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Everything posted by miladinoski

  1. Umm.. If you clicked on her profile you could have easily saw that by the sign and her sigs For me even the sigs are a fact that she was a girl but I have them turned off so I see them only when I go to someone's profile Again, happy anniversary Mich
  2. http://i41.tinypic.com/be99jm.pngpI have an irritating problem here. I can't play any video (like .avi .mov and so on) in any player (mplayer, totem, vlc etc.) on Ubuntu 8.10 because of some error about GStreamer which you can see on the left about the 'GStreamer element volume plugin' which wasn't installed on the Totem player. I haven't had any luck in finding a solution to this very irritating problem while searching on Google so I'm looking for help from the Linux users out here in Xisto I tried removing everything GStreamer connected with searching in Synaptic and then reinstalling it and that didn't help at all.
  3. Just stay cool Mich! You know, I thought at first that you were male but you turned out to be a woman/girl in the end :PHave many, many good years in here and a pleasant stay at the forum in which you'll always be respected as a terrific member by all of us!Again, happy anniversary and continue to write quality posts and welcome the new members the best you can — I don't care if you don't have time! I'll come home and kill your pet y'know! Haha, just a good laugh, I'm kidding
  4. You are a newbie, ofcourse that everyone new (or old) can ask what is on his mind. Don't be afraid, we are a great community! And I'll try to answer them as best as I can It doesn't exist. It's out. Nada, zip, nothing. Xisto along with us, the community, moved to a better system with which you can fully customise the package you want! It's called v3 or myCENT. I guessed you have already read it, but here is the link where you can see more info about it and how it functions. It's a replacement for the earlier credit system. Now you pay your hosting on a monthly basis and this means if you are confident in yourself you can post a lot and get like even a year holiday from this forum. You pay with the myCENTs you gather by posting. When they get to 100 they turn to $1 and you receive an email when this happens. Your credit balance can be seen at Xisto - Support.com/billing . It was used for managing your hosting when the old V2 credit sysem was in place. The page is still functional but only for viewing you can't manage anything with it anymore Like xpress said, just submit a ticket at Xisto - Support, explain it the best you can and wait for an answer which you'll receive in 24h's the most. Be patient, post with quality, respect other members and those 10% of warn will be lifted by a mod or admin. Just be good in here and everything will repay to you There you have it. If you have more doubts then just reply here, I'll visit this topic again today.
  5. You know, the best part about that site is this: Soooo hilarious Oh, and too bad for viewing the flashing background as I have turned off viewing animated gifs in Opera with F12 and unticking the first box — so it's not a big deal for me, but the content is still on the far left and can't be viewed
  6. As mbafactory explained Google Bombs are pranks that have worldwide proportions and have only one aim: to be the first result when a user searches on Google (or other search engines ofcourse) to end up with comic results It's also very popular in the media
  7. Hmm... I never thought of solving a problem like that :PI think that the approach of creating a directory inside /home/ (not outside like you suggested) something like /home/music/ and giving permissions to both of you to look and add content into it (and adding the directory to Rhythmbox's 'media library') would be fine enough and work.But it's just a theory, I haven't had the need of doing something like that so know that it's untested — altough ofcourse you can expect help from me if you have stuck in a problem anywhere in this process
  8. Nice! I'm using Opera as my main browser too and find the notes convenient but I couldn't think of adding the dash that way! :D

    Thanks :)

