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Everything posted by rvalkass

  1. FACT: Smoking is bad for your health, whether you are the smoker or someone vaguely near them. Both of my parents used to smoke. OK, not a huge amount a day, but they did smoke, and it was always near me and my brother and sister, especially when we were eating. I think it is in Canada (correct me if I'm wrong) that cigarette packets have images of what happens to you when you smoke, e.g lung cancer. After 14 and a half years of living in a smoke filled environment and trying to speak to my parents I gave up. I downloaded some of those images, got them blown up to A3 size and stuck them round the house. Finally my Dad has quit smoking. I feel better, my brother and sister feel better, but most of all, he feels better. My Mum, on the other hand, still hasn't given up smoking. Even telling her blatently... "Look, you are killing your kids. Are you really that uncaring, that, after years of bringing us up, you are willing to kill us by making us breathe your smoke? How are you going to feel if we all die of lung cancer at 25?" ...she still won't give up. It isn't that she can't give up, she just refuses to read any of the books or websites or phone any of the helplines. I hate people smoking in public places. You want to kill yourself? Fine, just don't murder everyone else in this restaurant while you're at it. It may seem horrible, but its true. Its even worse when smokers say, "Oh you're X feet away, you're fine.", oblivious to the fact that they have a filter to take out the harmful things. If it is really necessary I will wear a gas mask when going out to avoid a premature death. I agree that it can be difficult Gentle persuasion has failed to get most people to give up, so the government should at least try shock tactics. Any why wont the government do this, or enforce a ban? They get billions in taxes every year from cigarettes and tobacco which they don't want to give up.
  2. There are already plans, albeit very vague ones, to give every member of the population a computer, linked to a broadband connection and a huge nationwide network. This will allow people to report problems to local councils, get medical advice and book appointments with their GP, get tourist information, anything that is vaguely related to public services and the government. I think it is a great idea and should be put into the homes of housebound people immediately, even if it can only be used to call for assistance.If the government would make the broadband network public owned (e.g. not owned by separate companies) prices would drop and it would be very easy to give everyone broadband. Greed stops so many good ideas...
  3. This is terrible news. When people are trying to sort out peace and aid for developing countries, what reason is there to terrorise and kill innocent people? If this is to do with the G8 Summit, why London, hundreds of miles away, in a different country from the conference? Surely if they were intent on disrupting it they would have tried to get as close as possible? Some information has been released by numerous people concerning traffic and the safety of people and I will try to summarise it here. Traffic: Unless travelling is absolutely necessary, under no circumstances should you enter or go anywhere near London. Not only is this for safety reasons, but to avoid huge traffic problems with people rushing to see relatives or friends that may be involved. Telephones: Many mobile networks are running at full capacity and currently have very poor signal and quality for voice conversations. Some text messages are getting through, but some are broken or contain errors. It will be a while before the traffic on the networks decreases and normal services are resumed. I offer my condolences to all involved in some way with these attacks.
  4. I've had a few problems with my Xbox, so depending on the price I might get an Xbox 360 or a Playstation 3. Also, I haven't seen any images of game graphics quality yet. That is always a big decider on purchasing a game. If the graphic capabilities are rubbish on a console then I wont buy it.
  5. In the future, everything in the home, in my opinion, will need to be either timer controlled (with an override) or controlled via a remote device, such as a mobile phone or PDA. Things such as heating and the cooker (to pre-heat for dinner) could come on before you were home, so they were ready when you arrived. Living near a few motorways here, linking the timers to traffic information, to adjust the times, would be a good idea! Also a system to close the curtains / switch on and off lights according to the light inside and outside, would also be useful. This technology could surely be adapted from that already available in car headlights?You do have some interesting ideas and concepts, and it will be good to see if you suceed in bringing any into the modern world. If you do, you will be a very rich man
  6. Any game starts to get pointless and boring once everyone starts to cheat. I still play a few online games, but have to make sure that everyone is going to play fair and square before I start the game.
  7. You're right. All of my sister's toys make noises, or talk to eachother. Its not so bad when they speak English, but the electronic digital pet things just squeek and gabble in some weird language, all translated in some dictionary that comes with it. She also still has some of those Furbys. Ear plugs at the ready.
  8. The item is running until the 11th, which means you have plenty of time to make up your mind. Email a few of the people listed on the Purchases page of that item, and ask them when they ordered it, and whether it has been delivered. Also ask if there are any problems, etc. As a golden rule for ANYTHING on eBay, ALWAYS check the feedback, and always find and read the negatives. Are they sorted out? Where they for similar items to the one you are bidding on? Do as you would at any second hand sale or auction, find out as much as you can about the item and the seller. Unless you are totally confident, don't bid.
  9. We did a similar competition at school, to come up with a word that no-one else in the class could get the definition for by the end of the lesson. My word was 'aglet'. The definition (according to http://www.dictionary.com/) is: You're wrong saying we'll never use that word in conversation. I just did, to my brother, doing his science homework. He has to get information on 3 different plants, so I have immediately suggested the Ackee tree. Its amazing how we steadily add to our vocabulary in the weirdest of ways.
