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Everything posted by harrison858

  1. I'd say, not for long. I don't think any host out there can beat the quality that Xisto has to offer. Trap 17 gives you the credit system which is very useful, and the fact that you dont have to acually pay to get quality hosting. Trap 17 PWNS, and thats a FACT.
  2. Hey welcome to Xisto, the best quality hoster there is on the net!May I take your order?
  3. I dont get one thing:Was it just that one McDonalds advertising this commercial, or was it nationwide? Surely the whole McDonalds corp would ask where these photos came from instead of broadcasting this...
  4. USB Warmer is a good idea, but there are several risks:1. Can it short-circuit your system? 2. What if you accidently spill coffee on the warmer? Not replaceable, isn't it? 3. What if you spill it on your USB plug? Not usable, isn't it? 4. Could it be easily flammable? What if you forget to plug it out? Will it catch on fire? 5. What if you burn your hand on it somehow?
  5. For basics:I would only buy something that people would actually want or need. Also, try to do some research before you start shopping for the Holidays. You might find a better deal someplace else.To answer your question:Maybe buy someone a small box of chocolate? $10 Gift Certificates?Throw a party and order pizza as a christmas gift?
  6. Hey welcome to the Xisto community, the best hosting service on the web! Enjoy your stay here
  7. Isn't it possible that the merchant could do this directly to the customer instead of having to process it through something else?
  8. Every program cannot be perfect, and I bet Microsoft will be working on a solution to resolve these programming-type issues. Maybe in the next Operating System they might be able to debug many things, and reduce CPU and RAM usage.
  9. Cloning will not preserve your memories. Although there are some companies out there that preserve and maintain people's bodies after they have passed away, hoping that future technologies can later restore these people and come back to life.
  10. I find that script interesting. But just remember: knowing the answer won't get you anywhere.
  11. I'd say that PayPal is safe. Most people that have used PayPals have no problem. The only problems could maybe be some minor ones, such as delayed processing time. Processing is usually instant, but may take up to an hour. PayPal has a secured connection.Also, just because merchants choose to run their own payment processing system dosent mean that PayPal is not safe. It just means that they could be looking for some features that PayPal does not have to offer. Also, PayPal may charge a higher fee, PLUS, the credit card company may also charge extra as well. This is why some merchants choose to run their own billing system.
  12. Lol, speaking about this, my number is xxx-666-xxxx :)I dont see any bad luck or anything.But about the number 13.. Some buildings may skip from 12-14 and skip 13 because of some dumb superstition. Thats just ridiculous. Whats gonna happen? Its not like the whole floor would disappear or fall or collapse or anything.
  13. I bet this game is 2d. I've played games like this, they are boring. Educational games are creepy because the characters are all too nice. I'd prefer 3d games.
  14. My advice is... If you think you are ready go for it. If she talks nicer to you than most people, then she probably likes you a little. I'd take it slow, and not all of the sudden. If you suddenly like her, she might get freaked out, and you don't want that to happen. Maybe you might want to talk to her more often, or something. Act nice around her, but also cool at the same time.Some signs that tell you you're not ready:1. Blushing too much when meeting a girl.2. Unable to speak clearly.
  15. I dont think 14 years old is way too early, as long as you can see the road, reach the pedals, and you can put your hands on the steering wheel. :)I bet if you're 14 years old and you're driving, you must be mature enough to handle it, so theres no problem since it's legal as well. Good for you
  16. Really nice price, but I'd rather get a computer that has it pre-installed onto it already. Although its hard to find a pre-installed Windows XP because you rarely see that anymore. They're all onto Vista now.
  17. harrison858


    Well, there is nothing that we can do now. All the electoral votes have been accounted for.And wth? Military votes werent counted???Also, some people are protesting in Supreme Court about him not showing his birth certificate.
  18. Yes, Xisto - Domains are cheaper than many other domain registrars. Im planning to get one or two for New Years
  19. I thought that you didnt have to invite someone anymore. I think now you could just sign up.
  20. Personally, I don't think he will lower our taxes. I think he is concerned about the bail-out plans, and he probably thinks that the government dosent have enough money. Then, he will raise our taxes.Our economy will then get much worse, and there's nothing we can do about it. Obama would be too inexperienced to make big changes like this. He'll have a bunch of people in congress on his side because they will mostly be democrats. His officers are mainly democrats.So, lets say that he raises our taxes. More businesses will fall, more people will end up on the streets, and there will be nothing that we can do. The crime rate of America will rise charply because people have no other choice. The stock markets will start to fall sharply. The value of the dollar will fall sharply. Obama can cause another great depression, because no president would ever be dealt with this kind of situation. You have an election right when the economy fails. There is no worse time to have an election than that. People all over the nation, all over the world will panic. Countries will start to attack each other to gain power and wealth. The world will be in chaos.
  21. I basically use search engines for anything. Whenever im bored, I could search for an Mmorpg to play. If I need to find some information, I'd use google too. It just depends on the situation.
  22. I don't know. Many sites are adding Water to their Food Pyramid for some reason. And it is true actually, you need plenty of water. Even if it's not official, you should still get plenty of water, in my opinion. Sports helps a lot. Everyone needs to stay fit and active. Sports is a way of having fun and excercising your body at the same time. Im working on height vs. ratio in general, just need to do a lot more research. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Try not to eat many cookies on Christmas, especially if you're trying to lose weight
  23. I will soon be reading Twighlight with my friend next month.Then I must finish a book called "Black Duck" which I dont have the book yet, so I cant tell you the author. I heard it was really good though so im willing to read it.
  24. This is absolutely astounding. This will be very useful indeed for undeveloped countries that have a poor and dirty supply of water. While you pedal, it works for you. By the time you get home, it will be ready to drink.If they can do this with water, I wonder what they could do with electricity
  25. Im for Nike. Nike has better styles, and their colors match quite nicely. Adidas to me looks like it's one solid color. If a shoe has white on it, the whole thing is white. If it has black on it, the whole thing is black. Nike, on the other hand, has colors and designs that blend with the other colors.
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