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Everything posted by midnightvamp

  1. I'm not really much of a sports person myself, in that I don't really like to play any sports - never have, even back in school I hated gym class , but I do like to watch sports as a spectator, especially when it's live.The one that I like the most would probably be auto racing. I get to see tons of live racing every summer, including the American Le Mans Series and Champ Car, along with tons of support series and local racing. Sometimes it seems like I live at the race track, because I'm there so often.My next favourite would probably be lacrosse... I just think that's a great sport, and I actually was just at a game last week. I'm also lucky because the team that I like - the Toronto Rock is pretty good and wins quite often (which they did in the preseason game that I was just at, so hopefully they keep that up for the actual season!).Other than that, I also enjoy watching football and baseball on occasion (though I hate watching baseball live because it freaks me out that I'm going to get a baseball in the face... I have the same fear for hockey pucks... but maybe that is because whenever I see those kinds of games live, someone in my section always seems to get hit in the face, and then there's tons of blood and the paramedics show up and take the people away.) So I prefer those from the safety of my own home... perhaps if I could afford one of those nifty VIP boxes
  2. Just from a quick look myself musicmaza, it looks like your style sheets are in the wrong file. In the source code for the page, I see that it is calling for two style sheets: <!-- **** layout stylesheet **** --><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style/style.css" /><!-- **** colour stylesheet **** --><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style/colour.css" /> Therefore there should be a file named style.css and another named colour.css inside a folder named style to have them display properly. Right now, I've found your style.css in the public_html folder like you've said, but for the page to be able to find it, you'll have to put it into a folder with the path public_html/style/style.css Does that make sense? Hopefully that helps!
  3. Yea, I got the same error message as the others: So if you are changing your site around then cool - cause I wanted to see it. Let us know if it's back up and running so we can go back and take a look!
  4. I'm not much of a gamer myself, and haven't even played any of the games that are posted above. Though I have seen some of the games while other people played them and enjoyed them. I've always been rather strange about games myself in that ever since I was little (and I mean very little - say back when I needed to be baby sat) I always preferred to watch other people playing a game rather than to play it myself.I'm no different now I suppose, because I still love to watch other people play most games, though I do happen to play sometimes myself (which is mostly sim games like SimCity, SimTower and that sort of thing. The only game that I do play religiously is Dofus. Once I got over the silly name and started into it, I got hooked. I'd never have dreamed that I'd pay to play a game before, but after a while I did and it just made the game so much better cause I had access to the entire thing. And I've been paying for that one and playing it for around two years. Though there are so many people that seem to be better at it than me and get everything done so much faster, that doesn't stop me because there's something in there for me to enjoy at my own pace.Before that, I liked neopets a lot, but I haven't been on that site in quite some time. The site sort of lost its appeal to me once my sister stopped playing it, because I really liked to play it with her (we are weird, because we both have computers and play it only a few feet apart, so that we can talk and play at the same time).So yea, I think that's it... I think I should be off and playing my game again lol.... or perhaps my sister will play one for me to watch Either way is fine with me!
  5. Interesting... it makes me wonder what Google thinks of things like this, since they could obviously take them to court over this sort of thing... but it seems rather harmless so whatever lol... and they claim that Google doesn't seem to mind, other than they aren't allowed to sell the backwards Google t-shirts, so it seems that since it's for fun and not for profit, that Google isn't going to stop them.I was kind of hoping that the search would actually work, and even tried to type my search in backwards like the FAQ said to, but that didn't help. Perhaps Google stopped that from working as well, cause it appears that all the links on the page seem to go through to the original Google. But hey, maybe not, I have no idea lol...Oh well, it's still worth the entertainment
  6. That sounds like an interesting theory that you've got there, and if it's not just a coincidence, then you might really be on to something. I'm not sure if there's really a way to test something like that, other than through trial and error, but it it seems to be working, then you must be doing something right!I was wondering though... since I was thinking about getting into the AdWords game myself sometime in the near future... to get the extra increase in your AdSense income, was it because the money you spent created an increase in around the same % of visitors to your site?I'm confusing myself at the moment, so I'll try to explain that one again lol...If you spent X amount of dollars and then saw a 60% increase in your AdSense earnings... did that come because you had a 60% increase in your website's traffic hit count? Or was it something else like really 'niche' worthy traffic that helped the earnings raise without getting a ton more hits?Anyway, I'd love to hear anything else you've discovered or have an theories on, so if you notice anything more, don't forget to share it with the rest of us
  7. This thread has given me some hope about what can be done when transitioning a website from one address to another. Thanks so much for that, because it's something that I've also been wanting to do with one of my sites, but have been very worried about how my visitors and search engine rankings would suffer because of that. If you can, try and let us know how you do end up going about it, and how it all works out for you.Thanks
