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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Well we need a lot more information then that, such as what your using your computer for, whats installed, have you customized your computer, when was your computer last updated. Odds are there something with your computer that is preventing you from installing it and so the question is do you receive any errors when you try to install IE8?
  2. As much as it is a "free" source, in a year it will be null out, adobe did the same thing with CS3, but as for product CS4 is far more superior then CS3 and I tell you why. The first one is that it comes with its own remote desktop software ala connectnow, 2. Dreamweaver comes with a live view of your website, meaning that if you connect Dreamweaver to your hosting account or your personal server, you get to see the PHP, ASP scripts go live. 3. The software is completely streamline or rather better streamlined then CS3. 4. The software layouts are easily customizable to what kind of designer you are and this is most prominent in Dreamweaver and Photoshop.
  3. True, however, by adding to the ping list yourself then the list will be automatically pinged each time you make a post. Granted I did it the manual way for a few months, however once I got the list and added it to the ping list it save me a lot of trouble.
  4. Although I haven't posted much about Conficker Worm on trap, I thought I give every an overview of what has been happening the last few months, including my latest article about the cost of fighting the Conficker Worm. Conficker Spam Rate & Latest Conficker Victim: Utah University Conficker Updates: Version E & Scareware & Self Destruct Conficker Eye Test New Name For Conficker: Dud Conficker Worm Affect on Mac Users Conficker Fears, Exaggerated? Conficker Worm Update Conficker Update: Flaw Found In The Coding Conficker Worm - April 1st Warning Microsoft Offers Reward To Catch Worm Maker
  5. I though I would jump for joy on an article I just posted about Mac security and so knock yourself out Mac users. Of course, comment here or comment on my blog about it.
  6. I like ajaxrain.com because it is a great website with a lot of links to AJAX based scripts and programs that can help develop a great AJAX based site and add a little Web 2.0 to your site.
  7. Well I doubt the software will come with other browsers, just because Microsoft will not pay royalties to these companies to have their software installed. So they compromised and gave this option because the thought of paying their competition to install their browsers on Microsoft operating system would be blasphemous. Either way it should be interesting what hijinks Microsoft will do ti make it harder to get another browser installed on their operating system lol.
  8. You are correct that nothing is listed for just for bandwidth and so my suggestion would be this, when it comes time to request more bandwidth send in a support ticket to Xisto - Support and request bandwidth increase. Then they can adjust your current plan to include the updates (BW and price), but depending on what your do with your website it could take a while to blow through 10GB of Bandwidth in less then a month.
  9. Topic is resolved.Please PM any moderator to continue this discussion. Until then, this topic is closed.
  10. Welcome to Xisto Jay, the biggest little community this side of the internet. We have a great community with hundreds of years worth of experience in programming, graphic design, web design and more. Heck we even have some great hosting as well which is the cornerstone of this community. Check out the Xisto Readme to get yourself prepare yourself in the life as a Xisto member.
  11. Well here is the problem with this idea and if you watch Star Trek you know the transporter signal degrades over time or rather what is being transported will also degrade over time. On that note, we know storing data in air is next to impossible because it will degrade far to fast because of many factors, such as the suns radiation, pollution, heat, signals getting mix from satellites and so on and so forth. Besides what it would take to keep that data together in a grid doesn't exist and would cost way to much money if it were possible to maintain. Besides, the molecules and atoms alone would destroy that data and lucky for us its the speed of light that keeps the data intact in the first place.Interesting idea, but too many problems exist for something like this and if possible, talk about the most insecured data on the planet.
  12. Although I didn't watch much of it, except for the last 3 hours of the championship game for the World Baseball Classic, I was rather disgusted on how team USA played and how they treated this like a joke. Heck Team USA should have hae lost on purpose just so we wouldn't have to hear about their disrespect to the game we created, at least the other teams had respect for this game such as Japan and South Korea.
