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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. First of all I want to say that Java and Javascript is not the same an are totally two different programming languages, in fact Javascript is a scripting language, but you can find that on google.I agree that using Java might be a pain for a newbie, but once you get there, you may find it to be quite a safe language to use, even though sometimes it may compile quite a long time and etc. but if you're a pro developer, you might have a lot of knowledge how to do everything right. I also don't enjoy java sites in a browser, sometimes it doesn't work as it should, but a lot of sites are using JSP to create their websites, they have a lot of power to control the site. Java can be used to create all those mobile phones games, which is also good, the only good thing about java for me is that it works on all platforms and no porting are required.As for Javascript which is totally different and does not relate to java just sound very similar, I also used to avoid as much as possible, but current browsers and sites for several years now are using it a lot, it can do a lot and it's convenient, it's so much faster now that you can use lots of javascript, for debugging you can use Dragonfly on Opera or Firebug on Firefox, it's really a great tool to debug javascript and more. Nevertheless as much as I like to not use javascript, I am required sometimes to use it and I for some time now only use jquery framework and jquery plugins which I edit for my purposes on a certain website, it's a really great framework for Javascript, I even started to like using Javascript and it's almost cross browser, I did not have a lot of issues making it work on such bad browsers like IE6 or IE7.
  2. I suggest you to use a robots.txt file to restrict or allow access to parts of your site, also you could use meta tags to control your robots like google.For google you cwan use a sitemap, google offers google sitemaps, you can show links you want that would be indexed, there are plenty of modules for different forums and cms to generate those sitemaps automatically, just google it.Google sitemaps might be called differently like google developer tools or something like that, I think they merged it.
  3. If it's such an old hoax I just can't believe that someone could fell for it, because that sound from hell was very funny for me and that it came from deeps of earth I guess anyone can do a video like that these days.
  4. I think that Today 2 TB hard disk are quite normal, not everyone needs them though, but I would want one of those, in my laptop I have 320 GB hard disk, I don't put much things there because I have NAS (Network attached storage) of 500 GB it almost full, but it has and usb and I'm thinking of inserting an external at least 1 TB hard disk to it and will have even more place. Or I could burn DVDs to free some space but it's also time consuming. (I don't have blue-ray ;( )Today games are once installed 6-12 GB and usually people want to have more than one game, Windows and all the software usually can take from 20 GB to 120 GB. And I'll be silent about movies and music.I agree that it's really a pain to wait for a 500 GB or I imagine for a 2 TB hard disk to scan or defragment.
  5. I also agree, years ago you could eat and fill your stomach with those burgers, but Today they're so small for the same price, but people still go, I maybe buy from Mcdonalds once a year just because to eat something different, but I usually need several burgers to feel that I eaten something, even though it's tasty, I can agree with that.Alternatively in my country Pizza's through these 5 years got so much cheaper and bigger but also with less of everything, but for the same price of a mcdonalds burger you can get a quite big pizza or another alternative Today that for a little smaller price you can buy a big (average) Turkish kebab and fill up your stomach, but still it's much better to eat at home something normal
  6. To learn jsp you can just install Netbeans with All the features for web (including jdk) and it will have GlassFish and Tomcat, JavaDB and all you need. You'll be able to work using jsp on localhost, it's almost the same as you would install Apache and PHP and run the script on localhost.Playing with those examples on JSP, sometimes it takes a bit to long to compile in my opinion.
  7. I took some classes to learn Java for the web in university, that is Java servlets and JSP and things like struts and faces, but I can agree to TheDarkHacker that Java is very big and through year of using it I won't use it for my personal things, because it's so powerful, of course maybe because I have experience of PHP for 7 years now and just can't see anything better.But some things I liked about Java, especially JSP, it's easy to use, sometimes I get lost why some things works some does not work, but I worked with Netbeans and Eclipse. :)But it's almost the same for the result as PHP with some CMS or Framework like Zend which is also powerful, but because it got to powerful for me and has to much features for a simple site, I don't use it anymore as most of the features are not needed for me and because they exist, I prefer my own CMS which I understand and work with
  8. As I know a lot of people who wants to cool off usually wants a cold drink, a very cold drink and they think they will get cooler, maybe they'll do for a short time and after some time they will want to drink cold water again, in this way you can drink lots of water, but as I know it's better to drink hot water, for example tea, in a hot summer day drinking tea will cool you off as you will start sweating minimally and that will cool you off a bit for much longer time than drinking col Sprite which will only make you much more thirsty :(Of course on a hot summer day it's very great to go the sea, river or a lake to swim ;]Air conditioning a home sometimes may be evil, because you can start sniftering, it's the same as in hot summer day driving a car with air conditioning, it's easy to get a cold. So I usually drink tea to cool me off.
