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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. They difference between these two movies is about 1.6 billion dollars give or take world wide and about 500+ million dollars. So Avatar will never be like 2012 because it is a lot better then that movie o I have to disagree with this topic .
  2. Here is my attempt for awards banner, I created the base format with some text and so I attached the PSD as I don't have the time to animate the banner for everyone with multiple awards. So if you have Photoshop you can add your name, award you won or if you want to make any changes to it go right ahead.
  3. Posts and credit counts most likely, because the same could be said about the Army System forum as well since IPBgaming has been done forever and its not even hosted on this site at all either. Xisto dot NET Forum falls under that as well, should just delete it altogether since Qupis is the name that replaced it.
  4. Sadly though, the moment Google made this move, China will limit the companies trying to get in country even more. China wants a tight control and odds are google and everything google related will be on the ban list.
  5. Hopefully someone in the graphics crew might oblige on this task, my scedule and workload leave no time to set a banner up.
  6. Well I had mention at the beginning about my schedule and was asking someone to create one and so that offer is still up on the table.
  7. Sorry for the delay as I have been sick but here are your winners for the 2010 Xisto Awards. I will say there were a lot of new names this year and with a lot of new names a lot new winners as well. Though there was problem this year I have corrected it as I know these awards are pretty popular for some of the members here on Xisto. Of course, this time around yours truly did not dominate this time, which is a good thing I guess. Although, one member who has come out on top this year is Ash-Bash with four awards, while the three big mods of Xisto jlhaslip, rvalkass and yours truly share two rewards apiece. Of course, this time we have a new Trapper of the Year which goes to Simpleton and so congrats on that. So congratulations ot the winners of the 2010 Xisto Awards and see you in November.
  8. My recommendation is go with Wordpress because I know of a plugin that uses RSS feeds to generate posts from. The only problem is that since it draws from the Rss feeds it will be broken the minute it gets updated. Either way, it be a lot more efficient in the sense that you can have several groups of people; admin, tutorial writers, subscribers etc etc. All you would need is someone to design a template from scratch and make sre it works for every aspect of the blog.
  9. I had finished most of the Spec Op missions and slowly working through veteran difficulty in the campaign. I tried online mode but I don't care for it and since I know they won't add more Spec Op missions or anything I be playing with my brother on his xbox 360 until he finishes them up.
  10. Put it like this, Playstation will always win because of the fact they are a more well established brand and because Microsoft's Xbox screwed us gamers over when it comes to multi-platform games, because everyone starts with them first and then us, Thus the reason we Playstation gamers get screwed over with the bad version because they have to dumb it down in order for the games to work.
  11. Well, everyone better start using Office or Open office to spell check their posts and topics then because I will be the first to start dropping warnings on those who send reports to fix a one word typo. Granted I haven't been in here for awhile to make posts or check reports and stuff like that but if I see a lot of reports about fixing typos I will get upset.
  12. I have to agree 2 minutes is not enough time, granted if the person knows what to post ok, I would bump it up to at least 10 minutes as that would be plenty of time to make any correction necessary. That way we don't see 100 reports that say I need this typo fixed.
  13. We are going into the final stretch of the 2010 Xisto awards and so if you haven't placed your votes ini yet, do so now.
  14. Enjoy the beta while it last, Microsoft Lost its court case and so they can no longer sell Word or Office. Of course, Microsoft is trying one last ditch effort to make it possible but I doubt it will happen.
  15. GASP!! I make sure to change it, going to make another run through of the polls and stuff. As for the poll, might be possible I would have to look into the scripts and stuff and make some alterations, but since the poll keeps logs on everything it is quicker just to go through them.
  16. I have update the polls to reflect the actual results based on the logs and a small warning to one person in particular. I know who you are that is casting multiple votes and so if I catch your IP address casting multiple votes again, all of your votes will be thrown out. Same goes for anyone else who voting multiple times.
  17. See some good voting and to toss a reminder to everyone to only vote once, even though the poll script I am using can let you vote multiple times, vote only once. I do see some irregularities, especially with dial up users and so I be a little stricter this time around.
  18. To keep this process simple, members nominate other members who he or she believes deserves an award based on that category. Now I use a playoff system which means the person(s) with the most votes moves on to the final round and then people vote on the finalists. I do this so instead of having 100-200 people on one poll we have 3 people.
  19. Well the results are in and so we begin the voting, right away we have some automatic winners since they were the only ones nominated for that category. On top of that, almost everyone who has been selected this year are first timers to the Xisto awards and so this should be interesting who comes out on top. So how to you vote? Simple, go to the following link and place your vote http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Voting ends January 1st and so get your votes in and let other trappers know as well. Let the VOTING BEGIN.
  20. Sorry about setting up the polls, had to babysit and got knocked out with a bad headache and so I get the polls up and going this morning for everyone to vote.
  21. Ok we are going into the final week of nominations and so here is the time to get as many as possible and so if yo uhave nominated or you want to add more people to your current lists do so now.
  22. Well you need to have a website going before you can even add your account here on Xisto, of course to make half-way decent pocket change, make lots of posts and topics. Not saying to go on a spamming spree but post constant and your link should appear more.
  23. Here is the thing I been keeping tabs on my Kontera account and I had contacted them about a couple of months ago asking for the current balance. I should be getting a check very soon as I was a few dollars shy of my payout. Even though the data only goes back six month your still earning money and you won't lose it and so to find out your current balance just contact Kontera and they will give you a current balance.
  24. Please refine from personal comments and attacks on other members, it doesn't matter how people nominate or vote for members on Xisto as they have their reasons and should be respected. Either way, time to bump this as I would like to more nominations being done for the Xisto awards.
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