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Everything posted by rvalkass

  1. Change the action of the form from GET to POST and then use $_POST['variable'] rather than $_GET. This will hide the information being sent and it can't be changed by the user.
  2. There is no folder called root. When it mentions root it means the base folder e.gpublic_html/phpnuke/NOTpublic_html/phpnuke/root/I hope this helps.If you are still stuck then find mainfile.php and put the installer in exactly the same folder.
  3. If you are really stuck for a shopping cart then try osCommerce. Its free and used by many sites. The look is totally changeable so it won't be recognised once you have finished with it!
  4. Doing something boring easily gets me to sleep. Just watch the clock continually and you soon get bored and tired. Sometimes getting up and running around can help, but it wakes everyone else up Readings good as it helps you relax. I also read somewhere that thinking of something yellow also helps you sleep, as yellow is supposedly a calming colour. It also works after running a race to get your breath back or if you are nervous about something.
  5. Some general advice for avoiding viruses: Buy yourself a firewall program or download one free, such as ZoneAlarm. Regularly scan your computer for malware, adware, spyware and all types of viruses, again either by buying an anti-virus program or downloading a free one. Often you can find patches on the Internet to fix specific viruses. I have found the best come from Symantec, the creators of Norton Antivirus (although Norton isn't needed for the fixes). They are generally quick and simple to use.
  6. rvalkass

    Honest Opinion

    Going to court won't help unless you have proof that you wrote the introduction. Unfortunately, there is a spelling mistake and a couple of grammatical errors in the intro that won't help your side of the arguement.
  7. I agree that Firefox is an awful lot more secure. Until Microsoft also offers the abilities to install extra themes and extensions and is totally compliant with standards then I will stick with Firefox.
  8. I suggest reading the standards set out by The W3C. All these standards and examples should display fine in all standard browsers. There are also tips all over the Internet concerning how to make a site compliant. It is a good idea to install Firefox to check any code you write will display how you want it to.
  9. If you are looking for the original .htaccess that was included as default with your site, that contains the following: # -FrontPage-IndexIgnore .htaccess */.??* *~ *# */HEADER* */README* */_vti*<Limit GET POST>order deny,allowdeny from allallow from all</Limit><Limit PUT DELETE>order deny,allowdeny from all</Limit>AuthName http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ AuthUserFile /home/[username]/public_html/_vti_pvt/service.pwdAuthGroupFile /home/[username]/public_html/_vti_pvt/service.grp If you want the code to change the default page that is loaded, add this code to the end of the file: DirectoryIndex index.php?ll=news Hope this helps.
  10. Its amazing that Microsoft, who have already been accused of holding a monopoly on everything software related, needs to block out other browsers when there is no need to. If a site doesn't appear correctly in Firefox then obviously the webmaster doesn't care about the millions of potential surfers they are missing out on. Microsoft is even implementing tabbed browsing into IE, so obviously even Microsoft thinks FF is better!
  11. I think Sony have already put a media player into their latest phone and it is expected to catch on very quickly among other manufacturers.
  12. I have seen this problem a few times before. Try temporarily clearing the start up folder (cut and paste everything to a different folder) and see if that helps. Large programs like Norton and even MSN Messenger can take a while to load.
  13. rvalkass


    Welcome to the forums. I'm sure you'll find everyone helpful and friendly, and I hope you get your hosting soon!
  14. I suppose I am addicted to Weird Al Yankovic's music, and Amateur Transplants. I just really need something funny to cheer me up after a day at school.
  15. I have tried those before, its ineresting to see what people end up with, and always good for a laugh!By the way, my results are:OS - Debian LinuxFile Extension - .CNigerian Spammer - Musa IbrahimGo on, do it just for a laugh!
  16. I agree with RGPHNX. You should just create a site about something you enjoy doing or know a lot about. Information about yourself is good, as no-one else on the Internet will have it. I, personally, would use DIVs to lay out a site, but they can be difficult to get right. If you are really stick for a layout then you can download them pre-made and just customise it. Good luck with the site.
  17. I'm feeling a little annoyed as I just lost a game on Age Of Mythology, but other than that I'm fine (if a little hot, it's 32 degrees!!!)
  18. I agree with the general opinion that the site is a little too dark, also, some of the text is a little hard to read in places. The title graphic at the top is excellent and with a little tweaking, the theme will fit perfectly. On the subject of themes for phpBB I have the following suggestions: http://www.phpbbhacks.com/templates.php http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ And for Coppermine: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Nice site and great work, hope you find some themes you like.
  19. I hate people who just don't listen or make stupid and pointless comments, so the list of people I hate changes day to day.
  20. There are many login scripts available on the Internet. I would suggest the following sites, as they list completed scripts and tutorials so you can learn how the scripts work. http://www.planetsourcecode.com/ http://www.hotscripts.com/ I hope you find what you are looking for.
  21. I hate splash pages, they never give out any useful information. I never understood the point of clicking to enter a site. Didn't I already do that by typing an address or clicking a link? Anyway, getting crawlers to recognise splash pages is a good idea, and would get some good sites ranked higher in the search engines.
  22. This sounds like a great idea for a game, I would certainly buy it. I currently play an online game similar to this, so it will be interesting to compare the two.
  23. and she was quite deceitful
  24. Sorry, but what is Bodyshop and where do you get it? I have only been playing The Sims 2 for a few weeks. Any help would be great.
  25. I never knew that compressed files could be extracted on the server. Thanks very much for this useful tip! It also saves uploading lots of small files and folders separately.
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