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Everything posted by rvalkass

  1. A simple way to find out if it's the drive, cables etc. is to use someone elses PC. Take your cables and drives out of your PC and get a friend to put them into theirs. If they work, it's your motherboard or power supply, but if they don't its the cable or drives. Try swapping the cables to another one and see if that helps.
  2. To start with I posted to contribute to this forum and share my thoughts and ideas, and to gain knowledge from the tutorials. When I decided to start my blog up and I needed some webspace the most obvious choice was here, so now I post to keep my hosting and to contribute to the community I have learned so much from.
  3. We have a huge range of teachers that do all sorts of things outside of school. Most of the younger ones play football against the 6th formers (17/18 years old) or use the sports centre next to the school, as they get access to it at half price Some run after-school clubs, such as the ICT teachers, the art teachers and the electronics teacher. Quite a few of them also play in various bands, one plays the piano and another plays the guitar in a country band. Most of the teachers don't really see eachother outside of school though as most live about 45 miles away from the school in all sorts of different places!
  4. It's like any other game, you need to get to know your opponent. The first few times you play them just try out different scenarios regardless of whether you think you will win lose, just to see what they come up with. It can also be down to human nature. The majority of people will not throw rock first, as you know their hand starts in that shape. Given this scissors is best as a first throw as the worst you will end up with is a draw. I have learnt from experience that people always seem to pick what would beat what you just used. So if you used scissors first, go for paper next, as they will probably pick rock. Finally, choose rock as they will probably pick scissors. Works most of the time
  5. I'd probably stick with Windows XP, but Microsoft will pull the plug on support and new software will supposedly be made for Vista only. Having 8 different versions of Windows is going just a little bit overboard really, as for most there was an obvious choice of either home or professional, but now it has just got ridiculous. Also, is there any indication of price yet?
  6. My first word was about when I was 2, and it was "pub"! My brother's was "trousers" as far as I can remember When I was young I always spelt things phoenetically, which resulted in some weird spellings. Also I often missed of Y's at the beginning of words, but I have no idea why.
  7. I have already noticed that Intel had started changing that distinctive tune on their adverts, and now they are changing their logo and slogan. Companies generally spend billions creating their brand and getting their name, slogan, logos and products known, and Intel had succeeded very well in getting known. Although the new logo does look more modern than the last one I don't think it looks as good, but that's just my personal opinion.Also, changing the slogan gets rid of the "Intel inside, idiot outside" jokes
  8. A large number of phones now have MP3 players built in, and can also store and display digital camera photos, even those transferred from a normal digital camera. This rapidly bumps up the storage requirements if you want to use these to their full. 8GB is loads, and goes above and beyond many MP3 players on the market at the moment. As the graphics quality and processing power of mobile phones increases there will certainly be a demand for greater storage, but it's not exactly necessary now.
  9. I think what you are looking for is called Access Keys. It seems to do exactly what you want, the user pushes Ctrl + Letter on the keyboard and it takes them to a certain link. Simply use this code: <a href="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; The letter you use for the access key is generally underlined in the text shown, like menus and toolbars in various programs. If you want any more on this try this article.
  10. There seems to have been a mass panic concerning people eating chicken and also how the various people infected got it. As long as the chicken is cooked at over 70 degrees Celcius it will kill the bacteria, like Salmonella and all the other bugs. All of the people infected so far have either been in contact with infected birds for prolonged periods of time or have been in contact with the carcases of dead birds. The worry is if bird flu mutates into a form that cna be passed between humans as easily as influenza or the common cold, but luckily this hasn't happened yet.
  11. I would like to see more choice in Vista than is currently offered with Microsoft products. The option to choose what features you really want installed, for every feature. I would also like the option to remove things like IE, Media Player and other bundled software that people use purely because it is there. Also, perhaps a general 'Feedback Form' somewhere easily accessible that would get read by the developers at Microsoft and they would actually act on what people want. Now, back to the real world...
  12. I blog using Wordpress on my own Xisto site. I just explain what is going on in my life and at school, and I also publish random lists of useless information
  13. I was considering getting a laptop to use at my school a few months ago, but as they use a specially modified version of Windows on all of the PCs they said I would have to install that to access the network. That didn't really suit me as it would mean I could install no software on it at all.Now they have installed wireless Internet in various places around the school, but they are all protected with a WEP key, which no-one can remember becuase it was randomly generated and they didn't write it down :huh:The few people who do bring laptops in to use at school seem to spend most of their time making their work look pretty rather than actually writing anything down. So if you do get a laptop, make sure you put a template in Word or something to make it quicker. If you are worried about dropping it I think there are a few companies now that produce laptops with mini-airbags in them to help if you drop them. You can also get shockproof laptop bags and things like that which help too.On the matter of it getting stolen, either fit it with a tracker or you could ask the reception at school to look after it while you are not using it. Our school has a safe which we can ask the receptionists to put things in such as mobile phones and MP3 players at lunchtimes or during lessons when we don't need them.
