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Everything posted by midnightvamp

  1. midnightvamp


    I've actually just discovered that site like a week or two ago and I love it... it's so great and easy to find music on. Plus, pretty much all the bands I like haven't said they didn't want their music there, so they are all full songs. I love making and listening to the playlists too, because then I can just set it up and listen to it while I'm doing other things like working.I enjoy it, I'm not really sure if it's like myspace, cause I never really got into that whole thing, but I'm actually liking it better for listening to music than youtube, because I can just sort of set it and forget it. Plus listening to full albums is always fun :)Anyway, I like it, so if you haven't tried it out, you might want to. What's the worst that will happen? You won't like it? That's simple, then just don't go back, but if it is a site that you like, then it wouldn't be worth it to just not go without trying it. You'd be missing out on something really good
  2. Thanks for all those tips... I didn't know you could do things about the disk speed and auto focus. I'll have to look into that stuff. Silly me, I bought myself a digital camera and have been annoyed to no end with how slow it is to take the pictures. I've found an action shot section to my camera, which does speed it up, but it makes the picture quality horrible and very grainy/dark. It's better than nothing for the shots that I would otherwise miss, but I don't really like it, because it seems like it could be so much better.Plus, I really suck when there is bad lighting, because I can't hold still enough to get the shot with a flash. It all gets moved and strange looking. I work almost entirely without a flash now. Funny thing though, if I use it in the complete dark with the flash, I get excellent shots of things and it looks as bright as day, so when I need to do photo shoots around the house, I tend to do them in the dark. Call me weird, but it seems to get the job done for me :PI do what I can lol.Next time I won't just buy a camera because it looks cute lol... I had a big plan of what one I wanted with lots of research, and then went to the store, and when they didn't have it, I just settled on one. Next time, research, then shop, and if it's not there... research more of the ones that are there I've learned my lesson, I hope.
  3. I've only managed to do it a couple times, and it's fun when I can... but I wish I could control them more often. I've tried the different methods, but it doesn't seem to help me. The only times that it has happened to me was when I wasn't trying to make it happen and it was sort of like a fluke. And like t3jem mentioned, it was when I was already almost awake. Like it was one of the days that I kept just rolling over and going back to sleep. Maybe I should do that more often and maybe I'll be able to control my dreams more Alarm clocks should be outlawed but then I'd never wake up hahaOn a separate note, I used to sleep walk too when I was younger, but I grew out of it, so I don't anymore. I never really tried to stop it, or worry about it, cause it didn't really seem strange to me at the time.
  4. I looked mine up, but there wasn't really many people that I recognized... a bunch of ancient leaders of countries and things, but the only ones that really stuck out to me were Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Naomi Campbell. Guess May 22 isn't the date to have haha... Mind you, I already knew about Sir Arthur, so yea, now I know one more ^_^I also looked up my sister's birthday of December 21 and she had a lot more luck than I did: Phil Donahue, Jane Fonda, Frank Zappa, Samuel L. Jackson, Jane Kaczmarek, Ray Romano, Andy *BLEEP*, Kiefer Sutherland and Julie Delpy to name some of the notable ones I found. I guess there must not be much to do nine months before that date other than stay home and have a little fun if you know what I mean lol... I tried to count back nine months, and I think that's March, but I so could be wrong with that, so don't quote me
  5. I can't say that I'm addicted to Coca-Cola... though I suppose I probably should be since my Mom works for them lol... But more than anything I like to drink milk, though when I was younger I did drink a lot more pop, but it was usually Sprite or Orange Crush or Root Beer, that sort of thing. I've never really been big into Coke, it makes too many little fizzies and it bugs me to drink lol
  6. Yea, I agree you should get checked out by a doctor. It may not be anything serious, but it's always better to be safe then sorry. Since I'm not a doctor, I can't really know for certain, but it could be that you have low blood pressure. I have very low blood pressure myself (apparently it's inherited because my dad does as well...) and sometimes I get the same way that you are talking about. Though I've never actually fainted myself, I've gotten very close to it several times. Complete with the weakness, light headedness and vision going black like you've mentioned. It's scary, but when I feel it coming on, I just head home and get in bed and end up sleeping the rest of the day away. It seems after that I'm fine. It only happens to me like once every month or two though... Either way, you won't really know what the cause of it is until you see a doctor, so you should get checked to make sure you'll be okay.
