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Everything posted by rvalkass

  1. That is an awful lot to ask for free. You could probably find each of those compnents separatly, but the passwords and users wouldn't work together. A content management system does seem to be the way to go, it will give you all of those features, plus a forum and some random other features depending on which one you choose. phpNuke is a good CMS, it is one of the most common and there are lots of add-ons and themes available. DragonflyCMS is also a good idea, although less commonly used. You can install phpNuke by going into cPanel, and under Preinstalled Scripts, click Addon Scripts, then phpNuke. Fantastico on your cPanel also has a wide range of CMSs under Content Management. Have a look at each of their websites and choose which one you are most comfortable with. Xoops, phpNuke and Mambo I have tried and I have found phpNuke to be the most reliable and Xoops to be extremely customiseable. Mambo is a sort of 'middle of the road' option.
  2. I use http://www.dafont.com/de/ a lot, but also try searching for the style of font you are looking for, you will often find a font that is perfect, and no-one else has!You could also try looking on PC magazines, as these often offer free CDs with more fonts than you could ever need.
  3. I thinks it's $9.99 per year if you register the domain for 100 years. Its unlikely that you would keep a domain for 100 years, but a sucessful company might.
  4. Do you really need them to have access to the FTP server? If you are really stuck, you could always create a 'downloads' webpage with links to the file. I have tried mytrapname.trap17.com (although changed for my Xisto info) in IE and FF and it gave a 421 each time. You could try using Net2FTP
  5. IE does display pages differently, although there are many work arounds to display pages the same in IE and FF.I have just finished doing the CSS for my site. It originally looked totally different in IE and FF. FF looked exactly as it should, but IE moved everything around, which ended up shifting things to different lines and wrecking the entire layout.After a bit of tweaking it now looks perfect in each browser I have tried it on (IE 5 and 6, FF 0.8 and 1.0.4, Mozilla).Also, if you are really desperate you can use javascript to make the page use a different CSS sheet depending on the browser, although this sometimes doesn't work and can cause more problems than it solves.
  6. That will work for .htm .html .php .asp .mp3 .jpg ... Any file can be called as an error page (as far as I am aware). It won't look for /subdir/404.php if you put the .htaccess in the /public_html/ folder directly. This will apply your error page to all sub folders, but won't include the sub folder name in the search for the file. The user's IP can be taken with the following line of code: $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; You can resolve that IP address with the following code (in place of what is above): $resolve = GetHostByName($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); To get the page that the user came from you can use the code: $referrer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];/* That can sometimes fail as some browsers stop it being sent, so you could try this if it doesn't work */$referrer_uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; I don't think it is possible to find out what page a user was going to, as it will be changed to your 404.php anyway. I hope this helps you.
  7. A black box would be a great addition to a PC. If it took up an internal drive and recorded to some form of memory (e.g an SD card or other form of small memory) which could be taken out and read on another PC, with a list of all system changes and software and hardware errors that could explain why a system won't boot for example. This would make diagnostics an awful lot easier and would take some of the guess work out of replacing components or uninstalling software as it could have gone wrong. It could also alert you to when components are getting old or need replacing, or have caused a system error.A great idea, but will it ever happen?
  8. To use a custom .html (or any other type of file) as an error 404 you must use the code stated at the start of this thread: ErrorDocument 404 /myerrorpage.html Where myerrorpage.html is the name of the page you want to display as an error 404. You do not need to put /public_html/ or anything like that, just the name of the file, or if it is in a folder called errors, then put /errors/404.html
  9. The <= thing means less than or equal to. There are loads of them used in all programming languages. Some of the most common ones are listed below:< less than> greater than<= less than or equal to>= greater than or equal to== exactly equal to!= not equal toThey can be very useful in all sorts of eventualities. I can't remember what they are collectively called (hopefully someone will help out )They can be used with dates, numbers, variables, times, all sorts of things.
  10. Nice system. Apart from adding a little bit of colour to it I can see no obvious faults. Just an annoying comment, but you spelt 'meaning' wrong on the about page.I have added a term and it is very simple to use! Well done.
  11. After a few minutes searching I found GeoAuctions Lite. Its the free version of a more powerful auction system. I looked at the demo and it has a wide range of information displayed for the items. Its released under the GNU/GPL so you can edit it to your heart's content! Have a look and adapt the features that you like. You say you are a mediocre coder, and I have found that one of the best ways to learn is by looking at other scripts. Hope you find what you are looking for, or manage to create your own. Good luck
  12. I presume the main differences will be bug fixes and security holes fixed, other than that, not a lot will have changed.
  13. Could take you a while to find them, and it would be difficult to push them all at once!! This reminds me of the stuff on 'What If Microsoft Built Cars?'. My favourite was always "The airbags would say 'Are You Sure?' before deploying". It's not really good for the environment as they are not replacting anything, just being added on, so they will still end up dumped when the car is too old to work any more.
  14. Thanks for the links, I'll check some of those out over the weekend.
  15. I am looking for some freeware software that allows you to create the circuit diagram or layout from a selection of components. I don't necessarily need to be able to run the circuit on the computer, just draw it. If anyone knows of any such software, then please let me know. Thanks in advance.
  16. We have had a compulsary purchase scheme in Britain for years. The Government can forcibly buy your land or building for the current market price, often to build roads or extend car parks etc. It isn't implemented often, only when people must be moved, when they are generally offered help in finding a new property, and given over the market price for their land.
  17. Also, make sure MySQL is running as a service, otherwise you have to manually start it, which you won't have done. Try starting it as a service (help on the MySQL Website).
  18. I always prefer light, its far easier on the eyes. I especially like the light blue, light green or silver schemes as I find those easiest to read and generally look better than a mish-mash of bright colours randomly picked from the colour palette.
  19. There is a PHP function that counts the number of characters in a string: strlen($variable_to_count); I am not sure how you could use this 'live'. If anyone could enlighten me, guangdian and alexia on how to include this 'live' we would be very greatful.
  20. I have one USB pen drive that holds 128MB, made by Crucial Memory. I paid ?18 for it, but the prices have dropped alarmingly since then, now to about ?10. I am thinking of upgrading to a 512MB / 1GB with MP3 player built in.
  21. I believe you are wrong there. You can get a job at either 13 or 14 (can't remember which) as long as your employer has a special permit and you check with the local council for any permits etc. you will require. At this age you cannot work full hours (no 9 to 5 jobs) and no minimum wage applies. Good luck with your job.
  22. I think you have to have McAfee to use the port checkers etc, as I also cannot find a link.
  23. If it says that the database cannot be found, make sure you have the database name prefixed with your cPanel username (e.g username_dragonfly). Also, make sure you have set the password correctly, defaultly the same as your cPanel password. Also, make sure the database already exists (make it in cPanel).
  24. Thats a great link, thanks serverph. Its a lot easier than trying to make it in an image editing program.
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