  13. Wow, what a suck fest this movie was, Dragonball Evolution was not the movie I was expecting, in fact, it was even less then what I expected. Although I am hearing that the Asian markets are doing well with this movie, I will guarantee that this movie will tank and I don't even see it breaking the top 5 or even the top 10. This 90 minute movie felt like a 30 minute DBZ episode, that is how fast it was, heck the back story was crappy at best, as for the character development, well unless you have seen the original anime it is non existence as well. Though some of the traits are there, this movie was a sad joke to a great series that was over 500 episodes. The special effects, were not that special, though they did take stuff from the anime, you didn't feel it. I am so glad I paid the $5.50 and not the $7.25 for this movie and from the reviews I have seen are also giving this movie a bad review. I wouldn't be surprise if the 12 and under crowd go boo to this movie. Heck, they are putting together the sequel to this movie, and I hope they pay attention and make this second movie 1000x times better. If you have nothing else better to then see this movie, if not, then rent the DVD or buy the DVD. Opening Weekend: $15-20 million Overall: $30 million. I don't give this movie much hope and I know the anime fans will rip this movie apart as well.
  14. There is always security issues, however with wireless there are several layers and that has to do with WEP and WPA and WPA2. WEP security is pointless that a well trained wireless hacker can get in WEP secured connection within a matter of minutes. So everyone recommends going to at WPA because it takes a bit longer to get into then WEP, but if your extra paranoid you can go WPA2 and its more secured then the other two. As for keeping people out of your network you would want to do the following, change the name of the SSID (router name), go WPA2 since it seems you have a lot of computers and for extra measure set up a list of computers based on the MAC address who can access the computer. I know linksys routers can do this and the best one is WRT54G since it cheap and its all you really need. As for the special NIC no, however, if your computers never came with wireless adapter when your purchase the computers, you need to purchase those adapters and intall them to the motherboard in order for them to accept a wireless signal. However, if your computers are in the 1-3 year range they should have the wireless card built in already and so all you need is to purchase one router as it has about 15-20 foot radius from the router. For effective use its best to put the router near a window to help spread the signal out more but since the signal bounces all over the place you have could reach a 3rd floor without too many problems. Now its not hard to hack a wiresless connection, it gets tricky depending if you secured the signal and what encryption you are using. Like I mention WEP can be hacked in mere minutes while WPA and WPA2 will take a little longer since the fastest time that I am aware of is 15 minutes at WPA. Well there is more to it then just a password, because the password generates 4 sets of codes that one has to enter to their computer in order to be connected to the wireless router. Usually a wireless router has a range of about 25 feet, however, there are people who go War Driving, which are people who drive around looking for unsecured wireless signals to either use or in some cases hack into. Thus the reason you see a lot of wireless signlas in a city because usually there is more then one router within a building. I know the Linksys WRT54G does as I could go outside and be connected to my router from my laptop, of course placement of your wiresless router is important because the farther you go out the weaker the signal gets. However, usually within the building the signal is hte strongest just because it is bouncing all over the walls looking for computers to connect to and what not. Again to get a wireless signal onto your PC's you need a wireless adaptor, most computers that arr 1-3 years have some sort of wireless card installed, however, anything older you would need to purchase the adaptor and plug it into your motherboard. Again you don't need a new NIC card just a wireless adaptor if your computer doesn't get one. Also to effectively use a wireless router you need to manually assign an IP to each computer or if you have several computers connected you might have some problems. Although I think in the last couple of years the routers do it automatic, but either way you want to make sure each computer has its IP address and make sure you set up a wireless Mac filter and that way only the computers within your network will have complete access. Capt That is a good point especially if your running a network just make sure that the SSID name is different fro mthe default one. Again all a Wireless NIC is just an adapter, my recommendation would be to get that adapter as in USB form as it is quicker to install then going old fashion and taking the computer apart and installing it to the motherboard.
  15. Welcome to Xisto and yes Xisto beats bytehost out of the water in terms of hosting and support from both the members and the staff here. Which means if yo have problems with your site everyone will be all over it offering your support and pointing you in the right direction to get your website up and going. So enjoy your stay here on Xisto and enjoy some great hosting and some fine community members as well.