  7. I'm going to have to vote for Mich as well. I really like the image used... it seems, oh what is the word I'm looking for? Classy? I don't know but it just seems appealing to my eye. Plus, I really like the way the text blends in there. The only thing that I'm a bit put off by is the small orb-like thing behind the text. It seems a bit out of place, since everything else in the image is 'rough' or textured. I can understand why it's there, because there would need to be something back there instead of just a black void to put the text on, but perhaps it might blend in a bit better if there was a minor texture added to that as well. The border is also a bit hard to spot, but would work well on a dark background.The remaining two, in no particular order:truefusion - it's a nice sig, but it just doesn't come out and grab my attention. I agree though that the text effects are nice in this one, and blend well with the background used. Plus - a cute bunny! Always a bonus. The border though seems off to me, because there are different amounts of "black-space" depending on what side it's on. I think having the larger "black-space" on the right is a nice look, but my brain wants the left side to either be wide like the right, or the same size as the top and bottom ones.SkyStormKuja - also a nice sig that draws my eye to it because of the great use of colour. I'm not really finding the text all that great, but I really suck at text myself, so in comparison, your's isn't all that bad. But there's room for improvement on it. I do like the darker stroke that you've used around the letters in the text though, they work nice with what you've got.Anyway, good work to all of you Hope to see more of your work in the future!Updated Results:truefusion: 1SkyStormKuja: 0Mich: 2
  8. I also thought this would be a good thing, but I wasn't really sure if it could be implemented so easily into the forums. But if it would be possible I think that would make it even better! Even if there is just a thing in our profiles that mentions the links to the last 10 ratings or something... least that way we could see easily which ratings we got from where.
  9. Thought I'm not really sure what this has to do with "Freebie Stuff", the post is still interesting, so I'll give it a go.1. I think most things in life are calculated risks. With many things that you do, you are unsure about what the outcome will be until after whatever it is is finished. I think it more varies in just how much risk is involved though. For instance... One might decide to try a new restaurant. Sure, it doesn't sound risky, but you still run the risk of not enjoying it, but since you want to try new things, you try it out. Small risk - if you don't like it, don't go back. But the reward if you do like it is much more. Other things though can be more risky. Like trying to start your own business. No one knows if you will succeed, and the money you spend up front on it can pose a great loss if your business is a failure, but still, I think we weigh the good and bad of both sides and make our best guess if we should do it or not. Should I start a business? Put all that money on the line? What if it flops? But what if it becomes very successful? Look at it from all sides, and decide if the risk is worth it or not.2. As for how risky I'm willing to go... well, that depends. The more I want something, the more of a risk I'm willing to take. If I don't want something very bad, and there's a big risk in trying to obtain it, I might not bother trying and just opt to go for something with a little less risk. Like for instance... I'd like to buy an iPod, but it's not something that I absolutely must have. But I saw one that was for sale for pretty cheap... but I wasn't sure of the condition of it, and it was 'no refunds', so I decided not to risk it, and just get one a little later when I can afford one that I know will be good.3. The various measures that I use when considering taking risks is pretty simple. If the benefits outweigh the risks, then I'll usually risk it and try it out. I try to look at things from many angles when determining the risk, so I can have the most up-to-date information to lower the risk. Just like when I wanted to buy myself a piano keyboard. I had no idea how to play, and it was a lot of money to put out for something I might have stopped using in a month because it just wasn't my thing. But I looked at the benefits - I could learn something new... It would be fun if I actually could learn to play it. And then I looked at the negatives - but what if I can't learn it, or it's just not fun? I figured that the years of fun I would get out of it if it turned out that I liked piano would be better than the $300 or so dollars I would lose should I not enjoy it. So I decided I'd risk it, and go and buy one. But to make sure I'd enjoy it the best that I could, I also did a lot of research online to see what I thought would be the best keyboard to buy. I bought the one I'd researched after lots of considerations, and have enjoyed playing it ever since (and am actually starting to get good at it now!).4. I'm not really sure how the last question differs from this question, so I'll just leave it as it is. I think I've got a good basis going from the first three anyway. I think my point has been made lolAs for the normal settled work vs. the challenging demanding work, I'm kind of strange when it comes to that. Maybe I'm a 'grass is always greener on the other side' type person, but when I'm in normal settled work too long, I get bored and want something more challenging, but then when I'm working on challenging work, I want something to give my brain a rest from all the demanding hours I spend and do some normal settled type work.
