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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. Well, the only hobby I can think of is none, for my leisure time I like to play football (soccer) and go to the Gym to lift some weights, but that usually in summer. So I think I can call it a hobby. Also I like to do some programming for myself and not work work with PHP and etc. :)Can beer drinking with my friends be a hobby?
  2. I think it's quite a good suggestion, sometimes there are plenty of sticky topics which for over these years aren't relevant anymore, but ?still this process should be cautious.
  3. I personally use Microsoft Security Essentials which is free at home and at my laptop. It seems to work good and found some threats for me, while inserting some USB keys into t :)At my workplace I am using ESET NOD32 which seems to do the job for all the computers at my workplace quite well.I like those both anti-virus programs, due to they work in real time and they are light and don't consume a lot of computer resources.
  4. I knew about the web archive for a long time, it's a very old project and indeed is very useful, but I think it costs a lot to upkeep it and it's not as good as it really could be, as it's a non profit project.. Usually it's slow, it usually doesn't index a lot of pages and it usually never index a lot of images.Funny to see the history sometimes! It's fun to browse the archive with different domains.
  5. I like both, it's nice to listen to real instruments, but sometimes I can listen to virtual instruments too, it's not a problem for me, for me they are equal and it depends where you need to use those instruments.For example, if some kind of a band has a drummer, but he is out for holidays for a month, so a drum machine in a computer can be quite good, even though the feeling is not the same, but it really helps
  6. What do you mean by exercise? you go to some kind of a Gym? Are those weights with which you're exercising heavy? Every summer I go to the Gym and "play" with weights, quite heavy weights. I also gain about extra 6 kilos every summer but at winder time I loose about 4 kilos, I guess it's do to that i get extra muscle mass and as I know usually muscles weight is bigger than fat.?So if you want to loose weight and not gain it, you need to sweat much more and "play" with not so heavy weights. At least I think so. Besides, for me after Gym, I usually eat much more, due to I feel that I need more energy and maybe because of that I gain more weight every time, due to my appetite is much bigger.
  7. I agree about the skin, that it's too dull, it's quite hard to navigate on it and read, as it's not very memorable, I remember the old layout, it was easy to understand and concentrate to the topic.
  8. I bought yesterday this external HDD: HDD External SAMSUNG G2 Portable (2.5",640GB,USB 2.0) BLACKSo it's even 640 GB, I saw that it costs 85.44 EUR, so only ~5 EUR more than the same device with only 500 GB :)On Monday, I'm going to go to the company salon and take it I'm very happy with this device, wanted to buy it for about 3 months and in those three months the cost for it has dropped about 27 EUR, due it thee months ago it cost 112.66 EUR
  9. Hello, Well, I think you can crack or reset the password for your Windows Vista, here is a good topic on the forums which seems to answered the question? http://www.sevenforums.com/ Just read the suggestions in that forum and I think you'll be alright. By the way, is that laptop yours and you just forgot the password?
  10. It's the first time I hear this, but it really sounded strange for me that Z letter could be removed form the English alphabet, but this is a great Aprils fools joke! Thumbs Up :DEven though Today I read it and I first didn't believe it and thought to write, that I don't believe in this nonsense, that Zoo could be spelled Xoo, or Zero could be Xero, Xero for me sounds more like Hero or Ksero? Not Zero :DTo believe in such a joke would be quite impossible
  11. When I drink with friends, I usually drink beer, usually I like German or Czech beer, I like it cold! So beer usually is my drink when I want to get drunk.Also I like whiskey + coke, sometimes with lemon sometimes with ice.I never really liked all those cocktails, they may taste good, but still I prefer what I said above. Sometimes I just can relax with white simple vodka! :)I really hate that headache and bad feeling in stomach in the morning, so try to avoid drinking due to it.
