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Everything posted by midnightvamp

  1. I've never really liked using cheats, because I would think it would take away the appeal of the game. It's bad enough playing them when you know other people are doing it. It sort of ruins it for the fair players... so long as it's interactive with other people that is... anyway... why not just work your way up to being strong, instead of looking for the easy way out?
  2. Wow... 30 minutes to shut down... That almost sounds like my laptop... except it would take that long to start up. It would normally crash shortly into anything I was doing, so shutdowns weren't much of a problem, because I'd have to just use the power key which was next to instant. I didn't really like using that method, but there was really nothing else that I could do, because the computer would just be locked up and couldn't function at all. I'm thinking some of that is why the start up is so long, because it messed the computer up with all the poor shutdowns... but I also think that there was some bad creating that was done when they made the laptop or something, cause it was a crappy one that the school forced us to use. That, and it hardly had enough ram or whatever to run hardly any of the programs that we needed. Anyway, yea...
  3. I was talking with someone just today and we were sharing our feelings... this is a very new thing for me, so it's not really the same, but I thought I'd put it up here, because you never know... it just might make some sense.Anyway, this guy and I noticed, like you have with your boyfriend, that we both are very similar people. We seem to think alike, and end up saying the same thing at the same time quite often. It was shocking at first, but I think that having someone that seemed so in tune with the person I am is one of the things that attracted me to him in the first place.So, just out of the blue he asked me, what if things get stale, because we are too alike? This kind of through me for an emotional loop. I didn't want to think about things that way. I wondered if that was what he felt we had become? I was trying my best to be honest and put a nice thought into the mix, by reminding him that things for us though we notice the similarities, because there are so many of them, that I'm sure there are many ways in which we are different, we just don't seem to dwell on those points.But still, the fact that he felt he could come out there and say that too me, meant he was willing to trust me with his feelings. He wanted my input and ideas about what I thought, and how to keep things from being repeated, and the same old stuff that never changes between us.I'm really happy that he was willing to talk to me about this... because even if he was starting to feel this way (which I never did ask him, so I don't know for sure) it gave me hope that when there would be problems or obstacles for us to get past, that he would at least put some effort into resolving them with me, instead of just avoiding them all together and making things worse.Like I said, this is different from your situation, but still in ways it's similar. I think you are very lucky that you have someone that is so open and honest that they are willing to tell you how they feel about you and your relationship. If he's willing to bring things like this up, it is my guess that he'd be more than willing to try and talk things out between the two of you to see if you both can come up with some way to make things better.In the end, only time will tell what will happen, but you won't know unless you try, and since he was open and honest enough to bring the subject to light for you, to me, that shows that he wants to make this work, so I think the both of you still have a fighting chance.
  4. I've never actually been hypnotised, but I always thought it would be interesting to try it and see what happens... mind you, I'd like for it to be on tape, so I can see for myself if it really did happen, and what went on.I heard that it can help to unlock memories from a long time ago, that people forget over time, or it can help you stop habits, like smoking... mind you I don't smoke, so that's not really helpful in my ccase, but it is sure interesting if it can really help people like that.I wonder how people could hypnotise someone without their knowing it. It seems that it must be possible, but very hard to do with out being seen. Anyway, I think I'm going to go to that link zain500 suggested, cause now I'm curious
  5. Everyone has a right to their own opinion, but I had thought that more steps toward people being equal had been made. So what... a person loves another person of the same sex. How is that wrong, if it is what they both feel?I especially like the part where you said that gay people are not citizens. I seem to recall a time when women were also not citizens. Even though people are all equal... what makes one person worth more than another, just because they happen to prefer people of their own sex?You make so many great points in your statement, and set such a great example to the world. Why can't we all be like you, and descriminate against others for no other reason than you being ignorant. You say you know so much about all religions, and how they all state that being gay is wrong. Do you think that any God out there is going to reward you for "tormenting" others, as you've so greatly put it?It's the hateful people like you that are truly the worst. Like I said before... it's okay to have your opinion. If you think it's wrong to be gay, then by all means think that way. If you think that