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Everything posted by icemarle

  1. Here goes... just when everything was quiet and peaceful, I was playing with my pet dwarf hamster, Basil. He was awake at 2pm and he was being nosy, so I decided to play with him. When I let him run for a bit... I wasn't able to catch him when he ran and fell into a narrow space filled with dust and wires. My house is also cluttered with heavy engineering materials thanks to my dad. So now, what could I do? I started wailing for him like a drama queen and I FOUND him when he came out beside a wicker basket!! I was shocked and coaxed him to come to me with my dirty hands, but he ran away. He hid behind the basket which is beside a wall, so I thought I trapped him. I was wrong. He pulled off a disappearing act, and now I don't know where he is. I left a trap with his favorite treats, but nothing... All house exits are secure, by the way. Anyway, so I decided to put 3 sunflower seeds in every room scattered in different and suspected loacations. Nothing's happened for now. I only put them there an hour ago. Let's wait and see what happens when he wakes up at 2pm. *grin* (He's not always nocturnal).Basil left a mate who's pregnant at this very moment.By the way... I'm veeeeery upset about this... don't take this as a laughing matter.
  2. Yeah, I agree... Google is really taking up weird services for a site that started out as a search engine. Google obviously wants to make a statement showing that it could go beyond the normal current of society. Remember what they did with Gmail? Everyone thought it was a joke, but it still boggles my mind to this day. Their seriousness is not to be taken lightly, I suppose. They got Microsoft fighting back with its own satellite thing. I guess Microsoft also wants to say that they also rule the earth and they can do whatever they want. I want to see more of these interesting company fights. We're always going to be the benefactors.
  3. A friend made me hear that song... It's pretty addicting, I must say. Some songs that get themselves stuck in my head might be the classic "99 Red balloons/Luftballons" I also find myself in situations where I play them over and over and over and over again for the whole day. Some classical music does that to me too... I play them in full volume over and over (for the whole day!!)... I guess my neighbors must think I'm weird. But... I just can't resist them!
  4. This is great! I'm beginning to love Opera more than the other browsers so far. Currently my status is:Opera (if something doesn't work), Firefox (if it still doesn't work), Internet Explorer (shudder). The big drawback is the RAM usage. I need the RAM more than anything so I can run Photoshop and my other RAM hungry programs in the background at the same time. I have to keep IRC and MSN on (both RAM hungry stuff) so I can communicate with the staff while I do my editing work. Occasionally, I also decide to start up some music to make things more lively. Thus, I often have to close my browser. THANKFULLY Opera has this option that'll let you RESUME from where you left off. If I closed the browser with 4 tabs, when I come back, the tabs will still be around. I absolutely LOVE that option! It makes things easier for me! I love Opera! I recommend it to anyone who needs something other than Firefox. It probably has all the features of Firefox, and maybe even better! Opera sure made my day!
  5. LOL... when I saw that topic, I got scared a bit... Well, we don't celebrate April Fools in our country, so I was caught unawares. I've been fooled earlier today too... Gah, I'm such an April Fool... '
  6. Hehe... I think it's just a black car. If it were a shadow, I couldn't imagine it from that angle... It IS pretty funny, by the way. I cling onto the two parked cars theory. I mean, who would make a flying car that looks like a conventional car? I'm sure it would have to go through a lot of physical modifications... Or maybe... there are wizards among us. *glances around*
  7. Now... this is really giving me the creeps... I searched it in the chinese site, and everything was happy... But when I searched in my Google (Philippines), it showed the tanks. I've never seen filtering like this before, and it really freaks me out. I never knew the situation was like that in China. They really manipulated the media and the people into thinking that everything was all right. This is unbelievable... I'm kinda scared of China now... I hope they can get out of this situation right now... The reason why some countries dare not interfere with China's communism, is probably because they have those war weapons... Plus, they're a communist country. Who knows what they can do? No one can stop them. Seriously... I didn't know China's state was in such a mess...
  8. Oh finally... Now I can relax, and stop myself from trying it out! Well, that must be enough to close this topic, wouldn't you think so?
  9. I think Rupert acted like that because he lost his confidence after seeing negative reviews about him... To be honest, I never really liked the HP movies... The acting was so-so for me. I never really liked Rupert Grint (but I never really hated him either)... It could be because I imagined how Ron looked so much when reading the book that he kinda shocked me... He shattered my ideal handsome and (sigh) utterly cool Ron. Oh well... Nothing's perfect. (Returns to fantasy world)
  10. Only a measly space of 100MB? *cough* Darn... Strange though... They provide a huge amount of space for email, which rarely ends up needing it. Then, they provide a measly 100MB for webhosting. Webhosting needs more than that 100MB. Well, it's good to know they aren't providing ads. I was starting to think that they'll put up their Adsense ads when they get a web hosting service. I guess I was wrong; though I knew that Google HAD to put up this kind of service someday... It's the start of the Google domination! @_@
  11. Did someone say Fire Emblem? No, I haven't played that game... but I'm currently in love with the Sacred Stones... Considering it's a Fire Emblem game, I think you should get it anyway... So you probably won't get much info from me, haha... It's worth a try isn't it? Personally, I love taking risks and buying stuff off the shelves without knowing about how good they are or anything...