  12. Firefox really wasn't the first browser to have tabs.. Just read here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tabbed_browsing The first Internet browser to have tabs was InternetWorks browser, it was in the year 1994. Later on IBrowse in 1999 an Amiga browser, I remember I used it on my Amiga 1200 computer till 2002. In the year 2000 Opera browser has introduced tabbed browsing in Opera 4 version and only later in 2001 Mozilla has introduced tabbed browsing.. And in 2002 Pheonix 0.3 now known as Firefox introduced tabs. Later fallowed Konquerror, Safari and IE7 to use tabs.. So Opera was the first really good browser to use tabs on Windows in the year 2000, Firefox started to use tabs 2 years later. And IE6 sucks! I hate it.
  13. No, I just wanted to point out, that personally for me pollution/trash in our world and food quality is much more important than so much talk about global warming and scaring of people for business and money by taxing something, what is quite natural or what doesn't depend so much from us as it's told at all.
  14. Just browsed some Internet shops in my country: Toshiba StorE Steel 1.8" 250GB HDD USB 2.0 Titanium Costs: 126.28 Euros Weight: around 120 g Toshiba StorE Art 2.5" 640GB HDD Green Costs: 115.56 Euros Weight: around 155 g So it's 640 GB and costs ~11 Euro cheaper, of course it's a bit bigger.. This is the one i'm interested to buy: HDD External SAMSUNG G2 Portable (2.5",500GB,USB 2.0) Costs: 80.81 Euros Weight: around 146 g I've read some reviews that it's good and it's cost is really great! The one you suggested is really good, because it's dimensions are much smaller and it weight is small. I think the prices can be different in different countries, I wonder for how much can you buy those devices in your country? What is the difference..
  15. For my Today personally the best laptop brands are Samsung and Lenovo!I have a Samsung 15.4 inches laptop, with which I didn't have any problems for almost 2 years, also I have a Lenovo desktop computer with which also never ever happened, even though it's quite new so I can't judge it.My brother has a Lenovo laptop, which is also very good. One of my friends who works in a computer company which fixes and etc. laptops/computers and other devices, says that usually he needs to fix HP, Acer, Dell computers.. Even though I think Dell is used so widely, at least in my country rather than Samsung or Lenovo, as they are much more expensive, maybe thats because people come to that company and asks to fix it, as warranty is usually 2-3 years.
  16. I try to avoid all those social networks, for me facebook is just something like an address book, I just login when I need and I really don't care about anything else there, sometimes it maybe fun to look at some pictures like a spy of some old friends or class mates, but nothing more.I think a lot of people gave away their privacy using Internet, as when you send a CV to some Job, people can do a google search on you and get much more info about you and who you are, so it's also dangerous to do that, as Internet is like an archive usually :DI wish I would start using Internet quite anonymously from the beginning, maybe with my Internet name and location, different than my original, but using the Internet for over 14 years now, nothing can be changed, except that I use it much less Today, due to work, studies and etc. By less, I mean less on writing stuff, joining stuff and etc. Even though I use Internet daily
  17. I'm using Last.fm since 2005 and am happy to use it, there are a lot of players on Linux which can use the power of Last.fm Database to make your playlists very very interesting for you!Even though I mainly use it to tag my music and it's quite interesting for myself to look at the results and statistics of what I'm really listening.
  18. As I said and still say I prefer to use TCPDF for creating PDF documents using PHP, but wanted to add, that Zend framework has quite a good class to use to create PDF documents rapidly using PHP, you can read more about it here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  19. I just tested, and yeah it seems that IE does fix the slash \ to slash /, but don't have Firefox to test it, but Opera also automatically fixes the mistake.Don't have a site to test know, but I guess it only tries to fix this if it's a directory, due to on ?id=123\123 it doesn't change the slash to /, so this is good. I can't think of a situation, but maybe sometimes, the site really can be only accessible through this kind of directory? example.net/myphpsite/go\here\and\thereand using .htaccess and mod rewrite and PHP I could use the string go\here\and\there but those browsers would change the slash \ to slash / and the site would only work on Firefox :DA good way to remove most of browsers from visiting that site
  20. I can recommend Eclipse for PHP as it's free, same as Netbeans? Why don't you want to use Netbeans? ;] But a cheap PHP IDE, which is one of the best I have ever used on Windows for such a cost is the current version of PHP Designer 7, you can read more about it on: http://www.mpsoftware.dk/phpdesigner.php It has all you need for web developing, especially it's good if you're moving from Notepad++ type of programs.. I guess Dreamweaver and a like applications are good when you're moving from such absurd programs like Microsoft Frontpage For your personal preference, you can configure the look and feel and how PHP Designer 7 works for you best.
