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Everything posted by rvalkass

  1. Google Talk comes with a newer version of the notifier, try downloading that.Also, to get the 'Tell Me Again' feature, just right click it and click 'Check mail now'. Does exactly the same thing.
  2. I have used both FrontPage and Dreamweaver. Both have their ups and downs. Dreamweaver is generally considered more 'professional' as it adds things like the W3C Doc Type and does other stuff to make websites compliant with standards. FrontPage is regarded as easier to use and more of a starter package.I would suggest Dreamweaver, as it suits both designers and coders. The 'auto complete' feature is much more reliable and useful than FrontPage's and I generally feel more comfortable working with it. Ultimately it is personal perference.
  3. Oh no! I'm having dangerous chemicals pumped directly into my house and automatically heated for my convenience :PI will have to call in environmental safety and all that lot that wear those flourescent jackets and ID badges.I seriously can't believe that people would fall for something like this. True, water is a chemical and can kill you, but come on!
  4. For a small personal site, use a blog software or light CMS. It doesn't look like you need anything as powerful as PHP-Nuke at the moment. You can do some quite good things with WordPress. Its easy to update and you can add static pages. As you say you know PHP, you can also adapt the pages to fit your needs.Good luck with the site.
  5. I, like cragllo, have a resolution of 1280x1024. This results in the gradient background repeating itself, so it fades brown to white, then suddenly goes brown again. The text also spills over a bit and its quite hard to read at the start of the gradient.The background image doesn't line up either, so that text has sudden jerks in it where the imake starts again.Nice design, but needs a little more thought. 6/10
  6. I think you want a vertical scroller. Try this script: http://www.hypergurl.com/verticaltext.html
  7. Nowhere do you actually get the information from the form, as far as I can see. The variables checked in the first if statement are all empty, as nowhere above that do you put anything in them. Try putting this at the top of your script, in the line below <?php I am presuming the fields in the form have the names of the variables, and that you have set the method to POST: $sender_name = $_POST['sender_name'];$sender_email = $_POST['sender_email'];$message = $_POST['message']; It should work now.
  8. As far as I am aware, only 3 single-letter domains exist as there was a restriction put on them in 1993. The script doesn't check for the length of the domain, merely the existance of it. If it's too short to exist, then it will not find the domain and stop anyway. Spectre, the only code that I took from anywhere else was the regexp, which is from here, and thats only because my first attempt refused a few real addresses. The rest of the code I typed myself.
  9. This simple script will allow you to run some basic checks to make sure that any email address entered is actually an email address. There is no guarantee offered that this will stop every single fake email address, but it'll provide some protection. Now, the code! First we need to get the email address to verify. Here, I get it using POST from an HTML form. <?php//Load email address from web form$email = $_POST['email']; Now, we move on to our first check. Does the text that has been entered look like it could be an email address?This check can be performed using something called 'regular expressions'. This is basically a set of rules defining where characters can be and what characters are allowed. Its quite complicated to start with, but you should be able to get the jist of it. //Check that the text entered follows the format of an email addressif (preg_match("/^[_A-Za-z0-9-]+(\\.[_A-Za-z0-9-]+)*@[A-Za-z0-9-]+(\\.[A-Za-z0-9-]+)*$/", $email)){ echo '<font face="Arial" size="+3" color="green">The format is <b>valid</b>!</font><br>';}else{ echo '<font face="Arial" size="+3" color="red">The format is <b>invalid</b>!</font><br>';} The regular expression here is: /^[_A-Za-z0-9-]+(\\.[_A-Za-z0-9-]+)*@[A-Za-z0-9-]+(\\.[A-Za-z0-9-]+)*$/In English it basically says:Some letters or numbers, followed by some more letters or numbers or a dot then followed by an @ sign, then some more letters and numbers or a dot. Its quite complicated to explain! If the text entered follows that format then the first echo is carried out. If not, then it says its failed. You can easily replace those with anything you want. Now, we split the email address into 2 parts: the username and the domain name. //Split the email address apartlist($userName, $domainName) = split("@", $email);Quite self explanitory. Anything before the @ is put into $userName and anything after is put into $domainName We can now use this information to check that the domain name exists. This gives a very good idea as to whether the email address is valid. Someone could enter "gobbledeegook@madman.pest" which would pass the first test, but fail the second. We check for the domain by checking for a mail exchange record for that domain name. If one doesn't exists it probably means the server doesn't either. //Then see if the domain existsif (checkdnsrr($domainName, "MX")) { echo '<font face="Arial" size="+3" color="green">The domain name is <b>valid</b>!</font><br>';}else{ echo '<font face="Arial" size="+3" color="red">The domain name is <b>invalid</b>!</font><br>';}?>The "MX" tells PHP we want to look for a mail exchange record. There are various records that can be checked for, but they are irrelevant for this purpose. Again, it prints the success and failure messages but these can be replaced as you wish. Thats it. You now have a mail checker. I have set up a demo here with an HTML form front end. There is one final check that can be performed, but this blocks most free domains such as @hotmail.com, @yahoo.co.uk, @gmail.com and I have therefore omitted it. It is incredibly secure and it does mean that any address you do get through is likely to be an ISP address, web hosting address or another address you have to pay for, and is therefore very unlikely to be fake, but blocks the majority of the Internet using World out. Any problems, questions, comments or suggestions please feel free to contact me by posting below, PM, email or MSN Messenger, all of which is on my member profile.
