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Everything posted by rvalkass

  1. A good salesperson, in my opinion, is polite and interested in what they are selling, and also knows what they are talking about! Most salespeople sound like they are reciting the information from a book, and it often doesn't make sense. You need to know all of the technical specifications of the mobile, such as the screen size, memory, etc. but you need to be able to explain it simply if necessary, rather than just reading off a load of numbers you should be able to say, for example, "The screen has 1234 colours, which means everything shows up very clearly and exactly as it was meant to."Good luck with your new job
  2. I would like to see the screens get a bit bigger, so its easier to see detail on images and videos you get. Making the voice operated stuff work could also be a good idea!!
  3. Welcome to Xisto. I am sure you will find many new friends and helpful people when browsing through the forums. Any problems you have you will certainly be able to find an answer, and there are places just to chat to other people from all around the globe.Hope to see you in the forums soon!
  4. Flying cars? I just wouldn't feel safe in one, and surely they would pollute even more than cars at the moment. Cars driving themselves also sounds a bit worrying. I think someone developed a car that could park itself but even that failed sometimes. These GPS systems aren't that good either. One told me simply to 'turn right in 200 yards', this was on the M4, where its impossible to just turn right. Also, it seems pointless developing family cars that can go very fast. Whats the point? A sports car you could use on a track, fine, but a family saloon????Apart from making cars safer and more economic there is nothing wrong with todays cars.
  5. I bought myself a Kodak LS753 camera a few months back. It cost just over ?100, 4.1MP, 12x Zoom and takes SD cards. Its really easy to use yet still has the advanced features professionals would use. It sort of grows with you.It takes incredible quality photos, no grain and always bright.If you are just getting into the world of digital photos then you can pick up a really basic camera for about ?10, but they do not have a flash or screen etc.Try going for a relatively cheap compact camera.
  6. My first computer was an IBM Personal Computing System MKII with a single 3.5" floppy drive and a 15" black and white!! monitor. I also had a Hewlett Packard Deskjet printer that did about 1 page per 15 minutes connected to a parallel port. This was before the days of nice push buttons to switch a PC on, there was a large white switch like those on an electric meter box! It was running Windows 3.11 For Workgroups (although we weren't on a workgroup) and it crashed an awful lot less than my XP machine does. Then again, the most advanced thing ever run on it was the Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy Text Adventure. I also did my first computer repair on it, using a toothbrush and some shoe polish, honestly! The floppy drive packed up, so I opened it and covered the spring inside it with shoe polish and it worked
  7. If you want a free image gallery then try Coppermine. Its free and packed full of features with extras to download and themes etc. You could also try writing your own, you can get something pretty basic quite quickly. Just search for a tutorial.
  8. Seeing as I can't afford Photoshop I downloaded The GIMP and have been messing around in it. I made this snowglobe / crystal ball or whatever in about half an hour. I couldn't find anything suitable to put in it, but I just wondered if anyone has any comments?
  9. Thats weird. I still like the moon being made of cheese: Google Moon Just zoom right in on a landing site.
  10. Try using osCommerce. I have never used it my self (I have nothing to sell...) but my friends say its pretty reliable and works well. osCommerce Sorry I can't help you more.
  11. As faith says, you may need to download the latest version of DirectX if you don't have it. If you do have the latest version then make sure it is running as fast as possible. Click Start, Run, and type 'dxdiag' (without quotes) then press enter. Make sure all possible settings are at recommended or higher to get the best out of your hardware. If the wheel is a few years old it may connect by USB 1.1 or if your PC is a few years old you may only have USB 1.0 or 1.1 This is slower than the latest USB 2.0 and if the wheel or your PC have it then it could be causing a bottleneck, so the game slows down to match the speed its getting data from the wheel. Try upgrading to USB 2.0 if thats the problem.
  12. There is a way. You would have to upload the file, open it, start a blank picture with the same dimentions and add the first image to it then save it as a .jpg under a different name. I'll have a go and see if I can get a script to work.
