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Everything posted by rvalkass

  1. rvalkass

    I Hate Colds!

    You took the post right of my mouth! I have a terrible cold too, and I have to breath through my mouth, which makes getting to sleep really difficult. Such is life, and especially living in cold, harsh environments like Britain
  2. I know someone with an xBox 360, but supposedly Microsoft released them early, to get them out before Christmas, and there were loads of bugs and problems with them. Loads of people are having to send them away for repairs. Also, the graphics on them aren't a huge improvement, nothing like what was expected, at least in the early games they have released.
  3. I can confirm that the gradient thing works with IE6 on XP, but it brings up that yellow "Security Bar" thingy, and you have to allow it specifically. It does not work in Opera, FireFox or any other browsers by the looks of it.Otherwise, some useful scripts there.
  4. Nope, I can't see the image in the corner. The browser says something is loading but it never appears.
  5. OK, I'm going to go random here. I have quite a few songs that I really like, but I suppose my favourite is eBay by Weird Al Yankovic :(It's just incredibly weird, yet true, and always manages to cheer me up.
  6. Doesn't this need some special disk? I am sure it is quite expensive and supposedly the images can sort of fade after a few years. Also, I think they are just monochrome, but correct me if I'm wrong.Not a bad idea though, just needs a few more years to fully develop.
  7. My current ring tone is eBay by Weird Al Yankovic. I don't use eBay a huge amount, it's just the products he lists that make me laugh
  8. I would strongly advise getting your site to work in every browser. Normally only the odd one or two extra lines of CSS are needed to get the site looking right. Quirksmode has quite a comprehensive list of all the various oddities of browsers and ways to fix them. If that fails then just use a search engine.
  9. I don't really use Google a huge amount, but my most common search term is probably "CSS" as I can never remember the various hacks needed to get certain things to work in all browsers.
  10. I don't do any form of browser sniffing on my site, except for the stats pages in cPanel. I know that loads of Microsoft sites, including Hotmail, try to deny you access if you don't use IE. I find it annoying that the most popular browser seems to be the one that supports the fewest standards and causes the most problems.
  11. I presume you are using WordPress 2? Locate the folder containing the current theme you are using. For example, wp-content/themes/default. Then, open the file called header.php, which contains the information for the header of your site. Near the bottom of the file, you should see a section that says this: <div id="header"> <div id="headerimg"> <h1><a href="<?php echo get_settings('home'); ?>"><?php bloginfo('name'); ?></a></h1> <div class="description"><?php bloginfo('description'); ?></div> </div></div> If you just want to change it to your own title, then edit it to the following: <div id="header"> <div id="headerimg"> <h1><a href="<?php echo get_settings('home'); ?>">YOUR TITLE</a></h1> </div></div> That does mean that is is hard-coded, so to change the title of your site, you have to edit that file. If you want the title set in your admin panel to appear then change it to: <div id="header"> <div id="headerimg"> <h1><a href="<?php echo get_settings('home'); ?>"><?php bloginfo('name'); ?></a></h1> </div></div> I hope this helps you, and feel free to get me on MSN or email me if you need more help.
  12. This is happening more and more, especially with extra words being added in the middle of sentences, such as "like" and "yeah". It gets incredibly annoying when you try to speak to someone and every other word they say is entirely irrelevant! It's even more worrying now as my English teacher does it
  13. I am sure this list will be useful to people, as most people who download warez don't know that it's illegal, but just think that it's one of the things that happens. One main point: if it looks to good to be true, then it probably is. I think, however, it should be made clear that not all CD ISO images and FTP servers contain illegal material. For example, many Linux distributions can be downloaded as ISO images to install them, but this isn't illegal. Also, many developers of freeware software allow people to download programs via an FTP server, but once again, this isn't illegal.
  14. Loads of people are also developing coats, jumpers and other bits of clothing with all sorts of features built in. I think it originally started as a sort of anti-theft device, someone can't steal something woven into your clothing, but if you're holding an iPod someone could snatch it out of your hand.The same technology has been used in babies toys for years. Toys made of soft fabric, but that make noises when you push them? Its the same technology, but simpler.The only disadvantage is that there isn't really anywhere to put a screen, so you've just lost the video function of the iPod Video
  15. If you have the time, and can test your site on your own computer first, then I would start from scratch. Personally I find it an awful lot easier than trying to put bits of code in here and there on pages that already exist. testing it on your own PC allows you to make sure everything works before uploading it, therefore your site will have minimal downtime.
  16. Even if it's under warranty, there are some companies that won't help you if the computer was damaged by a power surge, lightning strike or something like that. I was lucky when my monitor went a few days ago. Just phoned up the company and they arrived the next day with a new monitor.
  17. I'll have to prove your point. I live in the UK, and I got the K700i, a non-flip phone, at Christmas. The only reason I go for non-flip phones is because I used to have a filp phone, but it stopped working because of the connections in the hinge. Ever since I have used non-flip phones.
  18. Excel does have some weird printing problems, but we may as well start with the basics. Under File > Print Setup... is the page set to print at 100% of the original size, or is the size changed? Also, has it been set to scale to 1 page by 1 page? If so, have you selected the right paper size?They may seem obvious but they are often overlooked.I would send you a blank Excel file, but I use 2003, which isn't any use to you.
  19. At the moment my background is a Terragen render, but each one is only there for a day or so, before I replace it with another Terragen render or Apophysis render.
  20. rvalkass

