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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. Well, in lets say years 1400 or 1800 no one I think could even think about gay official marriages, but Today it's happening officially in a lot of countries/states of the world, even though the religion doesn't accept this..So I would be surprised if people would want to marry a robot and maybe even fight for their rights to marry one, even though it sounds stupid, but it's happening and personally I think it's bad, due to marriage becomes something what it isn't or what it wasn't meant for.. Today everyone can marry and divorce, marry again and divorce, as it would be a game.
  2. How many partitions do you have? only C: or also you have more and you can access lets say D: partition? Also what is the size of those partitions? As I remember, you can upgrade to Vista and then to Windows 7 without problems, but to buy Vista just to upgrade to 7 would be stupid.. Personally I would format everything, install a fresh copy of Windows 7 and before that you could backup the files you really need to some external HDD if you have one. You can have a look at these links: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/products/windows http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://www.blogsdna.com/3217/step-by-step-guide-to-upgrade-windows-xp-to-windows-7.htm
  3. For a lot of years I'm using Opera as my main browser and it's fast for me, Firefox also got faster in the last year, but it's code still is a big crap of pile, but it works.I also use Google chrome as my default browser to open up pages I push on irc, skype, different programs and messengers and etc. to not mess up with my Opera session and it's quite fast, and Google chrome is good for simple browsing, I don't keep any history on it or anything. :angel:
  4. A PHP framework is just a framework, using a PHP framwork you can write your own CMS which requires quite a lot of PHP knowledge and that framework knowledge, where a PHP CMS is already a content management system with which you can create your website using simple steps.Drupal and Joomla seems to be the most popular CMS, but usually you don't need them, especially Joomla which is slow and is to powerful for most of users.
  5. When 2012 will pass and a lot of whom will forget it, I think in the year ~2018 the first talks and new movies and etc. will start creating propaganda for the year 2029 and it will reach it's culmination on lets say 2025-2027 and a lot of whom won't remember the talks about 2012, it's just business or even fun, somebody is having fun to spread lies on the Internet which with time gets quite a good business..Also sometimes someone wants to get on TV by saying something that we all are doomed, even though I'm kind of bored with this all 2012, it got quite boring..It seems that this summer is going to be very hot, at least I heard it on TV, so this summer we will see a lot of topics about that too and someone will also associate it to the end of the world :angel:Or it might be not as hot as they said and people will just forget them and maybe next year people who said it's going to be the hottest summer ever will have more luck next year.
  6. As I understand you're using Linux due to you use sudo? or is it Windows?You said you looked at Skype ports? it really doesn't use port 80 and you removed the checkbox for Skype to be able to use that port? maybe some other software is using the port 80?How did you install Apache?
  7. Taxes are different in most of countries, but generally they do the same, it's good to pay taxes, but most of people are mad about, that they see how those taxes are used, they could really be used much more efficiently, but it seems that it's impossible to control all these financial stuff.Without taxes, I wouldn't imagine any other form of income for the country and I think your live would be even harder if those poor people or ill people wouldn't get compensations and etc. They would for example steal your money while you would be walking home.If they are citizens and they can't work, like disabled people and etc. so somebody needs to take care of them, I doubt everyone would donate and it would be enough, you need to pay taxes and you don't need to care where the money goes, you due it by voting and reading for who you vote and what is their program.I personally, pay taxes and I never go to hospitals, due to I'm quite healthy, I don't use the services of police or fireman, but I used to go to school for free, I get a stipend at the university, I don't pay for my studies, due to I study well (I'm not from USA so a lot of what might be different due to different constitution and laws ) So somebody pays for me to get this..But imagine if I will get disabled, I payed taxes for 20 years, so as a citizen I want to get compensations, due to I can't work as I used to and can't feed my family, but I paid taxes for lets say 20 years and that is why I will get something, somebody works Today to help me, I worked years ago and helped somebody too..I agree that some taxes are really stupid and makes the average people more "poor" when you need to pay them, but generally taxes are good.And there will always be lazy people, who avoid paying taxes and might even live all their live from tax payers money, it would be utopia if everyone would be like good and working people.To add a little, I also think that USA taxes and debts, income is quite messy and strange and can influence on all the world economics as we saw in 2008-2009 years.
