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Everything posted by midnightvamp

  1. I think once everyone becomes of legal age, then age doesn't really matter. When we are talking about people that are really young, like 14 going out with adults, then I think that those laws are there for a reason. 14 and 17 is kind of on the fence for me. You are both young, so it doesn't seem so bad, but you have to remember the laws, because if the law states that you can't be 'together' then you could get into really big trouble regardless of consent and all that.But once people are of legal age, then I think that everyone is emotionally and mentally old enough to make their own decisions. So long as two people love each other, are faithful to each other and treat their partner well, then age really isn't a factor in my books. It's more like a personal preference I figure. If you can deal with it, then the power to you, if you'd rather have someone closer to your own age, then that's cool too.You just have to remember in some cases, things can start to get complicated. Such as my friend, she is going out with someone that is twice her age. He has children that are older than she is. That created some weirdness between her and his kids, but they kind of came to terms with it after a while, and they are still together. So you'll have to work through a few more issues than a regular couple (of the same age) but if you can stand that test as well, then you can know that you really are meant to be together.... regardless of how old the both of you are.But make sure it is LEGAL!
  2. I think I am not traveled enough to give a proper rating to my country... but still, I give it a 9 / 10 because I really love Canada. We have a lot of good points like freedom, and education and such (though the education dollars keep disappearing when the conservatives are in), but we still have some bad points, like our politics, though still pretty good, sometimes there is corruption and our crime which I think any country has. And sure, we do have a lot of winter, but it makes me enjoy the summer, and winter is also nice (though I wish it was shorter lol).I'd like to go to other countries around the world and see what other places is like though, because the only place I have to compare with is the United States, which though is close to Canada... it's still not my home country, so I can't like it as much.I'd like to see some European and Asian countries though as well... and Australia too. But as things stand right now, I couldn't imagine living anywhere else.
  3. Welcome back to the forums :XD: I guess I can save the long winded 'this is what you should know about the forums' message, as you've already been with us, so you should already know all that good stuff :)Anyway, can't wait to see you around here and to check out your site once you get it up and running!
  4. Perhaps if you earned enough credits to reapply for your hosting... and if they accepted another application from you, and that your original subdomain name isn't taken you may be able to set up that email again. And then of course, you'd have to create the email address again using the same informations as before - if it would let you do this again. Though this is all just in theory. I have no idea if it would be able to work that way or not. Hopefully someone around here can be a little more helpful than I :XD:Though if you were needing a specific email that you once had, I don't think your emails would be in there, since the account isn't active... but if you were just looking to send yourself an 'oops, I forgot my password, can you send my details again' kind of email that would have to go to that email address you first signed up with it you might be in luck. Otherwise, I don't think there is much that you can do.I confused even myself with this post. Hopefully you were able to make some form of sense out of the above statement.
  5. I also think that it's important for you to look around at different sites and just really think about what it is that makes you like and dislike certain parts. Before I try to do any sort of designing these days I do a lot of looking around on the web to get ideas of what is out there and try to implement what I feel are the best parts of a variety of designs to my work.A lot of the design comes from the preplanning. You can't usually just start out with nothing and hope that it amounts to something and skip all the stages in getting there.Think about the things that you will need in your design. What are the important elements that you need to display somewhere on your page? Which ones are more important as to need a more prominante area on the site?You'll also have to think about colour schemes. Do you have any ideas about what kind of colours you'd like? Again, look around and see how other people are working with there colours. If you have an idea for your logo or whatever... you can use some of the colours from it and try to blend everything around you site to match that basic theme.Often what I do when it comes to colours, is with my Photoshop open, I grab the images that I want to have as the header for my site and then use the eye dropper tool to 'pull' the colours from the images, so that I can use the same colours