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Everything posted by harrison858

  1. I agree. Clean your ears on a regular basis. Also, I think you should go see a doctor just to be sure it's not something important. It may not have some effects now, but maybe in the long run, it can damage your ear. Ask your doctor and see what he or she says.
  2. A picture is worth a thousand words. These set of pictures really burn me up. Im not a neat-freak, but lok at the mess! Who would actually live in a dump like that? I dont think anyone would clean that up even if they were offered a million bucks, at least certainly not me. There's no telling what could be living or growing in a dump like that. There could be fungus growing on all the straws of the soda cups. There could be mice living under the mattress. I certainly would not sit on that toilet, and WTF is on it?How can you take a bath in that bathtub, and how could you even live in a dump like this? Just thinking about it can give me nightmares.This house is only good for one thing: A dumpster. On Halloween it might be good for a sick-smelling haunted house, I dont know.The fact is, this place should be inspected by a health inspector as someone said above. They must have violated some sort of rule.
  3. To me, the moderators are doing a good job, even if they can't correct every single mistake. No body is perfect, and everyone makes mistakes. We are all easily distracted in real-life situations or maybe some online situations on the net. We need to understand that we as a community as a whole has a responsibility to REPORT posts that we think has a dumb title, description, or if it is considered as spam. Its kinda like we are citizens of the USA, and we need to report problems to the police.We are citizens of this forum, and it's a privilage to have access to it.So my interperatation of the moderators is that they are doing the best they can.
  4. A lot of girls think that its a very good book. Some are obsessed with the whole series of Twilight. Some of them cry, some of them laugh mysteriously. Sometimes I think it might be brain washing. Many of my friends say that Twilight is a waste of time. But anyways, Im glad that the movie will be coming out. Im too lazy to read the whole entire series @.@I already saw the trailer on its site. It looks like it has a lot of action in it.Can't wait to see the movie. I bet it would be much more intense than the books, as some of my friends who read it said it had intenstion rate of 6/10.I just gotta wait and see ^^
  5. This is a small love poem simply called Love. Rate it please, 1-10, and if it sucks, let me know WARNING: It will probably suck. Read at your own risk. I am not responsible for your medical bills regarding blindness. I shall forever remember By harrison858 November 18th, 2008 I shall forever remember, The day our eyes met. That day in late November You too can recall, I bet. That day in November, When I gazed upon you. I will always remember When love was still new.
  6. I wanted myCENTs to be transferable, but there are several issues that coudld go wrong. Also, look at the economy. Xisto has mostly un-paid members, and yet it's giving its top quality hosting on the net.Some problems would be:- People making new accounts to spam and get lots of myCENTS. Before they can get banned, they would transfer all those myCENTS to their normal account. There would be no actual real way to find out which member did it, since they would be using a different e-mail account. They could be using a public computer, so I.P. banning would be useless.- Xisto would have more debit than credit. If many members start transfering their myCENTS, that means more posts are being made, which takes away Xisto's space and cause them to buy more. More posts being made also means that more moderators are needed. Which also means the server would get overloaded with members and posts which causes lag which causes them to get a better server. There are only a few members that are actually paying for their hosting, and im not one of them.Solution to first problem: NoneSolution to second problem: Maybe they could charge for transfering myCENTS to another account. Maybe for every $1 in myCENTS you transfer, you have to pay $5 in myCENTS. Another solution would be to restrict transfering myCENTS to new users, and offer transfers for users that registered for maybe 1 year or more.
  7. To me, HP is in fact a good company. Its computers are efficient with almost no errors.Compaq, on the other hand, I dont like. Many people say that Compaq has routine errors, and its support isn't that good.
  8. You need to remember a well known quote:"Dont judge a book by its cover."Also, scam sites would be messy in most cases. If you go to Xisto.com, it has a neat and clean layout with almost no spelling mistakes, all the links look official. If it were a scam site, you'd probably see many advertisements, pop-ups, broken links, fake links.Not saying that you think its a scam site but I can see what you're thinking of. You think trap is actually a trap.
  9. Yup, it's unknown alright. I just found out that it existed because you posted it xDI( will try the Google Accelerator to see if it actually helps load the page faster, but I find it unnessecary because my internet already has a fast and dependable connection. Also, the program will probably take up a lot of space on my system and cause my CPU to run a little slower than usual while on the internet. In return, it's basically the same speed. The program loads pages faster, but takes enough room to actually cancel out the CPU's time for loading pages.
  10. I use the secure webdisk shortcut that I downloaded to my comp. All you have to do is copy the decompressed file, and paste it to where you want it to go. You can use this method until this issue gets resolved.
  11. Wow, suing 1 million dollars for 5 lousy office products, which the licenses you misplaced.Either Microsoft is really losing big money, or they're just trying to be plain old cheap. I know the economy and all, but suing a small company that can barely defend themselves? Gimme a break.So did your company get sued already? Did the lawsuit go through?