  10. Hmmm, Windows XP Home, Professional, Male and Female. A worrying thought. Then again, crime will be wiped out as every felon will be stopped for commiting 'an illegal operation'. However, life could get tedious, being asked 'Are you sure?' at every available opportunity.Joking aside, I don't think its a very good idea to start filling people with computers unless absolutely necessary (e.g. to help cure a disability). People are already dependant enough on computers as it is, without them being a life or death situation for everyone. What if they crash? Or get a virus? The government here in England will love the idea of adding computers to people, to track their every move and action.Yes, OK, I'm being slightly pessimistic and cynical, but people are not going to want to have microchips inside them, literally running their lives. I am already thinking of leaving the country if compulsary ID cards are introduced, and if computer chips are made compulsary too in the future that will encourage me to move again. Why is everyone in any vague form of power so desperate to get even more control over the people under them?
  11. I like Age Of Mythology due to the huge online community, and the fact I've played the previous games in the series. Its easy to understand, but can be turned into loads of small variants through the use of triggers and scenarios. Its a great game and I've never got bored of it.
  12. I agree that the header and footer bars from the first layout look excellent and could be applied to any of the other designs. Layout 3 is also incredibly good. If you could somehow combine those two layouts you would have a great design for a site.
  13. If you click some of the various links on this page you should be able to find out whether you can get broadband. I live in a small village in southern England and I am literally on the borderline between having and not having broadband (the dividing line is 20yds to the left of my house ). It all depends on how far you are from your nearest telephone exchange and whether that exchange is new enough to have broadband technology. Good luck in getting broadband.
  14. I presume you could go into safe mode and delete it if you no longer have an Epson printer. Otherwise, contact Epson and find out what it does, whether you can remove it and just get some advice.Norton will keep showing that dialog for each attempt from a different IP. Try going into 'Program Rules' then setting eebsvc.exe to either Deny All or Allow All. This should apply it to all connections, regardless of IP.
  15. There is a tutorial and downloadable PHP script here that uses a mySQL database to store a list of what websites people have come from before visiting your site. There is also a convenient page to view a list of the pages that have sent people to your site. A vital tool in increasing traffic to your site.
  16. Other countries use a form of alcohol made from sugar cane. Its extremely cheap and has virtually no emissions, so why wont the government introduce it? They can't tax it. We need alternative fuels otherwise people will not be able to afford to go anywhere further than a few miles away.
  17. I try and keep things tidy on my PC, including on the task bar. I used to have about 15 programs open whenever I was on the PC, resulting in me making my task bar 3 levels high (which also allows me to have full view of the time, date and day)!Now, I try and limit myself to about 5 or 6 programs and 5 FireFox tabs or I just forget what I was doing in each one!
  18. dexter is right. Processors themselves do not make any noise, it is the fans inside your case that create the 'whirring' noise of a computer. AMD and Intel use different fans, so they will create different noises. If you need your computer to be quiet, just replace the CPU fan with a quieter model and see if that helps. If not, replace all the fans with quieter models, just make sure you have enough cooling to stop the computer overheating and switching off or worse, damaging components.
  19. The features are great, but I am in the UK, and the weather doesn't work! The driving directions can also be a little bit dubious sometimes. It does make a good homepage, rather than doing the rounds of 3 or 4 sites every time you get on the PC.
  20. I like playing Roller Coaster Tycoon as I've always wondered how theme parks are run and I've always wanted to try running one myself. As I have nowhere enough money to build a real one I have fun playing RCT.I also like to play Age Of Mythology, although I'm not sure if that qualifies as a strategy game.
  21. From the options on that list I have only used phpNuke. It is extremely easy to set up (available in cPanel), and comes with a forum built in. There are also lots of modifications and addons, including themes and other random things to customise your site and make it your own. I would also like to suggest the DragonflyCMS. I have never used it, but have only heard good things about it. It offers both simple and advanced features and can be customised to your hearts content. DragonflyCMS Homepage Good luck getting a site running and feel free to ask for any help.
  22. Technically you can use Google for web hosting. There is a thread here where a GMail web hosting system has been created. I doubt Google will ever venture into web hosting, but who knows, random things happen to me every day, so I'll wait and see.
  23. Make totally sure that the headers are started before any output is sent, or it will return that error.
  24. If you look on the back or base of the PS2 there should be a sticker with the information on it, such as operating voltage, frequency and loads of other stuff related to the power supply. One will say the wattage or power rating. This is the number you need. Some items, such as toasters and kettles can be over 2000W, so be careful what you plug in. I don't own a slim PS2 but I will try to find out the wattage for you.If it helps, a standard PS2 has a power rating of exactly 50W.
  25. I started learning HTML by noticing that most webpages ended in .htmlI looked it up on a list of file extensions, then found the W3Schools and started following some of their examples. I also just typed HTML Tutorials into Teoma. I stumbled across JavaScript when trying to find out how to create an alert box. I moved onto ASP with the help of my ICT teacher at school, although we are not taught it in class, I was just curious. Then I started a website (that failed) with a forum made with PHP, I looked into that and I am still learning today.I generally guess things when coding a site (yes, bad idea), and if I am stuck I 'turn to the manual' which has never let me down, or to forums.
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