  9. If you really want a comparison of which one looks better DirectX or OpenGL, then take a look at this, taken and cropped because of size from here: The only reason why developers choose DirectX is because either Microsoft pays them to their software only work on their rigged OS or because they are too darn stupid and/or ignorant fools to realise that other PC platforms except Microsoft Windows infact do exist and people use them. I'll mention an example for an terrific game made in 2000 called MDK2 and whose minimum requirements were these: and I mention it because of the fact that its an OpenGL game it plays perfectly in GNU/Linux using Wine and see how great it looks (of course for a game made in 2000) — here on IGN. If games were made in OpenGL, the OS wars (by me) would have been gone by now.
  10. I was trying to say that it's not difficult for me to customize the package I'll get, but I asked because of newbies who maybe won't understand that they can edit their packages and I can prove that because a friend asked me why he can't see the second package he wanted Understand what I'm trying to say? And it really is bad if it could be and it was a default one but now it's removed for some reason I don't know. Also, I edited the first post to remove the confusion. I was thinking of the one that was between the 'Logic Plan' and the 'Logic XTREME' one if you remember which one I'm referring to.
  11. Nope, I still haven't had my first kiss by now. I wonder when it will happen Hard for me to do. I am not the social type of a man. Yes, I can socialize, play games like football and ping-pong with my friends, or do other things like that and not be bored at all. But that's with my oldest friends which I see only when I go to my village for the week-ends (and when they go there too) and we have went once or twice back to the city on a party, but it's really distant for us to go and we don't have a ride (14 kilometers away). As for the 'pals' I have at school, they can't be considered as friends by me because they are not nice towards me - ex. I made a joke on my account and they were like 'How fool you need to be to make jokes on your own?', with few exceptions I can't talk to anyone about something on a more higher level (ex. when I said that Chinese was the most speaked language in the world, only few agreed with me and when we proved that I was right — they just made a fool out of me by something completely different). Couple of years ago, with my older (and even more arrogant pricks — a fact which I couldn't get at the time) I experimented going outside and hanging with them. Not only the 'gang' was dumb, but all the other people I encountered and the whole atmosphere at the caf?'s was just plain dumb for me. And lets not even talk about the girls. The ones that live in here only think of their make-up and how to get better lines and lose weight or how to get a better boyfriend or stuff like that. I know it's usual for the girls on this age to think about that, but I have encountered several other girls that live in other cities in my country with which I can laugh with (they get my jokes), I can talk freely without them asking what's wrong with me on more serious stuff and even talk about computers and they still understand what I'm talking about and continue the convo! From what I explained above I can't possibly date someone because they are almost all like that (almost because I don't want to stereotype them) and I haven't encountered a girl with which I can talk freely. With my girl (or the one which I am dating) I wont just send SMS kisses or love letters or just walk with her like every guy I've asked does. I want to talk with her like my friend and I want her to understand what I'm talking and her to not perceive me as a lunatic or a weirdo — if you get what I'm trying to say. I don't say you are wrong about experience, but I'm just the type of man who can't dump (or be dumped) just like that. I have to make a relationship with the one I like and honestly said there was only one girl that I liked (not truly liked, just liked!) and in the end I got that she wasn't for me because of her personality. I am not afraid if I grow up 40 and still am a virgin like most of the guys do. I am afraid of not finding anyone I like.
  12. A humble question. How do you type the double dash '—'? Do you have it on your panel or something or you type it in unicode? :\

    Thanks :)

