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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. My impression is that the Free Accounts currently owned will need to be converted to "paid" accounts in the Xisto Billing system at some point. The difference will be that the payment will be made with the myCents/xisto-dollars earned from the postings here on the Xisto instead of the dollars in your wallet via your Credit Card/Paypal.\Based on the fact that all the SErvers are ckustered at the same location, and interconnected to the services at Xisto, I would think that there would be no need to upload/configure anything except the Billing registration and the "plan" purchase. Select one of the available plans and then add it to your Cart in the Xisto Billing site. As you go to the checkout, use paypal to make your payment. The process will then grab your payment from the Xisto Dollars attached to your account.Since this is a new system and not all the software is completely installed/implemented, please be patient about the whole thing until further direction comes from the Admins.
  2. I still get a 509 - Bandwidth Exceeded error. I will clear my cache and check once more. *edit* Yup, Bandwidth exceeded from here. *edit* The main site is up and running, but the Support Forum is down due to bandwidth issues. http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/
  3. A friend of mine took up an offer from an outfit for FREE HOSTING and a FREE DOMAIN NAME included. That was back in January 2008. Since then, the account is gone. It appears that the Web Host is collapsed. The Domain name, however, still exists and is registered to her. The catch is that it is pointed to a nameserver that does not resolve. So, effectively, the Domain name is dead in the water... Unless someone here can do some sleuthing around to find out how to contact the Domain Registrar and find out the transfer procedure for her. I am at a loss about how to do this. The Domain Name is mlafever.com and here is the information found via a whois look-up: *** I have removed the personal information about the account so the botrs do not get it from here. *** Thanks for any assistance you can provide.
  4. Seems that they have exceeded their Bandwidth for the Month, or something.There are several good css/html coders around here that can answer all of your questions, so if you need help, post the questions into the correct forum or sub forum.
  5. I am thinking that what you want to do could also be arranged by using your Bookmarks and the Browser address bar.Click on a Bookmark for your regular favourites and type into the address bar when you want to go to a different site.Not certain about using the Frame set-up. You know what they say about them... yuckies...
  6. r.kenneth,I appreciate that you are having difficulties right now, but things usually work out. Don't despair. Take the opportunity to discuss your life events with a qualified Counselor, maybe there is one at your school. Or a Doctor or a Nurse you know. Lots of teenagers go through lots of things during the period of adolescence and need support from someone. It is not uncommon.I urge you to take some steps in a positive, pro-active direction. Open a channel for communicating your issues with a Counselor is the very first thing you need to do. And getting loaded up on the MJ (or alcohol) is not a good thing during these stressful times. Lay off the weed until (at least) you get the problems cleared up. It may not be an easy thing to do, but it will pay-off long-term.All the best to you.
  7. I'm looking forward to an improvement next year for you. Team activities are great. They teach you all about working together towards a common goal.Don't worry about the 6th grade teacher. They will (hopefully) get better for next season too.
  8. Hello, tran_gate, welcome to the Xisto.Good questions, and I am certain that you will be getting lots of replies to the questions you ask. I will offer this reply to kick off the flurry.HTML is the language of choice for most web-sites. The name says it all... Hyper Text Markup Language. The purpose of HTML is to provide information available via the internet in a 'structured' fashion. By structured, I mean that the page should have a Title (heading), Divisions of the page (sub-headings), paragraphs, lists, and so forth. HTML provides the means to 'structure' the content of a page.CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) offer a means to 'style' the page. All the headings can be modified, sized, coloured, etc and font-styles added using CSS. The styling can be held in a linked, external page, in the head of a page, or 'in-line' with the element it is styling.Many pages on the web are 'static' pages, meaning that the content of the page is written once and rarely changed, except by the page Author and then re-uploaded to the Hosting Account.Dynamic pages, on the other hand, often use a server-side scripting language like PHP or ASP to modify the site content based on user-made choices. If you see an URL containing a 'query string such as ?id=1&member=ralph, php will use that information to do something. What it does depends on the particular script and the actual values contained n the query string. Example: '?act=admin' might mean to produce the Admin Panel of a site. PHP is used to provide the HTML content of a site based on the query string and often is used to read/write information from a Database. Again, the 'query string' is used as a 'seed' to select the DB contents, and then writes the html content onto the page, which is then styled using CSS.Is that what you needed to know?