  10. I actually came in to this thread to ask about the new "(list)" feature that also appeared, but when I was in here and clicked on my last post, it showed (is showed a word? It sounds so wrong lol) that it's for the actual ratings that the individual post received. I thought it might be for that reason, but before all the ones that I'd clicked on were blank, so I was thinking maybe it was a feature that didn't work quite yet. But for some reason, I was still thinking it had something to do with the ratings lol.Anyway, I found that part to be very cool. Because then I can see which posts I've done that were good, and which were bad. I'm liking this more all the time. I'm having way too much fun with the rating system now - and that's my honest opinion after spending a day getting familiar with it!
  11. Yep, like jlhaslip said, you've got a nice and clean looking site! Just one thing - the contrast of the white background and the black 'dividing' lines on your homepage are kind of wigging my eyes out the more that I look at it. But it could just be my tired eyes talking there. Maybe I need to get some more sleep. I barely got any last night and am yawning as I type Anyway, I think it looks good, and was impressed by all the images you have of the doors and other products that are available. I had no idea that there would be so many to choose from, and to have all that information easily accessed on the website is nice and helpful!
  12. I had this one dream the other night that was kind of strange... It was me, my cousin (that I hardly ever see), and this guy that I've seen on the television (that I've never met and don't even know his name XD But he's been in the last two shows that I've watched, so I can understand how he got into my dream lol). Anyway, we got off a school bus like right in the middle of nowhere on some highway looking road, and somehow from there we ended up running through a forest. I had to stop by a garbage bin (yes, for some reason I found a garbage bin in the middle of the forest?!) and throw out a bunch of wood that I had in my back pack, because it was heavy and slowing me down. No idea why I even had the wood. Apparently I was a bad student that didn't bring home my homework hahaSo, we were all in the forest for some reason, and while we were running though, we came across this camp site looking place. But only half of the stuff was there and set up. And I found it really strange and kind of deja-vu-ish because the stuff that was set up was from my camping stuff (like a canopy and our tarps and stuff. We camp every year, so we've got a bunch of stuff that we take with us.)So yea, in the dream I was surprised to see our stuff there (since I didn't set it up myself... and we just happened to "chance" run through it.) So we stuck around a bit there and talked about coming back and camping sometime. I guess the time in my dream wasn't the right time for camping. But I remember almost kicking myself for "throwing out" that wood from before in my back pack because we could have used that for a fire. Though, in reality there was so much wood around I don't think it would have made a difference, if we could even have a fire there because it was such a thick forest filled with trees and underbrush and all that.If we did make a fire there, we'd probably end up burning down the forest and then we'd be in real trouble. Mind you, it's just a dream, so things might not have burnt :PAnyway, that was my strangest one lately. I tend not to remember my dreams all that much, but when I do happen to have a lucid one... it's really fun cause I can control what is going on. The one I mentioned wasn't lucid, but I wish it was lol... cause then I could have "met" that actor instead of just have him kinda standing around with us
  13. Yea, I voted for 'kinda' because sometimes I feel that I do, and sometimes I feel that I don't. I remember growing up, when I was watching all the death in the news, it made me really fear death - I suppose because it was then I learned I wasn't immortal? But I've gotten past most of the fear... though sometimes it does happen to creep up every now and again.But as it's been said... I don't really think that it's death I fear. It's probably a fear of the unknown. I didn't really think about it before, but that does make sense. I fear what comes after it. I'd like to believe that it's something good, but sometimes I wonder if there's something at all. It's funny how you can want to know what comes next, but to find that out, you'd have to die which is something that I just don't want to do. So, I suppose I'll have to await my turn lol
  14. Hello and welcome to the Trap 17 forums! You and I are the same age Sorry, I just found that pretty cool. Plus, we both seem to have similar interests! I also like photography and web design, but then again I'm guessing most people in these forums do too So you should fit in quite well with the bunch of us :DAnyway, if you have any questions just post away here and everyone's so helpful that I'm sure you'll get good answers from people. They are more than happy to help when I'm struggling with a problem, so we'll do our best to help you out as well :DEdit: I feel like a smiley addict... I just realized after posting just how many there were lol... hope I didn't drive you insane with them all!