  10. Videos don't really compress that well, so the only way to get the file size down is to reduce the dimentions of the video or drop the frame rate.
  11. You have set the action as http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. When the user pushes the Submit button it will take them to the page listed in the action. This is your homepage, which doesn't appear to do anything with the information given. You need to set the action to a script to do something with the information submitted.
  12. If, by a chat script, you mean something similar to the shoutbox on this forum then I would suggest checking out Pixel2Life, Hot Scripts and Planet Source Code. All of these sites have tutorials and normally premade scripts you can download and use 'out of the box'. I always advise using tutorials as you learn how the script works and can fix any problems and make modifications. A PHP game is another matter. Depending on what sort of game you want I would suggest checking out the sites above and looking on Google. Games such as the army system here are text based, but quite complicated. There are also much simpler games, but these are nowhere near as involving to play.
  13. First time I managed to get 6.069 but the fastest I've managed to get is around 5.2 seconds. It really does help in getting to know where all the letters are on the keyboard. Pity the highscore table is just full of cheats.
  14. I hate those scripts that detect what browser you are using and change the pages accordingly. Opera can be set to appear as Opera, IE or Netscape Navigator. A large number of people set it to IE otherwise you get webmasters who can't be bothered to code sites who just put a note up telling you to use IE. Whenever I create a site I type all the code, run it though the W3C verifier and then put it into the browsers. Then I spend ages adapting my code so that regardless of which browser you use it will work. I also test my sites on Safari, just to make sure. I advise you do the same, malish. Just run your code through the validator here and bring it up to standard, then fix the browsers that don't play fair.
  15. I have a feeling the problem is around here: You can't send a header if anything has already been sent to the browser or processed. Headers always have to be the first thing you do. The domain of the cookie wont really matter a huge amount, and certainly wouldn't cause this script to fail. Spectre's concerns are right though. Someone could easily change the cookie so that they can get onto the system regardless.
  16. I have used the ShoutCast plugin before. It can be a little slow and buggy sometimes, but generally works quite well. It really sucks up the bandwidth though. Just make sure you set the maximum number of listeners low enough to prevent you sky rocketing through your bandwidth limit.
  17. You know, for some reason people seem rather reluctant to dismantle one of the most inportant pieces of hardware from their precious PC After extensive Google-ing, looking in stock libraries and asking around, nobody has a photo of the inside of any computer CPU.Sorry I can't help you, but good luck in your search.
  18. What a suprise! To view anything more than just a search bar you have to use Internet Explorer Its an exact copy of the Google Homepage system they set up a few months ago, apart from the fact that I can view the Google one using Opera. It also says it works with Hotmail, even though most people can't access their accounts at the moment Nice idea, but its been done before, and much better.
  19. Fine, the father has a passion for orientating his entire life around the services of Google, but surely naming your kid Google is going just a little too far? Throughout the site he keeps mentioning that he will be fine if he keeps using Google services. Could this be a marketing ploy? I did notice that Google is only his middle name (his first name is Oliver) so he shouldn't get teased or anything too much.
  20. This tool is very quick and easy to use. So far I have been told that my computer is special as it cannot be seen at all! All of my common ports are in 'stealth' mode and my PC is entirely secure :)I would advise everyone to try it. Its entirely harmless, very quick and simple and provides some useful information.
  21. I am currently running Norton Personal Firewall, Norton Anti Virus, McAfee Managed Virus Scan and the Microsoft XP SP2 Firewall. They are all running fine and in harmony with eachother. Each one detects the others and asks which one should be the 'first line of defence' so to speak. As long as you set them all the same it will work fine. For example, Norton should be first to detect a virus (on my setup) followed by McAfee if Norton fails.Norton generally release updates quicker than AVG so it is technically more secure as long as you download updates frequently enough. I also think that Norton is just an all round 'better' piece of software. It runs quicker and detects more than AVG does.
  22. Short, catchy names work best. You need something weird and different to make people ask you about the name or just to think about what it is you could possibly be doing. Something like "Ebullient Designs" or to emphasize the 'technology' aspect "eBullient Designs" ('ebullient' means very enthusiastic).Names that use words taken from different languages often work well too, as they make people stop and think about it. You can also often come up with some common names, for example: "Fen?tre" is French for "Windows", or "Mikrosoft" is German for "Microsoft".
  23. For both packages, one hosting credit equals one hosting day. For example, the index of the forums for me has: I have 77.83 credits and I can choose to not post for 77.83 days if I wish to. 1 credit = 1 day.
  24. An anti-gravity machine would require an infinite amount of energy, which doesn't exist. Either the guy who invented it is a nutter, a prankster, or will be incredibly rich after being able to produce energy from nothing.Still, it'll be interesting to see what actually happens.
  25. I don't know which country your in, and prices vary, but Kelkoo generally gives a pretty good idea of what you can get for your money. They have a page devoted to graphics cards here. I have an ATI Radeon X600 and it can play most games and is pretty cheap.
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