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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. I like the theme, it's simple and easy to use, it can be used by a lot of people as it's quite standard, well done.I only can add that the content place, depending on the content can be separate to two blocks, as there seems to be to much text, but as I said it depends on the content
  2. This is really funny and amazing how the human body can be compared with a computer ;DBut how to they know that one human cell contains 75MB of genetic information? I guess by comparing something with something? Are all the cells for all the people the same? ;] or it's an average number or something like that :)With the sperm I guess it's average statistical numbers.
  3. Personally I use for some time now and am happy with Microsoft Security Essentials which are free, even though it seems that the product is from Microsoft, it's quite light and powerful, doesn't have a lot of options, but it works.But I voted for Nod32, as it's used at my job and it's really good, it's light and I can't remember someone getting a virus, but of course a lot of whom are using limited accounts for safety, because most of people does not require administration rights.
  4. Yea, what is the argument to make that law that you can't fish? Why is that better?Maybe a lot of fisherman gets hurt on the cost or the coast is dangerous or something? what is the statistics? Kind of strange, in my country all you need is to pay a fee and you can fish from the coast.
  5. For me it seems that programming language are quite logically English already ;D if we compare it to ASM, scripting languages can be quite easily read if you write it like that.For example, SQL queries already look like sentences, you can write PHP code which may look like English, but of course not fluent as I understand you want it to be.. By defining variables, constants and using functions/methods which can be read easily..The only problem, it will require more resources for the computer/server to execute it as there will be a lot of instructions to evaluate. :DI saw some funny videos, when GOD was creating the universe from a console by executing sentences in a console ;] So I guess you want something like that
  6. Oh, this is really a problem for some women, I usually close the lid after finishing, so that someone will need to open it, I think all it requires is habit, sometimes I'm just lazy to do it.If a man lived for some years with some friends, the toilet seat usually will be up, and some women might tell something, but also it depends, some women just don't say anything, they do everything them self, it's not that by closing or opening you will miss something, it's not even hard to do it, it's just a manner of nerves? :(But I agree that sometimes, when the toilet seat is up, I sit and only then notice something bad it's as was told above, that you're usually sleepy and don't look But again, it's not something tragic, you can close the seat and continue
  7. It seems that I'm not such a good typer :DFor me it's much easier to type form my head than by reading and typing, as I never really trained myself to type fast, this is way the results seems to be so slow :)Net Speed: 47 WPM (words/minute)Accuracy: 92%Gross Speed: 51 WPM (words/minute)I think all I need is training, but when I'm not working with documents and usually all my work is programming and etc. so I never need to type fast, except in chat rooms and usually I make mistakes, which I fix before pushing the enter key..
  8. We can't help you if you won't provide us with your table information, but theoretically the query would need to look something like that: $query = 'SELECT * FROM Data WHERE {date_column} = '{some kind of date}';or$query = 'SELECT * FROM Data WHERE {date_column} > '{some kind of date}';or$query = 'SELECT * FROM Data WHERE {date_column} < '{some kind of date}';or$query = 'SELECT * FROM Data WHERE {date_column} BETWEEN '{some kind of date}' AND '{some kind of date}'; And so on, as there are plenty of options, you can play only with years, months andeven seconds, depends what you want to do, I suggest you to read sql tutorial of some kind for beginners.
  9. I studied artificial intelligence for some time now and I can add that robots can see, hear, touch, smell and taste (maybe even feel).. etc. it's all theoretically possible, even though might be basic, but possible, the only thing a robot cannot have is a soul like a human which we think we have, also robots don't have an intuition and as we don't really understand how our intuition work, it's hard to tell if a robot can have one.For example, you all know those robots playing chess, they seem to be able to count millions of movements forward, but some human chess players as I know using their experience and intuition by just eliminating needless moves can win chess. By playing chess we don't count millions of operations of moves, but usually we use our intuition, and thats usually quite amazing, even though our brain is also amazing ;D
  10. Why not try a live CD first to see how it works?Personally, I moved from dual booting to virtual machines, using something like virtual box is very comfortable if your computer has a lot of RAM, the only issue usually is with drivers, for example, you can't make a bigger resolution for the window of virtual OS, but of course, it depends what you want to do with it, usually a virtual machine is enough for me :)When installing another OS, usually try to not make everything default, as it may overwrite your current OS, at least people have this problem most often.
