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Everything posted by midnightvamp

  1. For me, I try to eat right, which means a little bit of everything in moderation is good, but no pigging out on the junk food, like I enjoy so much. So, instead of grabbing for a bag of chips, I'll grab for a bag of baby carrots, instead of drinking that bottle of pop, I'll drink some skim milk instead.Plus, I like to walk a lot, so that helps too I figure. I'd rather walk to the mall or grocery store, instead of take the bus or get a rid, and if I buy lots of heavy or akward things to carry, then I catch the bus home, or call for a ride.Also, you've mentioned that you eat a lot of cheese... so do I I'm not sure if you tried the lower fat cheese, I get it, and it takes almost the same, so I still like it. I'm not too crazy about the lowest fat cheese that I can find in the store, so I just stick to one of the "higher lows" lol... for lack of a better expression, but still, I figure any kind of less fat is better than having regular when you are looking at your diet, right?Anyway, I wish you luck on losing some weight and congrats on your soon to be wedding!
  2. I've been using crunchyroll.com a lot lately for watching my Japanese dramas... they also have other asian language dramas on there, but I haven't really watched any of them myself... though I'm sure they will be next in line if I start to run out of interesting things to see.The site also used to be a big place for getting streaming anime videos, but just recently I see that they've removed most of the anime mentioning that they've been licenced and removed from the site, so I guess they were warned, or maybe they might have been told to take it down or face a law suit.But it still has a lot of dramas up there which I enjoy anyway, and I'm sure there's some more anime that's up there too that hasn't been licenced, but I haven't been bothered to search my way through it all, cause there are just so many that are showing up as removed now. I really hope soon that they have an option to no longer display the licenced materials that were on the site, cause that would make it a lot easier to get around.Anyway, it's still a good site (for the time being at least, I don't know what's going to happen, because it's all just been changing over the past week or so that I could tell) where you can find lots of good dramas, if that's what you are into. Mind you, you need to sign up for an account there to watch the videos, but I think it's worth it, because I've been able to see so much on it that I've never seen on other places.
  3. Wow... I feel like I've been living in a bubble here. 2.0? Where was I when this happened? Or is it just happening lol... anyway, I can see what some of you are saying and it seems to make sense (mostly anyway) and I can think of some sites that your ideas seem to show up in.Perhaps I'll have to do a little more reading on the subject, because I was thinking this was they way everything seemed to be headed, though I never did know there was an actual term for it, or a formal explanation of what is it all about.Interesting. You learn something new everyday. And Once I've done my reading on this, I think I will have filled my "learning a new thing each day" quota for many days to come. Seems I have a lot to learn.
  4. I don't know... I used to go on that site a while ago, and I couldn't make it anywhere near a payout, so I just stopped going there, and was never given the bit of money I was able to earn. Maybe things are different now, but I don't really feel too inclined to check into it, because it didn't seem to live up to all the promises before that led me to getting an account with them in the first place.I wish there were more legit money making places on the internet.
  5. Hmmm.... that's interesting. I've never thought of that before, but it does make sense, because this site is obviously spidered by the search engines as well, and since you write your site details on your application it would most likely show up in the search engine too.I never worried about that though, because I always had other pages come up first, and I'd never searched through all the pages that come back in my search results so I didn't actually see my application there, but I'm sure if I looked I'd find it.
  6. I like it The text isn't even really all that bad, but I have a very hard time on trying to get text to do the things that I want, so I find it hard to make my text look good on my sigs.Other than that, the blending is very nice between the background of the picture, and the render you've used, and the border works nicely with it. I agree that it would look pretty cool on a site with a dark background, but also on this light one, it makes the border very suttle (suddle? I'm so lost on my spelling lol...) which is a nice thing to see too.Good work, and can't wait to see more!
