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Everything posted by harrison858

  1. Having weight problems? You can start here! I have gathered information and have done some research on weight loss. STEP 1: -If you're overweight, admit it. You need to admit that you're overweight before you can even think of losing weight. -To lose weight permanently, you must make a commitment to gradually adopt a healthier way of life. -Remember: Controlling your weight is not an impossible task. -It simply means eating less food or burning up more calories than you need. -Eat smaller portions and choose foods that are low in total fat. (Fat contributes a lot to calories). The Food Pyramid: Fats and Oils: In limited amounts : Olive, canola or peanut oils Butter, margarine, jelly Nuts, seeds, salad dressing Sweets and Snaks: In limited amounts Baked goods Frozen desserts Chips, sweetened drinks Meat, Fish, Poultry: 2-3 servings per day Lean cuts of meat with fat trimmed * Chicken and turkey without skin * Fish * Eggs Dried beans * Bake, boil, broil, roast or grill Dairy: 3 or more servings/day: Low-fat or skim milk Low-fat yogurt Low-fat cottage cheese Low-fat cheese with no more than 3 grams of fat per ounce Fruits/Veggies: 4-5 cups/day Fresh, frozen, dried or canned fruits Fresh, frozen or canned vegetables Grains: 6 or more servings/day with at least half being whole grain Breads, rolls, buns Bagels English muffins Rice cakes Low-fat crackers (such as matzo, bread sticks, rye crisps, saltines) Hot and cold cereals Spaghetti, macaroni, noodles, rice Plain baked potato Excercises: Running/jogging (5 miles per hour) Bicycling (more than 10 miles per hour) Swimming (freestyle laps) Aerobics * Walking very fast (4 1/2 miles per hour) Heavy yard work, such as chopping wood * Weight lifting (vigorous effort) * Basketball (competitive) Push-Ups Sit-Ups *Might be intense for you. Additional Information: 1. If you're going through puberty, do many Push-Ups and Sit-Ups as it will help build your muscle. Run or jog for losing weight. Gaining muscle and losing weight through puberty is more effective than a full grown adult. 2. Participate actively in sports. Sports is a way of having fun and excercising at the same time. You will not be bored with sports. 3. Have a positive attitude. Some studies show that being in a bad mood, being depressed, etc. could cause you to eat more. To be more specific, these are called Comfort Foods. - Will get more info up, because I had a long post and then edited, then idk why, and everything erased, so bare with me @.@
  2. I rate the rap 3.5/10, here are my reasons: - It dosent quite flow - Dosent really make sense. But dont worry, If you keep practicing, and getting more rhymes it should get better in no time.
  3. My grandpa died of cancer, and I've only seen him once when I was about 6 years old.Cancer was actually part of the problem, the other part was very high blood pressure, and the doctor from overseas (My grandpa lived overseas) said that there was blood leaking out from all the 8 or 9 holes in his head (Eye sockets, ears, nose, mouth, etc), and I've never seen that happen before. Could this be a side effect of cancer? Any relations to cancer and high blood pressure? Maybe it was because of the fear of dying? o.o
  4. harrison858

    Sims 3

    Sims is a great game. My teacher even plays it, lol xD
  5. Nope, I dont play Counter Strike, but I've heard of it before.There is a new FPS game called Blackshot, and it will be entering OBT soon, so Im waiting for that. I've heard that Counter Strike is a good game though.
  6. I dont think its such a good idea, it keeps people from posting good posts xD Also, I dont think there is a need for this, because you can always contact the staff, ask them to close it if something is wrong with the topic.
  7. I found out by typing it into a search engine, or someone told me about it.I have no complaints for Xisto, they are an awesome host
  8. The consoles i currently own are: Handhelds:
  9. I think the best console would be the Nintendo Gamecube and the best handheld would be, in my opinion, none other than the Nintendo DS.Nintendo Gamecube:- Good sound- Better graphics- Remote is smaller- Can plug in Nintendo SP and DS into it (In some games)- Small disc to put in, instead of a big game chip.- Easier to fit into smaller placesNintendo DS:- Introduces Touch-Screen- Double screen, top and bottom.- Wireless game play, globally through Friend Codes.- Better graphics than all the other Nintendo Handhelds- The design and style is better than the other Nintendo Handhelds.