  12. Thanks for all your comments! I'll go fixing up the ribbon thing and eventually add a footer too. And, yes, maybe this time I'll make the layout a bit bigger to at least fit an 800x600 resolution. Again, thanks for all your comments!
  13. I voted for Razor because I really like those deep and rich colors he chose. Was it meant to be like the dark and the light side? Kinda reminds me of the dark and bright side of the moon... The sig also drew me in and made me felt like I were somewhere else. In short, I really like it... Good luck to everyone!
  14. That book is Sophie's World. It's a novel explaining the history of philosophy... and I love philosophy! It explains it in a fun to read way. It also was a New York Times best-seller, so I recommend you all to read it. HAHAHA! I have yet to see that! Besides that, I have nothing else to say... Back on topic: I agree with the others that popular books won't be around there... It's mainly because they still have time to rake in the money. I've seen Harry Potter E-Books around, and I don't think Rowling can do anything to stop that... However, like I said, it's much better to have the real book in the first place.
  15. Yes, I would have to agree with the previous voters. Albus' work might be simple, but it's easy to read. I like simple. Saga's, however, is a bit too much for me, I guess. It's a bit hard to spot the text, and I don't like too much background blending.
  16. This is it... Google is taking over the world!Kidding aside, I think this is a great way to preview books and expose you to the vast and colorful world of literature. I'm a fast reader and a bookworm myself... However, I'm not fond of reading e-books or reading anywhere else rather than the real book. I love being able to bury myself in the pages, hug the book and hide in the darkest corners with it and giggling. Reading it in a computer takes away most of the fun and is kinda weird for me, since I usually use the computer for other stuff... <-- Not used to doing reading marathons on the computer. Oh... speaking of which... I just bought a new book today... better get back to it! :)Have you hugged your book today?
  17. OK then~ I'm planning to redo those things on Sunday (Saturday in NA) so please post your comments til then before I go slicing it...
  18. Grrrr.... that makes my blood boil... then again, you did put a warning. It's horrible when people do stuff like that just to get attention! Just because they feel special, doesn't mean they should do whatever they want! Did you try talking to her about it? It will probably do no good to the people she tattled to because the damage has already been done... But at least you get to confirm things with her... *fumes* There's a thing called limit... and she's abusing the patience of people just because it will seem really bad if they start to fight back.
  19. Thanks Hat and jlhaslip... But like I said, ignore the coding right now, because I'm not done with it yet. I have yet to suffer dark and gloomy nights staring maniacly at the screen and pounding the keyboard... Only comment on the layout, please~! Don't click on the links yet, because it's not done. I'm also going to change to rollovers from javascript to css, as recommended by a friend.
  20. I'm experiencing the same "problem"... It's pretty funny, actually... I know it's not real, but I sometimes get this urge to upload a lot of stuff... *restrains herself*Must not try...
  21. I was sick of being lazy when it came to my site, so I decided to make a new template for it. I haven't put it up yet, but I will soon... when I get my lazy-lazy-lazy self to code it Anyway, please tell me what you think about it. It won't be framed by the way, so the content bars will extend downward. If you want me to change something, please hurry before I slice it again, because I suck at making post-slicing changes. (By the way, I love keeping things simple) Did I mention I haven't done a site template using photoshop before? I've done many firsts in the past few days... Maybe it's because I'm on vacation...? Here's the the way it's supposed to be shown (ignore the coding, I'm going to redo that.)
  22. Thanks Saint_Michael~ I know there's something lacking because when I look at it... I don't get any fuzzy feeling or maybe it's because I'm not used to straying from cute stuff and it only took me a measly 30 minutes to finish, haha... Anyway, I'll try your suggestion tomorrow SM and I'll post it here when I'm done.
  23. Thanks guys... I never really expected so many positive reviews on it. I spent most of my time with the text because I used to have gradient and embossing on it, but I felt it was a bit too much... I wanted to make the text more visible since it's the most important (in my opinion anyway). Thanks a lot for the comments! I'm still amazed, though... since it's the first time I made a sig suited to such a theme, and I did that only under 30 minutes... Thanks again guys~ If you wish to give any tips or suggestions about the sig I made, please do so, and I'll really appreciate it!
  24. I don't think it's worth it either. The stability of the disc would be a big factor to consider. Since discs lose their data overtime, and if you accidentally end up getting scratches on them which affect the data inside, you'll probably have to wave, "Bye bye hundred dollar disc!"... It's probably not a good idea to store such a huge amount of data on something that can eventually degrade. I would prefer those flash drives because they're easy to carry, you don't need a case for it, you won't get scratches on them, and they can carry a pretty satisfactory load. Just my two cents, though...
  25. Haha... it doesn't snow here in the Philippines, but there was a time when classes were cancelled at about 5AM because it was raining hard. The funny thing is, at around 8AM, the rain stopped, and the clouds were clear. In fact, that happens most of the time. Usually, schools here start their classes at around 7AM, so I can understand why they declared it cancelled so early. Anyway, whether it turns out reasonable or not, people rejoice because they can take a break from school.
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