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Everything posted by webishqiptar

  1. Oh I am stuck with firefox 3.5 which is really fast and I can't change it. I cannot find any other similar browser. I sometimes use IE8 when something goes wrong with firefox. I have build my entire web navigation through firefox, add-ons and plug-ins. Well I used to try opera sometimes ago but didn't like because it wasn't compatible with lots of application. Though this release makes me give a try to Opera.
  2. I have created some dependence on kaspersky antivirus, although I switched to kaspersky internet security 2010, but kaspersky can't 't remove generally adware. But since I am using a vista home premium and I don't navigate lots of websites in the web, my computer is always safe. I never had problems with vista+kis together, while I used to have lots of problems due to virus and malware and adware to my ex computer(pc one) with xp professional. I always keep my computer up to date and never deactivate vista updates.
  3. Well, you started all of this as a joke, and here we are, you created some of very well know viruses . Maybe this is how people created viruses, by trying to make jokes. This is an idea I am not quite sure.
  4. Really, I don't believe things have to be so serious. If you would like to threaten and try to kill the UNited states of America then why you would have to say it or write in any forum or site? I guess most of these things happening are just for fun or false. I am a fan of conspiracy theoris.
  5. Nah, I don't really believe in Astrology. Well I would like to explain my point of view. Astrology is that kind of science that seems to predict your future. I am a fan of the reallity based phrase, that: "the best way to predict your future is to create it". We cannot know our future but we still can work to make it visible in the horizon or skyline, which means we can determine or choose our destiny where do exist decisions to take. So decisions determine your future. Second thing aboout astrology, is religious point. According to Islamic laws astrology is prohibited, why is this??. According To Islamic religion people in this world tent to connect with jinns( creatures living in our world that we can't see). This jinns go up in the sky and hear angels taking, and they come back and reveal what they heard to human beings connected to them. But jinns are creatures that tent to cheat, and so they mix cheating and what they heard from angels and this becomes astrology. This is why when you read your horoscope some of things come real or become reality, but in general most of the statings are false.So best way to me is to stay away from this things as you could become obsessed and nothing comes good from that. This astrologists seek for money and that is the bad and doubtful things. Good luck.
  6. Well, I usually dram in colors and I don't see it neccessery to dream in white and back( I guess this is outdated) . Just kidding. I don't know but I am person who forget my dreams, and I don't remember much at al, but sometimes when I do really dream I get very real impressions from dreamsn and seems to me like reality, so I guess this should make my dreams in colors.
  7. The php code seems to work fine, as you stated from mozilla source code. And the php script is written well, as you can include normally php in html tags( I do this all the time), but I guess there must be something wrong with javascript code or applets, to which I am not very familiar. Although I will give a deeper or closer look.
  8. very nice tips out there. I liked and agreed most of them. But there is something important to mention that all things must be done in practical sessions. Theory is something to be known but practise is the mos important issue. There is also something else important that in general don't try with girls on your age, check girls that are younger then you, because you would probably have much more success. This is not something absolute but in general it is true, cause girls or seem to like older guys.Something to note is that, even if you make mistakes don't worry because everybody does and if you do not make a mistake you don't learn and you will not learn.
  9. Well, I am not the type of guy who makes or creates a character for myself and keep it on and on. But instead of, I would like to comport due to partner character. This means I like to change depending of the partner I have. Let us suppose I have some open relationship, and I like it a lot but this doesn't mean I won't search for a serious relationship. So this makes me little different, but in general I am good person and I like serious and women that show and give endless love.Then, there is something too much important to mention, about dating and relationship. That is the way people where you live concept and view this things. In general in my country girls are serious and pretty fanatic. But still, pro western concepts are being developed and implemented.
  10. I didn't even go to school on my last day, but that is something that can be done only in my country.
  11. I suggest to take this situation under control just doing irony and laughing ar her. I would certainly look her in the eyes and laugh of and tell her that you are doing good, keep going. But sometimes this isn't helpful cause some people don't even understand the irony. So I remeber myself when I was in high school, I had some friends that tried to ignore me because of my religious convictions, and I used to show up my real personality, which means I became nervous, angry and agrresive. And that worked .
  12. My first language is Albanian, but as I have a long time over reading English books I can get along with English. I studied English since I was 9 years old and on.