  13. If you got all the Stardock stuff then you've got Window Blinds. I have been wondering whether I should install it but I've been told it will apply whatever theme I select to all the users on my PC? Does it do that for you?
  14. I'll give a yes, those photo manipulations are great.
  15. You can't add a moon in this version and I'm not sure if its possible to remove the clouds. Perhaps the makers decided people wouldn't want to render images of night scenes.They're bringing out a new version of Terragen soon which will allow you to render moons and other planets. An entire virtual solar system...
  16. biscuitrat suggested using a more comic font. Try 'Akbar', its the exact same font used by Matt Groening on the Simpsons. I agree, the background doesn't seem to fit with Homer at all.
  17. Looking through the vast array of random programs I have downloaded over the years I have found one called 'Movies12'. It has a tool to convert a .avi file into an animated .gif It appears to have been updated to version 13 and you can download it from here. Its the third program down. It can also create some basic animations of text and images.
  18. OK, I have never used PHPX but I can take a pretty good guess as to what has gone wrong. If there is a file called install.php or a folder called install, make sure that is uploaded then type in the address to it. e.g. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ should then be asked for some settings you need to fill in. When you reach the database bit, put in localhost as the host, your cPanel username for the username and your cPanel password for the password. You will also be asked for a database. You need to set this up in cPanel. Under databases somewhere there is an icon labelled Create MySQL Database. Click it and type in phpx as the name. Then go back to the installer and type in username_phpx as the database (replacing username with your cPanel username).If there is no folder or file called install or setup or anything like that then check the README.txt file or check on their website.
  19. Thanks to all of you, I didn't think so many people would actually like what I have done so far.As I can't afford CS2 I have downloaded The GIMP and have made 2 sigs. They're rubbish compared to what everyone else is making, but hey, they're a start.
  20. OK, a few people have got it, it is to the left of the large blurry bit at the bottom. The Answer Sorry for nicking your idea Saint_Michael!
  21. Inspired by the 'find my username' sigs people have been doing, I have made a version of my own, albeit slightly larger. The Image So go on, wheres my username?
  22. I would do that if I had Photoshop, or any other decent graphics stuff. I hope to start making some decent sigs with them soon but I'll need to get hold of a copy of CS2.
  23. Freeware? Microsoft holds the copyright to all their programs, so if its free, its probably illegal, especially if it won't run properly. Check the minimum spec for the program on the website and make sure your PC meets them. Anyway... I have Flight Sim 2002 Professional and it is great, I would have upgaded to 2004 but my graphics are useless. I'm getting a new PC by the end of the month so hopefully I can get it then.
  24. Real Name (optional): Rob Valkass MSN: rvalkass@hotmail.com AIM: N/A Email: rvalkass@gmail.com Experience in graphics: About 3 or 4 months making fractals and landscapes and about 2 months doing some 3D models. Areas of expertise: Mainly fractals and landscapes, although I hope to move into sigs and other stuff soon. Other graphics sites worked at(optional): None Past positions at other graphics sites(optional): None Current positions at other graphics sites(optional): None How much you can be on each day: School holidays and weekends: 4 or 5 hours a day, during the week about 2 hours, although it varies on coursework and revision How many templates/sigs/resources can you make a week: Fractals: About 10 or 12 per week when schools on, about 20 during the holidays. Landscapes take a bit longer, about 5 per week while at school. Examples of your work: They're all pretty large, so I'll give links to my galleries: Fractals Gallery Landscapes Gallery I don't have any 3D stuff online at the moment, but I'll try and get some up soon. I'll mainly contribute the fractals for other people to use in sigs and backgrounds if they want. I also hope to get some decent graphics software soon to start with sigs and other stuff.
  25. Make sure, if you are on a public computer, you never click the 'Remember Me' button, or anyone will be able to log in. Try and avoid using them for anything important, such as emails, as you can never be sure what software they have running. For web browsing and research etc they are fine, just don't input any personal or private information.
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