  15. I've never tried using Google Adsense the same time as having my content in layered divs. In fact, I've only used layered divs when I was learning about them in college. I've thought about using them sometimes, but then it just never seems to happen for some reason.Anyway, is there completely different content in the different layers of your divs? Because if it's all about the same sort of things then I don't think Google would have a problem with making related ads, because it would just show ads about the content that was present when the page first was loaded, but I'm not really sure how well the search engines work at spidering the content in different layers.Sorry I couldn't really be of much help
  16. Yea, I would have thought there'd have already been a thread or two from people like me... that ended up suspended today. Would make sense to want to get some extra credits and figure out what was going on at the same time. Kill two birds with one stone so to speak. I feel so devious that I'm building up my credits by trying to solve the big mystery I guess the other people were all asking in the shoutbox earlier? I probably should have done that, but I needed the credits, and was thinking it was just my problem lolAh well, you live, you learn
  17. I was just considering trying digg myself the other day to test out how it might work. I think it would be good for new sites too, that don't get many hits to their articles, because they aren't so much in the search engines? I wasn't really sure how it all worked, or if it all worked, but I was still thinking about trying it out anyway. Are the hits that come from there targeted? Like they read a bit, and then hop over to your site if they like it? I just wonder because sometimes people put my sites into that stumble upon website and my hits go up like crazy for that day, but I don't think it's so much targeted traffic.Also, thanks for the links to the 'pinging' places. All these things are good to know if I ever decide to get a blog up and running. Hopefully the little extra things like that will help out
  18. Yea, it just sort of freaked me out a bit when I came on and the credits were unexpectedly lower than I thought they would be, I took a quick search around to see if it was just me, and since I didn't see anyone mention it, I thought I'd make a post to figure out what happened. Now that I know what happened, I'm patient to wait - it's just a little unnerving to see such a thing and then not see anyone else mentioning anything like that happening to them as well. It wasn't until I'd posted my topic that people had started talking about it in the shoutbox, so I guess I must have come to the forums right at the time it happened.So, thanks as always to you for your insights on the matter
  19. Well, it's good to know how it happened. But I hope that it didn't affect people so much by losing many many credits. Perhaps if this is the case, they should cap the number of credits to lose? I'm trying to build up 15 days worth of posts here (plus the 4 days needed on top of that to get unsuspended...) and if that's all cause the forums got pruned, it seems a bit much. Especially when I didn't think I was posting spam topics - I rarely post topics anyway. Though maybe I replied to a topic later moved to the spam bin, but if I thought it was spam, I probably wouldn't have posted in it.Would have been nice for a little warning first though about what happened. Like when I was searching the forums earlier to figure out what happened, finding a topic saying something to the effect of 'We're going to prune the spam forums today, so if you notice a drop in credits - not to worry, it just means that any posts you had in that forum have been removed' would have really eased my mind over things.Anyway, thanks for filling us in about what you know!
  20. Well, I didn't even notice the rating thing until I found this post... maybe I'm just not very observant? Whatever. Anyway, I think that the system is pretty cool, because I've never seen anything that you could rate with so many possibilities. Typically it's just a 'thumbs up' or 'thumbs down' type thing. But this is definitely different than I've ever seen before. Not really sure how many people are going to use it, and since I read that it won't really affect your credits in anyway, I feel a little more assured. Because then it probably won't get abused so much, but even if it does, it shouldn't really make too much difference. As far as I can tell anyway.Anyway, as always, it's nice to pop on here and read about the new things that are happening to make the forums better
  21. The idea to try a country specific Google was an ingenious idea that I don't think I would have thought of had mine gone down. At least now I will if the time ever comes. Oh, and just for a note, I use Google.ca (Canada) and haven't noticed anything wrong with it at all lately.It could be troubles with your service provider, because I know I used to have troubles like that where at different computers, I could get to the sites that I wanted, but from my own, things would be with more down time than up it seemed. Since then my troubles ended luckily, but that was just my experience with it.
