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Everything posted by harrison858

  1. Well... I'd suggest eating a healthy meal, but also one that tastes good...May be you'd want to have some salad, eat a sub or something with a side of chips.Just a suggestion.
  2. McDonald's food is kinda unhealthy, but look at fast food in general. We all eat it sometimes.I'd have to tell you though, their management and customer service is way high up. Their restauraunts are mostly clean, at least the corporate offices are.Burgers: I kinda like their burgers.Fries: Hmm.... I'd say 3rd place. Burger King is tied with Chick Fil A, and Stake 'n Shake is the best on my scoreboard.
  3. Ok, dont get me wrong, Wal-mart has some down sides and it also has up sides.But, judging Wal-mart on one store isn't accurate. If you want to get your words out, create a poll so that you are including a more variety of Wal-marts rather than the one that you go to. Different Wal-marts have different management personnel, just like any other company. Just because one Wal-mart's cleaniness or one Wal-mart's customer service isn't that well doesen't mean that all of them are like this. Also, some people are helpful, some are not. If one person gives you an answer that you're not looking for, go ask another person, and dont judge the whole store on that one person.If kids leave things in the wrong aisles, it isn't the sotre's fault is it? Its not like they are going to leave it there if they see it, but give the store a chance. There are like what? 150 people in the store at the same time? And how many employees? like 25 on duty at once?------------------What I agree on:------------------Wal-mart becomes a headache when you're trying to locate something.Wal-mart has some stubborn employees.Wal-mart dosent have that great of a restocking process.Wal-mart has pretty good prices, though.
  4. I actually do believe that we do have a sixth sense. Scientists think there is a logical explanation for this, well I say FORGET ABOUT SCIENCE. There are some things in this world that were ment to b there but cant be explained by observation, because it happens to different people at different times. The only way to prove it is yourself because only you have the ability to experience it.Sometimes I wake up in the morning and a few hours later i felt like i really saw that in my dream or something.
  5. I think time travel could be possible, but maybe somewhere in the future, lets give it 1 million years. By then, humans would probably move on to other planets, other galaxies, who knows?But there are many laws of physics and science that are preventing this from happening, for one, time is moving at constant speed. I dont think you will be able to step into that dimension. Lets say if we do. We will probably be stuck. Yep. Lets say if we do travel there... how are we going to get back? Anyone ever thought of that?Also, lets say that we do get to travel back in time. and we do get stuck. Who would know if time travel was possible? The only way to do that is to contact to the future, in which you cant because that technology does not exist now. All we know is that we, humans, know that we are in the present in our perspective. Maybe something out there DOES exist, and maybe its present for them but future for us. What if a rip in time happens? Anyone ever thought of that? What if we form a blackhole just because of 'trying' to get to the past, or the future? That would be quite possible. Also, wouldn't there be laws on this sort of thing? Even if we had the power to do this, wouldn't we stop anyone from having the power to do this? Is this the right thing to do? Is this what god wanted us to be able to do? I say no. Destiny is destiny, time is time, and every living creature for the past whenever has had to put up with past, present, and future. These are one of the things that we aren't ment to do.So, lets say that we do... we can travel back in time without any problems. Peple can travel back and forth. What about those who want mass chaos and destruction? What about those who want to have all the power? Wont they get a hold of this technology? You bet'cha. They'll be the first oneswho will try to have this technology for their own good use.
  6. um ok lol...The 'Onion' .com... ok. I cant tell if this is real or fake -.-If it was real: aww poor people.If it were fake: Not the thing to fool around about <.<
  7. I'd probably have to say that captcha is the best way to prevent spamming applications from spamming registration on forums, spam posting, or even sometimes you may see captcha in business sites when you submit an application or process your payment.
  8. lol... Google? a scam? dude, you've got to be kidding me... many people use and depend on Google Adsense and similar programs, a lot of sites and professional businesses use Google AdSense. And what? they never make payments? get real...For one, a big company like google scamming people? Not gonna happenSecond, Never making payments? Dude, I dont even think you've actually used the program.And last but not least, people make hundreds of dollars worth of money every month just because of ad clicks. Google has a good pay rate.To get back on topic though, I've never used Google AdSense yet, although when i'm looking for a program like this, I will definately be using it.