  13. I saw a really scary film about martirs, and how to create martirs artificially, let me remember the name "Martirs" I guess. it was horror.
  14. Well I am a real fan of CSS. It was the first "language" that put me in professionally. But I started learning it from http://www.w3schools.com/ and moved from there to real stuff. The first thing I did was some kinf of work by converting Psd documents to xhtml/css compliant w3c valid ones. Well, I checked some really good tricks about css on "alist a part"( I guess you will have to google it because I don't remember the real website adress, and I'm lazy now to check my bookmarks), and I also worked some times at digitalpoint forums converting psd to xhtml.Css is good because it makes your page professional without being a script, or just combining it with a open source csm can help you a lot.
  15. I some time ago had negative cents, I guess little negative cents, but I also remember that moderator told me that was because of posts with few words which caused negative mycents.
  16. Well. to answer shortly and I am sure you can understand by yourself too,if you try to think harder. So if you use post(), this means data and information cannot be seen. So you can send a password using post(), while using get() your password would be visible.
  17. Well social networks can be fun or can be turned into boring activities. What I like about facebook which is massively the most used social network is the status update feature( like twitter) which leaves the opportunity to comment, debate, fight ..etc. This is the part I like mostly, say something and wait for your friends feedback. So you get updated on friends living away news, graduations, summer time..etc. But facebook has some poor anti-spam methods. I get lots of spam from applications, which I hate. I also hate some addictive dependence on quizzes. Or quizz mania, people use to publish lots of quizzes, and all me homepage gets filled on useless things. So I try to make as much "hides" as I can. I can say something else, which is important: You can't get out of your community. This means that I cannot use e.g Orkut because very little people in my country use it. I can't stay out of my community.
  18. I cannot judge anyone, but I am someone who believes that things are created for some function and anything not related to their function is abnormal or pathology. That is my opinion, that women and men are created for each other and to make possible life goes on for other generations. Homosexuality to me is just and abnormal pathology coming from sex relationships degeneration.
  19. What the hell is the bathroom guide? Is it a funny comedy or a real guide? I would suggest to start reading next "how to sh** guide".. Well I classify stupid anything that annoys me.
  20. Hey I guess you saw that in film, where some girls and a boy gathered and discussed about some book from author Ostion I guess. I don't remember well the film and book titles, though I liked it a lot and watched it twice. Very good movie. Well I don't know if this is a possible real thing that can be done virtually and discussed in this forum. Because I am not sure if I can find the book you all here are suggesting and because of the forum being International. Maybe you should open a kind of Us group just for this purpose.Then how will you discuss it, if you cannot know if others reading the same book will be online? Nice idea but is it possible?
  21. I believe there is good and evil. Because human beings tent to rely over some facts e.g we base on USA to define democracy, or to the born of Jesus to define year 0. So even good and evil come from this logic. Depending on our mentality we define bad and good. But we must not forget that not all things come from comparing..certain people are born to make good and fight evil.
  22. Nice pictures, but I don't see anything interesting in there. Maybe some explanation could be a good thing. I mean some words more to explain your art. As far as I remember when I was on high school our teacher, a painter and artist used to show us the students some really old pictures of a century or two centuries ago, and while pictures were on the background, he used to express his own feelings over them. It was a nice time. Yes for me I prefer someone to explain and tell more about photography.
  23. There is no doubt human beings are to get blamed. It is a very weird situation on what is happening nowadays, all about world economy crisis and global warming and pandemic situation of swine flu. Wow, what the hell is going on? Can anybody tell us? I guess it is just a reaction of the nature because we pushed on it hard. People life expectancy is grown, people live longer, and consume more and more. Population is growing as far as I know..what the hell will be happening in the next years. I wasn't feeling so confused about the news and events around the world...strange era or strange age. This year means something. Global warming is a side effect of human globalism and industry. Hope something is done for that or things may be difficult for our children.
  24. Do you like, friends tv serials, a comic american show. Just make some search on you tube and try to see any serial from the movie. In my opinion they are the best. This serial is about 5 friends living together in an apartment and they are all together in different silly situations and they are really fun. Than I like lots of American comedies, there are lots of other I used to watch at tv but don't remember their names.
  25. It's not only a matter of medical condition. Than it only helps evaluating some kind of disease such as leukemia. So uses can be made for special cases. But I am not sure if these studies are real or proven.
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