  22. I was just wondering if something changed in the way that the hosting credits work here... because I'm pretty sure that I had enough credits to last a few more days, cause I built up a bunch the last time I was here... but since I noticed that I haven't gotten many hits today, I checked my site to see if it was still up and running. That tends to be how I see if I need to get back over here and posting.Well, I can understand if I ran out of points, cause it certainly wouldn't be the first time... but what's getting me is that my site has been down less than a day and it's already at -15 days of hosting credits. Isn't this more than usual? I thought it only went down to -4 when you run out. Maybe it's just me? I'm not sure... or is the default number that it's going to now? I searched the forums to see if I could find anywhere that mentioned a change like this, but couldn't find anything about recent changes.It worries me that it's going in the minuses so fast, that my site might disappear all together if I had missed it for just a little longer. Anyone have any ideas to ease my mind about the seemingly super-speedy loss of credits? -15 days in just 9 hours of being down?
  23. Most of your posts make me feel like a night owl! I tend to "make" myself go to bed at 2am, so that I can wake up at a decent time (I like to wake up before noon if at all possible lol... and yes, I know... that's not decent by many people's standards lol, but if I can get to bed by 2am, then I'm usually asleep by 2:30 cause I like to do a little reading first, and then after my hours of sleep I tend to wake up between 11 and 12 noon).There are lots of nights that I end up staying up way later than I want though... and lots of times I'm up until 5am *yawn*... but I really don't like alarm clocks, so most of the time I can sleep until my body decides to wake up and by then I figure if it's woken up on it's own, then I've probably gotten enough sleep. Mind you, I still tend to wake up around noon-ish even on those days that I stay up later. I tend to sleep for 9 hours without having my alarm clock set. That seems like a long time, but I guess that's just how much I need now. I used to only need a few hours sleep though in high school, cause back then I'd hardly sleep at all -- like going to bed at 3 am, and then waking up again at 6 am to get ready for school. Those days were so great, because I could get so much stuff done. Now I feel like there's not enough hours in the day to get all the things I want done <_<I wish I could sleep less... but from what you said, it's probably good that I sleep longer to make sure that everything is rested and healthy. You know one thing that might make sense... is that now, my eyes get even more strain because I'm always looking at a computer screen, when back in the days that I didn't sleep much, I didn't have a computer, so maybe by wearing my eyes out more, it makes me need more sleep time to recover, which would work really well in line with how you said that sleep is most important for our eyes.
  24. It certainly does seem rather hard to make money with Adsense... but the longer I'm with them and improving on my websites, the more money I'm able to make with it I've already been paid out a few times from them, which is nice.One thing that you'll probably want to do, and it works well when working with channels, is to test out different things to see what works best for your site. What works good on many might not perform so well on your site, but by trying different colours and placements, you can have start to earn more.I looked up about which keywords cost more using the Google Adwords tool, and from there added some of those keywords to my site instead of the similar ones that I'd already been using and right away noticed an increase in my earnings. That's why I like to compare things and try different things out to try and maximize the potential earnings.But yea, like it's been said, it's really hard to make much money unless you get lots of hits. I get around 900 hits a day or so total to the different sites that I've created, and that still only gets me a small amount each day from Google Adsense. Obviously some days are more and some are less, but still, the amounts I'm earning isn't very high. But at least it's going up, because it used to take me a year to get enough for a check, but now it takes much less time than that. As the site grows, the hits grow and so do to the pennies that show up in my account.
  25. Wow... after reading all these, I feel pretty pathetic lol... the only systems that I've ever had were the original Nintendo, and the portable Game Gear. I probably only had around 5 - 10 games total between the two systems too lolMy sister had a Game Boy as well though, so I played on that a little bit too, but not really as much.
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