  10. Wow, its been awhile since they've actually won a World Series. And 10,000+ Loses? lol. I think that may be ironic =.=
  11. If you are trying to connect to a game server, or make your own server based on that game, I would say that would violate TOS of that game. But if you're asking if your computer could act as a server for your own game that you legally built, then it is possible, but that would take a lot of work and programming skills. Or, you could buy a server through your internet using that host, or buy a server yourself and put files into your own server at home.
  12. I think this will be easy to get to. Ill make it there in no time, because I just joined yesterday, and have like 30+ posts by now. Not to mention that they're not spam, but REAL posts which gives me myCENTS at the same time ^^
  13. Nice recipe! This must taste soo great. I hope it wont be too cheesy though xP
  14. Yep, I believe this too. Its strange, I sometimes think I remember things from a dream. Scientists say that they think that you "remember" it like half a second before, but its not true! Ive could've sworn I've seen it in a dream that I had the night before @.@
  15. I will try this, in despite of what the post above me has said.I bet it will be boring, but I've never tried it yet. Although I do agree that vide game testers make money $$$.At least its free xD
  16. To answer these questions: "Is it worth creating a private server to attract player when there are already thousands out there?" True that there are thousands out there, but very few of them are for commercial use. There are like 60% of them that are using their own computers as a server, hosting 2-D games, that nobody plays on. My answer is yes. "Is it worth creating a private server and getting sued?" The only way you can get sued is if you're doing illegal acts, like copying a game and hosting it into your own server. But if you host a private server with your OWN game on it, then there shouldnt be a problem. If you're planning to do something illegal, my answer is no. If you're hosting your own private server with your own game, my answer is yes, but you might need some help.' "Is it worth it to use up RAM and Internet to host one?" If you're planning to have attracted a lot of users and store a lot of graphics, my answer to that is no, if you're doing that on your own computer. You should try to find a safe server that you could buy from the internet, and just upload it to there. I think Xisto has the option to buy a server or something like that. (Correct me if I'm wrong). "Is it worth it to get hacked?" IF you copy a game illegally, then prepare to get hacked. Once hackers find out that your game has no security or hack shield on it (Which is easy to bypass, anyways). they will start hacking. If you create your own game, chances are that there wont be a hacker interested in playing it. "Is it worth it competing against other servers knowing that they are much better than you?" As I've answered to the first question: "True that there are thousands out there, but very few of them are for commercial use. There are like 60% of them that are using their own computers as a server, hosting 2-D games, that nobody plays on. My answer is yes." Is it worth it in the end? If you do not do anything illegal, and have enough experience to create a successful game, then yes. But if you're planning to do so, I'd say forget it, and move on.
  17. Wow, this will be neat. It will enhance Google Earth, and make it more interactive. I just hope that they take pictures of more from just britan. Maybe they should try to take pictures of something in the middle of the atlantic ocean (Which will be hard). After that, they could probably take some pictures of marine life that lie deep down in the Pacific Ocean I think if it allowed us to look into space, they would need NASA's permission to use some of Hubble Telescope's photographs. They should probably keep Google Earth as-is, and then make it called Google Space They could take pictures of planets, the astroid belts, different galaxies, etc. I think its a pretty good idea
  18. I would like to die of old age, I mean really old age. A peaceful, quiet death. Slowly.I would'nt want a painful death. Its too scary to think of it.
  19. Well, if you actually believen those things, then a person might actually spend a lot of their money doing so. They'll spend thousands on coffins, ceremonies, and payy for people to dig holes.If I dont believen those things, I would still buy a coffin, just for the sake of t. I mean, it IS their final resting place.If you dont have the money--- I'd probably try to buy the cheapest coffin, or the most expensive wooden box (less than a coffin).
  20. Yep, I agree. And its pointless if they want to make it so soon, because it would probably be rushed, and it wont have much of a difference from Vista.