  7. It's sad to hear that you had so many troubles facing you while you tried (and for a while there) had a really successful site. I wish that those things didn't happen to you (the hacking, and the member's speaking things to eachother) but sadly they did.You can look on the bright side though about it. If you feel that closing it down was best, than it probably was, and now you can spend your time doing other things that you love.Was there another site you've been thinking about making, or did you have some idea of something that you thought would be really cool to start, but you haven't because of the time it took you to work on that last site of yours? If so, then this would be a perfect time to start something new.Yes, it is sad that your site had so many problems, but if it was causing you more grief in keeping it up, then it probably was time to move on to something new that you'll be able to enjoy some more.
  8. Most of my clicks that I get are also fairly low, but what I've done to increase the money I'm making on google adsense a little, is change where the ads on my site is located. There's a 'hotspots' map that google has somewhere in the adsense help section. It lists where the most clicks are, so if you find that, you can have some idea of the best places to put advertisements on your site for the most clicks.That won't really help with making the clicks more, but it might help you get a few more clicks out of your site than you are getting now.Plus, you can try to experiment with colours and things that you are using in your advertisements, to see which ones seem to draw the most people's clicks and then stick with the one that seems to work the best.That's a couple ideas to get you going from me anyway... good luck, and let us know how it all works out for you, or if you find something that works really well so we can try it out too.
  9. Pretty good... I especially like the 'Killer for Life' one and the 'Seen in the Mist' one. They seem to blend well with the backgrounds and everything that you've used with them. Also, on your 'Destructor' one, I like how your name almost blends into the background because of how you have your font. That's pretty cool. Keep up the good work, can't wait to see more.
  10. I understand fully where you are coming from and I hope that you find yourself with a lot more time for you and your family to be together from now on. I know that family is the most important part of living, and if I start to think that my web stuff is starting to take away from that, I'd also have to start considering a lot of stuff.I'm glad that you were so strong as to make the decision that is right for you. Have a great time in whatever you decide to do next, and enjoy the time you have with the people you love.Take care
  11. I just wanted to say hello and welcome to the Xisto family I'm sure you will like it here - I sure know I do! I'd like to type more to you to tell you about how great the place is, but I'm sure that you've seen it for yourself already lol... plus I'm on a keyboard that doesn't like me so I'm making errors in almost every other word that I have to keep going back and correcting, so this is taking a long time to write :DAnyway, welcome, have fun here and I can't wait to see more from you and see what you decide to do with your hosting
  12. Those are some good tips... some I'd read before, but others I'm definately going to have to try out. It's always good to have some new ideas to help us all make a little bit of extra cash! Thanks for the help
  13. I'm not really sure about the origins of the number, but I've heard lots of stuff that it's supposed to mean. I'm not sure if I believe any of it or not, but it's still kind of interesting to think about it. I wonder though what makes one number more "evil" than another number? Did someone just come up with that, or was there some back story that I've been missing...I thought I heard that 333 is supposed to be good, but I'm not too sure about that, because I don't remember where I heard that.
  14. I rather like the name... it doesn't seem like it's such an obvious 'free hosting company' with the name it has currently. Plus, it's short which is nice, because a shorter address is easier for visitors to remember if they choose to come back.Web addresses look rather tacky when you have to surf to my-free-hosted-website.com/sitename (I just made that up... no offence to anyone if that happens to be your site lol).I just prefer the name being more annonymous to the casual surfer.
  15. I'd have to say it should be, but only under certain cercumstances.Lets say, someone is depressed, and thinks they have nothing to live for, so they'd rather just end it all now, because they feel there is no point to living.For something like this, I'd think that they should get some help, and find that there really is a life out there for them. I truly feel that people can get over depression if they have the right support.Okay, senario two. A person is gravely ill, and in a tremendous amount of pain every waking second of the day, and it's only going to get worse until the day they die. They might even end up getting severly disfigured, or lose their ability to think.Under a situation like this, I really feel that it should be up to the person who is facing the illness. If they are aware of their options, and they choose that they'd rather feel nothing, that die in a horrible slow way, then I think that is their right.But I think that people should also have hope that treatments will become available, and that something (call it a miracle or what have you) might happen unexpectedly to make you well again. But I'm not in this situation, so I can not judge people that would rather stop their horrible suffering that they are experiancing.As for the whole legalities of it... I don't think anyone that commits (or I suppose attempts, because if they succeed, prison is no longer a viable option) suicide should be sent to prison. They are in serious need of help. Obviously there is something wrong with them, and they need help to work through that, so they don't feel the need to try it again.Throwing a person that failed in their attempt at suicide, is definately not helping the person, and will most likely just lead to another attempt - one at which they may succeed.So that's my look at things. Illegal... only if the worst punishment is getting the person in question some serious help. Jail time... no way.
