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Everything posted by networker

  1. I guess my favorite alcaholic drink is beer,with Heinekenbeing my favorite brand. I also like Southern comfort,a nice sweet tasting southern whiskey,thoughI haven't drank it for awile. I don't drink much at all during the winter.Theres nothing quite like quenchingyour thirst on a hot,humid july night with a nice,cold ale.
  2. networker


    I've used c-panel for several years now and I always used the default generic style/skin interface.I alwaysfound this to be tedious,awkward and even slow loading. I thought changing the style wouldn't make much of adifference.How wrong I was. Last week I switched to the blue lagoon style,and everything looks better,is organized better and loads much better.It'sa major difference. I was wonderiong what anybody else thinks of this, and whatc-panel style you use.
  3. Joyce's ulysses.That book never did anything for me.I had thisgirlfriend who insisted I read it.I found it very,verytedious.A real task to read.Why it's considered a classic I don't know. I don't mean to cut down one of the greats,which is what he is,butI have a hard time reading shakespeare.Probably because it'swritten in old english.He is brilliant though,and obviouslya literary genius.The power of his words still cuts through. I should give his books a chance again.I only read them inschool,Maybe I'd apreciate them more now.
  4. I've read it.I think it's a good book.I think it's rathertouching so to speak,for want of a better term.The way the one guy looks out for the big simpleton,who always wants to hear what it will be like tohave a farm with rabbits. The ending is interesting.He kills his friend because he knew he'dnever get away and prison life would be a real torture for him. It's a tragic story that for some reason reminds me of "The grapes of wrath".Another really good book
  5. I play guitar,bass and sing also.I like electric or acousticguitars,depending on what you're playing.I've played all kinds of different music,though I'm more rock based when it comes right down to it. I don't play drums,but I do program a drum machine.An ancient yamaha rx-8.I still like it.
  6. These laws are funny.- It England, it is illegal for a cab in the City of London to carry rabid dogs or corpses. That ones just common sense. -It England, it is an act of treason to place a postage stamp bearing the British monarch upside down. What if it was the letter upside down and not the stamp?- In Alabama, it is illegal for a driver to be blindfolded while driving a vehicle. Here in Toronto 10 percent of people drive blindfolded.It must be legal.
  7. In Canada a social security number is called a social insurance number(s.i.n).People even call it a sin card.Perhaps there was some sly sense of humour at work here. I guess what they meant in the bible is that once we become toolarge a population,we'll all become just numbers to those that matter.Numbers rather than faces of people with feelings. The key is to just try to stay an individual.Don't become one of the sheep.
  8. Everybody goes on about adding back links but who really needsall these irrelevant links on they're pages?I look at some of these sitesand they are eyesores with link after link to small time,never viewed internetdirectories . I think the bottom line is,if you really want heavy traffic then youhave to pay for it, and/or have a website that peoplewill want to visit. I submitted my sites to hundreds of directories last april,andthe traffic from them is nil so far. As far as metatags go,I think they're effect is minimal.The titletag appears to be much more important. Basically, have a site that people would like to see.If you don't have that you don't have anything.I'm trying too.It's not easy.
  9. I know it's horrible that Walmart is a big facelesscorporation,but it's something there that is inexpensive when needed. Most of the complaints here though ,sound more about aspecific store as far as the meat re-dating,dirty floors go,ratherthan walmart in general. The few times I'm in Walmart it looks clean enough,I don't know about themeat though. The lousy service can be put down to low wages and not hiring enoughpeople. That's just my objective opinion.
  10. If you really need these energy drinks that bad,it's reallyjust a sign that you aren't sleeping right and/oreating properly. Yes,it's true Coca Cola contained cocaine in an era when Sigmund Fruedwas a coke addict.Cocaine is for losers anyway. If you really need these energy drinks you could just takecaffiene tablets anyway.It would help save your bladderbut not your nrevous system.
  11. networker