  14. I think it is the MySQL query you run: $sql="SELECT * FROM $tbl_name WHERE username='$myusername' and password='$mypassword'"; It literally searches for rows containing $myusername and $mypassword. You should replace it with something like this: $sql="SELECT * FROM $tbl_name WHERE username='".$myusername."' and password='".$mypassword."'"; Also, nowhere above that point do you actually define those variables, which may also be the problem The same also applies to the second MySQL query near the bottom. See if that helps.
  15. The majority of college and school systems use adapted operating systems and user profiles which prevent you from accessing certain features, or installing programs. It can also provide extra features such as logon screens, internal message systems etc. Unfortunately one of the things generally banned is changing file and folder properties, as this would allow you to hide files, and to view hidden files. Try asking the IT department if they know of any settings or bans on the properties option and ask if it can be changed. Somehow I doubt a virus would have removed just that feature, so unless you have noticed any other symptoms then it is unlikely to be a virus.
  16. A CMS comes with a pre-defined layout, generally 2 or 3 columns with links and tools down the sides and the main content in the centre. One of the main reasons people use a CMS is to avoid coming up with their own design and code. When you say you don't understand how to make the layout do you mean design the theme or position everything on the page? Either way it varies with each CMS.Generally, no CMS is better than any other, as each has it's own advantages and disadvantages and extra features. Also, look at the support community available, the number of themes and extras and things like that. See if you can find other sites being run by that CMS and have a look round.If you want an easy install of a CMS then there are loads in cPanel. Just go to the pre-installed scripts section, or Fantastico and have a look at what's available. THat is an awful lot easier than downloading one and installing it manually.
  17. My favourite season is Winter, as everyone seems to spend a lot of time at home with eachother doing 'family things', or outside building snowmen and that. Also, my birthday is only 4 days after Christmas. Even in Britain Winter can look quite spectacular! Summer can get too hot now, and as this is Britain we get too many torrential downpours in the Summer, along with storms and powercuts
  18. Nice layout, apart from the fact the bottom border is missing on the main site (using Opera). It just looks a little odd and is probably easy to fix.Also, I have signed up on the forums however reading the registration form was quite tricky as the font seems to be the same colour as the background! In fact the wide majority of text on the forums is incredibly similar or identical to the background colour, which is not the best of browsing experiences!I agree with Avalon that the forums look entirely separate to the main part of the site, and perhaps a new theme would look better?
  19. The Windows Firewall settings screen contains details of other firewalls and antivirus software you also have running. When you uninstalled ZoneAlarm one of a few things may have happened. First it may have failed to tell Windows that it was uninstalled, so the settings screen is still searching for it. Alternatively it may have removed some files the Windows firewall relied on when it was uninstalled, meaning it can no longer load. Finally, it may have changed a registry setting meaning that certain files or settings are being searched for, although they have been removed. Probably the easiest way to get it back is to reinstall ZoneAlarm, even if it is just the free version. This will put any missing files back. Then make sure you have the latest updates for it, and enable the Windows firewall. Finally, uninstall ZoneAlarm, and any files being used by Windows firewall will remain intact. If this doesn't help I suggest contacting the ZoneAlarm support department via their website here.
  20. The wide majority of people who find Photoshop a bit complicated or want something free use The GIMP. It has loads of different features, downloadable brushes, filters, plugins etc. There are also some screenshots here.
  21. This looks really cool, and the logging feature seems to be incredibly useful. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to have been implemented in the UK, although we can use Google Talk. Hope they bring it over here soon as I really want to try it out, Google have really worked hard, and everyone seems to like it.
  22. I have a simple PHP mailing list script you can use. Email me and I will send it to you. It's very easy to set up and use, but if you have any problems with it then feel free to email/PM me.
  23. The most obvious option would be to push the caps lock button on the keyboard. Assuming that is off, are you sure the font you are using actually has lowercase letters? Many fonts just have uppercase characters, no matter whether you type in upper or lower case. There is also a button on the font options in Photoshop that changes it to all caps. To fix it: Click the Text Tool Click on the Toggle Paragraph Pallette (the last button on the toolbar at the top). On the row of letter Ts at the bottom of that pallette, click the third one along, two capital Ts. Hope that helps you.
  24. A ?2 piece of coloured plastic that solves so many annoying situations! Loads of weird little inventions like this are appearing now, many of which just being different shaped bits of plastic! In a few years time I invisage a world plagued with little bits of plastic, and no-one being able to remember what any of them are for! I am gonna have to go to a bookshop and get one of those, even if it is just to make people say "Oooh, what on earth is that?!?!"
  25. The ones for Britain don't seem to go as close as the ones on Google yet. All that matters to me is the best quality images, available at higher zoom levels. Plus Microsoft's version seems to stall sometimes in any browser other than IE.
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