing a franchise of origin movies, they need to do more character depth, and if there is a planned sequel for a wolverine movie that is the area they need to work in. Now lets talk box office, with the Swine flu going, the leaked movie and everyone seeing it. I don?t see this movie making more then $100 million overall, with a weak box office of $10-$15 million this weekend.
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