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Everything posted by networker

  1. I've always used notepad for php. What would be nice would be an editor where you could set the colors of nested loop and if statement brackets.It would be mucheasier to keep track of things that way.
  2. You know,my enthusiasm for javascript/xml ajax wavered when I realized how many browsers were being used now.Ie explorer, firefox,opera,safari etc. It just seemed there were too many discrepencies from one browser to another browser .What would work on one wouldn't work on another. With the popularity of Ajax now,I feel I'll have no choice but to learn it more thorouhly as well. Heres a link : http://www.w3schools.com/xml/ajax_intro.asp
  3. I used to live in Montreal, and I knew several Dawson students.I was shocked and sad to hear about the shooting.Theres such a good atmosphere around Westmount square/AlexisNihon/Dawson college. It's such a really friendly atmosphere.They even allow buskers in Westmountsquare,Canadas richest neighbourhood.Stop the guns.That may sound naive butI certainly wish.
  4. Of course,all this would depend on if you had permission tochange the ini file.I don't think we do here at Xisto.If you don't hace permission you won't be able tochange it in code.I know you're on another server though.Best of luck.
  5. I tried using netbeans and it was really,really slow.It would crash all the time too.VB net which is a large sizehas always run perfectly on my computer.I only have128 megabyte Ram. Would increasing my ram with a usb stick solve the problems with netbeans?I'm a bit of a hardware doofus,and I don't like to go inside the computer to do anything,so I'd prefer a usb ram. Any feedback?
  6. The other day I downloaded the Safari browser having heard so much about it.The thing is.text boxes such as the ones seen on loginand registration sites are not visible,unless they have a colored border around them.This is a bit of a pain in the neck,especially if youdesign web pages. What is the problem with Safari? Does anybody else have any issues with Safari?
  7. There already has been ways to hook up a t.v to the internet a long time ago,so what you are talking about is definitly not innovative.It's old news.
  8. As many have mentioned,it seems internet explorer isinherently virus prone,unlike a browser like Firefox.I'm very skeptical about any Microsoft free anti-virus software.Right now I can just picture it slowing down the computer even more, andbeing tied in to all kkinds of updates and just not taking care of viruses.
  9. I think the fries at Pizza Pizza are way better than at Mcdonalds. I had a two piece chicken dinner there the other day.It was well worth it. Mcdonalds fries are way too skinny and stringy for me.
  10. I've looked at the vb express editions.No offence,but compared to the standard edition it'spretty basic.No pun intended.As far as I can see, theres not many code changes at all in the netframeworkfrom 2002-2009.I'm just worried about Microsoft pulling something.2003 is a long time ago for them. C++? For strictly windows applications VB .net is on about a par with C++.I think a lot of it seems to boil down to the intptr type.With the intptr type I'm hoping you can have full access to all the Windows apifunctions that C++ had for years. I haven't done api programming as much as I would like to.I want to get into that again soon.
  11. I don't believe Canadians would want this at all.It would be one step closer to us losing our laws.I mean.do we really need the crazy gun control situation thatexsists in the U.s.a?How about the three strike law in California meaning thata 3 time simple marijjuanna possesion conviction couldmean a twenty-five year sentence?Nobody does.Free trade has mean't that we've lost a lot of our basic industries.The only ones benefiting from this are corporations and professionals.No offense.The U.s.a is a great place to visit.Great country, butI wouldn't want to live there.Not the way the illegal gun situation is out of hand.Not unless I were rich and had lots of security.
  12. HelloI have the Visual basic .net standard edition 2003.I was wondering,does anybody think this version is getting too old?I'd really like to upgrade,but you can't upgrade the standard edition.I'd really like to get the upgradeable proffesional edition but it'sjust a little too expensive.I think the standard issue is a good deal, although you get limiteduse of direct x components,and other short comings,such as it appears,checking the system registry, amongst many other things. Sometimes I think I should concentrate on Python for desktopapplications.I'm a little rusty with vb .net I've been concentratingon php again,for the last year and a half.Anyway, is vb .net 2003 too old? What do you think? For example. I've never ran any of my applications on Vista.I assume the first net framework version should be okay on Vista.Any feedback?
