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Everything posted by midnightvamp

  1. Are you sure you typed the address correctly? All I'm getting when I click on that link is a "Page Cannot be Displayed" error page.Unless the page isn't available, and if that is the case, I'd be a little wary about dealing with someone like that, because though it can obviously happen, the real question would be how often it happens.
  2. Wow? Really? Does that work for all XP connections? Or just for dialup? I really should do that for my Nanny when I see her next time, though I'm not sure what system she uses. But she is on dial-up and she can hardly get into anything anymore, not only because the connection is slow, but also because her computer is acting up...
  3. I know, that is exactly right. Sure, when they do come out, they will be expensive, but that is the way the world works. Like everything else, the prices will come down and regular people will be able to buy them. I saw this program on tv, and was very surprised just how far some of these flying cars have come. They were rather strange looking, but some were quite fuctional. With a little more time, things like this can (and I'm sure will) become a reality. And just as someone already mentioned, I think it is NASA that either has, or is in the stages of making a program to guide the flying machines so that no one would be hitting one another in the sky. As for me, I always thought that it would be more dangerous in the sky than on the road, because now you would be going faster, and with flying machines everywhere in the sky you would have to be very careful not to hit anyone. Don't quote me on this, because it's been a couple weeks since I saw the program on the television, but I believe they said that if they took all the cars that people are currently driving, and made them into flying machines, then there would still be about 2 miles in between everyones crafts. This is because when you are in the air, you don't have to take just one line like on the earth. You can fly at all different heights, so it really spreads out the vehicles that are up there. Instead of one highway like right now, you could have several stacked all on top of one another... that would decrease the volume by a ton. Mind you, with this senario, there are always things that can go wrong, which would scare me. What if someone's flying machine above you broke down? Would it take out four more on its way to the ground? There is obviously lots of things that need to be concidered, but it still is an interesting idea.
  4. Hi everyone! My name is Amanda, I'm 20 years old and I live in Canada. I'm a college student, and I just finished my first year a few weeks ago. I also work part time at the college's library, which is pretty fun.One of the best parts is that I work with my sister. She's actually working right now. I'm not in until tomorrow :(So, a little about myself... I love watching racing, and reading, and listening to music. I enjoy using computers a great deal and am online all the time.Right now we are going through some construction in my home. My father is replacing the living room / dining room carpets and putting in hard wood floors instead. He's ripped everything out, he's just waiting on the delivery people to bring the wood and all that good stuff.Anyway, I've seen some of you in the forums and on the Shoutbox, and I'd really like to get to know all of you better. I'm sure it will be really fun being here with you all, and I'm so happy that I was able to find a place like this.Before yesterday, I never even knew a place such as this existed.So yea, bye for now!
  5. I've just got a pretty basic little mouse. Well, not little in the sense of small, but still, basic. Mind you it is optical, which I like and has a scroll-wheel. It's from Walmart... I think it was like 15 - 20 dollars (in Canadian funds) and the manufacturer is pcstuff. I believe it's an RCA product.With seeing all my friends mousy problems at school, I'm more than pleased with my mouse. One had a wireless... but it stopped working a few months into classes... another had one with a retractable cord, and the cord broke after about a month, and another had a mini-mouse, which also didn't make it to the end of the year.
  6. I can relate... I used to live in the country and all there was was the dial-up connection. I remember sitting up there with four windows open, so while one downloaded, the other would hopefully be up. There was a lot of waiting.Now that I've moved to the city, I've got highspeed. Which I'm very very very happy about. Mind you. A short time after we got the high speed... my annoying little neighbors cut the phone line and the repair people didn't come to fix it for a few days. I was going through withdrawl... not too fun.Do those accelorator things really work? I've never tried one before, and if they do, I'll have to take a look into it if I'm ever stuck with a slow-speed connection again...
  7. Wow! Thank you very much for making up a page with all that information. It is nice to have it all in one area to look over. It answered a lot of the questions I had. Thanks again, it's been very helpful!
  8. I wouldn't mind seeing one... I haven't gone out looking for one in the past, but I can imagine how hard it could be to find an english one. Over the last six months, I've been really getting into Anime / Manga. At first I did it because I was trying to learn Japanese (I still am), but I think the story-lines are so great, I can't get enough of them!So, anyway, you have my vote!
  9. That is what I've been doing - looking through the lists at the bottom and seeing if anything catches my eye. There's some really neat stuff you can find here to read about. I've heard about that Army System several times, and don't really know what it's all about, but since it's disabled, I guess I'll wait until it's running again, or if it doesn't, I'm sure there will be something else good coming along too. I really do want to try out the Kenka System. I used to RP quite a bit. I haven't in a while, but it would still be fun to do that again. Do you know if many people use that system? I would imagine lots because there are tons of people in these boards. I did happen to come across the games section. The only one I've played so far is called Virus 2 and it was fun, can't wait to find other stuff to play as well...
  10. That does make sense about the edit button. Without it, you have to think carefully about what you are going to say. Myself personally, I find myself going... "oh I wish I added this, and I could have said that" when I go back to read my posts. I'll try to keep them good and useful right from the start, and not have to use the report button, because I wouldn't wan't to take up the moderators time. I'm sure they are very busy. Oh, and just so you know, I didn't take it as cold or harsh or anything, I took it as a nice helpful post It's always nice to talk to people who've been around a little while, and have a good idea about what is going on here! I'll take any advice / support you or anyone else is willing to give here! I do try to read all the rules, and so far, I think I've been following them (to a degree... afterall, I was unknowingly a little off in this topic, but I was close, so... yea... now I know!)
