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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. First you need to have at least 5 posts for MyCents ot be activated, once activated you will see it in your profile or if you look at a topic that you posted in you can see your total MyCents and MyEarnings on the left.
  2. Well, both laptops and desktops have their pros and cons and usually that determines which way you go. Of course, it is not uncommon to have both especially if you have a job that requires you to be on the movie and yet still do work at home when given the chance. As f or the biggest pro for each is that laptop has superior mobility and desktops have superior customization and of course if you reverse those two pros they become cons as laptops are not really customizable while desktops are not really mobile.
  3. Oooh another one I found out awhile ago, in 3 billion years earth and Venus could collide, now how they came up with that one I never know. Either way, with the Milky Way and Andromeda clashing together in less the time I don't think it would even matter if that happens, besides our universe is expanding and so it would be interesting why these two planets would collide though.
  4. Now this is something I wouldn't mind having then I could actually design a blog more effectively. However, the $30 price tag takes me back a bit since I am not much of a theme designer at this point in time. However, if I would to get a job that would require to set up a wordpress account and even have to design one or or create it from an existing design. Then I would get such a tool and use it to my hearts content or mass produce a bunch of themes, but even then I would want to create unique designs and what not.
  5. Yes they would count, but you won't receive anything until after you reach the 5 post limit and so you could earn a lot in those 5 posts by the time you activate the MyCent system for you account.
  6. You may want to check out the google results for this as I am not to experience with ASP to get you a solid answer. click here for results
  7. Odds are there is more to it then the ability to transfer a domain, such as the fact you would need to change out the dns number where the domain was purchase. Of course, each domain registration website has their own rules on how a domain transfer is suppose to be done because if there wasn't then there would be chaos as big name websites would belong to someone else. I think the only people who could really answer that question would be someone from ICANN and of course that is why a lot of big name companies try to buy as many domains with the same as possible to prevent people from trying such a tactic.
  8. Welcome to Xisto jullaby and yes everyone is right in the above posts and that Xisto is the place to be to get some great hosting. Best part there are several ways to get some great hosting, either pay for it using cash or do some great posting and earn MyCents to get your hosting totally free. Again welcome to the forums and enjoy your stay on Xisto.
  9. Welcome to Xisto.com, biggest little web hosting company this side of the Pacific Ocean. I won't bore with the details since they have been covered already in the above posts and so all I have to say is get some great posting in and then you be able to get some great hosting in as well.
  10. You won't start receiving MyCents until after 5 posts and a good suggestion would to be earn at least $5 to get yourself started if you plan to do a monthly payment. Of course, you can earn a lot more before you get hosted especially if you want to do a yearly plan, which is about $20 a year in MyCents, but depending on your needs those numbers could change since these prices are for the default logic plan.Remember the longer the posts the more you earn and so instead of a 20-30 two sentence posts, try to get about three or four to help out. Also, in order to transfer MyCents to MyEarnings, you need to earn at least $1 worth before it gets transfered, but again you can earn as much as you want in a single day.
  11. Best thing to is create a password you can remember easily and then switch letters out for numbers and then use it for a couple of other places to help remember it better. Try to make a password that at least 10 characters long and use numbers, letters (both upper and lower) and just go from there. Odds are your password isn't long enough and so you just need to make it a bit bigger.
  12. Wow, can't believe the last time I posted in here was in October of 2008 and I seen plenty of movies since then Anyway, I saw Transformers last Wednesday and it was a great movie regardless what millions of haters have said about this movie.
  13. YEah I saw that as well, $50 upgrade for Vista Premium to Win 7 Premium and then so on and so forth. Although I will try to get a student discount on maybe Windows 7 Profession, because I want FEATURES!! Besides my 750GB computer needs to be filled up and thats what I plan to do. Though I am tempted to triple boot on my Laptop with its 200GB hard drive, I rather keep this machine working and not crap out on me and stuff . My My My...There is a catch you can only get this deal til July 11th on the US and of course if your a 2000 or XP user, you need to back up and then clean install on your machine. OF course, if your running 2000 then odds are your machine is not going to be running Windows 7 unless you got a brand new machine and then installed Windows 2000 on it.
  14. HI!! Saint Michael Here, if you on a TV then you must seen a commercial, well do I have a deal for you. These commercials usually showed products, products you wouldn't buy, but interesting products anyway. Also there is a TV show call Pitchman in which you saw behind the scenes of how those products get on those commercials and thus the wonderful idea of making millions. Today, the world lost another celeberty, Billy Mays, the voice of Oxyclean, Mighty Mend, Kaboom and many other products has died this morning. He was 50 years of age and as for a cause it is unknown at this time. He was the star of selling products across the world and made being a pitch guy an awesome career, he will definately be missed, especially if you caught the show of him and Andy Sullivan on Discovery Channel every Wednesday. So give it to us one more time Billy Mays http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  15. Don't get me wrong That bike scene was hot and stuff, and me begin a dude I was oh lala and all that stuff. I think that is the thing, I took this movie to be more serious tone and sure the comedy had its moments its stuff, but I think the movie was looking to be more serious, especially the last hour of it and what not.