  9. There are a lot of scam sites out there that it is too hard to find a working one, in my opinion. Most of the sites that say that they can make you make money fast are scams. After all, whats in it for THEM? You really have to ask yourself these types of questions, especially on sites that you want to make money on.I agree with a poster above though, the best site to make money on is yours. Set up an affilate rogram, maybe some program similar to Google AdSense. That program is well known because it actually works. Go ahead and search for Google AdSense and you should see the official site near the beginning. Making money from your own site isnt that hard, its actually harder to make money from other sites than to make money on your own. Most of those sites ask for you to take surveys, read emails, click on their ads in which they recieve most of the money, and maybe if you're lucky you might get roughly 10% of the total that they're making. So why not get the full 100% by putting ads on your own site? By creating a thriving site having a lot of traffic makes it easier for you to recieve ad clicks from many of your members, and you should be able to make money in no time. It takes a lot of work and getting used to at first though, so dont give up!
  10. Wow I can't believe that a representative would tell you no when you want to request for a supervisor. Thats the first time, for me too, that someone has ever said that. Usually they let you speak with the supervisor, at the bank, utilities, restauraunts, and even when I needed support on a HP laptop. Either that representative was too lazy to transfer you or he wants to test you.But lets get to the point: It can't be Dell's fault because you privately bought it from someone. Even if their Customer Support can't handle these issues, then you shouldn't be buying any used computer privately unless you know the person personally. If you want to buy the laptop from someone, don't be surprised to see this happen to you. The only person you may blame is yourself. I would rather buy a used laptop from someone I actually know instead of off the internet. Better yet, I will buy a new one.If you buy a used computer thats messed up, you're on your own buddy.
  11. I've been stuck at 93.07 but this morning I checked now I have 3.97 in client area. No worries, I think script needs time to run because a lot of people need their myCENTS transferred.
  12. Im trying this game now, and so far so good. Thank you for your contribution. I recommend this game to others
  13. Well for the past few days theta server has been undergoing a problem and it is restored now. Try to access your site now. If you can't, send a ticket to support
  14. Wow. I find this really amusing. 5 year sentence for something as stupid as this. People, get a life. I cant believe this woman went all bizurk all over this.
  15. Hmm... Well my anti virus automatically checks all the things I am downloading before I do. I should be safe from virus that will download with the file. But then again something like that could easily bypass the anti-virus and simply turn it off.
  16. I think that the only way that a book could possibly change your life is that if you really understand the book, and think the author is a truly nice person to believe. The only book that can really change me is the bible. It seems silly to have any other book change your life unless its about life.
  17. Based on what information you gave me, without your weight or age, this is what you should do: Ok, first set a spot where you can jog maybe every morning. Before you decide to work out, you should burn some fat through excercising. Maybe after your jogging, you can go to the gym lift some weights, go on the trendmill, work out your abs, do sit-ups, push-ups. When you eat, try to watch out for what you're eating. Refer to the food pyramid. When you have time you might want to go to the pool, swim around a bit. I think swimming is a good way of losing some weight because it works out your muscles, and mostly your abs. Also, check around the Weight Control forum for helpful topics that may also help you.
  18. Very clever, OpaQue! You get money for displaying the ads and part of that goes to us, which benifits all 3 parties. I like that. Great work!This could be almost as a second incentive for posting on the Xisto forums which makes the Credit System more useful than it already is. Its easy too, just enter information and wait for text link to appear.Thank you, OpaQue. You're a good and clever leader, as always
  19. This indeed will take some time getting used to. Everything looks different. I think the index looks way smaller too. Once I get used to it, there should be no problem though. I like the forum upgrade Dosent look so cheap now. With more than 50k members, the old theme didn't look like it was worth that many members. But with this forum and the cool, professional-looking logo, it looks... cool
  20. Hmm.. The phone looks nice. How much did you pay for it by the way? And how much was the 3-year plan? Also, I've havent heard anything bad about this phone, although there are many pros and cons to each unique cell phone. I don't think anything major is wrong with it.
  21. Oooh I like that story. Very creative, well done I couldn't have done better myself without thinking for a very, very long time. Congratulations ^^
  22. It IS possible to live without a computer literally. But because technology has been integrated into our lives, we cannot bare to step away from it. All around you there is technology. There are all sorts of computers, and without computers you could not "live" in high society.If you're just talking about regular computers then yes, but you'd have to hide it somewhere or have a chain to the door so you can't use it because you said you spend like 6 hours on the computer each day.Also, I spend 4-5 hours on my computer each day.
  23. Yes indeed, that site is the ugliest. The background blinds me, everything dosent go together. You have a bird flying, buttons out of nowhere, its all disgusting. Its not even related to the point their trying to make. Their site name is all in CAPS. They've got too many <hr> lines.
  24. Pros:I like the columnsI like the title image/color background for each section of a columnNice color usage overall. It blends in.Cons:Test size/styles arent so easy to readBanner is too large, and is missing.Links should have more space in between them.My overall rating: 7/10Try to fix your cons listed above and you can make it a 10/10.
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