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Everything posted by midnightvamp

  1. The only way that I figured it would do anything is by drinking such insane amounts of water, you are probably not very hungry to eat anything else that day, and with little food = little calories = losing weight once the water weight goes away. But I like my food too much to even try something like that. Let alone the fact that it can't be very healthy.It should be illegal to make false claims such as these because they could end up doing more harm than good to a person.
  2. I suddenly am very confused... I feel like I missed the boat, and have no idea just what is going on. I suppose it's time for me to google this mysterious thing that is supposed to be ending the world, because I have no idea what you all are even talking about XD I'm so out of the loop, it's not even funny anymore lol...
  3. Wow... I'm thinking the same way as a lot of people here... I already thought it was a pain trying to make sure that my websites looked right on both FF and IE browsers, now I find out that I need to test them and build them on another one. I wonder how popular it is going to become. Knowing Google, it will probably be a big hit. Which could just mean having three different browsers open at all times to make sure things all look right as I'm developing. I wonder how that's going to affect the speed of my computer, seeing how it doesn't always play nice when I have so many programs open to begin with.But of course, I'm going to have to download it, and hey, maybe it will be amazing and become my new browser of choice. You never know, it could happen. I'm always open for healthy competition so long as it makes the products improve in the long run.
  4. I might have lucked out when I was a teenager, because I didn't really have much internet access, so I had to get a job as a babysitter, and then as a waitress... but later on, when I did turn old enough, I was able to make money with adsense... and it didn't take all that long either, because I had started messing around on the internet before I was old enough to really make much money online.Since I really liked making websites though, I already had some made and they were pretty big, so when I turned old enough and started the whole adsense thing, I was already making some money. Not much really, but more so if I had waited to build my website until I could join adsense.Now, I'm not sure if starting now to make a website, and building it as you wait to get old enough is really what you want to do, because it probably won't help money wise, and I'm not sure how much you need the money right now, and how long it is until you are 18, but if you already are interested in making websites or something, and don't mind waiting a bit, then it might be an idea to get things started a little early, so you can have more traffic... which means more money faster with adsense when you can join it later.Just some thoughts, ignore me if I make no sense XD
  5. I really like anime... more so before rather than now though. Probably because I've seen so many that it is getting hard to find new ones that I really like. But I really like some of the animation that is used in the shows. Mind you, certain types of animation really bug me too, but if the storyline is okay, then I can deal with the visuals not quite being up to my standards.I have to send a big thanks out to anime though, because if it wasn't for it introducing me to the whole Japanese culture thing, there would be a whole lot less things for me to do. I've been really getting into it all, the shows, the books, the music, the food... and it's all thanks to the anime that I just happened to stumble across by accident.
  6. Well, I'm actually surprised that this is the first company to formally set a limit to the amount of bandwidth that their customers can use. I honestly thought that would have already been set a long time ago. I know there are many people that have received notices saying they are using up too much bandwidth, and have been told to stop, or they will no longer be able to continue getting their services from whichever provider it was they were with. I've also heard that people weren't told before hand what the magical number was before getting cut off completely.I've also heard about people receiving a cap on their download speeds from their internet providers, and several companies have actually admitted to internet throttling, which is essentially limiting everyone's download speeds during certain times of the day. They claim that it shouldn't effect the majority of people, but I've even seen that one first hand... when I'm trying to download a torrent, and it maxes at 30k/sec right until the clock hits 2am, and then it jumps up to 200k/sec +... Mind you, all that's made me do is use more direct downloads from sites, because while my torrents seem to be capped at 30k/sec for certain times of the day, I am able to download the same file from a direct source at full speed. I'm just waiting until that gets capped too. It's always fun when you pay for unlimited high-speed, and they put limits on you, and force your downloading speeds to go much lower. I wonder if that would be considered false advertising, seeing as my unlimited has a limit, and my high-speed, isn't always high?
  7. Yea, I've also got that error before on here (from my own posts and other people's as well), and I thought that something was wrong with the forums... but later on I learned that it was from things that need to be approved by a moderator before they show up. Perhaps they should add a little something to the error message that also mentions that it could be in the 'waiting for approval' stage depending on the forum that it was posted in. Something like that might take away some of the confusion that comes from being able to see the topic titles, but not being able to see the posts themselves until later.
  8. If I can find the time to be bored, I'll definitely be using some of these suggestions. Heck, I'm already using several of them, which keep me so busy that I don't usually have the time to be bored. The only times that I seem to get bored, is when I walk away from my computer to do other things. Otherwise, I'm multi-tasking and doing about 15 things at once.