  8. Hmmm.... that's a very interesting question, and something that I've never really thought about before.@truefusion: I wasn't thinking about a person only getting to live the first couple hours over and over again.... that just adds a whole other dimension to this idea for me. But I don't really think it would be about the body not being able to survive because it wouldn't be aware of it's own consciousness, because I figure, a child at that age wouldn't be alone anyway... wouldn't it have to have the parents with it (in the real world, or in the repeating world) to survive? So if that's the case, I suppose the people caring for the child would also have to be repeating the same time frame as the child... and here I was thinking everyone would have to be in there own loop, but if that's the case, either it's all multi-dimensions where the same person can be repeating several stages of life, or everyone in the world would probably have to repeat the same two hour time slot, because of all the interactions. I'm confusing myself, so I'll stop there lol...@galahad: Interesting... and I wonder how written things would work in the equation, because if everything was being reset, wouldn't the written things be reset as well, so it was like it never really existed in the first place? Like Maybe I've been writing this forum post over and over again, and when the time resets, it's as if the post wasn't here, because I hadn't done the things yet? As for people's times being reset at different times so they have some of the memories, while the other person has lost them and because of their personal "reset", that would open up a whole other can of worms.Like what if person A was somewhere, then met up with person B who has their time reset, leaving person A mid conversation with a person that is no longer there. Because person B was reset and is now repeating what they were doing before the meeting, so they in essence "disappeared" for no good reason from person A's timeline. Unless there could be different people in each time so that one wouldn't disappear... and I'm really losing this train of thought, so I'm going to stop there for that one too lol... Now let me tell you my take on it all, if you can make any sense of my ramblings, because I tend to ramble on about things that are interesting, but baffle me just the same: Anyway, the first thing that came to mind for me was "now there's something that explains deja vu"... Not really sure if this is the case for reliving a single set of hours over and over again, cause then you'd probably feel deja vu more often or perhaps a much stronger feeling of it, but maybe it is possible that we do relive certain periods of time over again, and that could be why we feel that way.Well, now that I've got that out of my system lol...I would really hope that those last few hours that I'd be living over and over again would be something great. Even if it's the hours that lead into something great that is coming, that would still be decent to relive, cause even if you never make it to the actual even, it can be sometimes a lot of fun being excited for the upcoming events, just as much as the special day itself. I'm thinking about Christmas right now... like on Christmas eve, I get all excited over the fact that it's only one more sleep until it's Christmas day, and the joy that can bring to a person is great. You feel great, and things just seem to be happier during that time just before bed when you are waiting for Santa to arrive.So, a case like that, it wouldn't seem so bad to relive something like that over and over again... cause it's a joyful time and something that I'd be happy to unknowingly do time and time again.Now what would worry me, would be that I'd get stuck into a rut where my three hours that I get to repeat would be while I was doing something that I really dislike, or while I'm bored or even sleeping. That wouldn't seem to be a good way to go through life (if you can call it that, because it's not really going through it, other than that brief time period of it).But should I really be worried about being stuck inside a rut like that? Because if it were really happening, then it would mean that I'd be doing this same thing over and over again... therefore, I'd be on this forum, posting this same message hundreds of times (I must really be racking up the credits now, right?! But no... it's all reset again when I start the loop over lol. Anyway...) and feeling a bit tired and hungry all at the same time, because that's the way that I feel now.I wonder what it would be like to have those fake memories too... like we base the things we think about and feel on what we've done and felt in the past... so if all these things never really happened, and the memories were fake, I wonder if they could be changed each time that we started the loop again, so that we'd have a completely different past.Mind you, on second thought that doesn't really work either, because if I had a completely different past I probably wouldn't have been making websites, or found myself on this forum, and then I wouldn't be posting here either. So it wouldn't really be living the same couple hours over and over, but rather, the same couple of hours would always be completely different - not that you'd ever really know (because you wouldn't remember.)Anyway... My final thought on this whole crazy business (great topic by the way!) is I read somewhere a while back that you must forget something 7 times for it to enter into your long term memory. Perhaps then, all the things that are now in our long term memories are events that were significant enough in our lives that we've had to repeat them 7 times in the past?I guess now it's time for me to go and look up some informations on memories, because you've sparked my curiosity. It's an interesting fact to know though that your entire body has nothing in it from seven years ago though... so if every thing's been replaced, I wonder how your brain or cells or whatever it is passes along all the information to the "new" cells as the are changing over. Oh.. so many things to think about, so little time...
