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Everything posted by networker

  1. It turned out the dehydration wasn't from the camomiletea. During the winter the heat gets very dry so I just have to open the windowa little. For some reason though camomile tea does make me more thirsty after a few cups. I still like it, but only have a cup or two.
  2. Don't you think athletes are way overpaid?It's ridiculous isn't it?Not only that, but the cost of tickets to see games is also ridiculous.Professional sports have leaned in the corporate direction forfar too long, so that now only corporations can afford to see these games.The hardcore fan is now counted out completely.Add to this, teams are now having they're own expensive cable stations.Making it an even more expensive proposition.Also out the door is tradition. Teams name stadiums after corporations now,and wear several uniforms,to further bleed more money from the fans.What is all this teaching the kids?I think professional sports is a bit of a scam.
  3. I certainly couldn't have said this any better. It's a dangerous proposition. All hackers have to do is get ahold of the software. Then they start from there. I'm really skeptical about a "Thought" chip. The way I see it,there aren't enough people in the world using they're brains as it is. Such a thing is unethical really.Very similiar to the idea of human cloning. What Echo_of_thunder said is an entirely different matter. This is much more practical. Definitly technology that is good.
  4. I don't bother with any desktop email clients.So technically I filter out the whole thing. The way I see it,from now on I'll keep as little software onmy computer as possible. I don't need a virus wreaking havoc with anything. Viruses love email clients. I think it's much easier,and more practical and safer to handle your emailjust on the server.
  5. I think Madonna is allright, I just don't think she's ever been innovative or groundbreaking though. I like Nina Hagen much better. Much more eccentric ,much more creative,much more original.
  6. All these replies are really helpfull.What's funny is that a lot of people I know have had colds this winter whenI haven't. Maybe it's because off all the pasta I've been eating.All that Vitamin C. I'll have to check into this ensure vitamin drink. I looked intomulti vitamins in the drug store and I thought they were rather expensive.What's probably very ironic is that eating cheaply is the most nutrisciousway to eat.It seems to work that way for me.
  7. This doesn't make any sense to me whatsoever.If this were the case then we all would of been warnedabout this a long time ago.Restaurants wouldn't place a glass of water on your tablefirst thing. Also water, and for that matter, just about any liquid consumptionduring a meal would not be any good. What about the liquids in the food we eat?No offence, but your theory is ridiculous.
  8. Definitly Spam bots are a problem.Definitly should usea captcha on a forum registration. On other kinds ofregistration a captcha isn't really needed as much. The thing about real humans and spamming though,is thattheres a fine line between telling people everything about yourself and spamming. If you're interests happen to be say websites, are you spamming people bypromoting your own site?Some might say yes while others differ.It's debatable.
  9. I know how you feel about writing.Sometimes I really think Iforget how to write.It looks like some little kid scrawled it.Not me. The thing about traditional letter writing though, is that certain thingshave just been forgotten when it comes to computer correspondence.Things that are considered the norm in traditional writinghave been largely ignored. I mean,traditional letters are supposed to began with dear whoever for a reason.Sincerity, and that people like to hear they're own name. The way I feel,I can't really trust somebody who doesn't remember my name.I think we all feel that way somewhat.
  10. I hope I'm not a little off topic here butI had to call Microsoft on the phone, after I'd fully re-installed my xp operating system no more than about 12 times. Microsoft say that after 25, or is it 35? installs of xp,you can't activate it over the internet, but must phonethem instead. Quite a few times I loaded the xp disc just to re-install the basic drivers. It always fixed certain problems, but thesewere no way full installs.The install prompt never even came up. Could it be my problem with xp really began because I wasn't usingall generic xp drivers? Not with the number of installs?
  11. networker