from there around my site, which will makes things all match in together more easily. Play and experiment with the software (I see you're using GIMP, so try out and see what you can make that program do... the more you play around, the more you'll learn of the program! I know it's a bit harder to get it to do the things that you want than it would have been with Photoshop, but I've still seen many great things produced out of that program that far surpass my abilities in Photoshop, so I know it can be done.)You'll also have to think about things such as navigation. If you have a poorly planned out navigation system designed on your site, it will prevent many of your visitors from finding all of your pages. So try to think about how you could best work that into your design as well.If you look around on other people's sites, you will be able to see the different methods that are used most often when it comes to design.I think a lot of design can be improved with some work, because I was in a bunch of design courses over the years while I was at college. No - I'm not the greatest designer... though I also wasn't the worst... but one thing I did notice (since I had the same class from start to finish in school)... all the people - the good ones and the bad ones at design, ALL improved over the years that we were there. Some improved more, while others improved less... but no one left the course without learning a thing about design. So, it is possible to get better at designing. I think a lot of it though is just working with different ideas and a lot of planning ahead.I find that everytime I redesign my site (and I've done a few redesigns.... ) it gets just a little better, because I can see where I've gone wrong, and what I can do to fix it up just a little bit more. Things aren't going to be amazing over night, but little by little, they are improving, so I think that's a good sign.Just keep at it, and hopefully you'll see your designs showing some improvements as well :XD:And just remember - if there is one thing to learn from all of us... I think the key is to look at what other people have done. No - don't copy one site exactly... but use the elements that you like from several sites, improve the elements where you find problems, and add your own elements where you feel necessary. Reference many sites and you should start to see what many of the 'good ones' all seem to have in common. (I take a lot of screen captures of sites when I am looking around for reference material, just so you know ).Anyway, best of luck to you!
  6. Wow... I'd never heard about that before. That's pretty crazy though, thinking about it. At first I was thinking, 'how could anyone not notice that they had a pencil in their head for so long? and why didn't the parents notice when it first happened... I mean there had to be a lot of blood, right?' but then it makes sense that they knew and just couldn't remove it so many years ago because the technology just wasn't around yet to do the operation safely.And yes, I'm agreeing with Plenoptic on this one... I'd rather have the headaches and nose bleeds then have severe brain damage by getting the surgery done when there wasn't safe ways to do it.I'm happy that she was finally able to get most of the pencil removed and I hope that it helps to relieve the problems that she was suffering over the years because of it. It couldn't have been fun to experience all that, but I'm thinking the alternative (had the pencil hit other parts of her brain) could have been much worse.
  7. Okay, I'm trying to figure this out, and I can't seem to find this because I've been looking around the forums for a while now....Anyway, I was wondering if it's good to transfer a site hosted at Xisto to Xisto - Web Hosting. I would like to transfer it at some point (it's not really a necessary thing at this exact point, because I'm not near using the space or bandwidth yet... I don't think anyway lol), and I wasn't sure if that would 'hurt' my site in anyway.I'm thinking about transferring it, because I'd love to spend the time that I'm posting on these forums and instead be updating my site, and now that I have some money, I'm not too worried about paying the hosting fees to go along with it, but I'm a bit afraid of the transfer, because won't I lose most of my visitors if Google is looking for my old address and the site isn't there anymore?And I know that there is a way to do redirects and things for sites, but will I still see a drop in the people trying to come to my site? And I read somewhere that Google penalizes sites with redirects or something (I'm such a newbie at all this stuff, that I really don't understand half of the stuff that I'm reading anyway).I might just be paranoid about it all... but I've been working hard to get my traffic to increase so that I can finally earn some money off my site (which I am starting to now :XD:) and I really don't want to see the efforts go 'down the drain' as I would say just to save a little time on the forums so that I can build up my site faster. I don't mind the forums at all, and I love posting here, but I'm just thinking that if my site keeps growing that eventually I'd have to transfer it over anyway, so should I be looking to transfer it over sooner rather than later?Hmmm... has anyone done this before that can tell me there experiences with it, or how I should go about doing this sort of thing? (I know people have don't this sort of thing all the time, but I've never known what the outcome to be from it all).Then again, maybe I'm just over thinking it all, and it's not the big deal that I think it is.... I hope that's the case anyway. Thanks for putting up with my rambling... and thanks for any light you might happen to shed on the questions I've asked