  9. I couldn't really see the entire world with just one language. I could see the world all knowing a language, but everyone also still holding onto the languages that have been around for so many years, because I feel like it would be a shame to lose something that historic, just to make it a little easier on people so that they don't have to learn another language.I actually find it fun to learn other languages (call me a geek if you so desire... but small things bring me much pleasure, and understanding what someone is saying when they are talking in another language than the English that I grew up with is an amazing thing to me.) and I do so regularly, trying to improve on my pronunciation and vocabulary in the language that I'm currently working on.My current task - Japanese. It's so different from English, and presents quite a challenge, but it's a welcomed challenge, and I love the sense of accomplishment that I get when I learn more and more of that language. In fact, there was even a time today that I got to feel pretty good, when my sister said to me... this is so cute, but I have no idea what they are saying, or even what language it is in!So I went over there, and low and behold, they were speaking in Japanese... so I told her that and translated the parts of it that I could (which wasn't the entire thing, but it still was much better than nothing... and we had a fun time as she continued on with it, since she had a bit better understanding of what was going on. I love when moments like this arise, when I can be of some help to people because I've taken the time to learn something new... even though it was more for fun on my part.Anyway, if there was no other languages out there to learn, I'd be missing a bit part of what I enjoy to do, so I really don't hope that it happens where all of the world only speaks one language.Sure, I'd love for the world to be able to talk to each other in a certain language, so that it would make conversing much easier for everyone, but I would also love people to preserve the language and culture that they've been born with so as not to let any more languages become 'dead languages', because I feel it's a shame for that to happen, because once it's gone, it hard or impossible to bring back that knowledge (especially for the certain languages among natives or tribes in the different countries where there is already such a small amount of people that can speak the language.)
  10. Wow... I really like sites that have these kind of good things about them. I really hope that they actually do help to feed the hungry around the word, cause sometimes it feels like I'd like to do more, but just don't have the time or ideas on what I can do, but even if I can help out in just a small way, it's nice to know that if there are a lot of people that are also doing their small part, that it can actually do something much larger.Thanks for sharing this sort of site, and I can't wait to see how much I can help out
  11. I can see people wanting to marry a robot, so long as they 'seemed' intelligent and had realistic looks and all that... If robots got to the point where they were very close to humans and could do the things that humans can do, then there'd be more than enough people willing to marry one I'm sure.Think about it, they could probably pick out the model that they'd want. Would they want it to look this way or that way? No worries, take them both for a test drive and see which one suits you better! Don't like that particular attitude, for a little extra cash, we can throw in several other attitudes that you can choose from. Just insert the desired disk and away you go.If people thought that they could create the perfect person for them, I'm sure they'd try it. And if not for marriage, then I can see it happening for companionship and so forth.But then, what if you really started to fall in love with this robot, and it's been programmed to love you back? Wouldn't you want to get married and spend your life together? I'm sure there'd have to be laws set up either for or against this, and I'm not sure what the details would have to be, cause I haven't really thought about it all too hard, but if there was some way to make it legal, I'm more than certain that it would happen.There'd probably be people that weren't really in love with a robot wanting to get married, just to say that they were the first. What a thing to brag about, eh? Guess what... I'm in the Guiness Book of World Records as the first person to marry a robot.What about the first person to marry two robots (I was thinking robot marrying robot, but I suppose there'd probably be some person out there that would get married to more than one robot as well, since there are many people that have several wives... plus, it's not against the law to hold several marriages at once in many areas...)Hmmm... but it's also making me think, what if the robot became obsolete? Could you get the upgrades and make all the necessary repairs overtime? What if it were to break and it's 'memories' were to be corrupted? I suppose for this, you'd be recommended to frequently back up the data incase of failure, but thinking from my own experiances on how I hardly do that with all the data on my computer (and after all the times I've lost it!) I should know better by know... so people would probably also neglect backups on their robot companions.Am I over analyizing the situation? I feel like I'm thinking too far into this on random points that are just coming into my mind. Anyway... my point being, is there will be a lot of things to think about if this were to become reality, but I'm sure that people would do it for many reasons, be it loneliness, or boredom, or actually loving a piece of hardware (should that actually be possible, which I figure the more humanistic the robots become, the more possible it will be to fall in love with one.)But there'd also have to be the people out there that are against it, or actually enjoy not being able to control their significant others every detail, and for those people... I thank you for keeping the human species from getting extinct. Because robots, no matter how fun they seem, probably aren't going to be the best way to repopulating the planet.