thinking that way will get you closer to whatever god you are praying to, then by all means, keep thinking it. But thinking something is wrong, does not give you the right to treat people badly. Remember when the Nazi's thought being Jewish was wrong? That ended so well, now didn't it. Sure, you aren't going to this extreme (at least I really hope not), but I think it gets my point across of one group of people hating another group so strongly, that they'd be willing to 'torment' them.And as you all are intitled to your opinion, I'm intitled to think what I want as well... and I don't think I would want to pray to a God who discriminates against a large group of people, because the rules of the religions are outdated and created by people thousands of years ago.Have you met God? Has he spoken to you, and told you about what is right in this world and what is not? Has anyone in the last decades, or even centuries heard that the God of today wants us to all torment someone because of their sexual preference? I don't think so, but I can't see myself praying to a hateful God. To me, it just can't be that way.And believe me, I believe in God. And I believe that my God is a fair one, that loves everyone for what they are and who they've become. I grew up being tought that God will forgive anyone their sins, and if he can do it, I think I should as well. I have nothing against people that do no harm to others. People are all people. Just like you and I. If one of those people decides to like someone that is of their same sex, then the more power to them, because I know it will be harder for those two to share a life together, because there will always be people out there, with such a narrow view of humanity, that they must give their fellow humans a hard time about their sexual preference.Feel what you may about people, but stop spreading hate. Don't you think our world has enough of that to go around, without you adding to it?
  6. I've heard a lot both good and bad about paypal. I don't think that it's all that bad. The fees they charge is small, and I've had no problems in sending or receiving payments with them, and I don't have a credit card. All the money that is paid to me in mine, just stays online, and I use it to buy things online for myself. I was even ripped off by a person on eBay once, where I paid the money, and never received the item, so I filed a complaint with paypal, I got half my money back, because that was all that was in the scammers account, but I'm happy I got anything back... It proved to me that paypal is trying to keep people happy.Anyway... I don't find it at all hard to use, but I'm a little more computer savvy than my father... if I put him on it, he'd probably get confused easily... so I can understand the need for paypal for dummies. But for anyone that can do most things on a computer with no problem, I can't see too much problems paypal would cause in leaning about it, it's pretty straight forward, even if sometimes you have to use the help files - which is the same for anything to a degree.
  7. I had heard about this, and was thinking I might use a couple of my old urls that I don't really use anymore. I was wondering if it would really work, but I guess, since I don't really use the urls anymore it would probably be worth a try anyway... so thanks for the information.
  8. Yea, though it would be nice and easier for many people to just refer some people, and not have to post, because we'd get the other credits to use, it would defeat the whole purpose of these forums. These forums are what keep the free hosting alive, and if everyone just went out and recruited more people, instead of posting useful things on the forums, them the forums would dry up and so would the free hosting. It would be nice to be able to get extra points that way, but it makes more sense to post here, and recruit people without the reward, because the more you recruit, the better the conversations on this forum will be, and the more people you'll be able to have help you with any problems
  9. Wow... I never knew about something like this. But it makes sense, especially after what jlhaslip just said. It kind of makes me think about some of the programming languages that I learned, where there were certain reserved words in them as well, that you couldn't use as variable names. So, I guess this is along the same lines. Anyway, thanks for the information I just got my quota filled for learning something new today
  10. I agree with you there... I was learning Karate for a bit, and without having trained instructors helping me, and correcting me, I don't think there would have been anyway to progress. I think from books or the internet, you can learn some things... and some moves that could help you in defending yourself, but I don't think that you will be able to learn it to the standards of the actual art, because with every mistake you make, you will keep building on that, and make more as you go along, because there is no one there to correct you, or help you to keep better form. So, yes, I think you can learn some things from a book, or online, that can be very valuable as ways to relieve stress, defend yourself, or other things... but I don't think that from there, you will be able to be a top fighter, because the people that had formal instruction had people driving them to be better and to work harder and people who would fix any errors that were happening right away. Plus... the whole two person aspect of it all wouldn't work, and even if you did find a partner to try it, I wouldn't recommend it, because it I don't believe that it would be safe.