  8. Pretty cool :XD: I like the top one a bit more than the bottom one, but I think that they both look good And you're really good at blending the images in, I wouldn't even have guessed that they weren't a part of the background, if I didn't know you created them yourself. Anyway... very cool! By the way, what are the pictures from? I'm so behind the times when it comes to this sort of thing
  9. Ah, you're 16, so you're getting distracted by the girls now I remember the days when my studies started to be affected by the boys... and it still happens to me from time to time, years later in my case :PHmmm, so she's beautiful. That doesn't mean that you shouldn't compliment her. Everyone likes to hear something nice about them, so if you really do mean it, by all means you should say it. Just don't say something because you think you need to, or because you want her to like you. Honesty is good, plus, you never know what's in her mind... she might even be feeling poorly about herself that day (because no matter what we lead you all to believe, girls - even the beautiful ones - don't always feel beautiful) and a compliment might mean more to her than you know, even if she just pretends it doesn't because she's shy or modest.As for me, I'm way too shy to go and approach a guy that I like... and I'm always the one that is waiting for them to approach me. I know that's not really fair on the men of the world, but it's the way that I am, so I hope that guys are up to the task Though I do talk to them, I still can't actually get up the courage to tell them how I really feel. But it's a lot easier for me to tell a person that I feel the same way, if I already know that they feel that way about me first.As for the - if I guy likes me but I don't like how he looks, it sort of depends. I'm not going to just not talk to someone, because I don't find them attractive, because everyone can be fun to be around and a great person, no matter of their looks, but I probably wouldn't go out with a person, if I didn't find them attractive in some way, because lets face it, that's a big part in wanting to be with someone romantically.Now when I say attraction, it isn't just based on looks, but also that gut feeling that you get that just makes you feel like you have butterflies in your stomach everytime that 'certain person' is nearby. There's lots of things that can drive a girl wild, and every person will be different... so, you never know. Like me, call me weird if you want, but I'm a kind of person that really likes certain voices. No idea why, but some people's voices are just very very attractive to me, so that can also make me want to be with a person.Then of course there's also the part of the person needing to be a decent guy as well, because no matter what he looks like, or sounds like... if he doesn't treat people well, then he's also not really high on my list of 'potential' boyfriends, if I'm in the market for one, that is.Hope that made some sense, and helps out... if you have any other questions, I'll try my best to give you my answers for them as well. And best of luck with the girl
  10. Since it doesn't seem like there's really any female perspectives in this discussion, I'll try and give my two cents worth. Or possibly two dollars worth, cause I tend to ramble on, when I get behind a keyboard. Anyway, I've always been one of those 'shy girls', though I don't think that I was quite as shy as this girl you speak of, since I did speak a little here and there during school. Though I would only answer the teachers questions in class, and only then if I KNEW that it was the right answer. Many days it was all I could do to force myself to make sure to give one answer a day.So, anyway... relationship stuff. I've always been highly confused with it all. I'm not sure if I'm the best example, because I don't know the circumstances behind this other girl's shyness... maybe something happened in her past, maybe not. But I'm guessing that she might be like me and not really know what she wants.It's strange looking back on the 'crushes' I had back then, because I would have given anything to have one of these people even talk with me, let alone ask me out... (I know, I didn't really know anything about the person, but I was young and in love, so who cared, right?! Funny how things are looking back.) But more than anything, I also wanted everyone to just not see me, so that I wouldn't get hurt (because I've been hurt many times in the past, which sort of ruined much of my 'people skills', making me even more shy and afraid to speak up). I wished that I was invisible half of the time, but the other half of the time I was waiting for a 'prince' to sweep down and pull me up from everything and make everything in my life