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Everything posted by rvalkass

  1. I use Notepad or Notepad++. Notepad++ is free and includes syntax highlighting and lots of other features for loads of languages including CSS, PHP, ASP, HTML and many others. It automatically indents things and is easy to use. Notepad++
  2. The Millennium Dome was created to mark the year 2000. It ran hugley over budget and was not visited by many people, and therefore cost the country a huge amount of money. It was filled with various exhibitions, exhibits and other things, often science based. The London Eye (the huge, slow ferris wheel) and The Millennium Bridge (the one that wobbles) were also created to mark the year 2000. I don't see why they can't convert the Millennium Dome into a sports facility? At least then it will actually get used for something.
  3. I agree. The second one is much better than the first. snlildude87 is right about needing to change the text so there is not so much of a gap. Other than that, great work again Saint Michael. 9.5/10
  4. If you want to transfer a site from one FTP server to another you can bypass your computer. Go to net2ftp and login to your Trap 17 FTP account. Select all of the files you want to transfer, and choose to copy them. Then, in the boxes under Transfer To Another FTP Server, fill in the details of your new FTP server. Viola! Your site is transferred.
  5. I agree that Nokias are rubbish but I don't like Sony Ericsson either. Yes, they look good, but they are way overpriced for what they are. I like the Motorolas, as they are cheap and do what I want them to, without filling the screen with useless information that I don't need.
  6. I have experienced similar problems. Lots of companies just leap headlong into applying new systems and features and they never work. Keep phoning them and complaining. If they are charging you when they shouldn't then you can technically call the police and start legal proceedings. My provider used to randomly change the call charges depending on what mood they were in! It didn't change according to time or day, it was just random, so I left them.If you're getting fed up, just leave!
  7. Welcome to Trap 17!I am sure you will meet many new people and will find a great community at your disposal. You will have your website up and running in no time, and feel free to ask for help if you need it.Welcome again and have fun.
  8. Your site does look very smart. Nice one. Some of the stuff you can do with Photoshop is amazing. Unfortunately I can only afford Paint Shop Pro, but I'm aiming to get CS2 by the end of the year . A nice site and I will try to visit regularly.
  9. Would a system like this have stopped the terrible bombings in London? As the bombs were inside rucksacks, would particles still have been blown off of them? If it would have worked then it is certainly a system the government should seriously look at introducing.
  10. I had a go at making a dynamic sig before and couldn't find a secent, complete tutorial. Thanks very much. I will certainly try this when I have time!
  11. I agree. For a web application, using PHP and a mySQL database is a lot better than vba or vb.net There are lots of sites where you can find tutorials or pre-made scripts to download. Just download a pre-made login script and you are away! Try having a look at some of these sites: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  12. There are many viruses and worms that cause a window to pop up telling you the PC is being shut down. I seem to remember lsass.exe being related to the Sasser virus. If the time to shutdown is 2 minutes then it is likely you have the Sasser. There is a free tool available from Symantec to remove the virus. Under no circumstance should you delete LSASS.exe as this is a system file and another reinstall will be needed! Symantec Removal Tool If the window pops up and you need to stop the shutdown, click Start, Run, type Cmd, press enter, type in "shutdown -a" (without the quotes) and press enter. Good luck removing the virus and feel free to ask for more help.
  13. I have had experience with NEC computers and components before. They are generally very reliable and last ages, although I have found that some can be a little bit tricky to fit and get working, but after that they are perfect.
  14. I am currently studying my GCSEs in Year 10. The best thing about my school is how the teachers are approachable with any problems or queries you may have. It makes doing coursework so much easier if you can speak to someone who has been through the whole process before, loads of times. The GCSE results for the school are very good, especially the marks awarded for coursework. Talking to other students in other schools, it seems to be a rare occurance to have teachers you can speak to regularly to get help and guidance.The worst thing is that they never listen to suggestions or take on board any ideas you may have. It does get a little annoying when you have a surefire idea that they refuse to listen to or make suggestions about.
  15. I suggest you PM an admin or moderator to get some help on this. Before doing that, check that your site does exist. Try going to your URL, you should see a confirmation page, otherwise, the verification didn't work. Also, once you were accepted, did you complete the second form to finish the process and set up your web address and cPanel?If you still can't find the problem, contact a moderator or admin.
  16. I can't understand the point of doing this, but I do have a theory as to how you can do it:Perhaps he just drags the icons off of the side of the screen, then when he wants them back he just orders them by soemthing and they all reappear. Magic!
  17. I think you are using Paint Shop Pro (recognise the lighting effect in the corner). On the text, set the gradient rotation to 180 degrees and see if that helps. Nice work apart from the gradient.
  18. That looks great. Coming to a pharmacy near you soon! :unsure:What on earth made you want to make that?
  19. I presume this includes annoying messages about 'free' holidays etc. It is becoming more common and targeting younger people more frequently. Its logical though: more people using mobile phones = add adverts to them.People use text messages to communicate like they use a phone. The salesmen have also caught on to this idea!
  20. It is a little bit basic. I agree that the title looks weird in a yellow glow. Perhaps try a light blue or grey / silver colour.Also you could get the font on the navigation buttons the same as the one used on the title, it just looks a bit of a mish mash otherwise.A good first try. 3.5/5
  21. Why? Why on earth would they ban video games, especially in private homes. OK, people playing GameBoys in public can be annoying, especially on a long train journey, but in their own home? Where is the logic behind that? Perhaps someone from Greece can enlighten us on this strange law?
  22. I hope that at some point in the future, cures will be found for diseases and conditions that we are currently unable to cure. Also all wars and international problems should be resolved. Apart from all the usual stuff, I think we will actually start to go backwards, so to speak. We will give up on using cars and aeroplanes due to the pollution and all start using bikes and walking. We will stop using electricity as it uses too many resources. It will become more common to grow your own food again as it is cheaper (and tastes better ). If anything I just hope that things get better for everyone.
  23. I think it needs to be made clear that uploading a copy of the video game is illegal. However, I think uploading your own saves is legal. You do need some form of converter though to get your PC to read and save to your memory card.
  24. Make sure that you do not set a fixed width (e.g width: 100% anywhere for anything inside the table, as this will cause it to stay at the full size. Otherwise I am not sure what is causing it. Try having a look at QuirksMode. This site has some useful tips and hints for CSS. Sorry I can't help you more.
  25. If you are using Notepad, click on Format at the top, and make sure that Word Wrap doesn't have a tick next to it. If it does, click Word Wrap and it should disappear. If you are using another program try reading the help files or asking on their support forums.
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