  21. Yes, you're right, sometimes it's better to not use a subquery if there is a more simple way, but sometimes a subquery can be very useful, especially if you're using a lot of tables and want to join different data and you have some kind of expressions you need to choose and create with a case and later use it in a WHERE clause. Sometimes, due to indexes like primary keys a subquery may work 10 times faster depending on data structure, for example: This works 10 times faster depending on how you join and what are the primary keys. ...AND t2.code IN (select t1.code from username.table1 t1 where t1.other_code = 'somekind of a code') than ...AND t2.code IN ('somekind of a code') due to it needs to go through much less rows, but it may always differ, so you need to test and understand the data structure. Also if the database has thousands of rows, subquerys may be quite slow, especially using it in: IN (select .. from..) or using it in table columns like this: select name, (select .. from) as status, address from table1; But if the database is a large one, subquerys are important, as if you need to count something, or use case and later you need to some kind of expression from that data, or after using a UNION and etc. It's good to have somekind of a SQL tool to test your queries on a MySQL or an Oracle server. For Oracle I know a very good tool is PLSQL Developer.
  22. I agree, money seems to be always being a problem for every country, everyone seems to be wanting to be rich at this kind of times, but as I said I'm not against space exploration, as I know every year NASA doesn't get the budget in needs as there is no more of a thing like space race, but remember, that they get a budget and that budget is used to pay people who work in NASA, scientists get money, engineers get money, different companies get money, people in the university are learning and will get money for that..So it's not like NASA is throwing money to space and are happy with that, the money in NASA budget is in the economics of the world, even the janitor in NASA is getting money/wage which he is using to buy food in a store and that store gets income and can pay their personnel and etc.By giving that money to the poor in Africa may result in quite a different change in economics of the world, as a lot of companies, universities and etc. will loose their income.
  23. To add my two cents, I saw on Discovery about a year ago some documentary in which some "scientists" tried to do some tests using wireless energy and in some way the test succeeded, but they still have a lot of problems and the power generated was quite small, I think the test involved charging a mobile phone.Anyway, their main objective is solar plants in space and transferring of energy to earth, but I don't think we will be seeing that in these upcoming 10 years :DAnd I wonder, would that kind of waves have any effect on humans, or on other things like planes in the sky and so on.
  24. I just checked my post and I didn't say about the food in my mail, I said about the food you buy in mall, like a marketplace, supermarket, food store, a food shop. I was referring to that it's not good anymore, the quality is bad, just because it's business. For example, the usage of pesticides, other chemical sprays which in some countries can be abused, chickens growing in a poultry farm in 22 days with no place to move for them and etc. Wurst ans sausages being with no meat at all Fruits and vegetables being not as tasty as they used to be, but looking much more nicer. I live in Europe, so I don't really know about how bad it's in USA with food quality. And of course it's bad for your health, unless you have lots of money and can afford to always buy more expensive food
  25. I used to have a 19 inches CRT monitor for some time on my desktop computers years ago. I bought a laptop 15.4 inches and it had/has a resolution of 1680x1050. Really well, but after some time I also bought a new LCD Lenovo wide-screen monitor of 22 inches, but with resolution of 1920x1200 !!So now when using it I'm very happy, I can see everything on the screen, and the feature Windows 7 has is really very comfortable, you can drag a window to the left side and it will maximize half of screen and you can drag another window to the right and it will maximize on the other side of the screen and you'll have two windows on all your screen, it's very comfortable when you need to read lets say a PDF document and write a document with Word or Open Office, very very convenient.Same you can have a browser and an IDE for website developing and see everything! without changing windows :)Now I want to buy a portable HDD at least having 500-650 GB, which would be small enough to fit into a bigger pocket and that it could connect through USB, I looked at the Internet and found some good ones from Samsung.
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