    Mysql Hacks

    What I try and do also, is limit the amount of charactersthat somebody is allowed to enter into an input box.I've tried various tests to see if my sites can be hacked andso far it's turned out pretty good.
  12. Stay away from gambling.I don't think there can be a worse addiction than that really.Casinos have created more misery than can be mentioned.Take up an xbox or something. All the best
  13. It turns out most of the side effects from botox onlylast two or three months.That's what I've read doing google searches and reading upon the subject. Apparantly it's not that harmfull.
  14. I'm British too.At least that's where I grew up.I live in Canada now.I like coffee much more than tea though.The thing is,coffee does give you an energy boost.If I drink it toomuch though it seems it's harder to fall asleep.Some people I know can drink tons of coffee and don't have that problem.I wish I were the same.
  15. The problem though. is that some people basically abuse the email system,,ruining it for everybody.Sending out bulk mail and such. I do all the coding on my sites,though few visitors that there are so far.I wouldn't send out bulk emails.Php send mail should only be used sparingly,for things like registration and such. Xisto is excellent.Hopefuly people don't take it for granted.
  16. For myself,I never burn music using a dvd burner.I've seen toomany dvd discs that just don't play on other systems.I always burn music using a cd burner and these discsalways play on other computers or stereos with no problemwhatsoever.
  17. Now that you mention it.I have an idea for a movie. It would be about a couple of hardened criminal thugs whorent out this room in a house. The whole reason they are renting it out is toextort.They look for really weak people to rent it to,and then begin doing things such as searching the tenantsroom for things they can hold against him, such as cluesabout bank passwords,mental sickness etc. As the movie goes along they find that the tenant has thousandsof dollars in the bank and has a history of mental problems. They begin playing games on him and messing with his mind to sethim off balance. They periodically cut off his telephone,take his mail etc. When they still can't find any bank passwords they decide they'll torture himto get the information they want.This would be sinister and brutal. The next door neighbour,somehow hears about this plan at the last minuteand thwarts it.Getting the two con men arrested. At least it'll have a happy ending.I think it's a good idea.
  18. It is a lot of work actually registering for the sites and submitting articles. Of course the articles must be pretty good also. Some of them are funny to format.They don't accept much HTML so it's a lot of editing. Heres some sites : http://www.amazines.com/ http://www.articlesbase.com/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ All of them accepted articles from me,although how well they'll do is to be seen.Just blab about something that has to do with your site and include links to your website.
  19. It happens all the time.I thought there were laws against false advertising.You sign up with them and go through a whole thing of posting all kinds ofmessages on a forum,only to find that something likephp sendmail isn't enabled after all. I'm not talking about Xisto.Trap17 has been excellent.It's justsome of these others we all know.
  20. I have some small internet radio stations on Soundclick.com.They call them 'stations' so I guess that's what they are.The problem with people being able to download so much freemusic though, is that they don't need radio stations as much as theynormally would.Though some fortunately like to be surprised andhear new things.
  21. Another way is too write articles that pertain to your website.Not spam so to speak but if you're website is about music,write articles about music that have links to your site,and thensubmit these articles to article directory submission sites. People will borrow these articles to use on they're websites,thus your site gets exposure more and more around the worldwide web amd more and more people read it. Apparantly it can snowball.It seem slike a good idea to me.
  22. I've often thought the best way of avoiding diarrheais just using common sense so to speak.Don't eatcertain kinds of foods.Try to stick with solid foods.Don't eat say cottage cheese.That will most definitly give you diarrhea. It seems that if you eat a lot of steak,or pork chops,vrgetables etc that the chances of getting it are slim. If you were only to eat a lot of cheese,ice cream.apple sauceone would get diarrhea.
  23. Apparantly this farmers almanac has been around since the early19th century and it's reputation is apparantlypretty good. I just read that they claim an 80-85 per cent accuracy rate.So this hurricane warning is a little disturbing. They do claim to use elaborate mathematical formulas to calculate the weather,although this method has always been held secret.I'd just wait and see.Theres nothing else you can do.
  24. I've just been hit by negative mycents again.Right now it's at negative -301.This is the third time it has happened.I just saw somebody with negative -3545.70. He just might have to declare bankruptcy.lol. Seriously though,Xisto hosting is great.I hopethe problems can be sorted out soon.
  25. I've never had any problem with firefox as far as viruses go.I don't use greasemonkey either. This virus is definitly a surprise to me.Hopefully Firefox is a little quicker solving these problemsthan microsoft is with internet explorer.
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