  8. Quatrux

    Halo 3

    Well, it's business to make people buy XBox just for a game, in some way I agree that games "should" be played on a games console, where a PC seems to be a universal thing..It seems that Games which are played on a Laptop, quite powerful laptop are slower than playing on the same computer specifications just that it's a desktop, a lot of people buy laptops these days, due to it's portable and convenient, but most of games usually use a desktop to play games and only upgrades their computer.I don't have an XBox and never really played Halo 2 or Halo 3, I just played Halo 1, but it wasn't something amazing for me
  9. I also don't believe in that global warming which is politics and is just for money and to scare people with facts which aren't really provable or even is propaganda, I want to say that it's not like people are to blame for everything and co2 which is also funny, and all those facts like "if arctic would melt, the water would rise 7 meters and etc." but don't they consider that water would spread around the world and into deserts too and etc. Anyway..But looking from other side, I don't like the fact that there are a lot of trash in the world, in rivers, in lakes, in forests and etc. Personally I think it's a much bigger problem.. I hate the fact that there are lakes which are polluted and what I even hate more is the food we get in the mall, it's all usually is bad and unhealthy in some way.. due to all the new technologies which again for money people use, chemicals and stuff to make it cheaper to produce or faster to grow.There were always tornadoes, tsunamis, earthquakes, a lot of snow and rain, floods.. but people living in those regions should know where they live, it's not like the climate and earth is static, it's dynamic having some kind of average algorithm usually depending from our main energy source the sun.
  10. When playing with folders and files using PHP, it's best to create files and directories with PHP, in that way you won't have problems with permissions, but I remember times, when you need to move a backup to another server or something like that, usually it's done with an FTP client and when using PHP you get the permissions error and would need to chmod to 777 almost everything..When using MySQL, usually you have less problems, just because you're using less of such functions which require permissions, still even if using PHP, you usually need to have permissions in that folder you'll run install.php so it's always a problem, I remember I used to have a script which would recreate the structure to PHP, it made a copy of files, and created it using PHP, later I just removed the original data using ftp and renamed the folder and had all the files with owner group being PHP.By the way, to fix the mistake above and make it clear:/ - root directory./ - current directory../ - parent directory../../ - two parent directories../../../ - three parent directoriesand so on.. :angel:
  11. I could suggest to leave both, the one you're living with and your Ex and try to find a third guy who would suite you just fine, it's one of the easiest thing to do :angel:
  12. I think in MySQL the LIMIT works quite differently, if you have 100 rows in the result, the limit works something like this: Limit 0,10 - it will take 10 rows starting from 0 row. Limit 10,10 - it will take 10 rows starting from 10th row Limit 20,10 - it will take 10 rows starting from 20th row in your situation you use the second parameter $amountb for it to be 10 * number, which means you can get a result on lets say page 5 like this: Limit 41, 40 - it will take 40 rows starting from 41th row? Is this really what you want to do or I'm missing something? I've done a paging system before, but I'm not at home to look at the code, but basically you need to do something like this: // Get the amount of Pages$Pages = ceil( getNumberOfRows($Query) / ROWS_ON_A_PAGE );// Check amount of Pagesif ($Pages == 0) $Pages = 1; This is not a working code, but an idea.. To continue: if (!isset($Page) || !is_numeric($Page) || $Page < 1 || $Page > $Pages) { $Page = 1;} elseif (!is_int($Page)) { $Page = (int) $Page;} So I guess your $amounta needs to be something like this: $amounta = (($Page * ROWS_ON_A_PAGE) - ROWS_ON_A_PAGE); So if you're on page 1, you'll get ((1 * 10) - 10) = (10 - 10) = 0 [Just what the LIMIT wants! in MySQL] So if you're on page 5, you'll get ((5 * 10) - 10) = (50 - 10) = 40 [Just what the LIMIT wants! in MySQL] And your $amountb is the ROWS_ON_A_PAGE, so: $amountb = ROWS_ON_A_PAGE; and your SQL Query: ... LIMIT $amounta, $amountb; Maybe this is what you were looking for?
  13. I still think, if you want to be cross browser compatible, you just need to use a PNG image with an opacity, because doing it with a browser, won't work for everyone who visit your site :angel:And of course, not on all browsers transparent or with opacity value PNG images work, so also you need to include different hacks. :/
  14. Because of the gravity and magnetic fields in a black hole, that satellite would just split into small particles and you couldn't see anything.. I guess. :angel:
  15. To add another idea, robots as we call them Today and in the future are taking such jobs, people don't want to do or aren't so efficient, so maybe in the future robots might be something like slaves and they might some one day rebel for their rights.. As usually most of the dirty jobs will be theirs, farming, in manufacturing and etc. :angel:A farm tractor/combine/harvester can be called a "robot" looking from one perspective, in the past we used to do it with hands and horse power, still that "robot" needs a human worker to perform well.
