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Everything posted by miladinoski

  1. I congratulate you in asking how to remove that stupid browser off your PC. If you want to sign the petition for getting rid off from IE, click the link in my sig. Anyways, don't listen the other guys — a safe way of removing Windows components exists, but you have to pay for it, but fortunately you can try how it'll look. You can remove whatever you want, and it's perfect because it removes the tight integration of IE with Windows Explorer and makes WinExporer several times faster than usual! It's name? If you are ready to pay and you have to use Windows, their names are XPLite, 2000Lite and Win98Lite and all of them can be found on LitePC's page. If you aren't ready to pay... Several clicks away!!
  2. Einstein was NOT a theist as truefusion says in one of his replies in this thread. He may have believed in some god's concepts but he didn't proclaim himself nor atheist nor theist. About.com See, I believe in God, I pray to him and I believe he hears me and although by me he doesn't do anything about the problem, the sole praying makes me happier and satisfied and cleanses at least a bit from the hard thoughts that are on my mind when I pray to Him. I don't believe every single word in the Bible, I only believe in some of them which in my opinion are good advices and I follow them. I think every person has a right to believe in what he wants and nobody I mean nobody should try to convert him (and if you try to force him, I think that if he's your friend he has to stop being that). You may only advise him once (I don't even do that) and if he doesn't follow you that's it — don't bother him anymore! Also, I found great atheist resources at nobeliefs.com especially the Dark Bible from which I like truefusion to debunk some facts if it's possible. Especially these verses if possible:
  3. I live in a small and wonderful and rich in nature wealth country situated in the south Balkans, and its name is Macedonia If you want more detail about my country you can go to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  4. Windows 2000 is actually a great OS from Microsoft. I personally think that's even better than XP, but people didn't use it because it was expensive and XP came out relatively (when compared with Vista and Windows7) shortly after. As for Win7, I haven't tried it and won't try it. I don't want to touch any Microsoft manufactured OS anymore on any computer I own unless completely necessarry. One of the biggest reasons why I hate Microsoft is because they don't follow standards that are already there. They make their own and force others to follow them because of their monopoly. But, people are getting revived. They are and they will continue to switch to Mac or Linux constantly in the future.
  5. By your posts I think you are going to be a fantastic contributor to this community. Welcome :)