    O_o Yo!

    Hi, and welcome to the forums, Kyohaku!This site certainly does have a lot to offer. Free, yet with all the features of paid hosting. I am sure you can get the 30 credits in no time, and good luck with your webiste.Hope to see you around the forums some time
  21. I wrote a basic mailing list script years ago. I just tested it and it works perfectly on Trap 17. If you want a copy of it then email me or get me on MSN, all my details are in my profile here. It is only one file, but has basic verification, admin functions, user confirmation etc, and also has a simple installer. It currently has no visuals what so ever, as I never had time to create them, another project stopped me, but you could easily customise it to suit your site design. As Warbird has said, many services don't accept emails if there is no sender, or if other header information is missing, so make sure you include everything.
  22. It isn't a full version of Norton. Not only do you only get a 6 month subscription to the updates, but this can be found on the 'More Info' page: To get the extra features you obviously have to pay. Seeing as most of those pieces of software contain automatic updaters I can't see a massive advantage unless you have absolutely no anti-virus software.
  23. One good point about Opera is how quick and easy it is to search. For example, typing "g trap 17" in the address bar will run a Google search on Trap 17. There are others as well (the letters in brackets are the prefix) such as Amazon (z), eBay (e) and Google Groups ®. Also, the prefix "f" allows you to search within the page, similar to clicking Edit, Find. The Zoom feature is also quite useful, allowing you to zoom in or out if webmasters are using over/under-sized fonts or images.
  24. I am amazed, I thought I was the only person who still used a pen and paper when planning websites :)As you say you want something contemporary then shades of blue and grey can work quite well together, with some simple gradients or small images here and there. Or you could go entirely the other way and do something using Flash. It's quite simple and there are loads of tutorials if you've never used it before. The ActionScript it uses is very similar to JavaScript, and I have seen some very impressive designs, that are also quite quick and simple to create.I am a bit one-sided on the ideas side as I tend to over-use computer generated artwork and other such stuff, but just have a look at similar sites and see where you think they are effective, then do something similar on your design.
  25. I did hear a while ago that there were some plans for a system with 4 projectors, each one facing a wall, literally putting you in the centre of the game. There were problems with keeping them in sync and all the controls were monitored by a small device in the ceiling that wasn't too reliable.Somehow I think a hologram would be unlikely any time soon. You just wouldn't be able to get the quality or size of the image unless you were Bill Gates. Still, it may happen in the future.
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