  11. Well... I'm kind of on a 'it's up to the person to decide' frame of mind, so long as they are of legal age and not selling it to minors. Plus, for medical reasons, if it does help, I say go for it. Why should you have to suffer when there is something out there that can help.One thing that I don't think should be allowed.... which isn't luckily... is people driving when under the influence of marijuana. I don't care if some people tell me that it makes them drive better. It's like alcohol and makes your reaction times not the greatest. So, please, if you do want to use drugs... do so responsibly.
  12. Heh... That was very interesting to look though. The evolution of the computer :)I stepped into it at the right time I think. My first on was an Atari that was plugged into my television screen. I never did know how to use computers much back then... because I was still young, but my Uncle gave us his old one, and we sure had some fun on it :PAfter that, we upgraded to a PC, that ran on Windows 3.1 and DOS SHELL hahaha... It's actually sitting right next to my big powerhouse of a machine here lol... it still has all the old-school games that are so fun to play. The monitor is even so dead, that I have to jam a piece of paper in the "on button" or it won't stay on lol.But hey, we got that monitor to replace the one that came with the computer that I killed. Who would have guessed that a light bulb had enough power to melt though the monitor case? I should have known after it burned a black mark into our wall. I'm suprised I didn't burn that house down, but that's another story all in itself...Then we got a "new computer" which was another used one, but it ran Windows 98, and we thought it was the greatest thing ever! We even had the slow speed internet going with that one. (Hey - it impressed me, because I grew up with no internet lol...)Then we got the trusty computer with Windows ME (my dad really needs to upgrade to XP) and I got my IBM laptop with XP which I used for a couple years, until I bought this nice Dell computer of mine... because that laptop was a piece of crap, but the school made everyone buy it anyway. Stupid deals they had with IBM. Oh well, it taught me what not to buy lol...So that's about it for my computer days...
  13. Hmmm... That's a good question. I suppose if you think that adding some more memory to your current laptop would solve the problem when you are using large programs, then you could try that route. I'm not sure how much that would cost for you... Maybe if you just want to use that to hold you over until you are ready to buy a new one?I know I always had that problem with my laptop - it not being fast enough or powerful enough to run the programs that I wanted to... so in the end, I decided on getting a monster of a desktop, with enough power for me to run a few of those big programs at a time, as well as my music, and about 20 browser windows. I know... it may sound excessive, like why would I have to, I'm just saying, now that I upped my power, I'm so much happier with what I've got, that I'm sure you will be too.So, you could up your ram, which should solve your problems for now, and if you were planning to keep the laptop for a few more years, that might just be worth it for you. And if it's relatively cheap, then at least you'd be saving up the larger costs for when you do need that new laptop.But on the other side of the coin... new laptops are always nice lol... and I was thinking about getting one of those for myself, eventhough my computer is only about half a year old. I was also thinking about getting a mac, cause the one that I'm on now is a pc, and I'd like to have both so I could use different programs that run better on the macs.
  14. It all depends... I know my sites took a month or more to start appearing in Google's index. But even now that it's in there, any new pages that I'm adding to my site, sometimes take a month or more still to show up in the searches.I just learned about Google Sitemaps, and created one a couple weeks ago, which includes all the pages in the new version of my site. (Probably about 100 new pages or so), but they haven't been picked up yet either, so I'm not sure if that's helping yet or not... but it does day that Google is regularly downloading the newer versions of my sitemap, so I'm sure Google must be aware of the pages, they just haven't had time to send the spider along yet to index the rest.Anyway, if you don't find yourself showing up in Google... you can always try what I did. Get some related sites to link back to yours, or put your site into some webrings. That's all I did, and I was in Google without ever submitting my site to the search engine in the first place.