  6. First of all... **** I hate this voting system. I wanted to see the results and vote later and thought that if I click on the results button I'll be able to vote but, oh no I wont. This ain't no vB I've slept naked several times and it felt wonderful. I felt really relaxed and with wish to try it again, but only when I'm home alone. When I'm not alone I sleep in PJ's or underwear, because sometimes my parents come into my room (it's a small 4 room + bathroom flat) to get something quick and you know how it'll be if they see me naked
  7. Soo.... 1 month after and no response from OpaQue or BuffaloHELP. Perhaps they didn't see this thread and the suggestions I gave OR the mod still doesn't support this newer version of IPB... I hope they'll notice i this time or a newer version was developed, as I haven't worked with IPB and don't know the name of the modification
  8. I'm what? #6? :P kobra500 — I really think you shouldn't give it out, you can make a default page, or use it for your mail, or give free subdomains or stuff like that... But if you really want to give it away, you can make a contest in which the contenders can PM you with a task you made for them (like writing a lengthy topic) and the best one you can then copy in this forum and get some mycents from it and benefit at least a bit from your give-away. Oh you can then also scam the winner and not give the domain to him Just kidding
  9. Oh goodie! Are you taking orders? I'll have the fisherman's platter! Is that a new specialty of the day? It sounds delicious, ahh, I want it faster! Also, have you managed to get any bear, perhaps? Gimme a martini, if you don't have any bear and you don't mind. Oh, and please don't look at my age. I'm just faking it y'know. To get good reputation of my smarts for being young and stuff... I almost forgot. Put it on SM's tab. Get a bear too, it's on the ..eh.. Saint_Michael...
  10. Groundhog Day is a fantastic movie directed by Harold Ramis the story of D. Ruben and with the extraordinary Bill Murray as Phil and Andie MacDowell as Rita, who both work for a TV station. Full plot: The film starts with Phil (who's a meteorologist) gives a report about a blizzard which by his opinion won't hit the are where he's going to do aforementioned Phil together with Rita and the cameraman Larry with which Phil isn't with good relations, have to go to Punxatawney, PA to record the event of the Groundhog Day, in which a beaver comes out of a hole and predicts either a long winter or an early spring. The next day, he rises from his bed and doesn't realize that the the day is repeating itself and he think he's dreaming or it's some kinda prank. The 3rd day he realizes what happens and he's going to learn how the whole day is going to be and what everyone is going to say in each and every situation. Later on after he realized that he can have sex with whichever girl he wants only if he gets every detail and make himself learn it or lie her that they are completely the same personalities. He also drives drunk, steals money and kills himself several times which came out to be unsuccessful. He does the 'details first sex up-next' thing with Rita, whom later on he explains the situation in which he is stuck, and she tells him that in his situation she'll do everything to better herself up. He does this and by gaining a huge reputation in the small town, he successfully seduces her and they have a dance in the party (in which at first Phil was the pianist) and they go to Phil's room to have sex at the end. The next day, used to waking up in the same day, the radio wakes him up with the same song, but not with the same intro of the radio host and with Rita lying next to him. They, make out and when they go out they decide to stay in Punxatawney and settle down. More details of the movie, at IMDb. My opinion on this film is that it's fantastic, the movie that started the meme of ever-repeating days and obviously the best one. The acting is great, the story is wonderful, but I regret that the producers turned that much attention in the plot to love (half the movie revolves around it ) as I'm not much into it. I especially like the scene when because you can see his anger in the eyes. Billy is such a great actor! 9/10
  11. Well, there are 3-4 more builds of DN 3D that were made since the source code was released, and the one that isn't dead and is updated the most recent is EDuke32. It says that it runs on GNU/Linux and Mac OS X, but the download is Win only. It's good that it's playable in wine. Ah anyways, Duke 4's name is just perfect for what's happening. Forever. Yes. You'll wait forever.
  12. Yes, they all do work, it's a newer serial pack - ofcourse they will (well unless the programmer is an 1d10t). But I can't get the keyboard locale to change anywhere I go. Can you please try to change (with any language) if you have time as I am unable to test on this computer which runs gnu/linux to see if it'll work? Thanks
  13. Howdy-do abhigyan? I hope you'll like this forum more and more in the future, as more posts and topics rise, you'll have no time to do your job, school or work around the home. I hope that happens. You need to know that Xisto forums ruins lifes. Trust me. Or don't trust me. Ah, whatever, I guess you already know I'm kidding You must read the readme file, and the posts on how to get familiar with the 'mycents' system we use here. You can find them on the left side on the main page, on the right of the links to the forums and sub-forums. I hope you'll get familiar with this forum and offer it to your friends and tell them that they can get free domains and hosting and stuff. When they register, tell them that they shouldn't spam, or else! Have fun!
  14. Hi kagerioushu and have a pleasant stay at Xisto. If you want anything to drink, please order in this thread. Tell that you put it on Saint_Michael's bill, he'll pay it. You can buy whatever drink you want, don't worry Anyways, for the other 'serious' stuff, like: Oh, W00T! C4n I get me get summa these mooCents u h4v3 her3? Is Sp4/\/\ing allowed overhere? ... Then why isn't Saint_Michael banned?1 Can I have a cookie? Can I have two of them? ... you can get the answers at Xisto's readme file and for general help about how to handle with the forum, use the help button at the top. 1 — to join the ASMA click here.
  15. I'll have one bear and the best wine you have overthere. Oh, and ofcourse put it on Saint_Michaels' tab. Look below for tips on how to find him. If you can't find him, look at that dude in the corner eating spam and rotten green eggs and typing on his laptop. That's him.
  16. OR do what I did and did solve some problems I mentioned earlier. I upgraded to Win2000 (which I should have done several years earlier ) and my system is more stable + my USB and Bluetooth dongles work + most recent softwares work with it as it's NT based (opposed to DOS based Win9x). But some games can't be played because they are old and can only be played on Win9x systems. Ah well, at least I can connect to the internet from it now and some games are playable and it's put to use again
  17. I don't get what was the fuss with SP3 when it came out. Not that I ever upgraded things when I was on Windows XP, with a SP1 back then — but a game didn't want to play and the reason was non-installed SP2. I've seen how SP3 looks on both of my cousins ..cough..pirated...cough.. machines, and switching the keyboard layout doesn't work! When you open up Wordpad or any other thing like that and switch to something other than English, it will come back to English. If you force it in the settings for other language to be active and type something, garbled characters will come out, like you are writing Chinese or something :PAlso, I hear those who want to play GTAIV on their XP machines, must have SP3 installed
  18. That's some.. ..laughable.. eh... creative thinking you found out there OpaQue I wonder if the dogs say: 'You are lazy like a man, y'know' Also #6 really puzzles me, and I wonder whats wrong with putting the numbers in the same place — I get confused when I use a calculator and not looking at it sometimes.
  19. I used Opera 10 alpha on GNU/Linux (with a custom urlfilter.ini to block the adverts) and it only let the Drop Down banner to show up. Also the good popups also appeared. There is a funky thing in Opera with which you can block all popups, even requested (with click) ones or to let every pop-up to show up (either where the webmaster wanted, or to force it to show in the background), either requested or unrequested. You can see the options if you click on F12 and you can choose the option by clicking on it You are kidding about the red part. Right?
  20. They are making this because they are going to add a 'premium' version of the program later on and they are going to sell it at a cheap price (well, when compared to the 'competition') and they are going to make loads of money off of it. Trust me. Oh.. isn't 'Morro' so close to 'moronic'... ...anyone? Also, the link you provided doesn't work, but with searching I found the right one, this one.
  21. No, I don't believe in astrology, though I read horoscope just for fun sometimes I agreee w/ networker said, the world doesn't change unless you try to do something about that and things can't be influenced by nothing else than you and your environment which surrounds you. It just tries to be a science, when infact it doesn't have any connection to it.
  22. Btw, I *love* your games dude :)

  23. Oh hewwo.

    You are the guy from Kongregate, am I right? :)

    I'm white_eagle overthere. Have fun at trap17 :)

  24. Even though I don't live in the US, I have seen several episodes of Simpsons and Family Guy and I can definitively say that Family Guy's jokes are 10 times funnier and easier to understand and the plots include more things from the real life so I can familiarize with the episode I'm seeing. Also, I like rude jokes and they are far more common in Family Guy Though from all of the US cartoons, I love South Park the most. Pssst, don't tell my parents I'm seeing it!
  25. Wow, new guy, you should be on a high place in this alliance, maybe on the first because we can see in your eyes how much you hate that spammer! I support your intentions to brake this spammer's legs! SM, if you are reading this, you are toast dude. See, we have a guy that hates you that much, that he will whip your butt!
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