  21. Even though that I have not been hosted yet,Hosting - I rate it 10/10Customer Service/Support Team - I rate 11/10 , yes, its off the scale.Speed: 10/10Uptime: 10/10Overall Rating: 10/10Xisto is the BEST hosting compared to the other hosters that I've been with. It deserves at least a 10/10 rating.
  22. I dont think you can actually say that someone is "Addicted" to sports, because, in my opinion, you cant get enough of sports, regardless of if you are watching or actually playing a sport.Sports are fun, and they are good for your health, so in my opinion, no, addiction for sports, 0%.
  23. Hey, welcome to Xisto!I, too, are also new =)I think I can tell you that Xisto is better than any other host I've used, and I didn't even get hosted yet. All I've been doing is posting around the forums, and its already fun.I cant wait to be hosted, and find out what it will be like. The good thing about this is that you can post and get credits back, then use credits.Anyways, welcome ^^
  24. Wow, there are plenty of things I could think of...1. Um.... my family xD - The support that my family gives to me. - Always cheering me on, thinking positive. - Good cooks, btw. You cant get that anywhere else xD2. My friends, i guess. - Supportive, always on my side. - Being honest to me all the time, telling me the truth, not just because I'm their friend. - They're funny 3. My teachers (Well most of them): - Unlike other teachers, they are fun, and they are very active in class. - Not boring...And plenty more ><
  25. I dont know what you mean by unique, but I dont think a unique site will attract members. I'd pick an existing type of site. Anyways, here are the basics in getting more members and more traffic to your site. 1. Start off small, then expand as you gain more members. You dont want a site that just all of the sudden, a new guy comes to your site, and BOOM! Everything is there, but the only problem is, there are only a few members, and more than likely those members wont know how to use all of your site's functions, etc, and they will leave. You have to introduce new features slowly, so your members will figure out how to use them. If they know enough about it, sure enough people will ask them questions, and they'll know the answers. Then you realize you have a cycle going on. - You should find a small increase on the amount of members if you do this. 2. Interact with your members: Make a live chat room, or something of that nature. You want to be able to interact with your members, and maybe answer some of their questions. In return, they may give you crutial feedback pretaining to your site, they will give you their opinions on how to improve the site. There will also be a member-to-member interaction, in which the members wil share their thoughts and opinions together. They will also spread the word of your site, allowing more people to find it. More than likely, they will keep coming to your site because they will want to meet with others. Get a forums: By providing a forums to your members, you will see an increase in more members and more traffic. Make sure your forum is very organized, and make broader categories. - Small to Moderate increase in amount of members and site traffic. 3. Design: First Impression is key to a successful site. You need to do this in the beginning of your site. If the design is attractive to the eye, it will attract more members and site traffic along with it. You might want to find one that has Javascript in it, such as a button glowing when you hover it with your mouse. Also, find one that matches what your site will be about. You will not want to have a Gaming Design, for example, if you will be talking about Life. (Not like I think you would do that, but just using that as an example). You also want to make sure that things on your websie will be easy to read. Dont put a dark background and have gray text, for example. - Small increase in site traffic. 4. Have a positive attitude- By believing in yourself, you will say to yourself "Never give up." - Boosts self confidence ^^ 5. Advertise/Submit to Search Engines: Advertise on sites that allow you to advertise, pretty straight forward. Submit to Search Engine- You'll want to submit your site to Search Engines so if someone wants to find a website whos category fits into yours, you might just be in luck =) - Small increase at first, then moderate in members and site traffic. 6. Listen to your members: Listening to your members are important. They will help you point out some things you need to improve on. 7. Add some cool widgets: As your site gets larger, you might want to add cool widgets such as RSS feeds, Glittering text (To make it more attractive), or even some flash games? 8. URL redirection/Domain: Unless they remember to add your site to favorites, you're out of luck. You will always want a domain that is easy to remember. Do you think your members will remember subdomains? URL Redirection: If domains are too costly for you, maybe URL redirection will come in handy. For starters, I'd use one like co.cc . ~ Pick one that dosent have disturbing ads. * This guide may vary depending on the type of site you want to make.
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