  9. Well, I for one have been questioning a lot of things about the judging in the Olympics. If there is technology that allows the television viewers to watch things with replays and such, why aren't the judges themselves watching the events with different camera angles and replays? To me it makes no sense to watch something like diving, and then be told that "oh, but the judges probably won't pick up on any of the mistakes we just told you all about, because they can't see it from the angle around the pool they are watching, and they don't get video replays to watch..." I even heard the announcers say that the judges tend to not score most of the small mistakes when the crowd cheers loudly for the certain athletes. It really shouldn't be up to crowd cheering to determine who did best. But I really don't understand why in the age of all this technology, the judges aren't using all things available to themselves (like the video replays, with different angles and such) to make the most accurate scores available for things.Another thing that really didn't sit well with me was during one of the swimming matches that Michael Phelps won. The one where it was so close at the end, that I couldn't really tell one way or another which swimmer got to the line first. Now, I'm sure there technology is great, and that it probably is right... but why on earth would you be allowed to protest the finish of an event if you aren't allowed to show video replays during the protest? It seems stupid to allow a team to protest, but not allow them to use the technology to help them make their case. Shouldn't something like that use every possible technology that is available to be used to get to the most detailed finish, just to be sure?Now I'm perfectly happy that Phelps got his 8 medal record... but I think there should be some kind of fair way to contest a score, should the event happen that a protest is called. Not allowing to show video replays during a protest just doesn't seem fair to me. It's like sure, we can't stop you from protesting, but we can definitely stop you from using any evidence that might prove you right...The gymnastics is a whole other matter... like how people can fall, and still finish better than people that have a clean routine... now I don't know about judging and all... but to me, it seems like if you fall, you didn't land the element in the routine, and that element's big "bonus points" should be removed from the starting score. Because all it takes for people to win seemed to be "trying" (and often failing) to do the hard stuff, just because that gives you a higher starting score than actually making a clean routine (even if it wasn't quite as difficult). If you can't land the jumps... then why do you get the points for it? Just because you tried? Seems unfair to me.I don't know.. I was wondering if it was because I'm older now, and see the Olympics differently... but now I find myself questioning a lot of things that have to do with the games. It kind of leaves me with a bad taste in my mouth, because it's tainted with the thought that someone could be doing something to mess up the results of the games (especially the ones that need subjective judging) so it's hard to tell if everyone that gets the medals are all the ones that deserve them.
  10. Maybe that is why I'm so fascinated by the Olympics.... I've never really enjoyed playing sports myself, and much preferred to watch them. It's always been like this, so perhaps that is why I can still find enjoyment from watching the sports on the television. That and I find it fun to have a common "something" to cheer for... so it's like a group of people that can be happy or sad about a win or loss together. Having the nation all cheering with me makes it all the more fun.But I agree with you about the cost of the Olympics... I saw that the opening ceremonies cost over $600, and I could never justify spending that much money to watch something - no matter how good it is. And as a side note, I think the opening was very amazing... I couldn't believe the number of people that performed in it! Anyway... I'm not sure what the cost of the events are, but I think if they didn't cost so much, I'd like to go and see one, but probably not of a games that isn't close to home. Unless I just happen to be vacationing at the time too, because adding the price of planes and hotels on top of the already expensive ticket prices, I just can't justify that to myself either. There's many other lasting things that I could buy with that money.
  11. I'm a big fan of the Olympics... and have always been. I get all excited when they are coming up and keep whining about how much I want to see them for like the leading six months before the games. So far, I've watched all the coverage that I've been able too, and though I know I should be getting more work done, I figure the Olympics don't happen too often, so I've been slacking off a bit to watch them lately.One thing that's been bothering me though, is the coverage hasn't been all I expected... a ton of channels came on my satellite all titled "Olympic #1" through to 8 I believe, so I thought I would have plenty of things that I could watch... but it turns out, they pretty much all play the exact same thing when they are on the air, and half the time they aren't even on the air at all... (and that's even during the times there is actual games happening featuring people from my country.It's kind of annoying, but at least I'm seeing some of it. I've ended up watching American coverage of it (I'm in Canada), because there are times when they are the only reruns of things I've seen three times before playing on the Canadian channels. But hey, that's the way of the TV I suppose... only problem with that is I can't really follow how my athletes are doing, but so far they haven't really been doing so well, so it's probably no biggie. We'll make up for it in the next winter Olympics anyway Anyway, I suppose I'll get my butt back downstairs and see if there is anything worth watching on the television now. It's just about time things start to become live, so I'm hoping for the best.
