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Everything posted by webishqiptar

  1. will google os be free?? or will it have any price?? I wish it can free.
  2. So why is it worth so much when it lacks the date? What does this means to the coin? Are those coins gold or what? I don't imagine to buy some coins for 200 pounds.
  3. There are two things to do. One is to try to have a short relationship and try everything with the guy but you it is painful when he leaves, and second thing is to not pass anytime with him, and you will forget it easier.
  4. I own some kind of book forum and I used phpbb. I am using because it is simpler and easier to understand and use by simple people and because of good rounded like appearance. That is why I chose that kind of forum. There were lots of others, open source or not but didn't like any of them. Even vbulletin which is a paid forum software and needs licensing, I found it difficult to learn it at first. So I mean there are a lots of things seek in a forum depending in what you want.
  5. Well, I have heard some very cool idiom or phrase, which says that "the best way to predict our future is to create it". This means that you don't have to stop and wait for things to happen just because you believe( and I believe too) that lives are fixed and arranged only that God knows. You have to search, seek and create your destiny by working.
  6. I have seen some new features added recently at Google Mail. Some new labels are created like personals and travel and several others, plus you have now the ability to create your own labels but I don't know how. I'm gonna study it a little. For every label you can customize it to hide or not, the text size and color. Great!!
  7. Microsoft is a great company, but not the best, I prefer Google. Everything google does seems to be perfect or seems to be fair. I am only using Windows vista and microsoft office and nothing else, while Google is everywhere included in my web browsing history. I couldn't survive without Google and the fact is that I didn't have to pay anything just to get a Google product. So microsoft is really a complex company where main purpose is money and not mass enjoyable products.
  8. This is such a huge amount of satisfaction because Xisto forums helped me a lot, knowing that payment methods in my country aren't international and I couldn't afford paying such money. Thanks and keep up the good work.
  9. Internet is not bad nowadays, for me problems occur at buying and selling and making trade all over the world, and child porn and such illegal disgusting activity is happening in the real life, and imagine at virtual world it can be easier to achieve. Government of each country should take care of police and law about internet.
  10. I think this is right, because I heard that Einstein brains were 16 percent bigger to normal people. And Einstein was a big thinker. So if you want to have a big head, just keep thinking.
  11. what a nice big innocent computer, what you need such a giant computer, are you going to create server and host files or what?Well, I am currently using a Gateway laptop model T-6836, with windows Vista Home Premium and intel core 2 duo cp, T7500, 2.2Ghz and 4gb ram, 64-bit operating system.So what about my computer, sometimes it becomes very warm or produces warm...
  12. I have a couple of months here and I don't see any pop-ups , but your computer must have been infected by any adware/spyware.
  13. I know Donald Trump with his famous tv series, how to become a millionaire. And I guess being such a rich man won't make you happy, or won't make you feel better. The fact he treats people like that is not a good thing, because you feel nervous about others or don't feel comfortable with them. So I would admire someone who is rich and helps lots of poor people.Imagine, he is now very old and he won't for sure take his richness into his tomb in the other life. But making good and helping people will make you feel better.
  14. how do you make that? Do you use any kind of adobe software or at least. Oh I don't have time for so much things..wish I had some time..though congratulations on a 3 minute work.
  15. No its not a problem, just curious to know..about this issues. Now I do understand, but I will but another hosting account if I will need any other domain. I just learned today the difference about Addon and parked domains.
  16. I have only one hosting account(cpanel) and I have added a new domain in the host, by using addon feature, so now the new domain is set properly but, I also have it in the form of subdomain...can I change this?Check:Alstudent.comalstudent.webishqiptar.com where webishqiptar.com is my primary domain...Any ideas??
  17. And so, did you check the website visual appearance? What is the report?
  18. Cloning is a medical unrealized or that cannot be realized condition. Problems will occur if a human being is cloned. But surely, I am stating from recently updates, but In the future nothing can be predicted and nothing can be sure, as humans medicine will develop to create a human clone.Problems, arise when comes to moral and integrity. There will be problems in dealing with religion and moral, I am sure for that. In the other point of view, if this technique is used to create or substitute organs it can be a good thing.
  19. Well, if you have so much traffic and copyrighted works such as pictures, you can use hotlink protection, but in my opinion there is something that hotlink protection disables, and it is some google images, organic traffic. I have s ite with lots of pictures and I have properly inserted alt tags to every picture, so that can be very helpful for google images. So you are bringing lots of other visitors to your site due to hotlink protection set to off. So the choice is yours.
  20. This copywright issues, inspired me to get some real knowledge about this. I asked a lawyer for infringement problems and how to resolve the problems with author copyright but still I don't feel sure about all things at all.
  21. Online education is something relative or limited by the name itself. You cannot learn practical methods using online education such as biology or medicine or physics, if not in reality. This is my opinion s far, but online education can be conducted for Internet source cpde as a science or technology itself. You can learn a programming language by school and you can learn a programming language by yourself with very advanced online education, but you cannot be a doctor by online education.So as every matter, this has its pros and cons. Maybe it would be good to discuss about online information, which is huge and helpful. You can find a very vast variety of things in the Internet. I appreciate a lot some of the licenses or certificates that w3schools created, but this can remain here and not developed any further. Yes, I'd like online education to help real onstage University education , let us suppose having theory lessons online, would be great and graceful.
  22. you cannot predict what these sites will become in the future. I used megaupload several times and liked it. But my favorite is rapidshare . We can all hate it, but if you have a high speed Internet and the necessary money to buy some account for a year, than it is very helpful. But I am curios and would like to ask, about image sharing websites or applications, after I upload some pictures, are they ever deleted or not??
  23. You got only subdomains, well this is the chance for you to make some cents around here and you can buy some domain and real hosting from here. Congratulations on joining this great free web hosting supported forum.
  24. What did he graduate to?Or just finished college. Although happy graduation and go and make some millions out there
  25. Well, I am not familiar with Java and Java web development but I mostly understand the other programming languages, such as php and javascript. I think that the other 5 or ten years the other languages that can be marketable can be those that create browser-based games, or desktop software related.
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