  16. Most of my friends who smoked pot, now has a minimal wage work, they never entered any university and it's hard to talk with them, but I guess I can agree that usually in my country people smoke pot being drunk, which is really a big minuses, another minus is that because marijuana is illegal, you don't know what kind of product you're buying, usually it can be bad, I heard that a lot of whom wanting to get more money in my country just mix it with simple cannabis and later soak it in acetone and when it gets dry, they sell it, so practically you get a lot of acetone to your body, you get "high" because it's a mixture, but from acetone in some time you might have serious problems, usually this kind of weed makes you vomit and not high..So someone said, that if it would be legal, it could be with more quality, I mean pot.. But when people are drunk, they usually can't drive or someone stops them, but it's quite hard to check if a person is high on the wheel, I saw a lot of drivers who don't drink alcohol, as they usually tested with alcohol testers, but lets say two drivers driving a bus to a foreign country for 18 hours, they change and one of them smokes pot, sometimes a truck driver driving for hundreds of kilometers smokes pot, usually they have a limit, but simple car drivers could really damage a lot, the legalizing of marijuana depends on the people, if they're smart or not and will they be stupid enough to do something bad to the society.Even alcohol in my country, you can get some good beer, and some who knows if that is beer, but 4 times cheaper and most of people drink cheaper beer and in the morning has a terrible headache :DOne guy told me, if you drink beer or smoke pot, but train your brain, you won't get eventually stupid, I guess reading is one of the methods to train your brain :angel:To end, I also would like to say that I tried pot and drink alcohol with friends, but I quite smoking regular cigarettes and pot for over 3 years now and am much happier as my lungs feel very well. I can breath normally and don't have a stinky mouth
  17. While studying I've had/have several jobs, most of them included programming, some of them included management, but currently I'm a Databases programmer in the university I'm studying, it mainly includes Oracle and MySQL.. It's currently more safer to work here due to the financial crisis in the world or maybe only in my country, as some smaller companies can go bankrupt and there is much smaller chance that a university can go bankrupt, unless the government won't give money to it or students won't go to the university ;DBut of course, for such a job, they pay less than in a private company.
  18. This is really terrible, but seems that privacy Today isn't so important, even most of the laws protect your privacy.. But..I am sometimes also paranoid, that someone might be watching at me through that camera on my laptop, but it's quite ridiculous..But who knows? Is there any way to check if somebody is connecting remotely and is using the laptop microphone or video camera? and maybe even a possibility to block? :PI just am thinking, sometimes you can install something on a friends computer and lets say connect to it without him knowing, use the camera and microphone, I guess it's possible?So when buying a new laptop, I guess it's best to format it and install the OS again, but it's quite paranoid :DNot a lot of people worry about their privacy, just look at facebook or similar internet services, everyone is showing everything they do.. by using google you can find out a lot about the person. :angel:
  19. Well for such a plan, if you need so much of resources when I guess 8$ a month isn't much for you, you can lets say get 4$ by posting a month and by transferring them through paypal.So basically, you choose the plan you need and which you can handle, there is not need to use this ultimate hosting plan and use only 1% of what it offers. :angel:
  20. Looking at the current market and the future, it seems that Microsoft is investing into .NET much more than somebody invests in Java, even though it's open source and is like so portable, Java can be headache for newcomers..Java needed to be something very cool, but it still has it's own mistakes, whenever I need to do something with Java, I usually have some sort of problems. Besides, if you're programming with it not the "right" way, you can make your application quite slow.Practically, java servlets are not used anymore if creating something new, some java projects are also not being developed anymore, Oracle bought a lot and doesn't even logically use the products it bought, sometimes it's really a mess. :PAnd as I know MS is investing a lot into Databases, but I would rather see a good alternative to MS, but not Oracle. :angel:
  21. As I know you need to sleep the right amount of time, because people usually "grow"/"get taller" during their sleep, but that's for children, if you're about 20 years old, I guess you could also sleep regularly and in the morning you need to exercise by doing different pulling exercise or whatever you call them.Also ou can gain little height by hanging and maybe even doing pull-ups and I guess jogging is always good for your health if you don't overdue it.. :angel:
  22. Hi Josh, :PWelcome to the forums, I think you're enjoy your stay here with this community and will be glad using the service it provides. :angel:
  23. Didn't spot the post, but yes, I'm trying to always use the latest stable version of Filezilla, I guess in version 2.x it didn't have this feature, but I'm using FileZilla Client 3.3.2 and it's great
  24. The iGuest way which you prefer has one bad thing, that it's using md5, which you can substr or something to make it use less symbols, but the problem then is that you're stuck only with these letters:abcdef1234567890where with my method and 8ennett method you can include anything you want, even #$%^ symbols, which can be good for a CAPTCHA or for a SMS code or for any code which needs to be short and have a lot of different variations to not generate the same.Those long codes which are lets say 16 letters are good for generating confirmation codes, where you don't really care about it, those kind of codes usually are copied and pasted or clicked on.
  25. I don't know, but for my connection I pay: 49 Lithuanian litai = 19.310361 U.S. dollarsBut still, with such salary in my country I guess it's the same as saying it costs ~49$ if I could compare wages in different countries ;)But I get quite a speed:Download to my country: ~6-10 MB/sUpload to my country: ~6-10 MB/sDownload to foreign country: 3 Mbit/s (10Mbit/s at night)Upload to foreign country: 3 Mbit/s (10Mbit/s at night)
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