  11. I also agree that love can make us "stupid", it depends on a lot of situations and etc. but usually all that "stupid" things happen in school and college or something like that, you start to do things, you wouldn't do if you weren't in love and lets say if it was an unhappy love, after some years a lot of whom can think "what was I thinking?" :)But it's quite nice, that something can make us "crazy" ;] With experience you may continue doing "mistakes" or learn from them and act more rational.
  12. I always dream too, but usually when you go to sleep and wake up and only remember black spot, and can't remember anything, so it usually means that you slept well.Also, from my experience, I remember dreams only before waking up and if I don't think about them or don't write it somewhere, I just forget them while going to the bathroom..As it's been offered, setting your alarm clock every 30 minutes, you might dream a lot if you're sleepy, I remember such interesting sleeps, like I open my eyes, I see my room and that I'm waking up, I close my eyes and I continue to dream th same dream, I'm not joking after a while I understand that I'm waking up, but try to dream further with the thought that I know that I'm dreaming and know about it, but I usually wake up, but it's quite strange, something like day dreaming? :)It's best for me to sleep very well and not remember those dreams, but I always hate such times, when I need to go to sleep lets say 11 PM and I close my eyes, I later open them and feel like I slept for a minute, but when I watch at the clock, it's already 7 AM and I need to wake up, even though I slept so well, I really feel psychologically that I slept only for a minute and thats annoying
  13. Well, plenty of jobs Today are robotized, I mean robotics do a lot of work people couldn't do, just look at factories, a lot of things are automatic, even though needs humans to work properly or to do minor things, so with time some jobs might be also taken care by "robots", I saw machines which can be programmed to mow the lawn without the interference of a man..I also heard that there are such vacuum cleaners, so I guess in lets say 50 years we can see a lot of different jobs be occupied by robots where possible if of course it will be good for business, I mean if it will be cheaper for a company to buy a robot than to hire a man, by parameters of time and money.Of course, somebody will need to take care of them, like restarting, so I guess several robots will need a manager in a company andmaybe an engineer and a programmer, just to sit and fix it when needed or something like that.
  14. This forum used to be quite active years ago, with lots of replies every day, but now it's seems to be not as active as it used to be, same for Xisto, it used to be so active, that I doubt I could read all the topics by spending most of the time on the computer, but currently Xisto is much more active than Xisto, but you can read all the post in lets say 2-6 hours a day.It depends how fast you read and if it's the only thing you do by being near a computer. ;)I have a logic pro plan, which costs 6.66$ every month, and I can say that it's getting harder for me to upkeep this account, I would like to move to some cheaper plan, but the plan for 1.99$ has a very small number of subdomains and addon domains, I guess I'll need to do something about it, but while I can upkeep the service, even though it's hard due to, I need to work, I need to study, I need to sometimes relax by drinking beer, need to get together with my friends, so on spare time I find I try to post on the forums
  15. For me USA economy was always strange, it seems that every year it's in a budget deficit and was always in debt, but somehow it works, just for example you can read this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_public_debt http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - USA is in the bottom http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ As I understand, they just print more dollars, but of course, I guess it's much more complicated and I'm no economist, nor I care, it's just strange for me
  16. To add, passwords like qwerty and asdf are also popular, on some services I also use it, especially on localhost when creating something and like adding users, these passwords are very convenient, it's easy to remember and I don't really care about them on localhost, as with time the database will be flushed..But as I said, for services which people don't care about, they use these passwords, even though it's a bad habit, it's really much better to use hard passwords to guess every time.Also, I think all the services online needs to have the ability to reset password and etc.