  16. Well I was walking down the streets of a shady looking town and I happen to bump into this shady looking guy handing out candy to kids . Then he ask me if he wanted to see something that would make him happy...oh wait thats a different story **cries** . I just happen to find this website while I was in hte last few months of my tour in Iraq and the rest is pretty much history. OpaQue is very much Indian I seen hte blackmail photos that I keep in a lock box, how do you think I earn so much here and yes OpaQue owns EVERYTHING Xisto related. Wait haslip was that shady looking guy , I somewhat remember about that website haslip, which one was it again? oh come now rvalkass you know you love forced advertisements on your site. Well for me I come here when I get the chance, although I am spending less and less time though because of my schooling and somewhat working as well. As for meeting people, heck I might as well bump into a drug lord then the people on here , bunch of axe wielding maniacs here j/k. Well galexcd you have stuck out like a sore thumb in the programming forums and providing quality answers and stuff. I used to spend every waking moment here for the last 4 years, but coming on to my 5th year I have gotten older and somewhat wiser and so sometimes I am lucky if I even post sometimes. Could hold a Trapicon and have everyone fly to India for the weekend, but I doubt the parents would want to pay $2000 for a ticket though. Plus haslip and rvalkass are shady characters and most likely would beat me up and steal my wallet . Well rvalkass when your asleep I am trying to find your location so I can steal your internet from a tree next to your place . But yeah its whoever is on at the moment that takes care of mod business and so I am lucky if I edit or move a topic/post around since its done by the time I log into this place. If he's a professor then I am a international jewel thief .
  17. Yeah that is a virus or rather a script to go to a malware website and odds are you got your website hacked if that is the case, and so you have to go through all your pages and remove that code. Interestingly enough it seems that this could be browser specific and that it is targeting Google Chrome, or atl east how I interpret it from what other websites say about this bundle of code.
  18. You have two payment options, monthly and yearly and so as long as you have the MyEarnings and keep earning MyCents then you be fine. Thats of course if you get the basic logic plan and thats is like a few dollars, but if you plan to get something bigger then you have make sure you earn enough MyCents to cover it. The best way to go for the much larger packages is to go yearly and by the time it comes to make the payment you should have plenty or close to it. As for missing a payment, it will go into suspension until you either get the payment in or it reaches the termination deadline, which I believe is 10 days after your site is suspended and then it gets terminated and deleted.
  19. You want to use { background : url(image url) repeat-x;float: right or left;} and you may want to use the float property as well to help align your background image.
  20. Although I am not a major blogger since I started in December, but during that time I have found a lot of places to help spread out my blog out to a much larger audience. I have to say it has a lot especially in the blog pinging service area, what I usually do after making a post I usually use an online Ping service to get my website update to various blog directories and what not. So tonight I did some search because I wanted to cut down on the blog pinging and after going through a few websites I found a great list that might help other bloggers out. As for which blog software that uses pinging I am only away of Wordpress and so I am not sure which other blog software or blog hosting sites allow blog pinging. So enjoy this list and just copy and paste it to the appropriate section of the admin area of your blog.
  21. Well April 1st is coming and the hot topic today is Conflicker Worm, and its latest version of C, some expets believe Conflicker might leave a payload on April Fool's day. The problem with this latest version of Conflicker is this, version A would use 250 domain names in which was manageable by those trying to control it, however, Conflicker C is said to use up to 50,000 domain names a day. It was mentioned earlier that a team has begin hunting down the first computer that got infected with, but that task is easier said then done though. Since the University that is doing this task is going millions of gigs worth of data to find the point of origin on this worm. Either way, with April 1st just 6 days away it is highly reccomend that you update your computers ASAP making sure your get the Microsoft Patches and your Anti-virus software patches as well for this specific worm. Microsoft is providing a free online scan for your system to see if your protected by the worm and give it a run through Internet Explorer and see if you get a conflicker warning or not. So far no one has claimed the $250,000 bounty, but I guess Microsoft is still waiting for someone to step up and say they know how to stop the worm. Well if a worm is going through 50,000 domains a day I don't think the original creators can stop it and in a way they unleashed a very bad beast because the payloads that people are wiating for have yet to come and with April 1st on the way who knows they might strike on that day. Sources https://www.yahoo.com/tech/ https://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png/no_longer_exists/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conficker
  22. rejected...rejected.... nooo the name doesn't ring a bell, I would surely remember you since I been here for awhile. A Mod you say?? Interesting I have to ask around and see if anyone remember that. AHAHAHAHA welcome back rejected, who can't remember that famous quote of mine, "You been rejected".