  12. Thanks for posting that. It's a lot of good information in there that can really save people's lives. The scary thing for me though is while I was reading it, there were several times when I was thinking that I probably would have done the opposite thing, thinking that would have been the way to stay safer. I'm really glad that I read this and I'm going to be sure to email this to other people that I know, because I think that knowledge is best to keep everyone safe, and the more people that read this, the safer that the world can become.And yes, I agree this is good advice for the guys as well... so I'll be sure to also pass it along to them.So again, thank you for taking the time to post it. I really appreciate it, as do many other people I'm sure.
  13. My favourite anime would have to be Fruits Basket... I just fell in love with it when I saw it, and then had to go out and buy the box set of it. I'm so happy that I did, and I even got my sister hooked on it too now. (It's a very girly anime). Plus, I've also bought all the manga that has been released for the series so far here, and have ordered the most recent one, but I'm just waiting for it to arrive. This was the second anime that I ever watched.The first anime that I ever watched was Gravitation and I liked that one so much that I also bought that series and the books for it as well (though I don't have the complete set of books because that one is more difficult to find in the stores around here. But I have a couple of those books also on order waiting to come in.Other than those ones, I'd have to say that I really like Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle, D. N. Angel, Ouran High School Host Club and Hana Kimi (though it's not an anime, but it is a manga and has a live action recently released that I enjoyed).
  14. Personally, I find myself attracted to taller guys, but that doesn't mean that I haven't been with some shorter ones either. It all depends on the person to me... People can be attractive in several ways, and if you are lacking in the height area, you can more than make up for that in other ways as well.Also, for my sister who is rather tall herself, she's not had any problem with dating a man that was shorter than her (since many of them are, because of her height) and they were together for over a year, but moved apart for university, so it eventually didn't work out. But she was fine with it while they were together, and they did make a good couple... Mind you, he wasn't that much shorter than her, but still a bit.
  15. For Halloween, I'll be dressing up like a witch (again! I have dressed as one for soooo many years, oh well, it's fun lol...) and handing out the candy to the kids that stop by our house. My Aunt is also supposed to be coming over on Halloween night too, so that should be fun, as we've never had her visit us for that day before.I also decorated a lot outside with different things, and of course the night that I put all the decorations up, it just had to rain. (Isn't that always the way?) Not that the decorations got ruined or anything.... just all soaking wet, but they still look pretty good.I want to carve my pumpkin sometime... but I've been leaving it to the last minute, cause the squirrels have been horrible and eating everything in site... (they already demolished the decorative corn stalks that we brought home, and ate our little decorative squashes and gourds too). So I'll probably carve them either tonight, and keep the pumpkins in the basement, or carve them tomorrow during the day.
  16. It depends on the situation. There are nights that I barely sleep at all (because I tend to stay up late, and then end up not sleeping that long for some reason), then other times I can sleep half of the day away. I think it's cause of the hours of sleep that I need to catch up on. Whenever I know that I have to wake up in the morning, I aim for going to bed eight hours before I have to wake up, because I know with that amount of sleep, I'll be good and rested the next day, but because of my nighthawk-ish ways, I tend to forget all that and stay up late anyway, and then feel like a zombie by the next morning lol...I've found though, that when I don't use an alarm clock I sleep for around nine hours before waking up, so that's probably my natural sleeping hours that I need.Something I'm curious about though, is how come I can sleep in to crazy hours at my Mother's house when I stay over. It seems that when I wake up there, it's always in the after noon (like 2 or 3 pm) which to me is really strange, because at home, it seems that no matter how late I stay up (even if it is until 5am) I always seem to wake up at or before noon... Perhaps it's a different (more relaxing?) bed or that the room is darker or quieter? I'm not really sure, because I think my room here is darker when I have my blinds down lol.Whatever. I was just about to go to sleep now anyway... so I'll probably be waking up in about nine hours, since I don't have to set my alarm clock (which means I certainly won't be!) and I can sleep until I wan't to
  17. I've never tried to sell anything on eBay myself, though I've thought about it a number of times. I just didn't really have anything that I figured people would want to buy, and the things that I do have that would sell, I don't want to give up, so yea, I haven't sold anything using that auction site myself. I did want to put some stuff up for auction though a while back, and I wasn't able to because I didn't yet have my credit card, so unless things have changed since then, you'll probably need to have a credit card in order for you to sell things from that site.Mind you, I have used eBay to buy things from people, and though most people are good people on there, you still have the chance to get ripped off, so it's best to be careful of what you buy and who you buy it from.I once ordered a box set of anime, and after waiting for it to arrive, which is never did, I tried to get the money back from the person that didn't sell the item, but was told by the collections people that the seller had already emptied their account, and they would continue to try and get my money back from them. I never did get my money back.Other things that have happened to me, is when I've ordered certain things like movies and such and received them, I could tell that they weren't legit copies of them, like they claimed they would be when I've bought them. So, like I said, most people are good people on the site, but like anything else, if there's a way to cheat people, there will be people that know it, and sadly will cheat people too.