  16. I really do like what you've done with that so far. The background I think matches perfectly with the image... which you right, is a splendid picture. I happen to be rather fond of it myself lol...The font, yes, it is very nice... my only real complaint about it, is the ~ sign infront of your name. Perhaps if you could use a different font for that that might match a little better. Right now, it's rather bold and large and seems to draw my eye there unintentionally.Anyway, great work! Keep it up!
  17. I'm glad to see that I'm in the majority... I was thinking I could be nuts... because ewwww..... but yea, I'd rather go for ewww than ouch. That's just me. (And apparently 63% so far of you all too lol).I was debating whether to pick the coals, because I had heard that it wouldn't hurt if you walked across fast, because they'd be cooler on the outside, and your feet would sweat and all that, but call me chicken, I really don't feel like testing that theory myself lol.So yea, despite the grossness of the human feces. I'm going to have to stick with that. It's not like I haven't accidentally walked on dog crap before and had to wash it off, so I can't see it being too much worse than that. Well, maybe a bit, but still, crap is crap.
  18. That's an interesting idea giving away accounts, but I'd still be worried about it, seeing as it was originally someone elses, and I'd wonder if they could say something like "someone hacked my email" and they'd get it back after the fact.I'd be more apt to just make my own, especially since it's free. But another email address is the last thing I need.... I get too many emails as it is lol...
  19. I've often asked myself that same question, since pretty much my entire day consists of me doing stuff online. And I couldn't even comprehend what it would be like without the Internet, even though there was a time in my life, where we didn't have the Internet.So much of my everyday life is online, and what isn't, is still on the computer... so it would be a HUGE culture shock for me not to have an Internet to work and play on.I was thinking, if I wasn't working online, maybe I'd like to be an archeologist. I'm not sure the full gist of what they do, but it always interested me, so I would concider looking into that a little further. Plus, I've wanted to be a criminalist for a while now, but I'm not quite sure I have the non-gag reflex that would be needed for that, so I'm not sure if that's quite my speed lol...If computers were still around without the internet, or some kind of gaming system, I think I might have looked into how to create games. I did a little digging before on that, but really haven't looked deep enough into it to see if it's something that would hold my interest long. But I'm sure that it may be able to, since I enjoy computers and coding and that sort of thing.I suppose, I could still be a writer without the internet. Most of what I sell writing-wise is online, but I don't think that it's all that different from doing it completely offline. Plus, I'd probably read a lot more books, cause I find myself often with my nose to the screen reading something or other.Yea, come to think of it, there's a ton of things that I couldn't do without the online world. But I'd never get to meet people from everywhere unless I got out of my computer chair and travelled the world... which would probably happen, if I wasn't so tied to this lovely piece of technology. So yea... it's actually a lot more easy to comprehend than I expected, now that I've actually taken the time to sit here and think about it, and get my thoughts written out.