better.Unfortunately for me, that time never came. Things got worse in school and I eventually left it altogether, so yea, like I said, I might not be the model 'mind' to be basing your 'shy girl' ideas from. Anyway, after a few years I ended up getting more confidence in myself in that I at least talk now (wow, big step, eh?), but I still hide behind the computer screen as much as I can and avoid human contact as much as possible. People still really scare me, because I think that they are always judging me and seeing me as worse than others, and not good enough for the likes of them. I half know that it's not really how others see me, and rather just how I see myself, but the feeling is hard to shake - especially after thinking it for so long.Hmmm.... I don't really think I'm helping much here, but I certainly am starting to get myself all flustered and confused. I hope this is making some kind of sense, because I really don't know anymore.And I don't really know about this either, but I'll throw it out there anyways... There were also times where there was a guy that I liked, got to know, started wishing he would ask me out, then got to know more, then just wanted to be friends with, got to know more, they asked me out, I said I just wanted to be friends, so we still hang out, and then sometimes I think about wanting to date them... but I can't bring myself to say it to the guy, so I hope that he mentions something again. Though if he even does, I really don't think I'd have the courage to tell him how I feel after telling him I just wanted to be friends for so long.I don't know, but I do know that my feelings don't ever seem to stay constant, so this might be the same with other girls. Like sometimes I 'like' someone in that I want to go out with them, and then other times I just like them as a friend. And then sometimes I go back to wanting to date them... Okay, I give up, my mind is now officially mush But if you have specific questions, I can try and give you an answer... Otherwise, I can just be quiet, because your brain is probably hurting from trying to deceipher this. I hope things work out for you and her
  11. I got my basics for CSS in college, but I'm learning new stuff with it all the time. Sort of learning new tricks as I need to create things with it. Generally, if I need to learn something, I just do a Google search and see if I can find something that explains it, or if I find something interesting on a website, I pull open the code for it and learn how they did it, so I can know how I could go about doing something similar.I've also got some books here... on web design, html, javascript and so on that have CSS sections in them, so I look to them for reference every now and again.
  12. Yep, I know HTML... and XHTML too, which tends to be the route that I go. I'm also decent with CSS, though I'm not a genious with all the tricks down pat yet in that or anything. I'm also familiar with PHP and MySQL (Though I haven't mastered the two together yet... still working on that one.) I'm also all right with JavaScript and ActionScript (more so with the former) and know a bit of XML and ASP. I really haven't explored those enough though to feel comfortable doing anything serious with them.
  13. Glad to see you're back I remember reading your name around in the forums a while back... and it's always nice to see an 'old face' so to speak. Also glad to hear about the great job you found! Anyway... welcome back and yea, that's about it lol
  14. Heh... You can call that evil if you want But I call it a stroke of pure luck that I happened to find a place like this. After so many bad ones... I probably would have given up long before now, had I not found a place like this. And after all this, I ended up going to school to learn more about web design. So hey, I don't think it's evil that you pulled me into your trap I'm just very very very happy that you did! So thank you
  15. That is both sad and screwed up. For one thing... parents should never leave their children alone where a family pet could reach them. Regardless of what breed the pet is. It's just not a safe thing to do, and it's pretty obvious to see that, when stories like this get published.Then comes the question of whether or not a family could 'train' a dog to do such a thing... I'm not really sure if it would be possible, but then again, I've seen many a strange trick which had been taught to a dog.I feel sorry for the child though.
  16. I get that problem every now and again with feeling dizzy and blacking out... and I'm guessing that's it's a drop in blood pressure or something, because it's the same feeling that I get when I donate blood right before I pass out or almost pass out. Like other's have said... lack of oxygen getting to the brain.As for the high pitch noise in your head, I'm not sure if it's the same thing as tennitus (I probably spelled that wrong?) where you hear the ringing in your ears... but I usually get the high pitch noise when there is a tv or something turned on, but the sound is off. I probably have the noise in my head when it's on too, but I guess I just don't hear it when it's drowned out by the speakers.It may still be a good idea to go to the doctor though, incase it's a symptom of something bigger.
