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Everything posted by rvalkass

  1. I told a few of my friends about the site, and scared them to start with It works with any name and info, and it looks pretty fake, but everyone I told acted as if they knew it was an April Fool's before hand. Nice find, Dark God.
  2. I use Norton simply because it was recommended by loads of people and relatively cheap at the time. People always say that it really slows the system down and gets annoying, but I haven't really noticed any major drops in performance and it normally just sits there, doing it's thing, rather than anoying me with questions. I used to use AVG, but when I got a new computer I got a new AV, and also it let a couple of viruses through the net.
  3. I am wholly in favour of the ban of smoking. I know some people will say it's unfair etc. but is it not unfair to me that I am getting my lungs damaged, and I have no choice in that matter? Personally, I would rather be surrounded by anxious people, rather than get lung cancer and other respiratory problems. Then again, the majority of smokers would probably stay at home and smoke if they were that stressed. No-one is asking them to give up smoking and stop harming their own body, but we are just asking them not to annoy and damage those around them. People can still smoke in their own homes and some other places. Perhaps specific venues of smoking and non-smoking would work, but we do have a similar system at the moment, and it doesn't really work. People still go into non-smoking venues and smoke becuase they are unaware of the rules. There would be a similar problem if this was made law, rather than the choice of the owner. It could be policed by landlords etc, who could ban people who smoke or alert the police.
  4. Wonderful find. I remember a few I heard a while ago. One of my favourites was "Famous Painting Found By Tree"! It seems that the editors of newspaper articles aren't really thinking the headlines through Still, it gives us a laugh!
  5. I'd like to live in the Sims, so if anything went wrong with my life I could just go back to where I last saved and try again Living in Roller Coaster Tycoon would be pretty cool, just spending all your time wandering around a theme park
  6. A nice little random tool I did a couple of fights. The first was "Google Fight" vs. "Google Whack". Fight won with 71,300,000 to 2,440,000! Then I did "Google" vs. "Yahoo". Google won by just over 1,000,000 results. It's something really random and different, I've never seen anything like it
  7. rvalkass