  18. That is very impressive. Now I only wish that something half that speed would make it through my cables and into my computer. Okay, half sounds like an insanely fast amount too, I'd settle for a mere fraction of the speed, so long as it was somewhat faster than what I have in place now :)Mind you, if I had speed like that, I'd need a seriously faster dvd-burner, or an incredibly huge hard drive, because I know that I'd fill it up way too fast, cause the temptation to have everything almost instantaneously would be too much for me to resist.As for what Alex said about the phone and the internet becoming two separate things in the future, I would love that day to become today, because as it is right now at my house, my internet is very unstable, constantly going up and down, and the phone line sounds like static most of the time (though I've noticed that when the phone is clear, the internet seems to work alright. It's weird, but whatever. I haven't been able to convince my dad to get the phone line checked either... and he used to be a bell phone repairman, so I would have thought something like this would have been right up his alley. Anyway, whatever...)So yea, I really really really would be happy to have a line that would go at 160gb/sec, but I would definitely settle for the line that the 75-year old woman has that allows for 40 gigs a second. That would also be fabulous. Do you happen to know what kind of line she has for that speed, or why is it so fast? I'm really curious now, because I didn't know that anyone's internet could be that fast lol. Either way, I read the article, and it's pretty interesting to read, plus she's so lucky that she has some people in the business that can do that sort of thing for her.
  19. I don't really know too much about cell phones / cell phone plans, but I've enjoyed the Virgin Mobil company because of the flexibility that it offers. I don't really make many calls on my cell phone, but when I do, it's basically just short ones to let someone know where I am, and to get a ride home and that sort the thing. The main reason that I have it is just for emergencies in case something were to happen and I would be in need of a phone.Because of that, it's nice to have the sort of "pay as you go" idea behind the phone. I just get the phone card for however much I want, and then have it activated, and I'm good to go for a while. The only thing that's got me one time, was I bought a card while I was staying home for christmas, and then by the time I went back to school, I didn't have the receipt with me, which was where the activation code was, so I wasn't able to use that card.But other than that, I've liked it. And now I know not to throw away the receipts right away anymore lol.
  20. I've been wondering this myself for a while... and there's a couple things that have stopped me so far. I'm not really much of a gamer, and though it sounds like fun, I'd probably just end up watching other people use it. For me, I'd love to get up there and actually feel like I'm part of the action (and I'm not sure just how real it might feel since you're creating the actions yourself), but at this house, the only place that we could set one up is in the living room, which is (of course!) right behind a large window that faces the street through which everyone would be able to see me looking like a goof ball. Maybe other's wouldn't think much of it, or think, cool.. I have one of those... or wow, I wish I had one, but I'd still be too embarrassed to really enjoy it in the location that it would have to go.Then again, I've also heard that the game play isn't anything all that special, and that there are so many better games for the other systems... that it sort of puts a damper on my idea to get one. The other problem (and this is true for all the systems) is the cost... I don't know if I could shell out that kind of cash for something I might not enjoy. I've never played it myself, so I don't know just how much I'd like it. I think I'd really have to go out there and play around with someone's so that I could better decide whether or not it's the gaming system that would make me happy that I bought it.I think that if it was able to go somewhere that people couldn't watch me, and if the price didn't phase me too much then I'd probably have gotten the gaming system already. But for now, I think I'll hold off and see what the second generation of Wii is like. Perhaps they will have taken people's complaints to the drawing board by then and come up with an improved version of the system. Plus then they'd have time to work out the little glitches, probably offer more and better games that would have higher quality graphics and better controllers to play with.
