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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. Glad to help. To take the suggestion about the 'reset' of the body paddings and margins, remove them from the body element and add it to the universal selector (*) like so: * { padding:0; margin: 0; )body { font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; } That will assist cross Browser, too. Especially IE. Now simply add the amount of padding or margin to each element that needs more than the 0 pixels of padding/margin as the design requires.
  2. Does it get to minus 40 C there? My weather has some 'not so good' moments, too.
  3. IP banning based on multiple Login failures is a Security measure to stop attempts by Brute Force Hackers. It is easy enough to have your IP removed from the Ban List. It is very difficult to restore a site/account once hacked. Personally, I prefer that this measure is in effect.
  4. Welcome to the Xisto.Glad to have a new Scottish member... actually, it doesn't much matter where you are from... we welcome all...
  5. Add this to your page, replacing the <html> tag you currently have in place: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/;This is the Document Type Declaration for the page. It will tell everyone, and their Browsers, the rules to use for laying-out your page. It is very important to have this on your page so the Browsers all apply the same rules, and is a really good step towards having the page viewed the same in all Browsers. When you add a div that has content in it, the div takes up space on your page, let's say the height is 100 pixels and the width is 100 pixels for the div. The padding is added 'inside the box' and margins are added 'outside the box'. Here is a small demo that might help you understand the difference. Notice the the text of the second and fourth boxes are spaced away from the black border? This is padding added to the div. The padding is between the border and the text. The CSS for these are #div1 and #div3 in the styles contained in the page. Do a View Source to check it out. Notice that the third and fourth div's are spaced away from the left hand side of the page and also away from the div's above them? This is margin added to the div. The CSS for these are #div2 and #div3. Div 3 has both padding and margins, so the box is spaced away from the left-hand side of the page AND the div above it, and the Text is spaced away from the borders, too. Demo page here. Simple enough once you understand the difference. Padding goes inside, margins go outside.
  6. How are you making out with this issue? Is the laptop back in service yet?
  7. google free html templates and there will be a ton of replies. OSWD has a good batch (oswd.org)Dreamweaver creates some terribly bloatd code. You would be better off learning to hand-code your site.No need to add any DB Servers here. Install one locally on your machine for testing is a good idea.
  8. javascript is able to do this. I don't have a script for that, or I would share it. Try w3schools.com. They have a decent javascript tutorial system. Lately, I have been designing sites for the 1024 width by setting widths to around 990px wide, using margin: 0 auto on the body and a background colour to suit the style. Sometimes I will use the same colour as the content for the body, other times a different colour. If I have a chance, I will create a sample to post up here.
  9. A friend has a business that has a website. I was approached to perform a review of the site and , well, I have my opinions, but I told her that I would ask my friends in Xisto to also do a review to see if the site could be developed differently and perhaps get some new, fresh insight into the existing design/layout. The site is http://www.coachinsideout.com/. Kindly have a look and comment on the site, as it exists, with an eye towards improving it. Thanks.
  10. I have deleted the duplicate Topic.Please understand that the Admins for CH are in a different time-zone than you. They will reply as soon as possible.
  11. Thank you, I will forward this information to the Admins.And welcome to the Xisto. Can you add a little more information to your Intro, please. Where are you from, your hobbies, etc. Thanks.
  12. As I understand it, Xhtml is Html getting ready for the use of Xml in your site pages.But I only know that from reading stuff. I don't write Xml, so I really do not know the usages.Xhtml is a stricter language in terms of its syntax and stuff, like no nesting of tags, must be closed, etc, but it really isn't any tougher to write. I learned to write html, then Xhtml, but am now moving back to Html 4.01 Strict Doctypes since using Xhtml is pointless for me since I don't use Xml. And IE has issues with Xml anyways, so why lose that bunch of Browsers for thatb reason? I recommend Html 4 Strict.
  13. something like an RSS Feed? We already have that.
  14. I think I remember that far back, but it is a little 'cloudy'... :lol:Don't rush things. As mentioned, the right time, the right partner will make the circumstances correct and *poof*, it will be all over... give yourself something to look forward to...
  15. Echo,Is this Resolved? Can the Topic be closed? Please reply here, thanks.
  16. might check with Xisto - Support.com to see about an IP Ban in effect. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/61219-the-proper-method-to-submit-tickets-at-Xisto - Support-steps-to-submit-tickets-at-Xisto - Support/
  17. Post a link, please.Are you using a Domain name? or a Xisto sub-domain?
  18. <img height="100" width="109" alt="politika.jpg" src="/qyfyre.com//images/stories/Funny Thumbs/politika.jpg"/>Seems to have an extra 'slash' in there. Might be the problem. Also, the domain seems to re-direct to the sub-domain of Xisto. When I go to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, the address bar displays frover.trap17.com/qyfyre.com I am not a Joomla coder, so I am not sure where to continue debugging the issue. Sorry.
  19. Moved to the HTML Sub-forum. That is where the coders hangout.And what, exactly, is a Runescape Web Template supposed to look like and/or do?
  20. That page needs a major cleaning up to start with.You have 3 CSS files linked to it, one of which is not found.No doubt that there is some conflicting CSS rules. Remove the CSS files which are not required and post back, please.
  21. Any chance that you have a 'banner' for us to display when we link your site? Or any other image?
  22. Might also want to read the Xisto Readme file.I has Forum guidelines, Hosting application information, Acceptable Use policy and Terms of Service, too.
  23. Welcome to the Xisto forums.Good to see another Coder around. Can you post up your Site URL for us? That might be interesting to see.Hope you enjoy your stay. Glad to have you here.
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