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Everything posted by networker

  1. At last.It's about time that they had something like this.I'm surprised I heard of this so late. If they could onlyfind a way now to stop email spam.
  2. Racism is way too much of a problem.Everywhere,people like to form cliques andexclude other people just for the sake of it.To makethem feel more powerfull.I am an optimist at heart,and believe that one day there won'tbe any racism.The first step though would be to stop having wars.Nothing fuels racism like those.
  3. I'm not a trekkie,but I like the first series. There was so much change in all of the startrek movies,from one to another,that the new one doesn't surprise me. I've seen the trailor.It's allright, but they'll never recapture thefeel and magic of the first series. They make a lot of these movies mainlyto satiate the ego of certain directors.
  4. That's a really good idea to get rid of the health insurancepeople.Middle men are one of societys scourges.They mess upeverything from labour to real estate, accelelerating prices andone of the main causes of inflation. More centralization of the medical field would help,as well as governmentsanctioning of who and what could be sued.Theres a lot of abuse.I wish I had a dollar for every person I've seen walking around with acane trying to get on medical benifits.Once they get on these medicalbenefits,magically they no longer need the cane anymore.It's ridiculous.
  5. The problem is for most people is that there is no utopia without profit.The whole way of the western world, and with the eastern world catching up,is based on competition. It's nice to believe in Startrek,but I'm a little cynical of that.I'll beliebe it when everybody donates they're shares in the dowjones to charity.
  6. I once built a hockey game in vb .net.It was coming along goodbefore my computer crashed and I lost it. It would take me hours just to program one second of play.I think it's good really that I didn't save it to disc because I'd probablystill be wasting time working on it. It was allright though.
  7. In Toronto it's horrible. The only escape from the weather is tostay inside as much as possible. There have been mild winters,but notin the last few years. Last year was apparantly the coldest in35 years. This year doesn't feel any better.
  8. networker


    Has anybody here ever used Sarissa?It claims to be a wrapper that makes Ajax compatible withany browser(Ie,Firefox,Safari.Opera).I'm a little bit skeptical.Perhaps I don't know enough about it.
  9. I don't know about willpower,but I'm definitly stubborn.If one could retain this stubbornness and losethe impulsiveness,then one could indeed develop willpower.Theres phsical factors and elemental factors involved too.For example,yesterday I went out to the store,but because of the coldweather I went to the more expensive store because it is closer.I should have ignored the cold completely and gone to thecheaper store but I didn't have the willpower.
  10. All this help has been great. I've heard of Ubunti before.I'll probably give it a try soon.Just a little nervous. I was wondering.How is Linux at detecting virtual ram?My ram is only 256 mg right now but the virtual ram hasalways made up for it.I presume there should be no problem with Linux.
  11. I like both sports. The thing is,there are unfortunately too many playersin soccer who dive and fake injuries. They are carried off the field on astretcher and are back playing less than a minute later, all in the hopeof getting the other team a red card.They should get red carded for faking it. People critisize soccer for being too low scoring,but a game is over in less than two hours. If you added an extra "half" then 3 hour soccer gamescores would be comparableto three hour n.h.l games.
  12. If it's Windows xp,temporarily, you can use a screen keyboardthat you can find in accessories/accessibility.You use a mouse with it. I had that problem once.I reinstalled the operating system andthat fixed it.
  13. I was wondering,what I'd like to do is have a mini linux operating sytem onmy windows c:/ drive. I've heard there are ones available.Not something that I have to install from disk,just something I can downloadand throw on my C:/ drive so I can learn Linux that way,before Iinevitably make the full switch to becoming a full Linux userand install the whole thing.Just a small size mini linux.Hopefully no more than a few gigabytes. Any answers?Does anybody know where I could download such a thing?
  14. I've had Paint shop pro 7 for years.I think it is great.I never used it as much as I should of, but havebeen lately.There is so much you can do with it.Everything from animationto image pixalization touchups(Which I'm not exactly thorough about anyway),to using vectors and layers and so many image enchancements and effects.What does anybody think of paint shop pro 7?How does it compare to the newer paintshops?How does it compare to photoshop? I'd take it over gimp anyday.
  15. I find them about the same.A lot would also depend onyour isp provider and also your browser.Internetexplorer slows everything down by 100 per cent. My current firefox browser(Unupdated,I'm trying tokeep it that way) is really quick so I'm getting speedy pageloading.As a matter of fact, I find cable,dsl and wireless all about the same speed. I don't notice any difference.
  16. It's horrible that they still kill these whales.Any poaching is completely awfull. Lions,tigers,elephants etc. To think they kill elephants just for the tusksto make aphrodsiacs,Loggerhead turtles for cosmetics.It boggles the mind.
  17. The whole thing is,and this may be naive but one never really thinks of Northern climates as being suseptible to weather catastraphies as such. Sure it may get cold, but I've never really heard of any really bad Northern hurricanes or Earth quakes or Tornados. These seem to be more of a southerly thing,so maybe there isn't much of a proper weather catastrophie plan for many states,hence the 404 page. I mean, whats the chances of a weather catastraphe in say New york state? Sorry.I thought you meant specifically weather catastraphe rather than general catastraphe. Yes. A general evacuation page should be available at all times. I found this page here: http://www.state.nj.us/njoem/plan/evacuation-routes.html
  18. I'd say it's a step in the right direction.If everyone where drivingVolvos though, I think people might feel too safe to bothersignaling,especially around busy shopping malls. What does that matter though, as it is too many people don't signal anyway.Time will tell.
  19. Three years! That's a lifetime in the world of hosting.Xisto is really good though.I'm surprised I had never of heard of it before. It's by far the best I've seen. Heres to another thirty years!
  20. I think baseball season is way too long.For that matter, alsothe n.h.l,and n.b.a are also way too long. I think the n.f.l is about the only one that has it right.The season begins in September and ends in January.Short and sweet really.It leaves everybody clamoring for more.
  21. That would be great if google actually did this.Maybe the conversion of t.v signals from analog to digitalhad something to do with this, I don't know. If the internet were free I could provide more foodfor my pet fish. If only the world were that perfect.
  22. I used to use other peoples unencrypted wireless signalssometimes.I never really download much so I was neverreally bleeding away they're bandwidth. In my backyard, theres all kinds of wireless networks.No doubt some of them are unprotected.I don't have a wirelessnow so I don't know. The thing is, always have your wireless network protected.For awhile mine wasn't, and people can eat up your bandwidth in no time.
  23. I'll have to check this one out,and some of the other ones suggested.My own websites are trees that fall in the forest that nobody hears,so to speak. All this website stuff is a lot of work.
  24. I think your mood,amongst other things could affect you when writing,so I think anaverage out of say 3 tests would be about right.The highest I ever had was 142 and the lowest 125.
  25. I didn't choose any of your sports because I don'tdo any of those whatsoever.Why didn't you listswimming for summer sports? That's one that I do take part in.In winter trying to walk on icy sidewalks is a sportin itself.One that I don't choose to take part in, but Ihave no choice. Nobody does.
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