    Computer Errors

    The error means that a program or driver has done something to the RAM that it shouldn't have done. The main cause is usually corrupt or out-of-date drivers writing to memory that they don't "own". Reinstalling the OS would stop them appearing as your drivers would get removed, but once you reinstall that dodgy driver, the problem will return. Have you installed any hardware recently, or done any updates? If so, that may be the cause of the problem.You could also try one of the many memory diagnostic tools out there to see if there is a problem with the RAM.
  8. Just looking at it I can tell that it will not be as popular as Google. If you use any browser other than Microsoft's IE then the site doesn't display correctly. Also, my firewall blocks most of the content as it is supposedly unsafe. Even Microsoft's own anti-spyware blocker thing in SP2 blocks it! After trying it on another PC, using the dreaded IE, it was still awful. Half of the sites that come up in Google don't appear, and you can't seem to use the Enter key to start a search, which is really annoying.
  9. I don't use an alarm when I'm at home, as I always seem to manage to wake up on time. However, when I'm in someone elses house or a hotel or something I can never wake up on time. To avoid hearing songs I hate on the radio I either set the alarm to the 'buzz' setting, so it either bleeps at me or makes a noise like a bee with a megaphone. Failing that, I use the alarm function on my mobile phone, and set it to go off with a song of my own creation.
  10. A few years ago there was a game on Microsofts website where you got to fire various pieces of office equipment at Clippit. They seem to have taken it down now, but there are loads of other sites on the Internet I have seen it since. Now of course this "assistant" has spread to other places within Windows, such as the search system in Windows explorer. Also, I seem to remember that the idea for this assistant was originally used in Microsoft's biggest flop, Microsoft Bob. Perhaps that was an omen to kill Clippit!
  11. I've noticed some random downtimes recently for a couple of seconds at a time, but I haven't noticed the server going slow. Have you tried contacting your ISP and seeing if they are doing some maintenance or something? If you've got a lot of stuff in your MySQL database it can sometimes take longer to load information, but nothing really noticeable.
  12. The tutorials look pretty good, I'm doing one of the Tux penguin ones now. The design looks excellent and the whole site seems to work quite well. I'll definitely check back for new tutorials, wallpapers etc.
  13. I have never been to a LAN party, mainly because they seem to be few and far between here in the UK, and when they do happen they are always in a city hundreds of miles away. Then again, a few of my friends who happen to live in more convenient places have been to them, supposedly they don't just play games, but people also take along broken PCs and get help.
  14. Well I would advise against clearing the fonts folder and starting again, as a lot of programs install their own fonts to use within the application. If you delete the font, the program won't run, or if it does it will look weird.If you are using Windows XP and you have system restore enabled then you could try going backa few restore points to before the time you installed the fonts, but I am not sure if system restore will actually touch the fonts.
  15. I would presume that Amazon uses C, C++, Java or Perl, as a job advert for a web operator at their UK office reads: Using the same technique with Yahoo, they seem to use a combination of the same stuff as Amazon, although a larger focus is placed on C++ as the basis of the system, and other languages used purely to display it on the web. Google seems to have gone the whole hog, and has used virtually every programming language under the Sun. Some parts of the site have been done in Python, as shown with the URLs, other bits appear to be in PHP and they advertise for people with skills in C++, Java and Perl. Then again, I could be totally wrong.
  16. Many phones now are developed to withstand drops, knocks and having stuff spilt on them For example, my phone has a metal case, a scratch resistant screen and a rubber keypad to stop liquid affecting it. I managed to drop my mobile phone onto a concrete floor from about 6 feet and it still worked perfectly afterwards, and that was only made from plastic.
  17. Theres loads of these magnetic floating things. I remember seeing years ago a pen that hovered inside a tube, and you could spin it and it would continue to rotate for hours. I suppose it's not really that practical but youu certainly would make a lot of people stop and stare in wonder at how it works.
  18. I won't get Vista for a while yet, and that's only if they stop support for Windows XP, which they have done in the past with other OSs. Yes, their new theme looks nice, but it's not really necessary, and if it's eating a load of resources then theres no point. As a matter of fact, you can download a shell pack for Windows XP to make it look like the Aero Glass theme, but I can't remember where to download it.
  19. Personally, I don't really like the Flash intro, as after looking at it for a while it can be a little annoying, and it's really pointless. I never understood why people had to click to enter a site they've already typed the address of. The main section of the site looks alright, but it is annoying having to click to go to the sections stored somewhere else. Also, they follow a totally different design and theme to the Flash section of the site. It looks like they are two totally separate websites, which is never a good idea. There are also some design problems with that, as at the bottom of each of the pages there is a massive gap, presumably caused by some CSS that isn't standards compliant. After finishing browsing around your site I was left with 6 or 7 tabs in Opera to close, which is quite annoying and unnecessary, why not just stick to the one window?Overall you've got the right idea, but there are a few niggling little bugs you should really sort out.
  20. It's a nice idea, should be really useful in technology and engineering, and alos probably instruction manuals could benefit from 3D views of objects. There are some weird little bugs and problems with it, and I presume you would have to design your 3D model in some specific Adobe software? A great idea, but probably not that useful to the masses.
  21. Believe it or not but we get weather other than rain in Britain! Last year it snowed quite heavily and everyone was listening to the radio and watching local TV to see if the schools were closed. Every school except ours was closed! Go to the bus stop at ten to eight, no bus. At twenty past nine, an hour and a half after it was meant to arrive it finally turned up, but only 2 or 3 people were left at the bus stop, as most left as soon as they bore the vaguest resemblance to a snowman.When we got to school most of the teachers hadn't bothered to turn up either, which meant the day was spent in freezing cold rooms with supply teachers who weren't exactly sure what to do.
  22. It's quite interesting to look at all the different views of Mars, but I suppose moldboy is right, the programmers had created the platform for Google Earth, and now just stick images from any planet they like on it But I want to know when they will introduce driving directions for the Moon and Mars
  23. I'm not too fond of iPods, as you can get MP3 players with the same storage and functions for a lot less. When you buy an iPod it's like buying an expensive car, some of the money is purely to pay for the fact that it is that make and brand. They also seem to break relatively easily and get scratched too quickly, so your nice new fashion item is ruined after a week in your pocket with keys and a mobile phone.
  24. rvalkass

    Audio Editing

    I use Audacity and it has never let me down. It does everything I need it to, the basic sound editing stuff, and has a couple of extra added features to make life easier. As it's free you will always have the latest updates and versions, as opposed to software you have to pay for. The interface is easy to use, and you can download extras and plugins etc if you need extra features on top of those provided.
  25. I have loads of books of random facts and things like that, and I found a few lists of weird phobias. Two of interest are phobiophobic which is someone who is scared of fear itself and scriptergophobic, which is someone who is afraid of writing and work
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