  9. Switch to Linux and the potential for Virii pretty much disappears.
  10. I am Alpha testing a CMS that stores the Template file and the CSS file in a Database and allows changes to be made to them via the Admin Panel for the CMS instead of using an FTP program and an editor. How cool is that? So, storing files as a Database record is easy enough to do. Here is the SQL for the Templates Table. You can add Templates and select whichever one you have added as the displayed Template via the Admin Panel. The CSS files are handled the same, except in a different Table. CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `templates` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `name` varchar(100) NOT NULL, `template` longtext, `main_temp` char(3) NOT NULL default 'YES', `css` varchar(8) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`));The 'template' element of the Table stores the actual, full html as type=longtext.
  11. I doubt very much that you will find this siftware. Allowing the Bcc list to display would violate the rules applied to the Bcc.
  12. The Original posting shows a technique for centering a div in the viewport both horizontally and vertically.You need to know the exact dimensions of the div being centered, position it absolutely at top: 50% and left:50% with top and left negative margins exactly as the Topic Starter states. The link you show will center the page horizontally only, and is a good method to do that, but if the intent is to center the div from top to bottom/left to right, use the Opening Poster's method.
  13. Who??? :lol:Of course I voted, and encourage all the other Trapsters to do likewise.
  14. Willie Nelson's img should be as follows: <img border="0" alt="" src="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; class="right" style="margin-left: 10px;"/>The class=right floats it right and the in-line style for margin-left overrides the #content and .content since it is the closest to the element. The images that are on the opposite side of the page should be class="left" and margin-right: 10px; as their inline styling. The left and right classes are already defined in the CSS for the anrdeas template. The id on the div which contains the image is overriding the margins set in the class, as per the w3c specificity rules, so the margin need to be declared inline. You might also try adding the following to your CSS file: img#content.left { float: left; margin-right: 10px; } and \img#content.right { float: right; margin-left: 10px; }... that might work, too. Untested due to limitations of the tools I am using. I would need to download the files and set up a test case, which I simply do not have time for at the moment.
  15. It would be a good idea to have that auto-incremental "id" number anyway. Use it as the principal identifier for the row. Index the pictures based on that, then you can modify all of the other elements of the row at will. If you use the 'name' of the picture and change it, you will be altering the index, which will present a whole set of issues you need to deal with.Specific to your question, perform the query, place the resuklts into an array and use the array index to know the pictures placement in the list of available images. ???
  16. Do we use the email Address currently on file? or the one we originally signed-up with?I have had an ISP change since three years ago, and the original email address is *gone*, so I hope the answer will be the one currently on file in my Profile.
  17. Mysql is working fine for me this morning, although I did have a PM that said the Server had burped overnight here.They were likely doing some work at the Server end, maybe.
  18. I doubt very much that this is a Server Upgrade issue. The Server simply supplies the html and CSS. Your Browser interprets the supplied coding and presents it to you. Have you changed or upgraded Browsers lately? Or upgraded Cutenews?
  19. Look in your CSS file for the settings of the div #content and also the class .content. #content img { // andreas01.css (line 147)background:#CCCCCC none repeat scroll 0 0;border:4px solid #F0F0F0;display:inline;padding:1px;}.content img { // andreas01.css (line 248)margin-left:4px;margin-right:4px;} Change the margin/padding settings to suit.
  20. Seems to be working now, at least for me. Is this issue resolved?
  21. Try Quanta on your Linux box.
  22. The 'em' is a unit of measure for the display of your page. 1em = the size of the character 'm'.Instead of saying: width: 160px; use width 16em;. This will size the div according to the width of the character 'm' in the font you select. If a client increases the font-size, the div will change sizes, too.
  23. Have a look at this for Domain Services: https://xisto.com/ And check out https://xisto.com/ for paid Hosting.
  24. You make some good points there, I like that you understand the reasons why you do as you do.I rarely use pixels for spacing. Most often, I use ems. If a client resizes the text, for whatever reason, the spacing grows with it.
  25. Actually, yes, the marking of the Posting with a Spam tag will assist Admins from identifying Spam sources, so please do that. The Spam tags can be found by clicking on the 'garbage can' image at the bottom-right of the posting.
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