  23. In a recent article by lifehacker.com, they talk about the five best browser on the current market today, of which include Microsoft's Internet Explorer family with the latest being IE8, Mozilla's Firefox Family with the latest Firefox 3, Opera Family with Opera 9.6. The Apple Family with Safari with the Stable 3.2 and rolling out Safari 4 B1, and the Google Family with Chrome with the current version at 2. This sounds like the families from the Godfather movies each vying for power in the criminal underworld, as they are the top five families in the browser mafia. Bare with me as I go with this analogy and I hope you know a little about the Italian mafia work back in the day and on that note I want to rank these Don's in the order of power and age. Capo di tutti i capi (Boss of bosses) This title belongs to the Mosaic web browser because of the fact it was the first browser and on top of that several browsers came from this one, Netscape, Firefox, Internet Explorer. So these three have paid their respects to this browser even though it has long been dead or this case replace by the Netscape Don and then Mozilla Don. However, an Italian mafia never really works that way with family getting the top spot after Capo di tutti i capi is long and dead. That is where Internet Explorer came to power and although it deserves the title of Capo di tutti i capi because it is still the top dog of browsers, I would make the Internet Explorer Family number #2 because of the recent years of losing power to Firefox and Opera with Safari and Chrome fighting among themselves. Of course, within the IE family the top boss has been replace times in 14 years of this family's existence. Of course, IE7 failed horribly at his job and so his younger brother took him out and 8 came to power, however, because of the lack of faith IE7 had, IE6 still has some power left and so I would rank him at #2 with IE7 #3 because of the problems he has cause. Because of the problems with the IE family since 2006, three families were gaining power with one of them losing out and being replaced and eventually being wiped out completely in 2008. In terms of power Netscape was the only competition for the IE family, and even though Netscape came out first 1994 after being born from Mosaic, it would last until Netscape 9 and by them the family within Netscape broke off with most of the family siding with Mozilla and we watch as the Netscape Don lost all its power. Now that we have laid the foundation of the Browser Godfathers in terms of age and of power, the times were changing and its members were growing impatient with its leadership. Especially with IE family and the lack of security it provided, and because of that two families grew into power, Mozilla and Opera. Although they were not considered a threat, Mozilla showed up in 2004, and soon Opera would show up out of nowhere even though this family has been growing since 1994. However, by the time Firefox 2 and Opera 7 came up the ranks in their families, they have taken a great deal out of the IE family; however, Firefox would do the most damage in just 5 years. Now in 2009 IE is losing power and its new leader could be the saving this family and the power it has, but with the connection of Windows slowing breaking apart with the up and coming release of Windows 7. Its with that deal could several hurt this family and give it just enough for Firefox 3.1 or Firefox 4 to take over and lead the five families into the future. What about the other three families in the browser wars? Opera spot is well in place for the time being but if Chrome family heads into the right direction the Opera family could be taking out and be replaced by chrome. As for the Safari family, their number four spot is held in place for now, but once Chrome makes the move, the Safari family will be providing the protection while the other 4 bosses keep battling their wars. So if the numbers are correct, in 3-4 years Firefox Family will be number one, with the IE Family going to number two, and depending on what happens with the Opera and Chrome families, the number three spot will determine the number four spot and the Safari Family will hold its place at number five. That is what will happen for these five families of the browser wars, but who knows the delivery boy could come out of nowhere and knock out the heads of the top families.
  24. I would have disagree partially on the site and that being your main page would be considered a splash page and so you will lose visitors before they even look at your site. Since your using a blog, your best bet is to move that to the main page and see how you can incorporate the accordion effect into the blog and since your using wordpress I do believe they have plugin's to do the same effect to your posts and nav system so you should look into that.
  25. First advice get rid of the splash page unless you plan to add more to it, because you lose more visitors because of it and the reason why is that it is extra clicks that person needs to get to in order to see the content on your site. As for other advice, I would look into skinning your PHPBB forum as well to try and fit the theme which of course is a clan site or Diablo III type theme.
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