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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. I also thought that the picture could be photoshoped, but if it really is true, as I know it should create really a lot of sound? because all the aircrafts I heard which were not far from me, they created a lot of unpleasant sound?
  2. Yes, it really looks great, real art, quite unique.'I know some people who create art from those little metal things on beer cans with which you open the can when you collect thousands of those things, you can create a lot of interesting stuff.I wonder how could some art from pencils look by using different pencils, I mean different sizes and colors and form
  3. Well, there are a lot of data centers with more than millions of terabytes of data, which take a lot of energy, so I doubt you could compete with them For example, a lot of content is dynamic, so it would be really hard to find the difference between different files and you could end just by an infinite loop unless you would find differences and ignore some of content in the Internet. Moreover, as I know google doesn't offer google cache version anymore? or does it? maybe because also due to resources? https://archive.org/ - offers a way back machine, quite cool, but also it's usually slow, it doesn't offer all the content, I mean it doesn't cache everything and it rarely caches images, well, but it's a non profit project
  4. I use google adsense and it works well, I don't know if it's the best or if it offers the most on some click, but it works, especially with big sites, for small sites I think you'll never have a lot of money from ads, unless you cheat, but with time someone will find you cheating and google will just close your account.I always thought about google adsense, that there are I think millions of accounts which never got paid and lets say they have 5$ or 60$ in their adsense account, they never got their money, but google got their money from adwords service for that click?Or all those banned accounts? those ads were also always clicked, so did they refund the user on adwords? or they got their money and banned the adsense account?
  5. Photoshop is widely used to edit and create graphics and I guess animations? Edit Photos and etc. create logos and banners..But there are a lot of Corel products, which are used in universities to create projects and I guess they're focusing on it? I don't think you can easily use Photoshop to create how will your room look like?Some corel products can do this and it's not like a CAD program, it's more into graphics.Also, to add, GIMP has the ability to undo and redo, it can be done through menu or using keys CTRL Z and CTRL Y.Besides because GIMP is free and you only need several functions at home to edit or create graphics it's a good alternative to use it than Corel or Adobe Photoshop, but if you're more into graphics when you need to use something better and more of a standard in companies, universities and other workplaces in which or for which you might be doing something.
  6. I personally drink for fun, to laugh and to relax from job, university and other problems, because while drinking you forget those things, get together with friends and do things you couldn't do while not drunk, it's not like I'm addictive, because when I need to do something, I just do it,while I know I can drink and tomorrow I don't need anything to do, I can drink :)Even though sometimes it may be that you drink to much and continue to drink the next day and miss something
  7. If comparing NOD32 and Norton, I would go with ESET NOD32 antivirus as it has better reviews and etc. Also it's used in my university and most of computers are virus free and works very well.Personally I use Microsoft Security Essentials on my home computer, it's also light as ESET, but it's not so powerfull, but it's free and also protects well.
  8. I think games made with C# and with lets say DirectX is quite slow, so those games aren't very big and cool as lets say the ones made with C++There are some engines written with C# + DirectX and I think it woul be possible to use OpenGL too which you could use to create games, but I doubt XBox games are made with C# ???
  9. I also think that the signature is to big, but the one used in his signature height is scaled and it looks a bit flatten or something like that, to wide I guess, but for a beginner it's really good.
  10. Sometimes some people who sit in prison, just after going back to live, they are a bit lost with the new things, and some can't find a job and etc. they just do something again and get back to prison to eat some hot soup..
  11. In Lithuania you need to go to school from 8:00 and usually it ends at 14:45, sometimes 13:45 or sometimes 15:40 it depends how much lessons you have on that day and in which class you're in..Lessons in school are 45 minutes and breaks usually are 10-20 minutes, depends which break it is, the long break is for eating in cafeteria :)In universities it's usually lectures and it's not 45 minutes, but it's 90 minutes with 5 minute break and all the breaks between lectures are about 15 minutes, the long break in my university is 45 minutes for students to eat or something like that. ;]
  12. I doubt that people have such a major impact on earth that we are killing it, the weather was always a problem on earth for millions of years, there were always tsunamis, earthquakes, tornadoes, cold and hot weathers and etc. Active volcanoes pollute much more than people, different plants and animals also "pollute" and use resources.Non of the other animals are using coal, oil, iron except humans so why is it there in the first place? if there is a balance, I believe in it. For earth or even the sun those 50 years you remember is like 5 seconds to us I guess, we live here and are "destroying" earth for lets say 16 000 years, that is just several minutes to a Sun life, so we are just ants which basically are destroying our gardens?It got a little colder, and oh no, it's global cooling, it got a little hotter and everyone is like, oh no it's global warming, because we fart to much.I don't like pollution for one reason, that there are a lot of waste and trash near a lake when you go swimming, you can even see trash in a lake, sometimes I can see a washing machine in a lake, not that it's dangerous or something, but it's really annoying. The same as you go to Egypt for holidays, near the Hotel and around it it's really nice, but when you go deeper, it's nothing more than a dumpster for of trash in the desert and on the mountains.We people are the same mammals and etc. and we use the resource offered to us by Earth, we live, but could live better in a planet with less trash :DJust look on other planets, there are winds and thunders and weather is so hot or so cold that nothing could live there, but it's not a fault of humans or somebody who lived there, it's just the way it is, there are many factors a computer model can't show normally in which you would believe, but usually people believe by reading or hearing something without any evidence if it sounds a bit logical.I remember in 1998 I've read an article that in 10 years due to something the weather will cool a little, but nobody believed and by saying will be hotter, will be colder, I also can be a scientist and can tell that in 2012 it will rain somewhere due to there are clouds.
  13. Yes, it's also a bit funny for me that it's the end of the world, because an old Mayan calendar ends at that time, it's the same as I can tell that the end of the world will end when the unix timestamp will end starting from 1970 or something like that to 2038 when it will reach the end and later the numbers will be stored negative, it's usually called the 2038 year problem :)I guess the Mayan calendar could ended at 2012, because they got bored? they died? somebody killed them? somebody laughed at them due to these kind of dates and they stopped doing it? or the main astronomer got so old of his work and died and others didn't continue his work?
  14. I can say that if you need to choose from SMF (Simple Machines Forum) and phpBB, go with SMF and you'll have less problems using it. SMS is much more simple to use and easier to instal modifications for it rather than on phpbb, also SMF is better, because it has less bugs and is more secure. Anyway, I suggest to convert from phpBB to SMF by using this tool: http://download.simplemachines.org/?converters
  15. To add, you can park the new domain in your control panel and both domains will work if you set the nameservers right, but if you want to change the domain at all, you need to contact the Xisto - Support.
  16. It would be a pity if you bought such a thing and someone would steal it for you ant would melt it to get gold I wouldn't buy such a golden PS3, plastic is enough for me.
  17. I've heard that it's quote easy for a Photoshop or other software advanced user to remove a watermark from a picture or animation, but from a movie I guess it's quite hard, unless you're a professional..Lets say on TV rips we see shows that still have the TV logo on which channel it was shown, if it was so easy to remove, it would be, the only way I can think is to put your own logo which would hide the old one, but why would you want to do that?
  18. Quatrux