  15. Finally after reading through these responses, I find one that is more along the lines of what I was thinking. Perhaps our view of society here, in that it wouldn't or shouldn't happen at that is isn't the truth over there. We get upset when a relative over hear gets pregnant at 15 years old. But that doesn't mean that 14 year olds over here don't get pregnant either. Perhaps to them, getting pregnant at 15 is normal... Plus, give her some credit, sure she's only nine years old, but having a child makes you grow up very fast. It's a shame that her childhood was cut short, but even though she's young, I'm sure the experiances that she's gone through have made her a little more mentally ready for taking care of her child. For all we know... she could be the happiest mother in the world. I once had a friend that started her menstrual cycle at the age of six. Granted it's rare and she was tiny... it means that people at the age of nine could be "physically" ready to get pregnant. Sure it is obviously dangerous and it doesn't happen all that often (if ever), but I'm sure that it has in the way far past and that it will eventually happen again in the future. Also, I'm not familiar with Brazilian tribes, so I could be way off base here, but something else has come to mind. What if women in this particular tribe are more like the women from tribes long ago. A woman's duty was to have children and keep the tribe populated. She's done that, and by some miracle survived the incredible odds that she wouldn't. I'm sure other tribe females will be around to help her with the task of raising her child, just like I'm sure she possibly already started to do with other people's children. Mind you, she could have been raped, and all of what I've said could be false hope... but that's the point, we just don't know.
  16. Yea, I'm sure that you aren't the first person that it's happened to, so if you did contact the manufacturer of the laptop, or a local laptop repairs person, they could probably instruct you on the best path to take to fixing it.Hopefully your parents will understand that it wasn't really your fault that it broke. Perhaps you can search online to see if you can find other people with that same problem. When I "broke" my camera, I was crying and freaking out, because I'd had it for less than a year, and I had assumed that it must have been something that I did to break it.But when I searched online, I found an entire site, with over 250 people with my camera that had the exact same problem. So it turned out that it was a manufacturing defect, and something that was just waiting to happen. Once my dad heard that, he wasn't really mad with me, but more mad with the Nikon, since he thought they were supposed to be the best.Anyway, if you do happen to find a place that shows that other people had that problem too, they might also say what they had to do to fix it. And the kind of price tag that comes along with. I heard horror stories about my "error" the camera was giving me. Apparently a $300 job to fix, but the camera only cost about $350 in the first place. It was under warrenty luckily, so I sent it in to Nikon, and hopefully I will get a working one back with no charge.Anyway, just something to think about... oh, and check to see if your laptop has a warrenty... because if it does, you might be able to get the repairs paid for by the manufacturer since it wasn't you mistreating the laptop that made it break.
  17. I've thought about this sort of thing ever since I watched the dotHack series, but in that one, Tsukasa realizes that he's in the game, so it's not quite the same. But still, it got me to thinking, what it would be like, could it happen, has it already happened, but we just don't know it.Since then, I've gotten pretty heavy into an RPG, and sometimes I start thinking that I'd want to be able to "really" be in the game, because it's easier than life, but than like others have said, there are always glitches, and lagging, and the dreaded waiting for things to respawn.But then, it's hard to say what is real and what is not. Who's to say that the technology isn't there to create something this massive. Maybe just in our "game" is it not created yet. That way, we wouldn't suspect that it's possible, when truth is, it might be more than possible.As for the people mentioning religion.... then yes, that could somewhat relate too, but I wouldn't want to think that there is a god out there that would subject us to everything that we face in our particular "game". There's just too much bad stuff going around, and if he truly is the almighty and powerful being that can do anything that he desires, then wouldn't he desire to make things better?This is a crazy topic once you get down and think about it, and now I've really got to thinking about it, so I'm not sure where it's going to lead me lol...Oh, I just had a thought, well, someone said, that we couldn't be like the SIMS, because we have a will of our own, and someone couldn't just click the fridge, and make us hungry... but then as I type this, I just got a hunger pain. Could it be that someone just clicked my fridge? Or is it more like those little Tamagotchi things from when I was younger, that the pet would need to be fed every so often, or it would get hungry.Granted it's up to me to decide if I'm actually going to go feed myself in the end, but I know that if I don't eat, I'll get hungrier and hungrier and then eventually starve. Or will I really? I don't know that for a fact, I've never seen it happen to myself, or someone else. I see it all the time on the television, where those poor people from around the world don't have enough to feed themselves, but that could have just been programmed into the game as well. As a motive to eat.There's too much that could be questioned about everything... so I think for my sanity, at least for now, I'm going to take this at face value. If it is a game - it's my game, and I'm stuck with it, so I might as well do what I can to make it better.