  12. I tried to post a topic earlier in the Advertising section of the forum here... under the CPC Advertising subforum section - called "Just Started Cpc Advertising... Any Suggestions?", but after I submitted, it was no where to be found. I was just wondering if there was something wrong with it? Or is it just me?My topic shows up on the list of "last topic" or list at the bottom of the page, so it's like it half exists, but when I click on that, it says that the file may have been moved or deleted. I noticed there is another topic in that list called "Free Advertising" or something to that effect that also shows the same error, so that's what got me thinking maybe there is something wrong with that particular forum?Not really sure what else I can tell you, hopefully you have enough information to understand what I'm trying to explain.Oh, and just so you know, it looks like I still got hosting credits for that post, even though it's not really showing up anywhere. This is probably a bug or something that has to do with the missing post.
  13. I recently started out with some CPC advertising, because I was thinking that it would be worth it in the long run if I could bring more visitors to my site. My site doesn't really sell anything so to speak, but does run some advertising on it. I'm hoping to increase my revenues from that eventually.So, do you think it's worth paying to bring people in? Especially if my site doesn't get to many hits yet on it's own since it's new? I'm not sure of the kind of people that would come to my site from CPC ads, and I've been trying to choose my keywords carefully so that only people interested in my site's content would be clicking, but I haven't yet perfected that yet. I'm still tweaking things.I was hoping with the extra traffic maybe I would get some people that bookmark the site and then return on their own later, but I haven't really seen too much like that, though I notice people clicking around a bunch when they get there, so that's better than them just leaving after hitting one page. I guess it will take a little while longer to see if there are repeat visitors anyway.Anyone had success from this kind of advertising? Or is this the kind of thing that should only be done if you have a specific product for someone to buy right away? It's starting to get expensive, and I've only started lol.. what have I gotten myself into?Idea, suggestions, or stories from your own experiences with this are more than welcome. Thanks
  14. Yea, like it's been said before, I also don't think it's really easy to get this to happen. Though it sounds like it would be a nice idea, it probably wouldn't work for most people. But for the people that have completely original work, with nothing that is copyrighted, then this is probably a good option for them, especially if they already have lots of subscribers, or maybe even enough already to get things started.But I don't think YouTube is going to pick lots of people just because they have subscribers. They'll have to be very picky with what they choose, otherwise they can get into legal trouble to.
  15. Wow, I had no idea that you could download temperature monitors. You learn something new every day. I might have to find one of those programs, and see how my little machine is doing. I'm curious to know now.And I'm not sure if this will help, because you might have already done this... but I know that sometimes I forget and my computer starts to move at a snails pace... but have you cleared your internet cache/temporary files/cookies/history/recycle bin and all that lately? Disk cleanup should catch all that kind of stuff... but I know I've run the CCleaner program right after a disk cleanup, and it found things that should have been removed, but hadn't been. The CCleaner program is a free download that I use sometimes, because it finds lots of things that can be safely removed from your computer. I know there have been times when my computer has refused to do most things, and all started working again after deleting all those extra things.Another thing I thought of could be your desktop icons. People always tell me that the more icons you have on your desktop, the slower your computer will run. I'm not sure how true this is, because I've always been one to have way way way too many icons on my desktop, and I've never seemed to suffer from it, but since several people have said that to me (including the person that fixed my computer when the fan died on it), I figured I'd mention it.Anyway, hopefully that can be of some help. Sorry, I don't really know more that you can try. I hope that you can get it all sorted out though Good luck!
