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Everything posted by rvalkass

  1. You need a 2.4GHz P4 processor and a graphics card with at least 128MB of memory and support for Pixel Shader 2.0 as minimum requirements. 1.5GB of RAM and 6.5GB of hard disk space are also required, and the amount of hard disk space required will go up with the more custom content you add.
  2. This depends on the severity of the warning and whether you have shown you have taken notice of the warning. You can contact the moderator who issued the warning if you feel it is unfair or should have been removed. No warning directly affects hosting. A warning stops your myCENTs transferring to your billing account. It is up to you to follow the rules and avoid receiving warnings. Keeping a balance in your billing account (i.e. don't spend it all ) is always a good idea. That way you have a safety net of you need it. Follow the rules and post enough, and you will earn enough myCENTs to keep your hosting going. If you really need to, there are alternative methods of payment to top your billing account up such as using a credit card or PayPal.
  3. The reason you have no myCENTs going into your account is because you have a warning on the forums. If you have a warning you can still earn myCENTs, but they are stopped from transferring to your billing account until you are back to 0% warning. Two choices: make good quality posts, get the warnings lifted and let your current myCENTs transfer to your billing account, or pay using conventional methods such as a credit card or PayPal account.
  4. Content in Quote tags does not earn myCENTs. This is because you earn myCENTs for new, unique content rather than copying. It is also unfair and rather pointless if everyone started copying stuff to earn myCENTs. This is why it is very important to make sure that anything not written by you specifically for the forums is put inside Quote tags. Otherwise you will have the myCENTs earned for it removed, and a warning put against the account. The same goes for Code tags. You don't earn myCENTs for anything in Code tags.
  5. My main problem, especially as the site continues to grow, would be finding the clocks. The date-based system used by Wordpress (the calendar and archives) don't really make sense for what you are using the site for. For example, I'm not going to want to know when a clock was posted on the site; rather, I want to know what the clocks are like. Take advantage of Wordpress's tag system to tag each clock with helpful hints about what the clock looks like. This way people can find them much easier than going through every clock one by one from the beginning.The little smiley face in the bottom left should also go - it doesn't fit and looks unprofessional. Find some other way to track your stats. There are plenty of plugins for Wordpress that do a good job without putting a smiley face on your pages
  6. True, but you'll find it very hard to get any finance without any market research in your business plan. Without it you have absolutely no idea what the market wants and what your prospects are. With it, you at least have a vague idea. It is not always cheaper to buy online, especially when compared to an independent retailer. My brother is a big PC gamer, yet still buys his games from an actual store. Why? It's often actually cheaper (even more so if delivery is factored into the cost of buying online) and you have the game there and then, in your hand. Within half an hour you can be playing it - that's quicker than downloading it. You can also look at loyalty schemes and discounts and things like that to encourage people to buy in-store rather than online.
  7. Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Xubuntu are all fairly similar. They differ in what is known as the window manager. That is the application which draws all the windows and runs everything you see (consider it as Linux's version of Windows's explorer.exe). In Ubuntu it is an application called Gnome. In Kubuntu it is KDE. In Xubuntu it is Xfce. Each one comes with its own set of programs, but they all have the same functionality. For example, with Ubuntu your media player is Rhythmbox, while with Kubuntu it is Amarok. They both do the same thing, just look different. It is purely down to personal preference. Take a look at screenshots of all three and decide which one you like best. Alternatively, download them all, burn them to CDs and play around with the Live CD for each of them, then install the one you like best. Mythbuntu is geared towards being run on a media PC and being hooked up to your TV. It includes MythTV, which is a free open-source equivalent of something like TiVo. It lets you record TV, rewind live TV, etc. Not really recommended for a desktop/laptop PC. Fluxbuntu uses a different window manager: Fluxbox. It is designed to be used on PCs with very low resources, yet still provide a nice graphical interface. If your laptop was made in the last decade or two, I don't really see the point in trying it.
  8. If the original $10 didn't come from forum posts, it won't show up on the forums. The total shown on the forums counts the total earnings you've got from forum posts. If the $10 came from elsewhere then you can spend it in the billing area like normal, but it just wont show up on the forums.
  9. There is usually a large amount of instant free support from people using the software and the developers themselves - you don't get that from Microsoft! Also, a lot of open-source software is now backed with paid support for those companies that really need it. Take a look at Canonical, offering paid support for Ubuntu. At least you have the ability to modify the software if you want to. Again, something you don't get with paid software. Plus, if you want reliability and stability then don't edit the software yourself - leave it to the developers. There are hundreds of bugs in commercial software, yet most companies don't even have a way to report them, let alone "demand a solution". With open source software you can report the bugs, provide help to the developers, talk directly to the people fixing the problem. And you don't even have to pay for the new upgraded version of the software! Open source software has the entire world looking at its code. Problems are found quickly, solutions worked out quickly between people. Like they say: two heads are better than one. With commercial software, you are at the mercy of the decision of a closed set of developers and their particular decisions, with no real way to add your input.
  10. It is normally required that they produce some sort of proof of the debt, like an invoice you haven't paid or something. Without that, they can't really go after the debt. If they produce 'proof' of the debt, but you spot a mistake, or that it was actually paid, then present your proof to them. This is why it is important to get receipts and proof of payment. I think they would find it very hard to argue when presented with proof that the amount was paid. If they still carried on then I'd get the police involved. I imagine the collection agency would very quickly realise there was "a mistake"...