  11. I would have to say that college is tough... especially around exam times. For me, all my final projects had to be handed in the same week as I had to take all of my exams.The teachers all insist on memorization, which I firmly believe is pointless. I'm not good at memorizing on the best of days. I tried to convince one of my teachers that there was something wrong with all this memorizing. In the real world, that isn't an issue.When I want to do something in the real world, working for real people, I won't sit there and be all like, "now what was that I had to memorize four years ago?" I'll look it up in a book, as someone else who can help me, search the internet. There's plenty of things that are available to use as aids. I really don't think my lack of memorizing skills will hinder me too much.Plus, not only is the final time stressful... the lack of sleep and stress lowers my immune system and I *always* get sick during midterms and exams. Plus, this last finals... my work (I work at the school) upped me from two night-shifts a week, to four night-shifts a week!One would assume that the employers at the school would realize that final week isn't the most opportune time to increase a person's hours. Whatever...It's stressful... the teachers all know it will be, and the students will all surely find out as well.Sorry, my two cents rapidly became my two dollars...
  12. I can only imagine what I'd be doing if there was no internet. I'm seeing myself more than likely infront of the television, completely zoned out watching nothing in particular.Mind you, I've only had the internet maybe for five years or so. I can remember, living at my last house, with my sister... all we had was this little old computer. Go Windows 3.1! lol... anyway, we created our own 'internet'.It was complete with informative sites (about board games and things), and news sites (with fictional stories about fictional people lol...) and chat rooms. The sad thing was, that one of us would go on, while the other waited in the next room, and then we'd switch and add things too it. We pretended to be ourselves, random people, famous people... anything and all at the same time.It was really fun. I guess that's what happens when you give two country girls an old computer and they have *nothing* else to do...
  13. That's true. It could have easily been overlooked if the site went through a bunch of changes. I've used forums before too where I was able to edit but I've tried to figure it out here, and I think that you are right. It looked like it was removed from here.Maybe the other problems where things are contradicting each other will get ironed out in time too. I was talking in the shoutbox today, and was told the number was four, so that's what I'm going to go with for now.I don't plan on having it go that low anyway. And knowing myself... I like to talk, so that shouldn't be an issue. Plus, I just know the questions will keep coming, so that will add to it as well...
  14. Minesweeper! Heh! That game is great! I used to play it before we had the internet all the time. I'd play custom and make a huge board with hardly any mines...I know that makes it way too simple, but I used to get a kick out of winning on the first click.I've heard small things amuse small minds... but then again, they say good things come in small packages, so it can't all be bad!
  15. I'm afraid all I'm seeing is the big grey box as well. Is this what you were after, or was there some sort of picture that was supposed to come up.Have you tried playing around with the different paintbrushes available to you in photoshop? I sometimes use them to add a texture or a 'faded in' quality to my images that I create.Not sure if this is what you were after, and you might have already tried it, but hey, if I was able to help you, then that would be good If not, I'm sure someone else will come by with another answer for you.
  16. I'd really like to know this too. I don't currently have a site, but it would be something to really concider if I'm going to get one.I'm really very iffy (if that is even a word) about giving that sort of information over the internet and would much rather find something that didn't require it, if at all possible.I'm also with you in the willing to take less money for it part...
  17. Okay, despite my searching of the site to the best of my ability, I wasn't able to find anything regarding editing posts.I wanted to let people know, that I'm finding my way around the forums now with more ease! Things are starting to look up!Are there any other areas in the site to look at, other than the forum posts? There are some nice topics here to keep me busy for quite some time anyway, which is a good sign!Anyway, one more "What is" question for the time being...What is this magical button that eludes me to edit my posts? I remember when I signed up that it mentioned that it is against the rules to reply to your post, and that you should rather edit them. But I've yet to figure out just how to do this.Anyone?Thanks again for bearing with me!
  18. Since this question is related, I'll ask it in here, rather than start a new thread for it.I'm understanding the concept of bandwidth. Everytime someone looks at your page, bandwidth gets used up. The bigger the page, the more that is used up.So, is there a limit with the hosting here? I haven't started a site yet, but is bandwidth something I should be concerned with here? Based on what you've noticed anyway?
  19. I'm not sure how they choose you or really too much about what they are. But I wanted to add a little comment - well maybe not a comment, but more of a correction to what one of the posts above mine said. It said that you wouldn't get accepted if you had a blog.Well, this isn't true, or at least it isn't true anymore, because I was talking to my aunt and she does this sort of thing for a living, and she has a site that is strictly blogging and she was accepted to adsense.It could be that Google has changed the terms and conditions now. I'm really not sure.Anyway, best of luck in finding out what you are looking for.
  20. Personally, I'd have to say that I love spagetti. It's always been my favorite meal. I love it with more sauce than noodles - which always gives me a few odd looks, and tons of either cheddar or parmasan cheese. We even have a pasta maker and make our own noodles as well. I can't wait until summer when we'll have tomatoes in the garden so we can make the sauce as well :(I've never been one for meatballs though.
  21. I've been looking around this site now, and trying to find just where to post, and it's all seeming a little complex for me. You know, that same feeling when you first walk into a new town, and you really aren't sure of how to go about aquainting yourself with your surroundings.Well, I thought that this site would be perfect for me, as I am trying to learn everything I can about website developement (I'm in college for it at the moment) and I knew I'd have lots of questions, and I figured with a forum of this type, people would most likely be able to answer some of those questions.Anyway, my first question for you all is what is the one thing (or frankly it can be more than one thing if you'd prefer) that you think I should do before all else now that I've made it to this site. I'm not sure if links to other areas of this site are allowed in this forum, but if they are, and you know of some, they would also be of some help.Anyway. I thank you in advance for any guidance you may be able to give me!
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