  18. Wow, I've never really hear about anything like that before, but now I'm curious to know if something like that could be hosted with the Xisto hosting packages that we have here.Since I am the leader of a guild in a different game, I think that would be something that would be very good to have with our members.Thanks for posting about that, because I'm going to have to look into it farther.
  19. I think that it's really hard to decide on where the line is in regards to what is acceptable and what isn't. At least in my personal views. It does make sense though that when two people fall in love, then that's the feeling that you get, and just because you are related, doesn't mean that those feelings will just go away.I think it's okay to "love" whom you want, distant family included, because I don't think that it's right for close family, because I can't quite get that through my head, since there is all the problems with having children and all. But even if that love is there, it might be okay, so long as the two agree that it would be best not to have kids. It just wouldn't be fair to the child with the very real chances of birth defects and all.I think that I could love a cousin, if before hand I didn't know that they were a cousin of mine. But I'm from a rather small family, with few cousins, so the ones I have, would just feel wrong if we were to get together. But if I was coming at this from the angle of "we fell in love, then found out we were cousins", I think that I would still love the person, so long as they felt that he could love me back.I actually knew a couple that were dating, and then later found out that they were cousins. They ended up breaking up, so I know it must be an added strain to a relationship... but I feel if you have a strong enough bond, and are able to make it work, than it's okay.
  20. I'm not really too sure about games because I don't have any gaming systems to play off of, but I really like what one person mentioned, the fact that if things go wrong, you can always go back and try it again until you get it right. That would be nice. I'd probably choose a mmorpg though, for the interaction with other people.
  21. I wasn't sure what to think when I was accepted. I didn't have any problem getting accepted and I had my hosting really soon after joining. I know I was thinking that I'd just be testing out this host, because it looked like a better deal than my last one.I know about 10 minutes after getting my hosting, I was over whelmed and confused by the tons of options that they gave us here at Xisto. But it didn't take long for me to figure it all out, and fall in love with the whole thing. Then I posted a ton of messages and enjoyed the hosting ever since
  22. Well, I'm caucasion (I think I spelled that wrong ) and my parents are from Canada and Germany. I'm not sure where the Canadian side of my family are from, because they've been over here for generations. They were the original settlers in some of the cities. It's pretty cool. I've been told that there's some native in our family somewhere as well... but I'm not too sure about that.
  23. Sorry, when I read the title, I was thinking "Us" was like you and I, rather than the United States... I was wondering how I could tell you about "us" lol...Anyway, I'm not going to be of much help, since I'm not an American either. Sorry
  24. I don't really know... I'd probably buy myself some new toys for my computer. And replace my digital camera that's decided to break on me after owning it for less than a year. I think the most of it I would probably invest in something, so that I could make some money off of it. I don't think from a million that you could live off the profits alone, but it would make a nice supplement to my monthly income.I'd also like to be able to give my family some money too... I always said if I won millions of dollars, I'd give everyone a million each. Some of them really need it, others obviously deserve it. Plus it would be no fun spending all that money alone
  25. Hmmm.... that's really interesting. I haven't even heard anything about that, I just recently I was looking though a bunch of things that Google had created / was creating.I'm going to have to check it out, though I'm sure my home won't be visible. You never know though... but it wasn't on google earth, so I'm not holding my breath lol...
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