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Everything posted by miladinoski

  1. Congrats to everyone, I hope I'll win an award next year And Saint_Michael please just stop. Don't be that selfish and let other members win /jk continue with making quality posts
  2. Well don't be afraid, just see SM :)

  3. 35 posts in just one day? Phew :)

  4. Write or Die is a web app. whose purpose is if to punish you if you don't write what you decided to write in a period of time you chose to write e.g. you suddenly stop writing because of someone IM'ing you. http://writeordie.com/ It's a really great way to make yourself write when you must but you don't want to. Oh, and only one pause is allowed but it will automagically ask you if you want to copy the text to the clipboard if you are going to leave the page
  5. I think that there already was a theme with something similar in the theme. :PI'll actually just repeat what I said overthere with a single sentence. No, I am against because of the search engine traffic Xisto gets and will get in the future from those 'dead' topics, and also new members can also find their favorite theme in them :PAlso, deleting them can make the post count of the older members smaller and possibly lower their myCENTs.
  6. Well it's free and it has a pro (paid) version if you ever want something more from the program you are going to learn. As I can see many beautiful buildings were made in Google Earth using this so I'm sure it'll suit even the newbie in 3D modeling.
  7. Oh dear Lord, how can things like this happen?! Instead of just saying a single, a single Thank You or even saying nothing at all to that ungrateful **** who does want to be rescued, but after careful 'thinking' and 'reasoning' doesn't wan.., on the other hand she does..n't, but wait!... Comical? More like tragicomic to me.
  8. Well I don't actually know why they choose it over PHP, but from what I've seen they choose it because of its (by their opinion): - Better IDE and faster writing of code - Easier to learn and this last one by my opinion: - It's a Microsoft product, which by definition is great. Notice the sarcasm in the last sentence.
  9. Actually Opera consumes less memory than Firefox in my experience on older computers (haven't tried FF on beast machines, they say Chrome is the best there). Let's not even mention how Thunderbird hogs when it checks for mail.
  10. Well according to what I know, ASP.net is a server side scripting language (a web app. framework), and ASP is the older version that isn't recommended to use. Wikipedia has this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asp.net http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Active_Server_Pages So, actually ASP.Net can be compared to PHP. For me PHP wins because it's multi-platform and free - which is not the case of ASP.net (or any other closed MS language)
  11. She once said that she was planning to open up a blog on 4 different languages so I guess that's why she asked for help Am I right Bluebear?
  12. Again dude, UFOs DO NOT necessarily have to mean that they are from alien origin, they could be from here, experiments from the US and/or other goverments.
  13. Well have fun in here! I hope you'll find it! :)

  14. I didn't found anything like the thing you mentioned only on Xisto - Domains I found where you can buy full DNS control but only w/ real money, I guess I'll just submit a ticket at Xisto - Support. I think you can buy as many domains as you want as long as you pay them with your myCents of course but I don't know if giving out free domains is allowed, though I know you can gift a free hosting or a domain to someone. I think that this has already been asked and answered before by OpaQue saying that the PHP script is not in the public domain and he's not giving it away I think you'll have to look for other mods. Also, I guess this script only works with IPB.
  15. Well see Twitter like a micro-blogging service where the main idea is that you update your status but you can use it for whatever you want, from announcing your product, delivering news, promoting your blog etc. etc. and generally just to have fun! You only need an email address to sign up and a nickname to begin with You can also search Twitter's updates from every person around the world here and more help about Twitter here.
  16. Even 3 years ago I thought it sucked (I was 13 then) so I haven't changed my opinion. It was funny on parts, but on most of the occasions the scenes were ugly and too much fantasy was employed which I don't like at all.I dunno what you think, but it really isn't worth watching unless you're 9 or you're a grownup who 'feels' like a kid
  17. If anyone is looking for the updated link, here it is: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I personally am using the free 'Standard' edition of Google Apps and I am quite satisfied with it.
  18. Have you expected something more from big monopolies who fight to get your last penny and fill their own pockets with money? Have you expected something from a company that doesn't listen to its customers or listens them too late? Holy shmoly! If you expect everything I said, then maybe its time to stop believing in stupid promises and stupid and rich people and start doing some real work. Just the proper time to say goodbye to Windows and switch to GNU/Linux, because once you'll install it, you'll never google for software that is already there and free, and you'll have a perfectly stable and free system without AV software that bogs down your PC and without formatting the disc every once in a year or 6 months. Oh, and forgot, no activation Keep Windows in case you are a gamer, and use it rarely. The more rarely you begin to use Windows, the more you'll learn and love the Linux world and environment. True. I had a retail OEM copy of XP and formatted the HDD several times and it didn't ask for activation.
  19. I totally don't think that astrology has anything to do w/ astronomy. According to Merriam Webster astrology is: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/astrology and astronomy is: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/astronomy So I pasted this for you to notice the word I marked with red, you can define:supposed if you click on the word. Anyway, I'm not being a smart-*bottom*, just trying to say that nothing that isn't proved can't be believed blindly. Give us some miracles that happened because people used astronomy to make their lifes better and personally, if it's supported by images or video I'll certainly put my finger on my head and think. Now, I won't do that. ps. I think that if you are a Christian you shouldn't believe in astrology because those 2 don't match as I've seen.
  20. Well ofcourse you are right about that there is life anywhere in the universe just because of its enormous existance, my mind blows when I think of how huge it is and my heart beats really fast because it can't imagine something that vast and huge. UFOs do exist, they just don't have to be from alien origin.
  21. You should also follow: 1) ThisIsTrue - the maker of the ThisIsTrue email magazine which offers weird but true stories from around the world. His site. 2) factoryjoe - A really interesting dude endulging for opening up the web. His site. I can't think of other interesting fellows... Maybe you should just follow me too
  22. You sure post a lot :)

    over 100 posts in just 10 days? wow :D

  23. Of course it has, Opera isn't even in the officially supported browsers in Linux for Flash at Adobe's flash download page. And yes, most of the addons suck because they just bloat the browser. I overheard a browser fight on a forum once, and the Firefox fanboy said that Opera is too bloated because it includes mail, rss and other things, but he didn't see the download sizes of Opera for Windows (US English lang.) is 6.4 MBs (and includes everything that the ignorant zealous fanboy said) and Firefox for Windows (US English lang.) is 7.2 MBs and you know how low on features Firefox is without its addons.
  24. Well see, I come from Trap17 forums and you shouldn't sign off your posts there, but there are other rules here so it's ok :)

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