  9. In my opinion of course it does alienate people, but from other side it brings evryone together, usually people on sites similar to facebook speak with school mates when they already finished school and etc. But in some way, people spend less time speaking one to another near a cup of tea or coffee, some people just want to comeback and login to some site or chat service and speak.Or the most obvious example, two people talk a lot through SMS, Skype, MSN and etc. and has al ot of what to say, but when they meet together, they sometimes might be very quite and does not know what to say, of course it depends, but it's just an example.Some people just forget birthdays, because they got used to that sites liek facebook reminds them, but they forget about birthdays from people who does not use facebook and similar sites :DThere are bad sides and good sides about all this technology and alienation, but in my opinio it's best if you can communicate in real live and in Internet live, that you could measure things.Personally I don't use sites like facebook, because of lack of time to do a lot of other things, but I used to use services like that in the past, for me it's usually was lost time of my live
  10. As I know mktime(); is a great function, but if you can, try to not use it, the easiest and most understandable way to add one day to current time in my opinion is doing it like this: $tomorrow = date( "Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime("+1 day") );echo $tomorrow; You can read more about this great function on the manual: http://de2.php.net/strtotime
  11. To add something to the topic again, because I like my TV remote control, I don't really want to not use it maybe my children won't use it, but I'll be an old guy and use it? I would rather see a new feature on the remote control, for example I usually need to search for it if talking about TV in my room, usually the remote is somewhere there hiding from me and I can't turn on or off or change channels, so a feature that the remote control could tell where it is by itself when I'm searching for it would be wonderful
  12. To add my 2 cents, try spoofing your browser as google in some cases you'll see that you get a little bit different content, even though it's prohibited to give different results to google and to other Internet surfers, but you can change HTML leaving the same content, you might see that you get different headers and etc. it depends on the CMS, Forum or SEO modules installed, I also notice a lot that when searching for something I get to Xisto ot Xisto forums from google on the first page, it depends on a lot of factors, most of the main ones were told here by other members above.
  13. I think Windows7 was released on October 22, at least here in Europe. A lot of people liked Windows7 before it was released for most it worked much better than XP or Vista, so in fact I think that Windows7 is a a fixed Vista version which we waited for such a long time, I got hold of legal copy of Windows7 from my university giving me access to microsoft.com products, but they don't give Office suite for free, I wonder why :)But personally, I only started using Vista on SP1 and later I got SP2 and didn't have big issues using it, it worked well, even though it took a lot of resources, but as I am not a gamer and have 4 GB of RAM on Vista, it was enough for me and stable, sometimes explorer was restating as on XP, but half of thst might have been my problem for doing something :(I will change Vista to Windows7 on ~December 14, because currently I have a lot of things installed for university studies which I would be lazy to do again, so on December I'll get some holidays all the way until new year comes I only tried it on other people laptops and by using Virtual Box, but it's not the same I guess.
  14. Never tried any other VoIP in a real situation only Skype, because here in my country it's so popular that everyone has it, so it's easy to talk and use video while talking, but for sometime I don't use it as much as I used to, nor do I want to see video of someone else nor I want to talk with no reason anymore, because sometimes it may look stupid talking to yourself if somebody doesn't know you're talking through a computer to someone else Same as people speaking in public bus or trolleybus with their hands free, looks like idiots until you understand :PNever used Google voice, but as I remember Google talk has the same thing or is it something different? :?
  15. To generate some random characters I use a bit different method, it might be slower, but if it's for a personal site or a site not as big as Wikipedia you can use this code, even though it's not as slow as you can imagine, it works normally and in my opinion is a bit more clear to people who will start editing it: function gen_chars($length = 6) { // Available characters $chars = '0123456789abcdefghjkmnoprstvwxyz'; $Code = ''; // Generate code for ($i = 0; $i < $length; ++$i) { $Code .= substr($chars, (((int) mt_rand(0,strlen($chars))) - 1),1); }return $Code;}// Usage$var = gen_chars(12);echo $var; In the function variable $chars = '..'; I did not include all the letters, because I use this function for sending SMS code to activate some feature on a site and some letters does not feet, due to they look similar, like l can look like 1 and etc. if they are one to another, of course if you'll add all the alphabet and maybe even other symbols and even uppercase letters you'll get a much bigger probability for it to be different for example looping it million times and of course making more than 6 or 12 characters/length will have more different variations.
  16. I used to learn Python on my own at home, it was fun, I know the basics, but I never really got into it, because couldn't use it anywhere. My work is mainly with PHP and all the related stuff and in university they don't teach us Python and I doubt they will, it's mainly Asm, C, C++, C# and Java there and lots of theory if talking about programming languages and related to it stuff like OOP
  17. Funny pictures, but why this is HOT News? I some some more rubbish in apartments, this is also filthy, but I saw worse. Even though funny pictures :)The third pictures from top looks like a basement to drink and smoke rather than an apartment/living quarters
  18. I remember on Windows XP I was using Internet Explorer to get Windows updates, sometimes IE6 freeze, but in most cases it didn't, I never understood why, but a reboot helped.Also, once I installed nvidia driver through windows updates, everything crashed, so I never did it again, but people say that on Windows 7 most updates are available and works well for audio, graphics and other drivers.Updating on Vista, I never had any issues.