  17. Hello and welcome to the forum. This place really is a good place to be because the people on the forums are so helpful when you have a problem with building your website, or even if you just want some personal advice about something that is going on in your life.Plus, the hosting is really good here. You get so many features and plenty of space to play around with and all you need to do is be active in the forums. It's a good deal, as far as I'm concerned. And I loved the hosting so much myself, that I've ended up buying hosting from them as well. And convinced my dad to do it too lol...Anyway, glad that you could join us here at Xisto, and I hope to see you around the forums
  18. Well, I'm happy to hear that it doesn't happen at home anymore at least. That's a step in the right direction. Hopefully it'll stop completely for you soon as well. From my experiences anyway, things get a lot better once you're out of school.What I really don't like is when people do cowardly things like beating on weaker people, just because they know they can win and get away with it. Fighting is one thing - when you have equally matched people, but to hit on the weak, that's just cowardly violence - especially if there's a group of people fighting one person, and they still feel that they need to use a plastic bat.I've been lucky in that I can't say I've ever been physically beaten. My older sister is pretty good with me in that respect. When we get into fights, it's usually I'm the one that's hitting her (though I'm not punching, just hitting... and I'm so freaking weak that I don't really hurt her lol). Though she's always been so much taller than me and much more athletic and strong, she doesn't ever hit me back, she just typically starts to tickle me and make me laugh, and then it's impossible for me to do anything, and she can push me around lol... It's really annoying when I'm mad, but it is a good way of dealing with me lol. I think I really lucked out when I got a sister like her, because for the most part, she's more like a best friend to me.
  19. I kind of hope that humans can adapt to the changing earth, and that our efforts in the present to slow down (because I think that stopping global warming seems rather impossible) global warming might give us enough time to prepare ourselves for the 'new future', but that's rather optimistic. Mind you, for the months in Canada when it seems that winter is never ever going to end, you don't hear to much about global warming, and you wish it would just be less snowy and less cold (which if this past winter was any indication, we might just be getting our wish now). And with the super hot summers, it's becoming insane.We had a humidex of 45 yesterday here and no air conditioning. Not fun at all, but I guess I can be happy that I'm doing my part to help the extreme heat by not using all that energy to cool myself down, but rather, not having any energy to go anything and really get nothing accomplished, because I just don't feel like doing anything when it's THAT hot everywhere.I got up early in the morning today because my sister was leaving at 5:30am, and I couldn't believe how hot it already was. Now it's almost 8am here... and the temperature is already at 25C apparently with it feeling more like 31C, but it feels like it's 131C at the moment anyway, because hot always feels hot. Okay, so I'm exagerating, because I really don't like this heat starting this early. Can't I have a few hours off each day? Sleeping was even bad last night because of the heat.They say that the world is going to end on December 21, 2012... (at least that's what those Mayan people wanted us to believe when they ended the calendar there! Yea, I read up too much about weird stuff...) and after seeing days like this with weather that seems to get worse every year, hey, it might just turn out to be true, which would give us another 5 years or so. But if that is truly the case, at least my sister's birthday is on December 21... so I can go out with a bang lol.As for velma's comment about the Ice Age that is coming our way... that would be an interesting show. I wish I'd seen it. Mind you, they'll probably repeat it sometimes, because that channel often does that. Though I'm wondering just how the Ice Age will be able to form all this fancy new ice that we are slowly melting away year after year with all this global warming. But since it's happened in the past, I could really see that sort of thing happening again in the future.
  20. I don't really believe that anything, even men and women, can ever truly be equal. One side of things will always have an advantage to some degree over the other, and I don't think it will always be men with that advantage... but I think that one side will always have just that little bit more of whatever (be it power, freedom, money, strength...) than the other side.Seeing as how in the past there have been several examples of women leaders and such, I think that things just go back and foreth between the sexes, so it probably all evens out in the wash so to speak, but at any given time, I think that either the men or the women will have more than their counterparts. Especially in certain parts of the world.That's not to say that all men have more now than all women. There are plenty of women right now with a higher standing than plenty of men. But I'm thinking that men are somewhat in the lead overall because (here at least) a man will earn more money from doing the same job as a woman in certain companies (but this is changing) and many of the people in power here are men (more than half anyway). Though the country is still led by our Queen overall (mind you, most of the control still falls on the Prime Minister, who is a man). So yea, it's like you win some and you lose some...But that's only in certain countries such as Canada where things have evened out pretty well. There are many countries where even the fundamental rights of a person a different depending on whether you are male or female.But I think the only time that anything is truly equal with something else, is for that split second while the two powers are switching places. Any other time, I'd say there's always an advantage to the one side, no matter how large or small that advantage may happen to be. Just my opinion though, but yea, a lot of it all depends on the environment too, because even if something were to be equal in one part of the world, it's not necessarily going to be the same everywhere else...