    Email Virus

    I was wondering. Has anybody ever had they're email account hacked by a virus?I feared that I was, or was going to be hacked.This virus that was on my computer at first wouldn'tlet me get to my email web addresses.I couldn't load the pages.I fortunately changed all the passwords now, but it realllygot me thinking about how scary these viruses can be. I'll never leave a password on my computer again.I've never stored the passwords myself, but I couldn'tbe sure if certain Microsoft software had stored them.I always click "No" when prompted by the computer to remember passwords,but sometimes I wonder.
  12. Forget what I said earlier about a certain well known name brandanti-virus software. They aren't good for everything.It's email virus protection had been disabled , and not by me. Maybe the virus that I had,was allready on my computer when I installed thisanti virus software though, but the virus just wasn't removed. It really gets you wondering about anti-virus protection.I had to re-install my operating system yet again to get ridof this. I have new anti virus software now.I'm too paranoid to mention it.The way I see it.Don't put your faith completely inanti-virus software because you can still get viruses.Be extra carefull about what you download. Time wil tell how long my new software protects my computer.
  13. I have some friends who drink a lot.They don't seem depressed though.I wonder if some of them actually have a serious addiction problem. Drinking for them is a knee jerk reaction.I learned a long time ago never drink when youare depressed.It only makes things worse.I'm glad I have control of my alcahol consumption.
  14. I recently got hit by a virus,and AVG seems to be taking care of it pretty good. My experiences with Norton has not been very good. My one time use of spydoctor was a nightmare. It wouldn't install properly and it was extremely difficult to un-install. I find this thread on the devshed forum really helpfull. A time consuming process but still worth it : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  15. It never occured to me before that search engines might appreciate sites that are updated even more.The thing is,if you have a news,event based site then such a thing is a given.My sites are more online software based,so updating text has never really been an issue. It's food for thought though.
  16. Those website examples are loud and obnoxious.I'm sure theres worse out there though.If the Jesus sight didn't blind me,I would have liked to see if therewas a visitors counter just out of curiosity.Sometimes the uguly things are the most fascinating to people.
  17. I'd like to die peacefuly and painlessly,but then again,depending on what you believe, you can say that you neverreally die anyway.Just move into the next phase so to speak I'm no expert on this,but I hear people rarely die in pain anyway.They go into a shock state first,where they are numb to all pain.That's what I've heard.
  18. Compatibility is the word.A major headache.If it's not just css compatibility,one has also to worryabout javascript compatability too. You would think these browsers could be just a little more accomodatingin they're design.It gets me to think now that when people are looking for coders,there reallyshould be a clean cut division.Serverside coders/database and front end ajax/javascript coders.The more browsers there are the more headaches clientside.I think specialization will become more the norm.I hope so.
  19. I just recently began submitting articles to directories.Many article directories have a long registration processand many don't allow hyperlinks to be in the articles. It can take some time to find directories that will be acceptable.So far, my article is in three directories and one is still "pending".That's when the entire site is available for me to see.lol. So far,the readership views have been really slow. If I'm sounding negative,the only positive I can say from thisis that it's only been about two weeks so far since I first submitted. Hopefully time will improve things.
  20. I think your idea is ridiculous.You'd justbe creating an elitist system and where there iselitism there is incredible corruption.Just look at nazi germany. The best form of government wouldbe a socialist one.Human kind just aren't capable of it nowsince we aren't capable of being fair.It was attempted in Communist China andRussia. One way in which we could try ruling ourselves is to allow onlywomen leaders. They have the basic nurturing instinct that just aren'tfound in power hungry males. This may sound like a crass idea to some,but we've tried every other which way,so maybe we should give this one a shot.
  21. What you could do is make it available on shareware sites. Either allow it as a free download or offer a trial period,before the user wanted to buy it. If you believe in it, then that's what counts. If you don't know much about shareware sites,then check out this site: http://asp-software.org/www/
  22. It sounds like you're sister is obsessive allright.Mydeepest sympathies.It's hard dealing with theseclean people freaks.The ones who can't sit still for picking up imaginary pieces of linton the floor.People who walk around wearing medical breathing masks,only because they are overly paranoid.I say get a life.
  23. I find that song by the doors."The end" to be a really depressing song.It's also a song that puts me to sleep quite easily.I really don't like it at all.
  24. Vinegar, lemon juice and baking soda are all the things you need.You can't get better than those three things combined for cleaning. Vinegar will cut through the grease,the baking soda will disinfectand is really abrasive to remove tough dirt particles,and the lemon will add a nice smell to everything. Add a little water to dilute it,and a plastic spray gun and you have it made.
  25. Has anybody here used Ruby on rails?What's it like?Is it as usefull as they say it is and why?What advantages would it have over say over php?Do you think it will get popular?
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