  20. midnightvamp


    Hello and welcome to Xisto! This place is great, and I'm sure you'll like it around here. The people are great, and the most of them are more than willing to be helpful and friendly. Anyway, it's always great having a new person joining in on the fun...Hope to see you around
  21. I like it, I'm not quite sure what it is about it, but it sort of has like a simple and clean feel to it, which is quite refressing. It's almost like it has a classic touch to it. Very well done
  22. Yea, I'd have to say it's going to be one of two things...1. She's telling the truth... and she really does have a boyfriend.That's okay. If she's happy, you should be happy for her too, as her friend. Plus, if she likes you in the way you think she does, who knows, sometime in the future maybe things will be different and the two of you can get together.2. She's lying... and she doesn't really have a boyfriend.Which is okay too. Some girls just say things like this when they don't have those kind of feelings for the other person, and they want to let them down in a nice way. Sure, lying isn't nice... but sometimes, we think that telling a lie like that will save you from feeling bad. I figure, if she is lying about it, and she's still your friend, then she's only doing it because she cares about you, and doesn't want to see you hurt. Also, for some girls, it can be a lot easier to say that they have a boyfriend, than to give a truthful answer of no to a person asking them out. You got nervous when you asked her, so perhaps she was caught off guard too, and telling you she had a boyfriend was all she could come up with at the time.Anyway... either talk to her about it, or give her some time and see what becomes of the situation
  23. Hmmm.... interestingly enough, I'm working on a content management system of my own right now. I'm just in the very beginning stages of it though at the moment, so I don't know enough about all of that sort of stuff yet to be of much help to you, I'm afraid... But I'll definately be keeping an eye on this thread in hopes that I can pick up a thing or two myself in here. From what I'm reading already, I'm happy to see that it shouldn't be all that hard. My hardest part is that I don't know much about coding, so I'm sort of trying to learn that at the same time.Oh, and shadowx... I really hope your headache is better. I had a killer one the other night, so I can almost feel your pain...
  24. Are you sure that is the right spelling for the website address? I've tried to go to that page, but I can't seem to get it to display. Anyway, I'll look back here in a bit to see if the link is changed.
  25. I understand the whole frozen bring you back from the dead thing in the future... but I've got to say, there would be certain times that I would want it and other times where I wouldn't.If I had an incurable disease - or at least one that is by today's standards, I would consider it, because in the future I would be guessing that they might have come up with a cure, so that I could live out my live... mind you, it wouldn't really be my life anymore, because all the things I know and love would be gone.It's a really tough call... because when people are brought back from the past so to speak, they are obviouly going to seem rather primative to the people of the future (I'm talking many years into the future), but even in a short time being frozen, things would have completely changed.Just think of someone that was brought from 1960 to today... that is a huge culture shock. Things are completely different. Sure, people have lived through both times and have adapted just fine, but for a person to be taken from one to the next, without working their way through the times is a completely different story. Everything is different. The people you knew, if they are still alive are different. Everything around you is no longer what you thought it would be.And thinking that things have changed so much in less than 50 years, imaging the 1000 years you speak of. Think of bringing someone to today's world from 1000 years ago. They would have to be retought just about everything. Sure you can learn... but it's a lot easier to learn all the things a person now would know just from living it, then from being thrown in the middle of it.Another factor which kind of makes me concider it, would be if I were to die young. I'd want that life I couldn't have in this one. But not if I was disfigured badly in an accident, or with some injuries that would cause trouble upon my 'reawakening'.If I was already in my old age... and died then, I think I'd be happy knowing that I'd lived my life, and wouldn't concider the freezing. But maybe once I hit that age, I would feel differently, because I'll be looking at the subject with a full life behind me that will give me a much different perspective than the one I have now.I'd really like to be around when the first people are woken up. Though I sort of feel bad for them, because they'll be the ones with probably the least chance of survival. I would imaging that as the years go by, the technology would get better, so you'd be more successful with the whole process later on.I wonder though, what would happen to all these frozen people if something like a 'meltdown' were to occur in our societies. Like, if technology were to take a big hit, and we had to go back to a more primative way of life. Can they sustain themselves, without our help? Is someone constantly monitoring these frozen people?I did read into this whole matter a long time ago, but I've forgotten most of what I've read now. But this talk makes me want to go out and search for more on the subject again.Sorry about my ramble.... I really didn't think I'd be going on this long about it lol...
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