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Everything posted by miladinoski

  1. A month has passed.Have you abandoned this 'project' of yours or are you still bothering to get those $5. please let us (and the occasional Google visitor) to know to trust them or not :PI am not from the US, so I can't test this
  2. And still doesn't work on GNU/Linux or Mac machines too Anyway, Chrome is good because they follow standards and it really isn't much different from Safari (the Apple manufactured browser) except the JS it uses is faster than Safari's. As for the Google Pack, I used it when I was on Windows, and don't be afraid, because you don't have to install everything that the pack has included, you can easily remove the software from it which you don't need with Google's 'home-made' installer/uninstaller for Google Pack
  3. Well that was something that made my whole family laugh! :PA fantastic find I say
  4. As a foreigner (not from the US), I think that the Americans have chosen well and wise, not just to break the whole 'african-american' barrier, but because he looks promising to me as an individual and I can see the passion with which he talks when he does a speech (unlike Bush — where I only see shoes around his face). :PAs echo said, he needs to pull back all the troops from Iraq and Afghanistan as he promised and he needs to figure out the economic crysis out. Other than that, as I'm not into politics and not from the USA, I can't say much more.
  5. And what is the best source for objective information? I studied at school (and in the book for Social Studies) that marriage doesn't necessarily must mean a union between a man and a woman. I don't know in other countries but if it isn't put like this, it certainly should — for the next generations to be more liberal on this matter. Remember how in Iran two gay boys were executed by hanging publicly (story)? Don't you think that they need to accept the fact that people do have feelings like these and if they are killed like this the society can't continue forwards? Don't you think that's gross and further discrimination of gays can spread this foul and gross thing in other countries?
  6. Eh, noticed, I just wanted to open a thread about this but I thought of searching before acting so I'm here I guess it's just a bug in IPB that needs to be squashed. I most certainly don't think that would be the case in this problem, but you need to contact an admin or a mod for this to be sure
  7. I've seen the quiz 2 years ago in a magazine and I had difficulties even begging the quiz - which was weird for me because I was really good with solving puzzles like those at the time (I've weakened by the time which has passed) - and I was so impatient in solving it that I almost twitched the paper and I'm really tidy when it comes with dealing with newspapers and magazines.. Anyway, I was trying to say that the solutions were in the last page of the same number and in the next number it turned out there was a mistake in the solution for which they were really sorry because I know that it musta pissed off someone getting the right solution and it not corresponding to the solution they offered! So, it can confuse the hell out of smart people, and I don't know how can kids pose around and say that they got the quiz right without help and what's even more stupid — in fast time!
  8. I'm using the mountains one, because I love nature and the blue color so it's the most pleasant to my eyes :PAlso, the 1337 ASCII one isn't bad for me either
  9. Гледам си се регнал другар :)

  10. I noticed that too, but it's not a bug, I guess it's only based on regex searching of the same word. Actually, I don't care if people bring up old posts (well only if the discussion can continue and it's not old news but something that can be discussed for a long time) because they get myCents out of it and old threads can be revived. Sometimes, just for the heck of it, I do that too But people need to be more active in tagging, because as I have noticed only I and Saint_Michael tag threads This idea is much better, I like it and I'm supporting it if it's possible
  11. I love cats and birds - especially eagles and hawks - the most. I think I love birds because of their freeness to fly and to see the whole world under their feet and they don't have to use any additional 'vehicles' except their wings :PAs for the cats, I love them because they are really smart, they are very funny and interesting and they don't make a huge mess like dogs do.
  12. See, parents are just ordinary people and I know the fact if you are their kid some of you expect them to be some kind of super-extra heroes which will always be there for you and always help you and cheer you in your goals - I feel the same sometimes, I know.You need to understand that if you give your parents high expectations they will fail. If you know what they are — you can't expect a huge change in their personality just because you did something extra amazing. You need to talk with them about your feelings and how they (and you too) can get better and not be pissed off at each other.But if your mom beats your dad or you (or your mom does this - it happens too) then you need to have a talk with a S.O.S. emergency line and the volunteers there will help you stay with your feet on the ground and make the situation better if possible.
  13. hahahahha I pronounce this the reply of the year 2009. End of point. :P Sorry for off-topic but this is just absolutely fantastic reply hahahahah Anyway I don't have anything else that can contribute to this epic thread, except this link to the quote on bash.org: http://bash.org/?877598
  14. Basically truefusion, your statement revolves around that the term 'marriage' needs to be changed so it could include gay 'marriage' because it never included that term earlier. But a term already exists, and it's union. What I can't understand is that if people want to live together and they want that union to be allowed by the law I see nothing wrong with it. Don't say people then would want a 'union between them and an animal' because you can't compare an animal with a living and intelligent human being that has evolved that much from the beginning (I've seen this statement on Xisto on the "Gay 'marriage'" thread). Logic by whose definition? Gay relations were popular amongst the rich people in ancient Greece and Rome. By them it wasn't illogical to make a union between two people of the same gender. What makes your statement 'logical' and mine not? Remember what Nietzsche said? Remember how it was illogical to say before that nudist beaches were a proper thing to do? Are the allowed now? When they are allowed, are people hopping into gangbangs because of this? Did it make nudist people to rape nudist kids or it made them happier? Make an analogy with 'gay-ism' here. Flipping statements for fun, eh? You know what everyone here thought when they said 'marriage' and I explained that in the first sentence. How can you compare murder/theft prejudice — which is something totally unrelated — with sexual orientation prejudice? And what do the restrictions have to do with gay unions? Are you now talking about restricting them (you talked about murder/theft/doing whatever you want restictions)? I thought we were talking about allowing them. Just because something is accepted like it is, the opposite of it (which does no harm to you or the community) doesn't have to be banned or not allowed. If everyone had kids or sex in their marriage and you don't, why do you have to be discriminated (and believe me, you will get laughed at if that thing comes out in public). Not having sex in marriage is illogical for some, but for others it isn't, but it does no harm to you and you should prejudice them. I hope you understood what I was trying to say there.
  15. Wow. I knew that something like 'perfect' number existed but I thought that it was only one though I didn't know which one is it. I guessed that it was 42 like one of the repliers said I saw the Wikipedia page and it explains it perfectly how you can get a perfect number with one formula I wonder what would have been if the Greeks had a simple calculator
  16. Also I need to add that you can use that same method in browsers like Firefox, Opera and Safari and Konqueror (the KDE file manager/web browser) in GNU/Linux even includes a full FTP browser like Filezilla so you do the same things like other FTP browsers.. Also you can use the following method in Nautilus - the file manager in Gnome: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Note that the host part is ommitable if you have a domain (like TK2001 said) and you need to enter the password when a dialogue shows up after you enter that. And no, it can't crack the password on its own
  17. You h4v3 b33n sp4mm3d! hahahaahaahahah :D