    Picasa 3

    I tried Picasa, it's really good, but for me it has to much features I don't need, thats why I just use Windows thumbnails and Irfanview thumbnails
  19. Quatrux

    Boost Up Firefox

    So how does exactly this "tutorial" boost Firefox? What does it change from the default?
  20. To find a purpose I guess everyone needs to find his own purpose, don't want to get in to it, but just have an idea.Lets take another mammal, for example a dog and lets try to find what is it's purpose to live? Well, most can answer this question, so I don't think we're any more special, just are more intelligent and our purpose is more complicated, but for example if somebody is watching us from the sky and sees planet Earth, I guess they also can tell our purpose much more easily as I guess they're more intelligent.If I would see earth from the sky, I would see ants which build, colonize, work, fight and etc. and later with the ability to colonize other planets and maybe even other star systems, galaxies as ants colonize different forests, different continents and those ants don't really know their purpose, do they?
  21. Quatrux

    Java editor

    When I played with Java, Eclipse is great for simple things, even though it's powerful, you can do much more, but if you have some books or use some tutorials, there is much more information to learn and do Java using Netbeans, I used both and I liked both, can't say anything bad about them.Eclipse, doesn't need any installer, just extract and use it on Windows. Where Netbeans needs and has a lot of "different" versions with different features, but I found that it's easiest to use a bundle with all features included, even with the latest JDK and install it..
  22. Also there are a lot of ads if you're a guest form a search engine, sometimes the forum is showing less html version of the forum, something like an archive with some ads, and also it saves bandwidth for the server, but shows all the posts.
  23. On my mobile I browse only with Opera Mini, for me it's the best, it's fast and saves a lot of bandwidth and all the pages work as I want, not like with the included browser in the mobile, which is not so convenient.
  24. For some time now I use Microsoft Security Essentials and it works well, didn't have any problem with a virus or a trojan like that, besides it's FREE.
  25. Well, in the future when people will use blue ray roms much more I guess a blue ray disk could store a lot of Linux distros ;)Distros like OpenSUSE already use a full DVD disk, even though you don't need all the data in it, but it's possible to have a DVD with two distributions, just I don't know how to dual boot them.Personally, when blank DVDs are so cheap, I don't care, but it just takes to much space, thats why I usually don't know what to do with them, they just collect dust
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