  12. Wow, this really stinks. I couldn't imagine what would happen to all those workers that all of the sudden heard this news, and are going to be fired like in 2 days. And as for the rest of the stores.... wtf? Why do all of them have to close? Circuit City is one of the most widely visited electronic stores.I never knew that Circuit City took such a big hit. Everything looked the same.And as for the holidays, workers that expected a good Thanksgiving or a good Christmas will be rethinking their plans, and they will suffer from all the losses.Thank you, BuffaloHELP for letting us know. I hope the economy improves soon, and I hope the next president can boost the economy wherever it needs to be.The important thing isn't who wins, or who gets the most money. It is being 1, strong nation, who can overcome crisis in the modern world. I hope the next president can understand that.
  13. Your site's homepage needs to be deleted and set another page to index.html
  14. I recently bought Simcity 4, and im already bored with it :lol:I think EA has ruined all the new and upcoming SimCity games.As for "Only a couple of buildings for Sim Societies", you can actually download mods for new buildings on their site.
  15. I think a good combination of the two would be a good idea, depends what you're doing. HTML for starters, if you're good at scripting then use PHP. Im new at PHP, so it looks confusing to me. People that know how to use PHP say that it is only a little bit confusing. For now, i'll stick to HTML, and then I'll probably steal a couple of scripts
  16. Online, I lie only when it threatens my security. The furthest I ever go is the state that I live in, and my age. Nothing more.When I'm chatting, I sometimes put a funny name on the chatrooms so people dont know who I am (Different from their forums, account name, etc).I never lie about what I'm doing online, though. Lets say I have a friend that needs me to edit something or improve their webpage. Im always honest about that. If I did lie about these things, the other person would keep asking questions, and I'd have to come up with realistic answers. Sooner or later though, I'll run out of answers, and I'll lose my integrity online ^^
  17. You can forget about the Hosting Credits. They wont be worth anything. Dont pay attention to them. To get myCENTs, simply post some good quality topics. The better it is, the more myCENTs you'll get as your reward. Remember: 1 myCENT=1US Cent. After you get 100 myCENTS, it will be converted into 1 US dollar and then transferred to your Client Account at Xisto - Support.com/billing Also, check out this topic on the V3 Credit System (myCENTS): Credit System V3 I hope this helped.
  18. Right now, Im using Windows XP. Im going to wait for a better and faster OS. If Microsoft releases Windows 7 too soon, I dont think many people would buy it. The OS would be rushed, and I believe there wont be enough time for them to fix the bugs, errors, and compatibility issues that some people are having. I've talked to some computer experts, and some computer programmers about Windows Vista. I asked tham if I should buy it. They replied, "No, because Windows Vista is not compatible with many programs and it runs much slower than other Operating Systems." So, if MS launches W7 too soon, I believe that nobody would buy it. Windows Vista was released only like January 2007. I believe that Microsoft said that it would be based on Windows Vista, which probably means it wont be much different.
  19. I think you could try the treadmill for like a week or so. Some people have said that the best time to jog is in the morning, around 5-6AM because you get fresh air, you sweat more, and it helps your immune system.
  20. I think my favorite email services would be:Yahoo/Gmailalthough I've heard that Hotmail and Windows are pretty good.I dont like Aim or MSN because they are very slow.
  21. Is anyone (specifically from Yahoo or Gmail) getting lottery e-mail junk/spam?I've been getting a ton of those, and I've already marked about 30 as spam. The e-mail claims that they are from a lottery company, like "UK Lottery" or "International Lottery." It claims that you have been selected from millions of others and you won the lottery...They ask for your name, your address, your phone number, your account number for your bank, and sometimes your SSN.I mean, Who are these people trying to fool?
  22. Yep. people who are new to computers that have no idea what their doing will fall for this.I suggest deleting any e-mail that you:A) Do not know the senderB ) A sender that looks suspiciousC) An e-mail with an attachment on it, which in the case you dont know the sender.Some e-mails can look very real, and it might be tricky. My advise is DO NOT download or open an attachment from someone you do not know.
  23. I used to use MCAfee. It had very slow scans, and stuff.I am currently using Norton, good, but sometimes its slow. My computer is fast, so I think Norton dosent affect it much.A tip for everyone: After installing something that takes up a lot of RAM, run Disk Cleanup and Disk Defragmeter every once in awhile, it will help boost your system's speed.
  24. This isnt the only problem I've heard about Dish Network.Some of my neighbors are having trouble with Dish Nework too. People come and install, and they charge you. Then a few days later, it gets knocked off beam with the satellite, and they come out again. Then they charge you, AGAIN! And it's not even your fault....
  25. I'd use wired if I need a fast connection for something important. I think wired is more secure versus wireless.I would use wireless for gaming, etc, because you dont need that much of a speed. Also, lets say you're in an office building and you need to give someone a piece of paper like 14 floors away. Wireless printing comes in handy then -.^So really it depends on what you're doing.
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