  18. Well, sorry I didn't knew of the term of deism (though I know that people which believe in God solely exist) and I took your quote out of hands. If we trust the date of the quote (September 28 1949) it leaves us to only 5 years of the living of Albert Einstein, then I'd believe he was a deist if you supply me a quote from him from any period in between.. What? I don't get what you're trying to say. Re-read it and you'll get who I am trying to accuse there. If you still don't get it, I'll address it in my next reply more elaborate. I read your Christian Debaters Handbook. It's really good in some aspects and I'll try to use it when I debate. But I still don't get this. God is omnipotent and omniscient and all the stuff like that you surely know. Before he created people and animals and nature, he KNEW that we WILL sin. Why did he create us? If he gave us free choice he knew what would happen and he knew that we will still fight over religion and atheism and make wars and people will get killed — simply said, he knew the consequences, then why did he made us? Why did he create the apple tree if he knew all of that? Even if Adam didn't try the apple how long and how many generations would have to pass (by you) for anyone to make the sin? Did he want Adam and Eve to be thrown away from the heaven? Also I looked for debunking the links and quotes from the bible I told you. I didn't say that the Bible was evil. I said I don't trust every word in it. And I wanted explanation because I wanted to know how can I act if someone attacks the bible and me as a believer not to attack you. I'm terribly sorry but because from the false opinion you got from my previous statement — I won't comment on anything that is stroken-trough because I may get too false impressions about you too. About the slavery you say this: Why did God approve ANY form of slavery? Define too far in the first century and compare it to now. Do you think it's the same? How can you believe that the Bible has been kept in its original form for all these years and the first people couldn't even seclude away from the tree which would be a simple task. You'll say that the serpent told them. How can the serpent speak? If you say that the serpent was the Satan speaking, how and why did God allow the devil to enter the heaven? He most assuredly knew the consequences of that. If the Satan was an angel at the begging, we go again with the fact that God knew that he will let him down. So if he somehow slipped away that entering of the heaven by the angel which he didn't knew that'll betray him (which by his omnipotence is impossible) means he's not powerful as we think he is and he can again not see that the Bible together with his words would change. No, I'm not spreading FUD I'm just speaking the things which are on my mind about the Bible right now. Oh and please note that I'm 16 and you may find stupid things and contradictions in my statements, so please take into mind that I'm confused (and not how South Park depicts the 'confusion' in one of its episodes) :P Also, this is just out of curiosity too. Can you give me other written proof except the Bible that a man with special powers who was crucified and later resurrected himself in the first century (i.e. Jesus)? I really want more info on this.
  19. :P :PWell that makes you a nerd. Happy now?
  20. Maybe you won't believe me, but exactly this video and 2-3 other made me want to try Ubuntu (note try) and to dual-boot it with XP. Something went wrong with my laptop during the procedure and the disk was already formatted (I backed up everything important before that ) and I thought: 'what the hell — lets go with this' and now I love Linux and I praise that day when I saw that video. I totally despise Vista too.
  21. I completely love this video, I laugh at it everytime I watch it and I have difficulties learning the song's lyrics at some parts :PThis song deserves a music award
  22. I guess peeps don't want to post in here because posting doesn't increase their post count and hosting myCents. Ah well, here's a pic of me (the same you can see on my profile) -> Do I look old for a 16 year old? I guess not
  23. I need a coffee with milk and without sugar if you please. I must stay up this evening if I want to sp4m these boards... :POh.. and you know.. put it on SM's tab...
  24. miladinoski


    Well 'sup mas_fey? You need to read the Xisto readme before posting here (don't worry if you haven't read it, you can read it now ) and you can help yourself with the navigation of the forum if you see the help file at the top of the page. Suit yourself at the bar if you want a drink Enjoy overhere and have lots of fun as you read the topics
  25. Well yeah, I knew of that. But I didn't remember of it at the moment I was writing that, so I wrote the other non-free (as in beer) alternative I knew. nLite is really good, too bad it's XP and Vista only because older Windows OSs' are better for carrying on a USB stick (though I see no point of that when pendrivelinux exists)
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