  16. Now that's pretty interesting. I've been trying to find more "heart-healthy" things to eat, since my family seems prone to heart problems. I just wish that I liked sweet potatoes and fish now, though maybe I can get some foods that contain the same benefits that also taste good to me. It's kind of sucky to be a picky eater. You read about so much good stuff, but only a few things in the lists I actually eat.Mind you, I did just recently find out about the anti-oxidants in tea... so I've been trying to drink more of it, though I should get some green or oolong tea, because I read that they are higher in them the anti-oxidants then the regular tea that I have here. I wonder what green and oolong teas taste like... I don't think I've ever had any of them.I'll have to look into it. Thanks for the nice information
  17. I'm not sure what kind of aloe vera you have, but the stuff that I have is in a gel form. It goes on easily and takes away the sting of the burn somewhat. The pain is still there, but lessened especially right after putting the gel on. In my case anyway.And yea, sadly, like others have said before me, you probably will peel. Even with the aloe vera I peel, though I don't seem to peel as bad because the gel is keeping moisture in my skin I think. I'm not really sure what to tell you about how to make it go away fast, because I don't know of something that can. It's just one of those things that you have to deal with until it's finished. But I would advise to try and stay out of the sun until it's healed again, because burning a sunburn is never fun.Next time though, do try to bring sunscreen with you. I know I tend to forget it once or twice a year, and I pay for it badly for the rest of the week. I hope you start to feel better soon
  18. Wow, it must be nice to be so lucky. I'm just thinking of how many people have tried things like that and not managed to make it very far like her. I wonder if she'd totally amazing (which she must be with the $1 million... ) or if she happened to be at the right place at the right time so to speak. A lot of times all it takes is for the right people to see your site, and then your set. Still, it's nice to see some young females striking gold
  19. I don't really know if I get the whole story here... but I just wanted to say that I'm happy for you wanting to take responsibility for your daughter. Granted things don't always turn out the way you want them to in life, but I hope you can work to make your daughters life just a little bit better. I hate to see children growing up without contact to both parents, so I hope that you continue to learn more about your daughter and that your ex-girlfriend allows for the chance that your daughter gets to know you as well.
  20. A few times a week I get the hiccups and it can get pretty annoying... but i never really had them long enough to bother trying with the different methods to get rid of them. I usually tried to hold my breath to make them go away, but that didn't really seem to do much, then I would get distracted with something else, and stop trying to make them stop, but then they would go away on their own. I'm guessing because I wasn't thinking about it by then. Now I kind of want to get the hiccups though, as weird as that may sound, because I want to try the different methods to use to make them go away. Maybe I should go and drink a whole bunch and cross my fingers
  21. I've used a lot of emails... and still do, but my favourite would have to be gmail. Yes, they do offer the best features, and the most space. I don't think I'd be so trusting with Google though... sure, they are a big company, and I don't think they care less about the pointless emails that I send, but if I were to send something that was supposed to be uber-top-secret, I might not be doing it from a free email program. But that's just me. I might be paranoid. Not that I have to, since I don't send anything worth worrying over.
  22. I just find it funny that a company such as Google would buy a site that is based on copyrite infringement to begin with. They knew why it was popular, they knew what people went there to view... and they still wanted it knowing that it was a law suit waiting to happen. Why? Because it's worth a heck of a lot. I know they try to take down things are they are flagged by the companies for being not allowed, but they will never get rid of all the illegal content unless they have people sitting there and actively monitoring every video that goes up. And that will never happen, because it would ruin what YouTube has become.I just want to know what Viacom is planning to do with all the information. Because quite frankly, it seems silly to go after a lot of little people watching the videos (who are mostly young people that aren't made of money anyway), so they will be wasting a lot of money on court cases when there isn't that many people out there that will be able to afford the costs themselves. I know why they don't fully go after Google - because they've got so much money and could drag out a court case until the end of time.Still, people are responsible for what they watch, so it's up to them to watch it or not, but Google is also responsible for providing the content in the first place. Though if it's not on YouTube that people watch this stuff, it will just be somewhere else... and most times now it's elsewhere anyway, because of YouTube's limited time allowed for videos.
  23. I know that for many good free services, they rely on the money that comes in from donations to the site. When people find your service really valuable, often there are people that would be willing to pay you a little something for it. It all depends on the type of service though, and what kind of people would be using it. I know that companies like PayPal offer solutions to people that are looking into donations, so you might want to think about that.Another option that I've seen done is offer the free product or service, but allow a paid upgrade with more features or options for a little bit of money.Since I'm not really sure what you are planning to do, it's hard to offer specific advice. I've tried to come up with some ideas though, so hopefully it helps you when you are thinking about what to do
  24. Oh wow! Congratulations on the becoming an Auntie news Sometimes all it takes is one good thing in life to look forward to, and then things can really start to look up. It can be rough when things all seem bad for so long, but you can take this as a sign that there is good things to come
  25. I never knew whether or not to take it seriously. I've heard about it, and get the idea, which I figure was probably some government plan that was real... because wouldn't all governments want to have something like this for their army? But I can't see that it would actually work, because if something like that actually did work, then it would be one of the biggest discoveries in the world.But it does make me want to go and read all about it again, because a good conspiracy theory (though I'm not too certain that it really is one) is always good in the morning
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