  11. The key is market research. You need to find out how many people in the local community play computer games. How often? How much do they spend per month/year on PC games? What genres do they like? Would they visit a store specialising in PC games before going online? From these sorts of questions you'll be able to work out roughly how much the market is worth, what the best-selling genres are in your local area, etc. If you can't do that yourself, or you don't think you'd be able to collect enough responses quick enough, then look at hiring a market research company to find all this out for you. That would give you a unique selling point over the other gaming stores, but could be costly to set up and run if you have to dedicate some of your floor space to a collection of computers where people can play. It would depend very much on how you would operate this sort of thing as to whether it would be financially viable. Again, use market research to find out if people would be interested in participating.
  12. Your myCENTs are shown in your mini-profile next to all of your posts: You can also see your myCENTs by looking at your member page. It's down the left hand column.
  13. My first phone was the decidedly quirky Motorola V100: Feature list Yes, those earphones were necessary - you can't actually use the phone as a phone without it I did like the full QWERTY keyboard though - I still miss it on my current phone.
  14. It is based on how long your posts are and the quality of your posts. For example, one post of 100 words is better than 5 posts of 20 words. There are some sections of the forums that don't earn myCENTs, and these are clearly marked. Also, your myCENTs can take a few hours to update after you make a post, so don't be worried if they don't instantly appear.
  15. You certainly can! I think all current forums will work on Xisto hosting. If you want to check, here are the important stats for Xisto's servers: The hosting is top of the range, and should be fast enough for any forum. If you want an example, click here. That is a phpBB3 forum running on Xisto's server and in current usage. Yes. Most free hosts are of very poor quality. You don't notice it so much when you're just starting out, but as your forum grows, you notice it getting slower and slower, and you may even run out of space. As xpress said, at Xisto you are getting paid hosting for free. The paid and free sites are hosted on the same servers, you just 'pay' for your hosting in a different way (you earn credit in your billing account by posting, and use that to settle your invoices).
  16. I would recommend one of the following. They all have access to ready-to-run software (called a repository) through a package manager (one click install), and all have a live CD so you can try them out before you install them. You've nothing to lose by downloading them and trying them out. Ubuntu - http://www.ubuntu.com/ Kubuntu - http://www.kubuntu.org/ openSUSE - http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ There is also a short quiz here which picks the best distribution for you.
  17. Yeah. You can choose anything you want from a selection of different features, starting from whichever package you like. Yes again. You're effectively earning cash by posting, which is automatically added to your billing account to spend on the paid hosting.
  18. I presume the invoice is issued 10 days before the previous one expires, to give people using 'real' methods time to pay. The script must see you have enough myCENTs so uses those to pay for the invoice as soon as it can.
  19. Xisto is the parent company of both Xisto - Web Hosting and Xisto. There are two main ways Xisto can pay for itself. The first is through advertising. Take a look at this page. When someone finds Xisto from a search engine, that is the sort of page they see, rather than the style you are seeing now. As you can see, that page has advertising, which I imagine must generate some revenue for Xisto. The second is referrals and word-of-mouth from Xisto users, referring people to Xisto - Web Hosting. I know that I recommend Xisto - Web Hosting to people who ask me about web hosting, and those extra paid accounts must allow for some revenue to go back into Xisto.
  20. Setting the focus to the Flash and leaving it there is not necessarily a good idea. If you do that, you can throw off people who are trying to navigate with the keyboard (for example, I usually scroll pages with the keyboard, and use plenty of keyboard shortcuts in my browsers). If the focus is left on the Flash object then all keystrokes go to Flash rather than the browser, so your website seems broken and unresponsive until you click randomly on an empty spot on the page to remove the focus.And that feature does have its uses. When I'm forced to use IE, and therefore see thousands of unwanted Flash ads, its nice that they don't start playing unless I want them to. If the advertisers won't follow the rules (that the ads must all be click-to-play) then it looks like Microsoft will force them.
  21. The article mentions that the car stopped about 3 feet short of the little posts. If you're trying to park in a tight space, you might get a bit annoyed with the brakes continually applying mid-maneuver! However, it should make driving slowly in traffic a lot safer and avoid the little bumps and scrapes from people who don't quite notice the traffic stopped again. You should never drink and drive
  22. There's an old saying in Tennessee -- I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee -- that says, fool me once, shame on --shame on you. Fool me -- you can't get fooled again.Rarely is the questioned asked: Is our children learning?And slightly worrying: If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator.Not only does "Obamaisms" not have the same ring to it as "Bushisms", but I doubt there will be nearly as many. 20th Jan 2009 was a sad day for satirists everywhere
  23. Package 1 and 2 are old packages from the last version of the credit system. This was recently replaced with a system where you earn credit in your account (called myCENTs and XistoDollars) which you can spend on hosting. The cheapest package is $1.95, but it is free if you post to earn that $1.95. It certainly doesn't take long to earn that, and then you can spend it on a hosting package, upgrading your hosting, or on domain names and other extras.
  24. When we apply a warning to an account, we also have the option of taking further action. For example, we can prevent the user posting for a certain number of days, or indefinitely. Accounts can also be disabled. You'll know if this happens because you get a message pop up telling you about it (something along the lines of "Your posting abilities are disabled until dd/mm/yyyy." I can't remember exactly...) Quite often the moderator will also put a note in the actual warning to say if further action has been taken, just to alert the member and other moderators.
  25. There are many good reasons why network admins control what software can be installed and run on PCs. If, as you say, your user and computer are being run from a network (ie. as a client) then you can't become an admin on your PC. If you really have a valid need for whatever software you're trying to install then I'm sure the IT department will install it for you.
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