  19. Sound like fun, I also just understood that you can make your custom title under the avatar if you're over 500 posts, never knew I need to reach 500 posts, but on this forum I'm quite new, I always thought you can change it, but it seems fair enough to be able to change it only on 500 posts, on Xisto forums I've changed it years ago and never knew the preferences needed
  20. To add my two cents, to avoid getting viruses from removable media on windows, it's best to remove autorun.inf execution, that whenever you insert your usb key or some mass storage device, that autorun.inf wouldn't be executed, I don't know if programs like that exists, I bet they exist, but you can do this by editing your registry, so whenever you insert your key, nothing will happen.Of course I don't know about if you already have a virus and you give it to the key what should be done, as most people said here, you need to scan and have an antivirus and etc. Just wanted to say how to avoid getting it through removable storage.
  21. I doubt I will not use the remote, but aren't those news false? I remember I saw the XBox thing there some family played with XBox without the joystick, but with their bodies and as I understood all that was just a joke, it wasn't possible and even if it would be, it wold make any sense in most cases, the same as Aprils fools day Opera browser joke where you could browse using your head and face mimics, that was really funny.I will just use the remote, the only thing I want the TV to do is to turn off when I go to sleep, because sometimes I forget to set the sleep clock or I start to watch that movie in bed and it turns off, I need to turn it on again, so it's annoying and it's also annoying that TV works all night while I'm asleep, that would be my preferred feature of the future, maybe it exists now, but I don't know anything about it, the same could be with the light, because usually I asleep leaving the lights on :)This could save some electricity bills
  22. For a simple text editor with quite rich features you can use Notepad2, I use it for a lot of years and it seems to be updated by the author quite often, even though I use it as an alternative to Microsoft Windows Notepad, I made it the default viewer for .txt .ini .sql and etc. files just to see what's inside, it looks good, works well has a lot of needed functions/features and is very light, it does not require any installer, just unzip to your program files, make it your default or whatever text viewer/editor. You can download it from here: http://www.flos-freeware.ch/notepad2.html For more powerful tool if lets say talking about web development, you can use PHP Designer 7, read more about it here: http://www.mpsoftware.dk/ [it's not free for several years now, but also is not expensive if you're a student] I use it for a long time and am used to it for PHP development, since PHP Designer 2008 it got really good for web development, because lets say the free version 2006 was a bit slow in some situations, now that's all fixed and runs smoothly.
  23. I use Chrome as my default browser and I don't really want to see it becoming as powerful as Opera or Firefox browser, I want it to be simple, very fast and don't need anything more and it's great for me because it's just showing a web page as it needs to do and nothing more, if it will ever become more powerful it will get slower and maybe even as slow as firefox comparing to Chrome now and there won't be any difference, so I will stop using it.Because Chrome is my default browser, I use it to click on stupid links from chatting, reading documents and it's being open lets say through other applications for as a default browser (Netbeans any update news or installer news page etc.), I usually don't care about those sites, it's just a link and I want it to open really fast and don't even want to login or anything else, just to see what someone wants to show me, read a bit or see a youtube link someone showed on IRC on some channel and close it.For this reason I think Chrome is just very convenient for me.But as my main browser, for logging in, for keeping my cookies I just use Opera and it always has lots of tabs to the sites I need and mainly use and it's always clean to work for me, even though Opera is also really fast, I just do this for convenience, you know sometimes some people show a link where there are lots of javascript involved and the browser is not responding and etc. So I just can end task for Chrome and don't care about it and Opera is always on, so this is why I think Chrome never needs to become as powerful as Opera or Firefox.. I use Firefox only to test web designs and websites if they display the same on my projects.So I doubt Chrome is the worst browser, IE6 and IE7 is the worst browsers ever, IE8 at least works. If you just don't like the simplicity of Chrome, don't use it, use Firefox with all those options you won't ever need or never use and wait for it to always open for several seconds.
  24. I watched a lot of TV series, I can't say which one is my favorite, because a lot of them were/is good.. Starting from sci-fi like Babylon 5, Stargate, fallowing with Prison break, Day break and maybe even Jericho.. And of course all those detectives like Monk and etc. Oh, I also always watch Dr. Haus too :PI think the list is not full, but it's what I remember now.
  25. It seems online, but the admin Fergal doesn't seem to be active, I just saw on the forum that something was done on September, but I suggest you to not bother with that forum, I mean hostbidder.. you can be active on Xisto and Xisto and collect myCents here and get a domain for a ~10$ a year.. Approximately 10$ is about 50-100 quality (non spam) posts, or 40 very good posts :DHere you can renew and etc. normally where on hostbidder it's a little different and every year he needs to renew himself and after a year he can be away for a month and your domain won't get renewed and you'll loose it.
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