  17. I always also wonder do all those donations get to the people needing it? I know some money goes to expense to some services through which the money comes from, but usually when I donate through SMS or a call, I always wonder where will that money go..I saw some shows how some people cheat to get that money, even when we donate locally, to those food stocks which needs to go to poor people, sometimes that food goes to quite average people, for example, the people who work there, gives away it to their friends and etc.Donations which comes from west to east, usually better things are also divided to friends and worst stuff goes to other people and etc. So I guess there will always be cheating if possible, it depends on the people who works there and maybe even on the country and control how those donations work.
  18. I also get the effect of Deja vu quite often, sometimes I like it, sometimes it's really strange. Logically, when I was a kid, I always thought I already dreamed this, or maybe I was in the future? :)But the more I've read on it, the more I stay with idea, that it's a moment our brain somehow lags and somehow we get that affect, something like that
  19. I would like to add my two cents, due to people might come from google to this post: A database can be exported through PHPMyAdmin in a lot of formats.. including Excel spreadsheets. Also here's a good PHP Class anyone can use: http://www.phpclasses.org/package/1590-PHP-Export-database-table-records-in-Excel-XLS-format.html
  20. I personally believe, that in the future people might want to marry robots, as Today guys wants to be married, so what is the meaning of marriage anyway? It depends if you're religious or not?Today robots are created as sex dolls, as I understand it's because everyone see potential in it to make money, it's a big business I guess, as a lot of lonely man might want to buy these robots and in like 50 years they even might want to marry them.People are getting crazy these days, so I would be amazed if that would happen. I just hope that those robots will have a gender
  21. I still use google, but even though I don't like the search results it gives because of the page rank, it used to work much better years ago, but of course a lot of whom cheated..I tried to use Ask, but just am used to google to find something, even using google to search wikipedia by adding that keyword in the search query, but usually, wikipedia is shown in the top and I guess the wikimedia search or whatever they are creating will be a success..Still, I think it's easy to search youtube or wikipedia just by using google from address bar by adding a keyword you need..
  22. If you want your website to work with standards it should validate, when a site validates with w3c validator html and css, there is much bigger probability your website is cross browser compatible..I always validate my documents before applying them somewhere, it helps me a lot to make my code more tidy, but I don't put any of those buttons from w3c, I just use a hyper link to it, as I don't really like those buttons, they usually don't fit the layout, where a hyper link looks quite good and shows to some people who knows what it means that it's a website developed by standards..It's quite hard to make it valid on big sites, where it's possible to write html inside the content through some kind of a big and slow custom CMS and when there are a lot of people working on the content and etc. They usually can mess up things or scripts can also by using a lot of modules can mess things up, so these kind of sites may not validate, so it's better they don't put links to w3c.. :DI guess sometimes you may get warnings, but not errors, if I know what that warning is and I need to use that syntax or element and don't have any other way to do it, I leave the html or css with the warning.Most sites don't worry about validation if the site works on IE, they just don't care or don't have time to care or usually they wait when the client as it to work on Firefox the same as on IE too and asks to pay for that..
  23. You can't compare html and php, because php is a scripting language, all it does is usually it outputs HTML! But it can also output anything you want, XML, PDF and etc.HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language.
  24. I can speak, read, write my mother-tongue Lithuanian, and I can speak, read, write English, but as it's my foreign language, I am not to fluent and besides, my dictionary for some words are quite low, especially if I would need to translate quite fast, when I read I understand, but when I need to tell what it means, it's not so easy ;DI also can speak Russian and can understand quite good, but with time it gets harder as I'm not using it as much as earlier, I can also read russian, but quite slowly, but I can't write in Cyrillic :DAlso I learned German for about 4-5 years in School, I know only the basics and don't really understand to much, nor I can speak it to well :)I can speak a bit Polish and sometimes can understand what they're saying, but I'm quite poor on it ;]Languages aren't really a passion for me, as I don't travel to much, but I know some basics for foods, because when lets say I go for holidays to Czech Republic, it's quite hard for me to understand something, but I learned several words to be more understandable in restaurants and hotels ;]
  25. I think I wouldn't need any company if I would be really into something, like all my life I would have passion to create something and I would have a lot of interest for it and would spend all my time for it, so I guess I would need a companion ;DBut usually, most of people hasn't such a big passion for something to not have a companion.
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