  21. Since I haven't really played other games, I'm not really sure how it stacks up against other gaming places, but I play Dofus which is a tactical MMORPG. Basically there are a bunch of things you can do in the game, like leveling your characters (There's a bunch of different classes you can choose from), player vs monster, player vs. player, jobs like farmer, baker, tailor, jeweller, etc. which you also level up and you can buy and sell things from other players and from the marketplace.There's a free section to the game, and it has some limits, but it lets you get a feel of the game, and still have some fun. After playing the free section, I decided to pay to play the rest of the features. (I didn't dream of paying when I first decided to look for a game, but it interested me so much that I started to pay for it, and since it's only $8 Canadian a month to play the full version, that's what I've decided to do)There's also guilds in the game where I've met a lot of friends, but I have many friends not in the guild too lol... I've actually owned a couple guilds myself before, but I decided at least for the time being that I would just focus on other stuff to do.Hmmm, about the world itself, there is a lot of places that you go to with many different things in each - like different landscapes with different monsters, that sort of thing.I think I'm missing a lot, but hopefully that gives you an idea of the game. If you have questions, just ask me and I'll try and help you out
  22. Yea, I also noticed that things seem to have slowed down a bit as well, but I think it all depends on when people are coming online. I typically don't have any problem finding a topic to reply to, but I haven't noticed many that leave open for some good back and forth discussions on a topic. I much enjoy those kinds of posts.I'm not even sure if you can really call that sort of thing "a kind of post", cause I don't really think there is a certain group of topics that would fuel that sort of thing, but it is certainly nice to get into the middle of one of those and actually feel like you are contributing to something.I wasn't sure about how people felt as to posting on threads that have long since been buried in the site. So I really haven't been doing that, but since Opaque suggests that option, I think I'll try that out if I can't find enough posts to comment on when I'm doing the "View New Posts" that I usually search through.So far, I've only really used the search feature when I'm looking for the answer to something, but I know now that if I have a reply to give to that posting, I should just reply to it as well, so long as my reply has something people might also find interesting in it.
  23. Now that's interesting.... I tried both variations, and they worked for me in the latest firefox as well. The only thing I noticed with the second code though is when I tried to come over to this page to post my findings, I was unable to switch between tabs while the javascript was still running. So I had to refresh my page to stop the images. I was able to switch tabs fine while I ran the first code.Still that's some pretty interesting pieces of javascript. I haven't delved too far into that whole language, and am hoping to learn more of what it can do soon :PAnyway, thanks for the neat trick
  24. That really is a hard one to choose from. At first... I really loved anime... and I still do as well, but after enjoying the anime series' so much, I decided to go and find the books that the shows were based on, and I completely fell in love with those. Now I probably have around 60 manga books here that I've bought. (Plus I love the store that I've been buying them from, because I can get them for the American cover price instead of paying the Canadian prices now, so I've been saving a lot of money from that.)Though I own a bunch of anime series, I own many more manga books. Even of shows that I haven't even bought. (At first I was just buying the books to my favorite shows that I already owned, but I've gotten many others now as well - some that I haven't even watched the anime of yet lol.)I also finding myself reading the manga books a lot more than actually watching the anime shows. Probably mostly because I find it more convenient to just pick up a book and start reading than I do to go and find an episode, load up the dvd, skip through all the menus and so on.I do watch (and actually read a bit too) of my anime/manga online... Though I typically read more of it from actual books since I can take them anywhere, and when I'm watching shows online now, I tend to turn on the Japanese drama live action series rather than the anime, but I think a lot of that is because I'd already seen so much of the anime's out there that interested me, so I needed something new and fresh to look at.So anyway, it's a tough call, but I'd have to say I like manga better, but just a teeny bit more
  25. That really is a tough one... at first, I was going to say 'spend my savings and go somewhere far away that I'd never been before', but then thinking about it a little more, I don't think that I'd want to waste away my last few hours waiting at the airport or in an airplane.... that would be more like something I would do if there was maybe one month left.Instead if all I had was 24 hours... I'd want to get all of my family together and just stay with them, talk, have a little fun, eat a nice meal... and tell them all those things that I wish I'd told them over the years. Though I'd try not to cry, I'm sure that I would be crying. I hope that I'm never faced with making that kind of decision down the road. It would be a really hard one to deal with.
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