  13. I just got laid off from one of my part time jobs which meansthat now,I have to survive on working 24 hours a week from my other job. Anyway.I've ben eating really cheaply.Lot's of pasta and rice.Lotsof canned vegatables and fruits.Does anybody know inexpensive ways of eating at home?I'll eat in a restaurant the odd time,but not much lately.Also,are canned vegetables and canned fruit still that nutriscious?
  14. I think that Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia is a little too general for just the number 666.People who are affected by this I think willbe affected by numbers in general.13 for instance. I'm not really affected by numbers at all.My main phobias arefear of heights.This seems to have increased over the last few years,and Spiders,though I know spiders are good insects, I just find them creepy.
  15. Yes.Something like that once happened to me once with Jalepeno peppers.Those things are incredibly strong,both in taste and what they can do to yourskin.I'm surprised the army hasn't used them in weapons. Always wash everything if you're around those things.
  16. I'd say it's all a very complex thing.On the one sideyou have Microsoft,who are basically in the position toover charge at will and then you have theopen source. It's great that things are free I mean look at the messageboard,forum software.Many websites are built on these.Software that really isn't that difficult to build,andyet they are all free. Imagine if one mega construction company offered tobuild all houses for free? It would cripple other constructioncompanies and skilled workers. Sure it's great theres Microsoft and it's great theres open source,butit seems they are two uncompromising extremes really.If you put the time into building something,it should be protected at least to a degree.Then again.the world is never perfect.
  17. Many people talk with loathing about this place,and yet it succeeds with incredible success,Why,is beyond me.Every year the big macs just seemed to get smaller,the french fries are skinny beyond belief,and yet people flock to it.It may be cheap,but so are all the others.I'd go to burger King,Harveys,A+W anyday over Mcdonalds. Macdonalds is the first of it's kind and the worst.
  18. I wouldn't trust any home remedy unless I heard it firstfrom a doctor.A real one. About the only one I ever use is drinking water to stop coughing.That seems to work really well.
  19. The way I see it it's just common sense.The old saying goes,don't play with knifes.Unless you use common sense with one people can easilyget hurt. If someone hapens to die,somebody has toanswer to it.Such foolishness should at least,and probably will bringout a charge of manslaughter,still a heavycharge despite the "I didn't mean it" excuse.I mean, nobody ever means it do they?That';s no excuse whatsoever.
  20. I don't believe in astrology.To me it just seemstoo abstract to have any effect at all.I feel theimmediate circumstances around us(i.e family,money,environement) are the factors that affect and influence us directly.As the saying goes,the world doesn't turn unless you turn it.
  21. I had a toothache last year.I don't think theres any worse pain thanthat. The thing is,I don't know where your from,but in Canadayou can buy tylenol 1 over the counter that contains codeine.They kept me out of pain until I saw my dentist.
  22. It's been a long time since you posted this,so I hope you've recovered from the death of your pet. It's interesting that you say this bird is illegal in Australia. It seems people will do anything to have a favourite pet.I know a few people who have pet turtles,which are illegalas pets here in Toronto.Hopefully they look after them well.
  23. I've seen several different kinds of definitions ofhackers.Maybe they need a new term because 'hacker'is really too general.The bottom line isthat unauthorised access to somebody else'saccount is wrong and illegal.It's just common sense.Nobody likes or wants,internet intruders and vandals.
  24. That's pretty good.It's got a sort of whimsical quality about it.The cat and the man discovering each otherand becoming friends.I like it.You should write more.
  25. networker


    Apparantly you can now write php desk top applcations,which is really wierd. It still sems very much in it's infancy.It also getsme wondwering what kind of database you'd use for desktop applications with php,or for that matter with Python. It wouldn't seem practical using mysql on a desktop. Microsoft access? That's not open source. Conflicting ideoligies so to speak,
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