  21. Wow, I didn't know that Xisto - Web Hosting offered servers too. I really have to look into more of the features that they offer lol. All in good time I suppose. But that's really good to know for the future, incase big things happen for me or a client.And when my web instructors were talking about servers and the costs and that, they mentioned that it would probably be somewhere in the ballpark of $2000 (Canadian), but I'm not really sure if that's for a good one, or what features (for lack of a better word) there would be regarding something of that cost. I really don't know much about servers.
  22. Awww.... your kitties sound so nice and cute! As do your dogs! My dog Molly used to sleep just like your young pup Muffin quite a bit And when she did, she'd snore lol...But, I don't have a pet at the moment, since our family dog had to be put down about a month ago, but I do remember the one trick that she used to do. If we held up a cookie for her, she would jump up into the air and do a spin around and then sit nice waiting to get the treat. She sort of just started that trick on her own without me having to teach her, but then again, she was abandoned before we took her in, so she might have learned it before hand.But I somehow doubt that she was taught that (though you never know), because she wasn't trained at all once we first had her and I had to teach her to sit / stay / lie down and all that sort of stuff.
  23. It really depends on what I'm cooking... I can cook certain things, and other things I'm not so good at. A lot of what I cook, I do use the microwave for (more out of convenience that anything else really... I'm pretty lazy and don't like to wait around for my food to cook lol), but I can also cook things on the stove or in the oven or whatever.I'm really good at pasta things, mostly because I've had so much practice with it, because I eat it so often. So, I can make quite a few things that taste good from that.Things that I'm not so good at is pancakes... I always mess up the recipe for them. Typically my problem is that I try to cut the recipe in half, because I'll be the only one eating it... and I mess up along the way by forgetting to half an ingredient or two... and I've even doubled some ingredients on accident before. Yea, I suppose I'm bad at following instructions. When I make things from recipes, I tend to mess them up. When I make things just from memory, then I seem to do okay.I tried to bake cookies not too long ago, and I can usually make them okay, but last time, I ended up making them a bit too dry, so it was hard to get them to stick together, but as they were 'drying' (that's not really the right word lol... ah, maybe more like 'cooling down'? I don't know lol...) they came together a bit better, so that once I was ready to put them in a container, they weren't all falling apart like they were when I first set them out.So yea, I'm by no means a great cook, but I can make do with my skills and create some edible meals. People might do well to proceed with caution when I label my creations with 'experimental' though. Those are kind of hit and miss... Like my 'experimental apple pie'. Still edible, but perhaps I shouldn't really have been making it without any recipes when I have no idea how to make pie crust lol. Oh well... people still ate it
  24. Wow, I've never thought about frying it up with other stuff... that's a really good idea and I'll have to try that out sometime.I've never really been one to eat soup too much, so I typically just cook up the noodles, drain them and then sprinkle the flavor packet on top of them that way. Sorry that I can't be more creative for you lol...
  25. I'm very sorry to hear about this. My prayers are with you and your family.... And thank you for sending out the warning to everyone, because like most people, I really didn't know anything about the dangers of having an enlarged heart. In fact, I hadn't really even thought about it at all until we learned that my father's heart is somewhat larger than it should be. He never would have known about his heart being that way if he wasn't just in the hospital for having surgery on the veins in his heart. He just came home a week and a half ago after having the operation. Luckily, he's recovering well though he'll be staying a home for a while yet before he can really do too much, but like you, I think it's very important to go to the doctors to make sure that everything is okay, even if you don't feel bad.The scary thing for me is, that my dad felt perfectly fine and healthy like your father did, and within a month or so (after a bunch of tests) he was in surgery because they had to rush him in once the tests were finished... I don't think we would have been so lucky if he had waited until he felt bad, if he ever even felt bad, because things can happen so suddenly.So, again, thank you for reminding everyone just how important it is to get checked at the doctors and I'm very sorry for your loss. You're very brave to be able to speak of what happened to help the rest of us. My thoughts are with you.
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