  16. Just got back from seeing Transformers: Revenge of The Fallen and I have to say that this movie is more superior to the first one in so many ways. Also I have a few words for Roger Ebert after my review of this movie. So what I can tell you is that this movie is set two years after the first and the battle on Earth between the humans/Autobots and Decepticons is well underway and with a warning that the Fallen is coming. That is where the story begins and two and half hours later the ultimate showdown would end in some of the best fight scenes computer technology could produce. Like a true sequel, this movie had more robots and fight scenes and a great story along with as the action was non stop and also fast pace as well. Though the non-fight scenes slowed it down just a bit to tell the story and give some background info, those scenes seem to go by quick as you got right back into the fighting. As for character development, it depends how you interpret because obviously doing what they did with the parents was a mistake, luckily they corrected that towards the end. As hot as Megan Fox is, to me I think they went a tad overboard with making her too hot in this movie, not saying there is anything wrong with it but there was two scenes that brought way to much focus on her. As for the college room mate, to distracting especially when talking about his man stuff, granted the movie is PG-13 that was not needed. As for the Transformers and Decepticons , well they didn't give much development with the new ones, and although the Fallen was the main villain in this movie, his background story and actual fight scenes were rather short. It is funny though, they did the same with Megatron in the first one as the movie was close to the end. Granted these robots don't need much of a back story and odds are that will be filled in somewhere in the movie time line, but it would been nice to have more dialogue between the new ones. Even though the twins had a good chunk of that dialogue between all the new robots. As for the rest of the human characters background, well, one of them should even be alive as he should have been killed off in the first one and figuring that one out should be easy enough. Oh as for rewriting the script to explain Shia's broken hand, good one (sarcasm). It was never explained in the movie and just like movie magic, poof there it is. As for John Turturro's character, I was a bit surprise how they did him in, but his acting style for this movie and his mannerism were pure gold for this movie. The fight scenes themselves, pure awesome, as Michael Bay knows how to mix reality and computer generated images into one and make it look real enough. Explosions awesome, gun battle sweet Regardless of the minor flaws in this movie, I see this movie matching or making more then the first one and because of the Wednesday opening, I see a solid $100 million or more opening weekend and staying #1 for at least 3 weeks since Harry Potter doesn't come out till mid July. So yeah, go see this movie as we need to generate $320 million before the Harry Potter fans knock it out of first place. Now on to Roger Ebert. Roger Ebert R E T I R E! Your movie review was a joke and plain horrible, go back and review Broadway shows and Sundance films because your a critic that has yet to welcome 21st century action movies. There is one thing I have to agree with and that is the parents at the beginning of the movie and the college room mate after that, your bias to this movie franchise is unneeded and pointless as the box office will prove you oh so wrong. As for anyone else who thinks this movie sucks especially the people at VN Boards.
  17. My poor poor giselle, I make sure to eat ice cream in front of you and have a cold beverage as well. Just think though, you will be all numbed up for a few hours and boy the pain will be oh so good, just remember warm salt water and lots of advil to help the pain for the next couple of days. However, the best part is the phantom pain that you get later on .
  18. Hmmm...If the Firewire to USB didn't work hard to say since your video cam only allows Firewire. Was the PC running XP at all or Vista? Another question I have is does your Video cam use SD cards because if it does and your laptop has a SD card port, then purchase a 8GB or 16GB SD card and store them that way. You mentioned you had downloaded the drivers/software for the camera, but odds are you have to find a computer running XP with a Firewire port on it. Try out this topic about someone asking the same thing, it might give you an idea what to do outside of looking for another computer that has everything.
  19. Adjust the width of the wrap div by 5 pixels and see if it comes back up and then the best thing to do is redesign the banner to that width to correct it.
  20. The first thing you need to do is work on your color coordination, meaning using colors that actually work well as the red, black, green, blue and pink do not work together. I would recommend that you visit kuler.adobe.com and use that site to help with your color coordination and what not. Next drop the marquee scrolling text or find another way to use it more effectively as the alignment is wrong. Next, drop the animated gifs as they don't help much with the site and do more harm then good especially if they are misaligned like they are on the site. What I like to do is find a good template strip out everything except the layout and the containers and then build from there and so I suggest the following websites to check out. http://www.opendesigns.org/ http://www.oswd.org/ Remember the layout should fit the type of site your creating and what will be user friendly and easy to navigate.
  21. I had to wait and see what it looked like but now I fixed it and so you have to make two changes to your CSS and it should work. This is your new wrap code .wrap { background:#555 url(images/wrapbg.gif) fixed; width:745px;border:2px solid #333; margin:0px auto;padding:1px 12px 12px 12px; text-align: left;} Updated Header code: .header{height:223px;width:100%;text-align: center;background-position: 220px;} Now this should work for you miladinoski and let me know that you got it up to take a look to make sure.
  22. Dream Package #1: Web Design Tools http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Dream Package #2: Browser Effects http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Dream Package #3: Quirky Ones http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Dream Package #4: The New Google Batch http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Dream Package #5 Last Batch 2007 http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  23. On Xisto I had updated my Firefox packages because of the new set up and so I thought I let the Xisto members enjoy some of the good stuff. With this collection of extensions it will help set up Firefox as chrome and of course you can download some Chrome themes as well for both Firefox 3 and Firefox 3.5 as well. There are two ways to get the collection, install the collection extension or go through them and install them individually. So here is the Extension Package http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Here is the Updated Chrome Firefox Themes Chromifox Basic Theme http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Chromifox Extreme (Need Firefox 3.5 to run this theme) https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/chromifox-extreme/
  24. I know FEBE exports everything or you can be specific on what to export and you can import as well so if you need to reinstall Firefox from scratch or something you can use this extension.
  25. It took a bit but I solved your problem, I think, go to line 88 where the CSS for the header is at .header{background:url(images/aeflogo.jpg) center;height:223px;text-align: center;background-position: 220px;} Then to center everything replace it with the following code: .header{background:url(images/aeflogo.jpg) center;width:100%;height:223px;text-align: center;background-position: 220px;} That should center everything, won't know what it will do to the image if it doesn't stretch out. However, try that piece of code and see if it works and we can go from there.
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