  13. OK, I managed this out by setting the nameservers (not on my own, because I set different ones at the start but it didn't work out) and for him to have his own DNS control panel on a free DNS hoster. I used afraid.org and submited a ticket on Xisto - Support billing area for them to set the nameservers like this: NS1.AFRAID.ORG NS2.AFRAID.ORG NS3.AFRAID.ORG NS4.AFRAID.ORG This thread can be closed now as the problem is resolved and my friend has his gifted domain working
  14. I remember that on this page https://support.xisto.com/cart.php there were exactly 4 predefined hosting packages but I can't seem to see the SECOND one, which I remember that was $5 a month but can't think of the features it had. I want more info on why that offer is down because I was thinking of replacing my current one with that one. Thanks onwards The last edit is in the bold underlined. Sorry for the confusion Saint_Michael
  15. Noticed by me too and its kind annoying but funny in the same time as well because they (the newspapers) in the most cases don't make the study by themselves and they just grab it from a source that can't be trusted by the casual reader (and by them neither) and my theory is that they write it just so they have something to fill up the space in their empty parts of their papers I say, you don't have to trust them at once but you can research and find out if they lie or not. And if you have spare time you can also write an email to the newspaper editor.
  16. First of all, that pages' background.. WOW! It really is annoying, and I wonder how could they choose the yellow color. Ugh. My eyes! As I don't live in the US or Canada I can't know how accurate they are, I just think that it isn't too hard to believe because it's all scientific and according to a formula, if what networker said was right (and I believe him). ps. Do you know of anything similar for Europe?
  17. Actually a site with more than 2 squares of ads no matter how long they are or how they are put for me is quite lame and even though I surf with an enabled adblocker I sometimes use another browser where I don't have it installed and it's really annoying. Also I find the flash and animated gif ads the most annoying but only when I am left without Opera (where with F12 I can turn off animated images + plugins in 2 clicks) As rpgsearcherz said, I too don't judge the site by the ads it has but by the content and how well it is organized.
  18. Nice info, as contactskn said we'll need the source for all of this great info. Also, I don't think that porn sites could be worth that much because there are lots and lots of them and they just can't make a survey for which one would be the biggest. Wow, I can't believe that PopCap games is that expensive! Peeps just love to play small games, don't they?
  19. The site is offline as I guess because this thread is very, very old But if you still want to see the site, its archived in the wayback machine and you can click at the dates and look at how it looked here: http://web.archive.org/web/*/http:/ds-portal.net From what I see here it has been suspended for some reason, probably ROM images sharing or something like that.... btw, bookmark the page I gave you and look at every offline site how it looked before it went down
  20. Thats why you'll get Linux and use Azureus there or Deluge or KTorrent or even maybe uTorrent through Wine if you are a psycho of some kind :PSeriously, if you use P2P clients, I have experience that they are the fastest on GNU/Linux for some reason...
  21. Hey shaykins I hope you'll find many friends and learn many things from Xisto and also in the same time get wonderful hosting service (I'll speak from my personal experience) never failed. Read the Readme; make longer posts - one liners are okay if they aren't in big numbers because they are considered spam in here - and when you'll make over 5 posts you'll see how great the myCENT system is! Great job finding this place
  22. Hello ragav! Welcome to the best online community ever made since sliced bread was introduced into our ancestor's mom's kitchens! First of all, you should read the Readme and if you are having problems with getting yourselves adapted to this forum - which I guess you aren't having - see the Help. You should try to write big posts from which everyone here will benefit, but first you should sign up at Xisto - Support with the same e-mail address you used when you signed up here and when you'll make more than 5 posts you will start earning myCents and buy hosting and domains! Also, see the links below the "Welcome back; your last visit was:" box on the front page if you want more info about this system Enjoy it!
  23. Hey alberto, I and every member here @ Xisto hope that you'll have a pleasant stay and enjoy ever second you see this forum! You need, before you do anything to sign up at Xisto - Support with the same email address you used to sign up here (I hope it wasn't a junk one ) and start posting in the forums where your posts are counted. Once you make more than 5 you'll start earning myCENTs - the system we use here to buy hosting and/or domains Also a necessity to read is the Xisto ReadMe and these posts: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/106-free-web-hosting-service-registration-3-easy-steps-to-your-new-free-website/ http://forums.xisto.com/topic/61751-free-web-hosting-free-trap17asta-subdomain-hosting-procedure-how-to-order-yournametrap17com-or-yournameastahostcom/ http://forums.xisto.com/topic/61592-credit-system-v30-online-resolved-free-web-hosting-domains-dedicated-ip-digital-certificate-managed/ Also, try not to harass other members, write one liners which could get you banned if you write them a lot, and generally write longer posts because not only you'll benefit (by getting mycents) but also we - the community, and Xisto in general by getting revenue its from the search engines it'll draw with your post Also if you like formatting your posts like I do, then you should see the BB Code Help here. Once again, enjoy your stay here!
  24. Aaah... Me in the optimistic days of my life, when I thought I could earn easy money on the web Don't join anything I said before, it'll just waste your time. For what to do, just read on... Totally right, I once tried not to cheat and haven't won a penny, and another time me and a friend tried to cheat (changing IPs, clearing cookies etc.) and also didn't get payed out. We weren't banned, we just weren't paid. If lot of people were going to be like you the world would have been a better place, you have a great reasonable thinking for a 14 year old ? This is what I recommend you too. Learn to program, the easiest way to make money if you have a passion towards computers and are confident in yourself. Try searching Google for tutorials for Javascript, PHP, CSS or whatever language that makes you happy. If you're going to be a web designer you need to know that you should always follow the rules set by the W3C
  25. Copying ideas from Opera FTW! Seriously, Opera has everything you mentioned here except something to match with FireFTP. You mentioned the session manager and the speed dial, but Opera also has a great AdBlocker - which they call 'Content Blocker' and you can download custom urlfilter.ini files like this one. And for the webmail notifier, Opera includes a full email client with support for IMAP and POP and although it doesn't support checking Yahoo! or Live Mail because they don't offer POP3 for free, you can manage and send mails from any other mail account that you have IMAP/POP3 and/or SMTP access to.
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