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Everything posted by rvalkass

  1. I took the test and my IQ score was 140. Supposedly my greatest strength was the Spatial section and I scored higher than 99% of people, wow. I do agree with snlildude87 that is isn't very accurate, but thanks for the link emperor
  2. We have the same in our school, A* being the best and U being the worst. Only a C or above counts as a pass on any of our tests. We also use an X grade for work that wasn't handed in or was late and Z for when someone was absent. U stands for ungraded as the work is deemed of a too low standard to get a grade.We also get effort grades from 1 to 5, with 1 being the best and 5 the worst.The letter grades are normally only given for GCSE and A Level students (Years 10 to 13). The SATs numbers are given from Year 1 to Year 9.
  3. This looks like a great system OpaQue. Especially as the school holidays have just started here in Britain I presume there are a lot of people going away on holiday. Are we all able to use this from now?
  4. I live in southern England. Born about 10 miles from my house, I'm really adventurous!
  5. We've just been doing velocity and all that, but it's currently the holidays, so school has taken a much needed trip with very high velocity out of the window.BTW is the answer to 3) 6 metres per second ??? It just looked the easiest.
  6. I used to have a Lycos account years ago, and I added a Network Place in XP linked to their FTP server, it always worked for me. Or you could use their online FTP program on their website although it is slow.
  7. I use two programs, both are freeware. They both have syntax highlighting and numerous other features to help you when writing your code. Notepad++ and PHP Designer 2005 They are both great programs and I have been using them for a while with no problems.
  8. The image paths in menu.htm are just /images/image.jpg As this is a relative path it will look for a folder called images inside whatever folder it is in. If you give FULL paths to all your images then it will work. E.g.: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ is a full path.
  9. This happens with all HDDs. The company that makes them and the company selling them, whether that be on their own or part of a computer package, use a 'metric' system of 1000MB to equal 1GB. Microsoft actually do something right for once and use the value of 1024MB to equal 1GB. Therefore you will lose 24MB for every GB on the hard drive. Also, once you format it a file allocation table is added, which can take up a huge amount of space.
  10. truefusion is right. The variable $width is not holding a number but is holding a text string. PHP cannot multiply a text string by two, so it returns 0. After a short time searching on the web I have cobbled together a system that could work, although I have had no time to try it. Create an HTML page with the following code in it: <html><head></head><body><script>window.location="page.php?height="+screen.height+"&width="+screen.width;</script></body></html> Then on the page called page.php (feel free to change it in the script above): <?php$height = $_GET['height'];$width = $_GET['width'];//Now the rest of your page... In page.php the variables should now hold the screen resolution. If you want to check then just echo those variables and see what you get. Good luck
  11. rvalkass

    Monitor Question

    If it is a TFT (flat screen) monitor then you could have damaged it by applying pressure to that area. If you have a CRT (large box-shaped thing) monitor then you may have bought a magnet near to the monitor or there could be interference on your monitor cable. Try plugging the monitor into a different PC and see if that helps. We can then work out whether it is the PC or the monitor.
  12. Finally Microsoft have come to thier senses and added something which the people like, but I'll keep Firefox. Hopefully they will have taken a step towards making pages look the same in IE and FF, but we can't hold out for too much :)The new Hotmail layout looks better, more professional and easier on the eye, but it doesn't fit with the rest of their MSN site. 2GB of space is nice, but I get that with GMail, and it seems pointless to change.I think most people who have FF or a GMail account will keep them, Microsoft has just copied them, a little bit too late.
  13. Welcome to the community. I am sure you will find many people who can help you if you have a problem and to welcome you into this community. Good luck getting your hosting and your website up and running soon.
  14. It looks interesting, I may give it a trial run over the next few weeks, to see how it compares to other CMSs. Nice find and thanks for the link.
  15. I have tried using that Microsoft thing before and it didn't work (causing conflicts left right and centre) so I made the text an image and used that. If you are planning on writing paragraphs with this font then use a web-safe font that is easy to read.
  16. I think you have to have a graphics card with texture and lighting things. I am getting a new PC as there is too much that needs upgrading on mine to get it to play any decent games. Often there are small programs that can tell you if your computer meets the specification needed to play the game.
  17. I like Netgear purely becuase they are easy to set up, have a good admin panel and don't lag the Internet and games that much. I've only ever used routers to share an Internet connection, but now I have got to the stage where file sharing is needed. Talking to people this supposedly involves workgroups, but I have never used them. I'll be on XPH on both PCs. Any help greatly appreciated, please PM me.Anyway, Netgear are reliable and cheap and everyone I have spoken to seems to like them.
  18. I prefer normal phones.I have a perfectly good digital camera and can send the photos to people for free via email. Why are people so desparate to take a low quality photo and pay over-the-odds to send it to someone else who can't see it becuase the screen is too small to pick up any detail.A phone can't do everything well. If they focus on the camera then every other feature is rubbish, however, if the camera is added as an afterthought then its pointless having it. Digital cameras are good for taking photos and phones are good for speaking to people.
  19. Make sure that your HTML files have no blank lines at the end of them as these will appear on your page. How are you laying out your site? With DIVs, tables??
  20. This is all down to BT upgrading the telephone exchanges to the fastest speeds possible. Most ISPs are allowing people to upgrade to a faster speed for nothing or a very small fee. The speed depends on your distance from the exchange. If you live near it, some people are saying they have speeds of 4 or 5 mbps. I live miles away (I'm actually in a different county to my exchange) so I only got upgraded to 1.1mbps. You should get an email or phone call telling you all about it.
  21. Paint Shop Pro?Very nice, I always liked the Asteroids game! ;)You could have let the animation on the text get to the other side before starting the animation again. Just an idea.I'll give it... 9/10
  22. It is annoying, but Microsoft don't think people want to preserve their programs. The Files and Settings Transfer Wizard is meant to be used to transfer your personal documents and settings, such as screensaver and cursors to a new PC. You do then have to install all software yourself, as the wizard cannot run install programs etc. Let this be a warning to everyone: Keep your install CDs!!
  23. I agree. I've seen it all before and it looks like your hard drive is about to fail. Back up all of your data onto DVD, CD or any removable media to hand, even if the drive is going extremely slowly.However, I would try making sure the hard drive is seated and secured properly in your case, and all cables are secured, as I know a guy who went out and bought himself a new drive, only to realise the old one worked fine, but a cable was loose. Also, make sure the case itself is on a hard surface and not wobbling, as this can cause a mechanical failure of the disk.
  24. This fits with the joke Google did on April Fools Day a few years ago, offering jobs on the moon for their Lunar Project. https://www.google.com/jobs/lunar_job.html
  25. Yes, it should. The SIM holds all the information such as your telephone number and sometimes your address book. Putting this in a new phone is no problem and will work fine.
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